Hey there. Sorry that it's been a few months. Life got in the way. I did NOT want to stop, but I ended up getting a 3rd degree grease burn on my hand, and that thing knocked me off my feet for a hot minute. Imagine school on top of it. It's been an interesting few months, but I have been working hard on this story, and I have 3 chapters written, and 2 that have yet to be written, so we should finish this story within the next month. We are actually getting close to finishing this monster, I am glad that you decided to stick around this long. You are quite the trooper.

Now without further adieu.


~Decisions, Decisions~

Tall and heavy double doors slowly pull themselves open from the outside world. The sound of the booming doors alert all who reside within The Archial Castle that someone important has arrived. Jareth's name is called and this causes all to pause. Sarah looks around at the spectacle, and wonders exactly how awake she really is. She tries to take everything in, from the foreign architecture to the native languages that seem to be encrypted inside of the stone walls and large banners. All of this has GOT to be some sort of Medieval Times fever dream that she just can't wake from. Her heart drops at the very idea that she is in a different world from her own. She holds to Jareth's arm for dear life, hoping not to be parted to the only familiar thing around her.

And she thought the Labyrinth made her dizzy.

"We didn't need to give such an overly-dramatic entrance for them." A frazzled young woman, speaks as she runs down the large staircase in the middle of the foyer. Sarah watches as her long blonde hair flows like water in the wind.

Jareth heavily sighs. "Tilda."

"I mean, come on. You've been back for over two days now, and I can smell you two from the damned courtyard." She stands with a sassy hand to the hip as she sees the brunette linked to Jareth's arm. "This is the human everyone is talking about, I gather?" Tilda's smug grin matches Jareth's almost a little too well, as if their faces were identical.

"Sarah this is Tilda." He eyeballs the woman. "She is Goddess' Aine's little servant girl." Jareth's words slip through his mischievous teeth.

Tilda smiles. "I am her handmaiden, and her council executive. I am the Goddess' right hand woman." Tilda's unique accent shines through as she points to Jareth. "While this arse sits on a throne and babysits little monster creations, I have had a hand in molding the Faerie society as we know it for the past 1500 years."

Jareth tugs at Tilda's messy bun. "That is not the way to speak to royalty, sister." Sarah's head turns at the word. Jareth's sister is their mother's handmaiden?

"You're right. But it's the way I talk to pompous and irksome brothers with an uppity royal ass complex." She pulls his ear to drag his face to her height. "You are late." Her words almost bite at his nose. "The Matriarch has been expecting you and your human since sunrise, at the latest." She lets go of his ear.

"Ow." He pulls away from her. "I assumed everyone would be asleep." He massages the abused ear.

"No one has slept in days, not with the odor that has been radiating through the two of you like two horny centaurs." She attempts to pinch his cheek, but again he pulls back.

"Damn it, Tilda. I'm still the oldest, and you will treat me as such." He annoyingly straightens his dark red jacket.

"By two minutes." She spits back. Sarah's eyes instantly grow at the connection. "And when it comes to maturity, I far surpass the likes of you."

"Hold on." Sarah interrupts. "What is this odor you keep talking about? I don't smell anything."

"You wouldn't." Tilda crosses her arms as she turns to Jareth. "Have you taught this sorry little human nothing?" Her tone causes Jareth's eyes to roll. "Your human hormones are stinking up the place, honey. They slip through you like the bog inside of the Labyrinth. Everyone can smell the evidence of coitus from the both of you." She tilts her head as if it were obvious. "Now, Jareth show her, her OWN room this time, and bathe in the scents of the arcane salts and purity petals," she points to the stairs, "separately!" She eyeballs them like a mother would with children. "You should have been ready hours ago."


"No, I don't want to hear it. Just go." Tilda waves them off. "I will tell mother that you are finally getting ready." She finishes as she starts ordering the other helpers in the foyer.

"You didn't mention that you had a twin." Sarah whispers as they are lead to a grand hallway up the main stairs.

"Of course he didn't." Tilda responds with her excellent hearing.

"And for good reason. She is a menace." He dismisses. Sarah looks back to see a hard working woman in the zone.

Sarah giggles. "I don't know. I kind of like her."

"Of course you do." He sighs as they are led by a servant. Down the long and candlelit hall, it is not long before they are led into a large bed chamber. "This is a double room." Jareth starts as he urges her Sarah to make herself comfortable. "It will belong to you and Ellie." He says as he pulls her waist towards him. "I will be across the hall." His lips capture hers in a way that Sarah did not expect. It takes no time to respond as her hands glide up his chest.

She gently pulls away. "I thought you said this wasn't a good idea."

"It's not." He captures her again. "But..." he moves down her neck, "I am starting to care less and less."

She willingly obliges, enjoying the bad deed.

He hums as he is finally able to part from her. "Someone will be here shortly to help you draw a fragrant bath. We are both in desperate need of one." He starts to pull away to leave.

"W-wait-" She tugs him back, "You're leaving?" Her brows furrow in concern.

He smiles as his forehead rests upon hers. "I am going to check on Ellie, then I will bathe, as well."

"I... I don't want to be alone."

"You will have your own handmaiden."

"B-but I-"

"You will be alright." His calming voice rests her nerves for the time being. "The bath will be filled with strong scenes and herbs from the Fae world. Trust me when I say your nerves will become numb by just the aroma as the bath fills." His hands slowly release from her. "It should be no more than an hour, then we will all meet in the courtyard to speak with the Matriarch and part of the council."

"Oh yeah... that reminds me." Sarah suddenly speaks. "What happened to the clothes I wore when I ended up here?"

"Why?" He asks with disgust.

"I need them."

Jareth shakes his head at the notion. "You are not going to meet the council dressed like a homeless person-"

"No," Sarah nervously rants, "I have something that can help us with all of this. I don't know if it will work for sure, but it's in my pants pocket and it's really important and I don't know how to explain it to you or else I would just have you hunt for it and I-"

"Alright, alright." His hands travel down her arms to hold her hands. "Your clothing will be waiting for you when you are finished in the washroom." She nods in thanks. "Any other requests?"

She sheepishly responds. "I-I know that Ellie must be having fun, but... I want to see her in the courtyard with us, please. I... need some familiarity."

"Of course." He lightly bows his head as he slowly makes his way out of the room. "One hour."

As the doors close behind him, Sarah slowly turns her heels to really look at the large castle chamber. The room is stark and lifeless. Though the room is charmingly fragrant with potpourri, it still leaves the aura of stillness as if none of the furniture had been touched in ages. She feels small in such a large room, and she is alone. She hasn't been alone, really alone, since Ellie was born. She admits to herself that the quietness startles her, and hopes that her handmaiden will show up soon.

These very thoughts make Sarah's head feverishly shake, as if to try to awaken herself from what must be some kind of dream.

Walking to the tall curtains on the other side of the room, she pulls them open to find a large window that looks out into the fantastical world; The Land Of Seven, she remembers Jareth saying. She wanders her gaze out the window to really take in the lively city and its wanderers in the streets. Taking a large breath of fresh air, she is able to settle her nerves as she spins to look at the room with more proper lighting. She admires the carved detail that covers the ceiling, and how it matches beautifully with the mahogany and cherry red drapes that sweep the windows and bed poles. The bed is the size of two Kings, more than enough space to fit all of Jareth's siblings in. Sarah chuckles to herself at the thought of 142 Jareth's and Tildas trying to fit under the covers.

"Something funny?" A feminine voice flows through the room, causing Sarah to jump at the noise.

"What?" Sarah's heart drops as she looks to the door to see a beautiful woman with a long flowy dress on and silver hair that reaches down to the floor. When did she walk in?

"I love to laugh!" The strange older woman adds with a gleeful smile. Sarah just stands wide-eyed at the sudden approach of the woman and is slow to respond. The woman catches on to the awkwardness. "Oh, did I startle you?" The woman hushes down to a whisper.

Sarah quickly nods. "I-uh-" Sarah can feel a lot of power coming from this woman. Such power throws off the human. She nervously laughs as she starts to ramble. "I am just... waiting for the person that Jareth said was coming to help me. I-I mean I don't know why I would need help with taking a bath, I've taken many baths on my own and-and-"

"Aah," the woman's voice calms Sarah's nerves a bit, "you are waiting for your handmaiden." Sarah sheepishly nods. "I understand, but you shall wait no more," the woman says as she lifts a hand in the air. "I can sense that you have thoroughly enjoyed yourself within the previous hours of the evening," this comment causes a slight blush to form upon Sarah's cheeks, "you are in need of a good old fashioned spirit bath." Power flows through the woman's hand. "You undress and slip into this robe. Your bath will be ready in no time," the woman gently bows in Sarah's direction as a robe suddenly appears out of thin air, "milady."

She slowly accepts the robe from the kind woman's hand. "Thank you," her words are quiet. "You are very kind."

The woman smiles at Sarah's compliment, and her smile seems to make the entire room light up. "Come now, spit-spot. We do not wish to waste anymore time."

Sarah is quick to shed her clothing as the woman enters the washroom. She can feel the fabric of the robe between her fingers and is eager to feel it over her body. The aroma of the bath soon envelopes the room. There are several sweet and spicy smells that mold together. Some smells are familiar, like eucalyptus and jasmine, but there are multiple smells that are quite foreign to Sarah's palate, and it draws her into the washroom.

"Humans are so easily swayed. I am glad you are in the protection of the Fae." The woman's voice becomes very soothing to Sarah's ears. "Your little human hide would be in quite a lot of danger, if otherwise." The woman invites Sarah to disrobe and step into the pool of the bath.

"I have been warned to be wary of the Fae. I try to keep my guard up." She is careful to sit comfortably inside the hot and frothy water. She can see many fresh herbs swim within the steamy pool.

"King Jareth has already started your studies. That is wise of him." The woman's voice booms within the echoes of the washroom. "What else has his majesty educated you on?" Her voice fills Sarah's ears, and it is as if her voice eases her deeper into the warm water to soak every single pore in her body. Sarah feels compelled to answer her new acquaintance.

"He..." Sarah's eyes droop to a close. "He just taught me a little about... himself," her voice slowly lulls, "and what to expect when meeting the... council." Sarah falls completely at ease.

"Hmm," the woman meditates. "The council are as strict as they are fair. His majesty has recently been under fire because of this human crisis." The woman continues as she starts to bathe Sarah's back.

Sarah hums, "I... I hope that I can... help..." Sarah's consciousness is weening.

"And how would a human such as yourself be able to help, mo ghrá?" The kind woman's voice carries a little more weight within her words. "For it is humans like yourself that are being caught in this predicament."

Sarah tries to remember, "The... um-" but her memory slowly starts to fade, "the..." She wants to respond, but her words fall silent inside of her empty vocal chords. The woman continues to speak, though her voice starts to fade into soft whispers and sounds that are foreign to Sarah's understanding. The woman's voice is melodic and entrancing, almost as if she were singing some sort of spell. Sarah's senses are becoming completely sanitized and punchdrunk inside of the strong essences of the bath. She tries to keep her composure, but before she is even aware of her actions, falls into a trance like slumber.


"Oh, we are so fucked." Montgomery says pacing around.

"That's a goddamn understatement, brother." Michelina responds. Her fear is starting to show, as well. She watches her brother pace as if the devil were hot on their tail, and to their understanding of what has just happened, they were very right. Michelina is high on her guard, waiting to be confronted my anyone- anything. "I told you that you were getting too fucking plucky in your stupid endeavors to get more humans. We were doing just fine on our own-"

"I heard you the first thousand times-"

"Did you!" Michelina screams as she shoves her brother. "Years, Montgomery! It took us YEARS to create what we had. We had everything. I had everything!" She continues to shake him as her eyes swell in more fear. "Then your big head and bruised ego had to go and absolutely FUCK. IT. UP-"


Michelina suddenly finds herself on the floor, cupping her hand to a suddenly bruised face. Her words finally fall silent, with the help of her brothers right hand. She looks up to her brother, flabbergasted at what he had just done.

"If you know what is good for you, you will keep your mouth shut-"

Before he is able to finish his statement, Michelina leaps from her position and uses her strength to shove him up against the wall by his neck. His hands tear hers away and shoves her to the floor, and keeps her there by pinning her down. She struggles to move from under him and swiftly kicks his ankle to break his balance and pins him down in the process. He tries to go for her throat. She tries to bite his arm. They continue to hit and fight out of anger and fear of what their next move is going to be.

"How pathetic." A very knowing voice suddenly booms inside of their hideout, causing them to freeze in their movements. They both look towards the direction to see a well known hooded figure standing tall, large, and menacing, with the expectation that the two will scribble themselves up from the ground and pay proper respect. "They've already driven a wedge between the two of you."

The twins do scribble up to a stand and brush themselves off. Montgomery starts to speak to their superior. "Listen, we can rebuild. It won't take long. By the time you are ready for more specimens, we will-"

The hooded figure's hand grabs a hold of Montgomery's throat with lightning speed. "Silence your pathetic ramblings, you wretched child." The figure's claw-like hands dig into his skin, causing Montgomery to screech in pain. He claws at the hand as he feels a piercing hot sensation flowing through the claws, causing a jolt to flow through him. Michelina watches in a silence of terror as she sees her brother's body cease at the sensation before falling to the ground.

"Oh, Goddess!" She runs to her brother's aid as his body continues to tremble.

"You will listen, and you will do as I say." The voice speaks, knowing that both can hear. "The human girl, the one I have wanted for ages, I want her. And I want her now." The hooded figure slowly approaches the frightened bodies that lay. "Her power far surpasses any other human power that I have collected as my own. I want to swallow her whole." The voices hisses with a darkness unlike they had ever heard. "Do this, and you will be spared to rebuild." The figure kneels to the twins, whose terror grows with the closeness of the monster before them. "And if you fail," the clawed hand gently caresses Michelina's pale and clammy face, "then your punishment will be far worse than a bolt to the throat." The claws tighten around her throat causing her to physically shake in fear. "That that understood, my dear?" She cannot verbally answer, but she manages to nod in acceptance. "Good." The figure stands to walk away. "Now get her to me."


"Now." The figure finally says as they grab the cuff of Montgomery's shirt to grab his limp body away with them, leaving Michelina alone; all alone, leaving her to her own devices.


Sarah slowly starts to regain consciousness from her unwanted slumber. She deeply inhales the scent of burning wood and flowers as her lashes slowly flutter open.

"Milady," a meekish voice calls from her left. She turns to see a stout individual with lovely periwinkle skin and white curly hair. "My name's Tali, ma'am," the feminine looking creature says with a gentle bow. "I am your handmaiden. I helped you dress whilst you slept." Her voice rings like a tiny bell.

Sarah frivolously blinks. "Y-you are?" Her voice cracks from the sleepiness. Trying to sit up, Tali helps the lady to her feet. "There was... another woman here." Sarah looks around to see if she can find the woman in question.

"Um... yes ma'am, there was." Tali nods with kind eyes and a grin. "But her majesty had to return to her duties. They are all expecting you in the courtyard."

Sarah's eyes grow at the spoken words. "H-her majesty-" The large doors open to show a welcome face enter the room. Her smile is beautiful and welcoming. "Jareth."

"You're awake, finally." His voice is playful.

"I-I'm not sure what happened. I'm a little disoriented."

He chuckles, "I warned you about the strength of the purified bath, but I didn't think I had to warn you about my mother." He says offering a hand.

"Y-your mother?!" Sarah gasps. "B-but I thought-"

"Yes, she told me." He gently shakes his head at his mother's antics. "I told you, she has a fascination with humans. You may return to your duties, Tali."

"Yes, Mi'lord." The handmaiden bows with a smile and a slight blush before making herself scarce.


"Strange, I know." He sighs. "My mother wanted to meet you, and got a little carried away. She put you to sleep. That is one of her powers. Another lesson for you, love. The Fae are quite different from humans, which is what draws my mother to your kind."

"That's... something to get used to." she straightens out her dress, a little uncomfortable with her newfound information.

"Did you find what you were looking for in those ghastly clothes of yours?" His brow hitches at the thought.

"Oh!" Sarah looks around to see that her clothes are on the other side of her bed. "I completely forgot. It's important." She runs to her jean pockets to pull out a tiny metal chip that is only a few centimeters tall. Her smile is a proud one as she shows the little chip to her lover. "This. This is what is going to help us."

His brow does not falter, confused by the size and usefulness of such a tiny thing. "What is it?"

"It will be easier to tell everyone at once." She says urging to finally speak to the council.

"Aye, milady," he gently bows his head as they lock arms to make their way to the courtyard.

"King Jareth and his mistress have finally arrived."

"Tilda." The blonde woman is reprimanded by the woman that was in Sarah's room earlier. "Welcome."

"Mama!" Ellie calls out behind the familiar woman.

"Oh, baby!" Sarah smiles seeing her healthy child run to her in a hug.

"Shall we sit?" The Goddess Áine offers a place to sit in the large and luscious gardens of the castle courtyard. It is a large white metal table, sat with several chairs which sit quite a few other foreign Fae that Sarah had yet to meet. Such regality keeps her nerves on edge. She really hopes that she doesn't say anything stupid. But, as she holds her child close and her companion closer, she doesn't feel so weak.

"Sarah, this is my mother, The Goddess Áine. I believe that the two of you have already met." Jareth says with the slight roll of his eyes.

"Y-yes ma'am." Sarah's voice is shy. "It is such an... an honor to be able to meet you."

"The honor is all mine, mo ghrá. For I am filled with hope that you can help us with this dreaded disaster and clear my son's name."

"No pressure." Tilda adds with the lift of a brow.

"I will certainly give it my best effort. I want to help save the humans."

"Everyone does magic, mommy." Ellie looks up through the security of her mother's arms. A few chuckles are made by the child's comment.

"Human magic has an... interesting feel to it," One of the council members says as she rolls her shoulders and her head, sensing just how strong the moment is.

Jareth continues the introductions. "Sarah, this is the Elder Council, consisting of most of the leaders of the Domhan de Cruinne, such as, Goddess Morrígan, Queen of Spirits and the Underworld," she stands, "Goddess Ériu, Queen of the Elven Capital," she stands, "and Goddess Mab, Queen of the Fairy Sanctuary." She stands.

"And I," a gentle, yet demanding voice calls from behind everyone as they turn to see the High Goddess herself.

"This is the High Goddess Danu, ruler of all. The Matriarch." Jareth finishes as Sarah grows wide-eyed at such a sight. She had heard of all of these names at least once as she studied mythology in high school. It was always such an interesting topic to her, but she never, ever believed that anyone of them actually existed. She is starstruck, as if she were standing at a table full of celebrities from the red carpet, and no voice is to be found anywhere.

"You may all sit. Our meeting has begun." High Goddess Danu commands as everyone follows suit.

Jareth, sensing her unease, offers Sarah and Ellie a chair around the table of the foreign council as he takes the lead. "During my stay in the human realm, I found myself at the doorstep of my lovely cousins Montgomery and Michelina. They have been playing as humans in the world by opening a business and luring humans, such as Ms. Sarah Williams, here into their domain through the promise of fake securities." Hearing her name being used in example causes even more of a blush to form. "These securities include human currency, safety, and community. As you all well know, I had infiltrated their domain as a means to clear my name of the accusations of human laundering under the nose of the council, and I am proud to say that in working together, Ms. Williams and I found substantial proof that the twins are, in fact, responsible for the happenings of trafficking humans from their world to ours."

This information causes slight whispers to spur around the table. High Goddess Danu speaks to quiet the murmurers. "And where is this proof of which you speak of?"

"Unfortunately, when we found the proof, it was heavily protected by their dangerously dark magic. Finding their little hiding spot, the treasure trove of information would disintegrate upon the touch. I hadn't seen such dark magic. What hadn't been touched ended up being burned in the fire they had set to their own business in order to try to kill me and protect their name. They need to be brought in for questioning."

"So..." Goddess Morrígan starts, "all of this to say that you just have nothing?"

"No." Sarah sheepishly speaks up. Here we go. "I believe that we have what we need with this." She holds up the tiny piece of machinery in her hands.

"What is that?" Goddess Ériu asks unimpressed by the size of such a small thing.

"It's called a memory card. It was in my phone before Michelle-er Michelina smashed it. Jareth and I managed to maneuver some of the images, hands free, and took pictures. The pictures were saved in my phone, onto this tiny piece of plastic." Jareth's eyes grow.

"T-that thing has the-"

"Here's hoping." She responds quickly. "I just need another cell phone to plug it in, and we should have the proof that we need." Sarah smiles with pride. "She thought that she was being clever smashing my favorite phone, but those two don't know everything about human ingenuity."

"That's why you went after the pieces when it scattered."

She nods, "Yes. It wasn't going to be a guarantee, but it was a very lucky find, for sure. She thought she was going to break my spirit by breaking my phone. She just pissed me off."

"I'm sorry," Goddess Mab pauses the couple, "what exactly is a... "cell phone"?"

"Oh, it's a portable telephone that you can take out of the house with you."

"And what is a... "telephone", exactly?" Goddess Ériu adds.

"Yeah, and you can do... what?- take pictures? What in the name of Seven are you speaking about?" Goddess Morrígan is flustered, not knowing what any of this means.

"Okay, okay," Goddess Áine says above everyone else, "we can talk more about human customs later. Let's focus on getting the... machine that you need so we can further this exhausting endeavor."

"Much agreed," High Goddess Danu says commanding attention. "Do what needs to be done, Jareth you are to take her back to get what is needed and then you are to creturn, is that understood?"

"Aye, mo Bandia." Jareth nods in understanding. "We will not be long." He says taking Sarah's hand. "Where do we need to go?" Jareth stands Sarah from her seat.

"Just back to my house. I think I have a phone that is still functional."

"Mama?" Ellie reacts to the adults standing.

"Mama and Jareth are going to get something." Sarah takes her hands. "We will be right back."

"I shall watch over her while you are gone." Goddess Áine says as she offers a gentle hand for the child to take.

Jareth pierces the bridge of his nose. "Baby fever, mother?"

"I wanna gooo." Ellie says clutching hard to her mother.

"Oh, no, no baby." Sarah kneels to her child with a smile. "You're staying here where it's much safer for you."

"I don't wanna stay I wanna go with you." Ellie's eyes start to swell up.

"We will be right back." Ellie starts to cry. "Sweetie," Sarah whispers to her child with the voice of shelter and protection. "I know you're scared, scared of me leaving, of being around new people you don't know- It's scary." She kisses her daughter's forehead as she hugs her tightly. "But you have to be brave for me. We will be back before you know it. We are just going to get an object and come right back."

Ellie doesn't respond, she only clutches to her teddy bear and her necklace for dear life.

"Jareth," Goddess Áine calls out to her son as Ellie accepts her hand to hold. He turns to attend to his mother's call. "Come back safe. Do not let young Sarah out of your sight. That is an order."

"It's like you don't know me at all." Jareth responds.

"Do not get snippy with your mother," she warns. Jareth bows his head.

"Sea, mo Bandia." He responds haphazardly to his mother, rolling his eyes. "We will be back no longer than a human hour," he leans towards Sarah, "if that."


They instantly poof back into the old apartment. The place is dark and quiet, robbed of its life. She observes the tiny little world around her, really the only world that Ellie had ever known. It is as if everything froze in time, yet she has only been away from this place for a few days. She silently gulps as she realizes that this might very well be the last time that she will ever see this place.

The very idea brings the smallest tear to her eye. She brushes it aside as she looks around the room a bit more. "Sarah?" Jareth's gentility brings her back. "What's the matter?"

She faintly shakes her head with a small snort. "Human emotion. It gets the best of me sometimes." She points around with hopeless arms. "I-I just have... memories here." She looks to him. "This is Ellie's first home, this is where our family was made." She slowly walks around, "this is where she took her first steps," she sees some familiar markings up against the door frame, "this is where we measured how tall she was getting." She glides her hands on some of the knick knacks that randomly set around. "Now our lives are changing so much." She takes her time walking into her room and to the end table by her bed. She opens it to see the phone she had in mind, as well as a charger that may or may not work with it. "It's just... hard."

Jareth can sense her bittersweet sadness and takes it all in. The Fae in him has a crazy desire to protect her from these emotions while the human side of him wishes to join in the sorrow. He takes this moment to silently close the distance between them. He watches as she looks down to the drawer in sadness. He gently uses a gloved hand to softly move strands of her hair away from her shoulder so he could lay an even more gentle kiss upon her skin, causing her to falter into his hands a bit. His hands slowly travel down her arms, feeling the silk of her sleeves, as he continues to trail his kisses up to her neck. Her hair stands on end at the soft touch of his lips. Her head gently sways to the side as she silently sighs. Making his way behind her ear, he gently nips at her tender skin as she slowly inhales and leans a little more into him.

"You are under my protection, now." His whisper causes her lips to part, "You are only allowed to live in bliss from here on out." His words cause her eyes to fall shut. "I will not have sadness inside of you." His voice is low and growling. Hearing the purr in his chest causes her to spin around to capture his warm lips with vigor. Her lips sweetly guide his to her desire, causing lips to part and tongues to meet. Her soft hands can be felt on his cheeks, as his hands find their way to her hips. Her thumb caresses him with a gentility that can only be experienced and his hands enjoy the curve of her body while they slowly slide up to her shoulders.

"Willing to put that to the test, dear cousin?" They break apart and turn to see Michelina at the doorway. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

Jareth possessively stands in front of his lady love. "You have nerve, Michelina."

"That," she looks to him with a nod of agreement, "is something of which we both agree. For what I am about to propose takes a lot of nerve, indeed."

"You may ask nothing. You may only parish, you wretch." Jareth's hands start to glow.

"I thought you liked making deals, your majesty." Michelina says with a knowing glare. "I think I may have one that will tickle your fancy."

"Not with you. Not after what all you have done."

"I've come to make an arrangement." She says despite his words. "I wish to turn myself in."

Jareth looks to her, "Have you now?" He wickedly grins. "That do take nerve, dear cousin. But we are not negotiating anything." The power in his hands grow, causing Sarah to cower away.

"I ask, Jareth." She looks to him with fidgety eyes. "I ask that you consider my bargain."


"I have come to plead my case."


"I desire to offer a trade."

"There is nothing that you have that we would want." Jareth speaks for the both of them.

"Yes I do." Her answer is hurried. "I have information." Sarah's eyes grow wide. Michelina sees the spark in Sarah's eyes and focuses on her. "Information that you cannot afford to pass up."

"In exchange for what?" Jareth cuts off Michelina's eyes as he stands in front of Sarah.

"My life."

Jareth's voice becomes coy. "You are right to fear our superiors and their strength-"

"It is not the hands of our superiors that frighten me, Jareth," her eyes are cold and fearful, "for the hands that I do fear can cause damage beyond your wildest imaginations." She silently sighs a breath she didn't know she was holding in. "Provide me with solace from this... being, and I will provide you with any information you need."


"Including the whereabouts of... your mother."

That got Sarah's attention.

"Nice try, Michelina, but that's not going to-"

"What kind of information." Sarah asks. Jareth looks to her with confused eyes.

"No information," he turns back to Sarah, "we will not bargain with a criminal."

"What kind of information do you have, Michelina." Sarah is insistent as she makes Jareth wait.

Once more, Michelina and Sarah's eyes lock on to one another. There is an understanding between them. Sarah can see the coldness and the fear. She is scared. "Take me into protective custody and you shall find out."


"Jareth." Sarah's eyes plead in his direction.

"Sarah, she is using something that she knows you want in order to get what she desires. This is a no." Her emerald eyes caress his odd shaped ones with an understanding that stands him down. Her eyes holds his with a plead, begging him to reconsider. She tears up as she thinks of her mother. This isn't fair. "Goddamn it." He caves as he turns towards his barbarous cousin. The power in his hands slowly fade. "Your information better be worthy of such negotiation." He slowly advances her. "What kind of information have you?"

She shakes her head. "It's not safe here." Her eyes dart around the room. "I-I don't trust the walls." She looks to them with a twinge of fear. "I would rather have my life in your hands than theirs, Jareth. For, at least I have seen you show mercy." Sarah can sense the urgency in her eyes. "Take me back with you, and you will have information that will secure your name." Her eyes carry a false sense of intimidation. She is trying to stay strong.

"Jareth, I think she's telling the truth." Sarah lays a hand on his arm.

"I don't."

"I know." She responds. "But look at her eyes," she whispers. "She can help. At least we can try."

"You've lost it," He turns to Sarah's direction. "You are falling right into her trap, Sarah."

"Well, why not, Jareth? She is offering information. Why don't you want that?"

"I don't trust her information. This is obviously a trick."

"I do not blame you for the mistrust in me." Michelina enters. "They told me to find you and abduct you, Sarah." Jareth's eyes somehow grow darker. "I was just given those orders. I am offering myself, instead." There is more fear to Michelina's eyes, now. "Jareth." Her eyes glisten and shake. His eyes meet hers. "Please."

He looks deep within her eyes, and finds a glossy mess of a Fae, begging for redemption. No matter how much fear she shows, she still somehow stands her ground. His hardness finally softens a bit. For a split moment he sees a Michelina that is no more than a scared sapling admitting her mistakes and willing to accept her punishment."

"You must have really done something bad, Michelina."

"We have very little time, now, Jareth."

"Do you have what you need, Sarah?"


Jareth sighs a heavy sigh. "Michelina, Princess of the Royal Tuatha Fae Court, direct descendant of the Goddess Brigid, Ruler of the Domhan na Dóiteáin, you are hereby under arrest by a royal hand of the Tuatha de Dennan." Jareth forms a bubble that transforms into irons. Sarah watches as Michelina willingly pulls her wrists towards her cousin and King. With a hard and unforgiving face, he cuffs his own blood for capitol crime.

After a few clicks, and a flick of his wrist, they disappear, leaving only the residue of magic and glitter.


Things are going to start getting hectic. I'm just warning you in advance. Stay tuned. More will come next Monday, if not sooner.