gamer ability stats (fate/stay stat)

Starting gamer will have

strength: F

Durability: F

Agility: F

Magic: F+

Luck: F

NP: -

i will start the fanfic during the following week and it will take one and a half weeks to finish the first grand chapter

so in the reviews i want to put down 3 names for the gamer in the comments section i want all of you to choose one of three and i will tally

1. Aaron

2. Ethan

3. Lance

this will be a fsn fanfiction and may have a crossover in the future.

yes he will take the place of shirou emiya and no i will not have pairings unless i can think of one in the following week but i will try to see if i can get one

i also want a second answer on whether or not he should have a magic crest from his mother (who was dying and made one to make sure her child had a foundation to grow on)

while in the nasuverse magic circuits are static that will still be true in this fanfic as well but the gamer will have set magic circuits but the quality will be dynamic allowing it from going to crap to great.

this may be an overpowered fanfic but not godly just powerful.

the stat chain will go like this

F rank is human peak physical condition

E rank is bare min that a servant can have and is 10 times normal human

the rest you know

+ modifiers can go up to three before becoming a rank up having one + means its double two + for triple and three + for quad

a stat can only have one - modifier. an - means that the stat either does not quite qualify for the rank but is too much for the quad modified stat or that under certain conditions that stat is weaker.

also i might make the gamer a descendant of a dragon, god, or heroic spirit so i want ideas as well

thank you for your time