Hey guys. I got some bad news and some good news.

The bad news first. This story is going on hiatus. I haven't ran out of juice for this one. I just need to restructure it.

The good news, depending on how you look at it, is I'm going to continue this after I completely rewrite.

The reason why I'm rewriting this story because it totally went off in a separate direction than I planned. It turned into a crack story and that wasn't the plan. I had went with the flow instead of my badly designed outline.

I wanted to the story to be darker, dealing with Izuku desperation to be a hero, no matter the cost. In my headcanon, Canon Izuku is really messed up.

The guy breaks his body constantly in complete desperation for his dreams and the safety of others. Like the only thing that matters to him is being a hero, the best hero. Body and mental be damned. I'm sure having the pressure of your idol wanting you to replace to him only adds fuel to that unholy desperate fire Izuku holds in him.

Example one, the entrance exam. He doesn't know how to use his newly acquired quirk, bad teaching on All Might. He doesn't score a single point because he doesn't know how to use it. And the first time he uses it, he breaks a leg and an arm. To save another student from a giant robot, who I believe was actually completely safe. I can't see UA letting someone getting seriously injured by their own creations.

Example two, Izuku vs Shoto. Aside from my obvious dislike of Pre Stain Shoto, Izuku tears his body apart to help the guy get over his father issues. Yes, the guy was abused and that is not something to take likely. But Izuku tore himself apart not to win, but get through to him. Either inspiration is still bad in my book, but shouldn't UA handle Shoto problems. We don't know how much certification Hound Dog has, but he is the school counselor.

Example three, Izuku vs Overhaul. I get it, desperate times call for desperate measures. Understandable, but the kid didn't even try to get Aizawa involved, the person he knows can stop quirks beside mutations. He saw Aizawa was okay and didn't ask for help with Eri. Izuku is hero fanboy and has ton of quirk knowledge in his head and his notes. Shouldn't have the thought if his homeroom teacher's quirk come to mind in this situation?

Rants aside, I wanted to play on Izuku's desperation, loneliness, and hero worship of All Might to how he plans to build his cyborg body.

The story will start from Slime villain. From there, I will work on Izuku building his body. From robot to mech suit to cyborg. A step by step process. Then after he gets his new body, we will get back to UA. I will expanding heavily on the flashbacks I already wrote for the first arc of the story. So you will see a lot of stuff you already ready. Just not in first person and not as goofy.

That's all I wanted to say.

Also go read With Great Power by anotherboringusername.

Great story, deserves a lot more recognition.