Chloe and Dan sat on the couch, a content, chubby baby in each lap. Trixie sat between them, smiling her biggest smile. Lucifer stood behind the couch, a hand on each of his loves, dimples flaring, smug satisfaction in every line of his face.

"Say cheese everyone!" said Ella from behind her camera. The flash flared, and everyone relaxed. "One more?" she asked.

"Ella, you've taken a million pictures," Chloe laughed. "I'm sure you have more than enough."

Ella blushed slightly. "You guys are just so cute. And I'm honored that you asked me to take your family portrait. I want to make sure I get it right."

"We have complete faith in you," Dan chuckled, sweeping Leo up into a high arc, eliciting a peal of laughter from the dark eyed boy.

After a few more candids, Ella saw herself down the elevator, and Trixie retreated into her bedroom to change out of her dress clothes and review her homework. Lucifer sat down at his piano and began to play a mellow number, a soft undertone to the playful antics of his wife, his lover and their children.

A soft rustle told Lucifer they were not alone. Music stopping as abruptly as it started, he turned to see his brother Amenadiel standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room, a small teddy bear in each hand.

"Well! Brother! What an unexpected surprise! Finally came to meet your niece and nephew, have you?" Lucifer's voice held not a trace of the avarice he once felt toward to older sibling.

"Hey, Luci. Yeah, I thought it was time. Especially considering…" Amenadiel sighed. "I owe you all an explanation."

All the parents looked at him quizzically. He shuffled his feet before woodenly handing a bear to each baby. Aurora grasped hers carefully, grabbing its nose with a small hand, studying its features closely. Leo grinned and stuffed an ear in his mouth.

"Hello, little ones. I'm your Uncle Amenadiel." He was stalling, and Lucifer knew it.

"Spit it out, bro. What are you here to tell us?"

He sighed, and decided the best course of action was to get it over with. "Father sent me. He thinks I owe you an apology for my impropriety and misguided sense of humor."

Lucifer joined the rest of his family on the couch. They all looked at the angel expectantly.

"You see, Father also sent me one year ago today. You didn't notice me then, I was supposed to stay hidden." He shifted from one for to the other. "He sent me to deliver a gift, a blessing. He sent me to allow Chloe to conceive."

Lucifer's eyebrows shot up almost into his hairline. "Father wanted us to have a child? Why?"

"He wanted you to know that he was happy that you and Chloe had found each other. He placed her here for you, Luci, and you needed to know that this was part of his plan for you."

Chloe sat in stunned silence. *God* had given her to Lucifer, and had given them Leo. She was flattered and awed.

Dan was less happy. "If He sent you to bless *them*, what happened to *me*?" He was bordering on furious.

Amenadiel grimaced. "That's where my sense of humor comes in. See, Father was thrilled that you and Chloe were happy, so he wanted to give you a son. But when I came to bless her, I saw that Dan also made you happy, so... I thought it would be funny to bless him, too." Dead silence in the room.

Suddenly, Lucifer roared with laughter. Chloe and Dan stared at him, open mouthed.

"Ah, as pranks go, brother, that was some impressive, original thinking." Lucifer wiped a tear of mirth from his eye.

"You're not mad?" Amenadiel asked incredulously. "I came prepared to get a punch in the jaw."

"I'd be happy to oblige, if it wouldn't break my hand," Dan hissed through gritted teeth. "That was SO not cool, man."

But then, he looked at the little girl in Chloe's lap. The girl with his eyes, and her father's curly dark hair, who he had carried and nurtured for 9 months, and his anger melted away. He turned to Amenadiel, who still had the decency to look properly chagrined.

"On the other hand. You made us a family. You gave me an opportunity no other man has ever had. You gave us Rory. So, I suppose you're forgiven. *Never do it again.*" He laughed to himself.

Amenadiel looked immensely relieved. "I swear. Never again." He turned to Lucifer then. "Can you forgive me, brother?"

"For what? Forcing fatherhood upon me? Or nearly killing my Daniel?"

"Either. Both."

"Without hesitation. It's doubtless been a strange year, but we've all survived, and Leo and Aurora are literal and figurative miracles. My heart is full, brother. Thank you."

He kissed Chloe, then Dan on the head, before scooping little Rory up. He stood from the couch and deposited her into her shocked uncle's arms. She grabbed his necklace and looked up at him with big eyes. He smiled in spite of himself.

At least until Lucifer said, "She could use a change. Nappies and wipes are in the bedroom. Hop to."

"Diapers?"Amenadiel spluttered.

Chloe answered, "Oh I think it's more than fair, Uncle Amenadiel."

They laughed as he struggled through the job, but they gave him serious credit for the attempt he made before Dan took pity and rescued him.

After his visit was over and the kids were fed, washed and put to bed, the three adults retired for the night, content in each other's arms.

Lucifer gave silent thanks for his family. *I just hope,* he thought to himself before drifting off, *that every year is as beautiful as this one has been.* Then he snuggled his wife and fell asleep feeling like the luckiest Devil that ever lived.

The End