Another chapter here we go been a fat minute but we're back! Review! We're nearing the end my friends! story is about three quarters done and the finale is nearing!

Noble: Gonna do my best to update this again in August. Hopefully I'll have time to do that.

Sparky: Also, we don't own anything that isn't our respective ideas. All characters in this story belong to their respective owners and RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth

Blaisengfire: Puppy Arc

Masseffect-TxS: Restart

SparkyDapperDab19: Reaping with` Sorrow

Noble4259: Being Human

Beta Reader: SparkyDapperDab19

There was a silence amongst everyone present, yet their drawn weapons were held in steadfast grips as the Jaunes faced their enemies with a familiar resolve. Team RWBY was a completely different story as if they were looking into demented mirrors of themselves.

Jaune looked over to Ruby for a moment and couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow in his chest when she saw how frightened she was. She didn't cower, but the sight of seeing some of the closest people in her life in such demented ways was definitely leaving an impression. He could only imagine what she was thinking in those moments.

Jaune's attention was snapped away from Ruby and shifted to the ragged breathing that came from Reaper. His body shook with raw fury as smoke began to trail off his hood and shoulders. Worry shot through the blonde knight as Reaper's machetes quivered in his hands while the intense look of murder radiating in his eyes only grew.

"You…." He growled as his body began to break into a black mist.

"Reaper…" Jaune said with caution only for the counterpart to roar and charge towards them.

"MONSTERS!" Reaper ignored Jaune's plea as he morphed into a stream of black mist and rushed towards his prey. "DIE! DIE! DIE!" Reaper roared, his voice becoming more distorted than ever before. His machetes shifted to shotguns and blasted away at the retreating form of the Grimm Yang.

Puppy took advantage of the chaos and pounced towards the Grimm-Blake as his new werewolf form's jaws snapped shut on her neck, only for a shadow to slip through his teeth. Puppy darted his head toward the direction of the shadows as Grimm Blake materialized about a few feet away.

"I always hated dogs," Grimm Blake said and fired from a corrupted version of Gambol shroud. Its metallic shine was nowhere to be seen as wisps of smoke and grime coated the entirety of her weapon. It didn't impede her accuracy as she managed to graze Puppy, who darted in a serpentine fashion around her.

"GRAAAHH!" Puppy bellowed as he charged forward, slashing at Grimm Blake as she fired shots from her corrupted weapon at the beast-like Arc. The dust rounds that peppered his tough hide only infuriated him rather than inflicting any real damage.

"What does it take to put you down?!" Grimm Blake growled as she backpedaled and ducked under one of Puppy's massive yet rapid swipes. Her eyes widened for a moment before a twisted smile danced on her thin said nothing as she saw her opening right between Puppy's left bicep and pectoral muscle and used all her strength to dive her corrupted blade into her prey.

Grimm Blake's satisfaction extinguished within her as Puppy leaped back right before she was about to drive her blade into the massive beast. Puppy dove backwards and found himself on all fours with a snarl that dwarfed even the most vicious of Beowolves.

Grimm Blake began to charge once more, only to see Puppy swipe furiously at the ground. There was a moment of confusion within the corrupted Belladonna before she felt the nigh unbearable irritation that spread all over her eyes. Dust mercilessly pelted her and much to her anger impeded her vision.

"GRRRR." Grimm Blake refused to show any fear as she stood ready against the golden beast who soon snorted at her predicament. She snarled in the direction where she heard him snort before charging in said direction, only to hear a roar that answered her in kind.


The chaos continued to run rampant as Ember Rot decided it was her turn to join in on the fun, all while cackling madly as she dashed for Jaune. The blonde knight brought up his shield just in time and blocked her attack which consisted of a frontal barrage of a barbed whip.

"C'mon baby," Ember beckoned in a sickened yet seductive manner as she continued to up the intensity of her rapid attacks. "Lower that shield, you'll learn to love the sting."

Jaune shuddered before he looked over his defense and noticed that the whip his crazed assailant wielded was ever moving with swirling black tar and barbed teeth. Jaune gulped and readied his defense once more as Ember readied the whip for another barrage.

"I'm going to relish ripping you apart like the last Arc!" Ember cackled as the hilt of her whip collided with Jaune's sword. She couldn't help but revel in how much the younger knight struggled. "Keep this up, and maybe I'll keep you alive so I can ravish you just like the machine! Won't that be fun?!" Ember Rot used Jaune's disgust at her remark to her advantage and kicked him away from her.

"AGH!" Jaune yelped as stumbled back. He had no moment to rest as Ember began to throw jagged and unpleasant looking knife after knife at Jaune. He was able to bring up his shield just in time, but couldn't help but wince at the strength behind each knife that was hurled his way.

"That's more like it, Baby!" Ember practically moaned as she continued to materialize and throw her knives. "Let it out! Gods I loved to hear your screams so long a-GAH!"

Jaune blinked for a moment as he heard the sudden and sharp cry of Ember Rot and peaked over his shield to see that she had somehow found herself the source of a dented tree. Jaune looked over his shoulder and sighed with relief at the sight of his father.

Nicholas Arc stood there behind his son as he lowered his rifle while smoke spilled out the end of the barrel. "You okay, Jaune?" he asked with a tone of a worried father.

"I know I'm not into sadists. That's for sure," Jaune replied with a chuckle before he shuddered at Ember's words. "Can't believe Sparrow had to deal with her."

"Well, let's make sure he never sees her in this world." Nicholas replied as he loaded his rifle with another gravity dust round and trained his sights on Ember.

Ember growled like an animal in response to Nicholas' shot. She took a moment to catch her breath before pooling a bit of her dark essence into a single point at the center of her palm and sent it as a beam of raw energy.

The veteran huntsman charged forward in front of his son and brought his great shield forward, holding the blast back. There was a moment of uncertainty within the veteran as he tried to hold back the blast, but a sudden surge of power kept him upright and able to hold off whatever Ember threw at him. He looked back and noticed that his son was standing behind him with a glowing hand on his shoulder.

Once the energy from Ember's attack died down Jaune stood before his father as he readied his sword a gestured to his friends. "I got her dad! Keep mom and RWBY back!"

"Jaune we can help!" Ruby already had Crescent rose out, but Nicholas blocked her path.

"Jaune said he can handle this," Nicholas said and put a free hand up to quell any panicked protest from Team RWBY. "I need you girls to do something important, go down the main path to our home and guard the entrance. My daughters could be arriving at any moment and none of them responded to my scroll messages, so they won't know there's danger. Protect them and prevent anyone from coming! GET MOVING!" The eldest Arc ordered making RWBY sprint away from the battle without a moment of hesitation, their assailants however had another idea.

"We'll be playing with you after these bastards are dead!" Grimm Yang called out as she was holding off Reaper's ferocity with a fair amount of competency. She grounded her massive arm into the earth and sent streams of obsidian energy surging through the forest floor making spikes shoot out one of them, nearly impaling Ruby who had luckily used her semblance to maneuver around a spike that almost skewered her.

"Ruby!" Jaune cried out.

"I'm okay!" Ruby shouted back before she and her team began to run toward the main road. "Win this!"

"DIE YOU FUCKING WHORE!" Jaune broke away from Ruby's gaze and felt a pang of fear emit from his chest as he heard his own distorted voice come from Reaper. Jaune quickly glanced over to Grimm Yang and paled at Reaper's smoke that burst across the forest floor like a tidal wave and nearly swept away Grimm Yang.

"Can't focus on him now," Jaune said as he focused on the approaching Ember Rot. "Gotta finish her off first."


The rage was never-ending as Reaper fired round after round of shotgun blasts towards Yang, all while frothing at the mouth with a fury he hadn't felt in a while. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Reaper roared without any reservations.

"Careful, Jaune," Grimm Yang taunted as she did a flip back and sent a flurry of ground spikes his way. "Keep this up and you may just hurt your friends again."

Reaper only roared as he dematerialized and made his way around all the massive spikes at blinding speeds. Grimm Yang was barely able to bring up her massive, corrupted arm as Reaper brandished his machetes and dug them deep into her grimmified forearm.

"You know what really happened that night," Reaper hissed as he dug the blades deeper and took satisfaction with Grimm Yang's discomfort. "If anyone hurt anyone that night, it was you."

"And I'd do it all again if I had the choice," Grimm Yang growled back as she reeled her free arm back and slammed her fist into his face. Sending the materialized Reaper across the edges of the forest and into a nearby tree.

"AGH!" Reaper cried out as he felt the pain of the impact radiate off his back. He couldn't help but cough a bit as his dissipating lungs nearly caved in. He looked up in the direction of the slow footsteps that came his way and saw Grimm Yang with a smirk on her face that he hated so much.

"Shit, Jaune," Grimm Yang said as she let out a low whistle. "Forgot how awful you looked."

Reaper placed a hand on his cheek and felt no mask present. There was no surprise upon his face as his crimson eyes bore into Grimm Yang.

"Honestly, I have no idea how Velvet didn't hurl at the sight of you," Grimm Yang said as she shifted her weight to her left leg and placed her human-looking hand on her hip.

Reaper's breath hitched at the mention of Velvet before his eyes narrowed. "How do you know about her?" he growled while he got up to his feet.

"Saw her holding your mask when we were at Beacon," Yang replied with a lack of interest. "Figured out you showed your face to her just from that." she grinned maliciously at Reaper who held his left side for a few moments. "I'm going to enjoy every moment I have meeting up with her when I go back to Beacon."

"You touch her," Reaper growled with a distorted voice. "I'll-!"

"Kill me?" Grimm Yang snorted with amusement. "Honestly, Jaune, the only ones you've ever really hurt were the ones who cared about you until you became… this." she gestured with a taunting snicker.

Reaper remained quiet as Grimm Yang took another step.

"Ren, Nora," she said with another step.

Reaper kept quiet.


Reaper began to shake.

Grimm Yang smirked as she rose her corrupted arm. "And we can't forget Ru-!"

Grimm Yang's voice turned to ash in her throat as she felt a sudden pressure around her windpipe. Confusion overtook her as she tried to move, yet her efforts remained fruitless. Panic began to surge through her corrupted being as she looked to Reaper for answers, only for her crimson eyes to widen.

Reaper's smoke seeped from his being and swarmed around Grimm Yang's feet with corruption that dwarfed the hold Noctis had on her, all while looking more and more specter like.

"I'm not going to kill you yet, Yang." His voice grew deeper with each passing moment while his eyes became a darker shade of crimson. The terrorist willed his power around the Grimm Yang, swirling it forth like a tornado and wrapped it around the face of his nightmares.

He let out a guttural roar, throwing his dissipating arms outward the into a torrent of black mist. He smiled wickedly as Grimm Yang fell to the ground gasping, the corruption that was given to her by Noctis was completely gone. Her massive arm torn completely off, and her body was littered in wounds that began to seep with blood. Fear shot through her as Reaper shifted his shotguns to machetes, slowly grinding them against one another as he sauntered slowly to his prey, looking much more corrupted than he had ever been before.

"I'm making this as slow as I can."


While the pandemonium outside the Arc household only amplified, two opponents remained silent and much calmer than the rest. Grimm Weiss and Re-Jaune began to circle one another as if two predators were about to square off. The coldness from the fallen heiress was ever so prevalent as Re-Jaune did his best to remain calm. The two continued to stare at each other as John pulled held his new blade from his back. It shown with a novelty that every new weapon had before it inevitably served its purpose in cutting the enemy down.

"You're awfully quiet there Weiss. Nothing to say?" Re-Jaune asked as he stood across from the corrupted heiress and twirled his sword once.

He internally winced at the state Reaper's Weiss was in, even with her Grimmification, it was hard to look at. Weiss's left side was black and what looked like scarring from a horrible burn wound. The remnants of her white hair were singed and lacked any refined taste it once upheld.

"Look, I get Reaper's world was fucked up and you probably suffered just as much. But this isn't like you. What did Noctis do to you?" Re-Jaune asked. He shivered when Weiss tilted her head slightly to the side.

"You should be asking what Reaper did to me," The Grimm Schnee simply said before she dashed forward and clashed her blade against his with surprising strength, pushing Re-Jaune back slightly and making the time traveler raise an eyebrow. Her weapon remained sharp at the tip but was now barbed along the sides.

"Alright…I'll dance." Re-Jaune growled before he pushed her back with a raw strength that easily overpowered her. He took advantage during those moments of surprise and slashed his blade as he clashed with the Corrupted Heiress once more.

Re-Jaune dodged another thrust from Weiss before focusing a bit of his aura into his fist, parrying her follow up strike and crashing his aura-infused fist right into the Grimm Heiress's stomach.

She wretched out a mouthful of spit and blood before going limp in his hand. The Arc caught her before laying her down slowly onto the ground and looked over at Jaune's fight with Rot. There was an impulse within him that begged the time traveler to intervene, but he stood still.

'He needs to have confidence in himself,' Re-Jaune thought as he kept a watchful eye on Grimm Weiss, yet had his blade up toward Ember. 'Besides, dad is right there he'll step in if Jaune's in too deep.'


Nicholas stood a couple yards away from the Jaune, watching with a careful eye as Ember Rot produced two spiked whips before cracking them at Jaune who had his shield up instantly, not able to counter with his sword. The maniacal Faunus slipped over his head and rammed her foot into the Arcs back sending him to the ground forcing him to take in a mouthful of dirt. Rot grinned while whirling up her whips and was about to bring them down when Jaune suddenly turned onto his back, all while chucking a large clump of earth right into her eyes.

The torturer quickly stumbled back, rubbing at her eyes not and growled as she was unable to remove the obstruction in time when Jaune was on her, slashing downward with his blade right across her chest before spinning around and cutting into her shoulder. He followed up with a shield bash right into her jaw that sent the torturer into the ground with a solid crunch.

There was no time to feel any satisfaction as Jaune's breath hitched at the sight of Ember turning completely back before dissipating entirely, forcing Jaune to take an immediate defensive stance. His eyes scanned constantly for any sign of the madwoman.

"DIE!" Rot screamed as she appeared below him, wrapping one of her barbed whips around his throat and wrenching him to the ground face-first. She snaked around to his back and wrapped her legs around Jaune's waist before gripping outward with her whip, choking the life from the Arc. Nicholas seethed in rage brandishing his longsword only for Re-Jaune to jump in front of him.

"Wait dad...He has this."

"What are you doi-!" Nicholas roar was cut short as he looked beyond Re-Jaune and saw his son start to glow a brilliant white.

Jaune let out a roar before gripping the whip with both hands and tore it in half. He used Ember's surprise against her as he sent a nose-shattering elbow right into the Ember's face that sent her sailing off him.

The Arc grabbed his shield, pumping aura into the ancestral weapon. His mouth became agape as it shifted and encompassed his arm before finally becoming a massive gauntlet that was surprisingly light, yet carried a power he had never felt before.

"Oh...well hello. This is awesome." Jaune set his gaze back on the torturer, seeing the Faunus woman get back to her feet shaking her head. He took his chances and leapt toward her, fist reared back ready to strike. The force of the impact snapped forward with his gauntlet and smashed into the psychopath with a satisfying crunch, sending her crashing into Blake who had just jumped away from puppy.

The grim Faunus looked up from the tangle limbs she found herself in, seeing that Yang was being dragged by Reaper with her arm cut off bleeding from multiple horrible wounds and Weiss was out cold lying on the ground unmoving.

"Looks like it's time to retreat..." Grimm Blake said with a low hiss, keeping a good grip on Rot and within seconds, a giant Nevermore swooped in carrying the two Faunus women away.

"That's it?" Jaune asked to mostly himself as he noticed the sudden silence amongst everyone. He turned back to the rest of his team and felt his gauntlet shift back into a shield. "Everyone okay?"

"I'm fine!" Re-Jaune said as he sheathed his blade while standing over an unconscious Grimm Weiss.

"Same!" Puppy yapped as he turned back into a small dog. "It was tough, but we got it all under conto-!"


The three Jaune's in question flinched at the sudden gunfire and all turned toward the source. Their eyes widened with shock and horror as Reaper stood in the middle of the clearing with a smoking shotgun in one hand while the kneeling corpse of Grimm Yang toppled over onto her side. Her head was a smushed and shattered pulp that decorated the grass with tints of grey and read.

There was a silence between the four of them as Reaper remained still for a few moments. The other three Jaune's had no idea what to do or say in those moments. They knew that version of Yang definitely had it coming, but the way it all unfolded before them left them all dumbstruck with fear.

Reaper let out a huff before holstering his shotgun and spat on Grimm Yang's crumpled corpse. When that was said and done, he trudged forward and began to make his way to the main road in silence.

"I'll speak to him," Jaune nearly jumped at the sudden voice of his father. "He'll more than likely want to kill the other girl too and I'd rather not have that happen. Despite how he feels, we'll need answers from her."

Nicholas walked the same path Reaper did, making sure to take his time. Once the two of them were out of sight, Re-Jaune made his way to the shed that was still intact and grabbed a long, thick piece of rope before going over to the Grimm Weiss. Once he was done restraining her, he nodded his head toward the other two Jaunes.

"She's waking up," Puppy said as he sat next to Jaune's feet. "Think she'll cooperate?"

"I honestly have no clue." Re-Jaune replied.

It took a bit, but Grimm Weiss started to stir awake. She blinked wearily before sitting up and stared at the three Arcs who stood before her. The corrupted heiress shifted her gaze to the main Jaune, eyes unblinking and deadly focused, making the young Arc shift in discomfort looking away. Re-Jaune stepped in front of him forcing her to look at him.

"Let's cut the crap, tell us what Noctis wanted to achieve with this?" he asked as Weiss stared back at him, face still unmoving and eyes still trying to look past him at main Jaune.

"W-why is she trying to stare at me so much?" Jaune whispered to Puppy who only shrugged his tiny shoulders.

"Hey, don't ask me, but it is kinda creepy..." Puppy admitted.

"You're strong..." she muttered with a raspy voice as they turned back to her. "Much stronger than the Jaune from my world when he was still normal. But try all you like, give as much effort and pointless resistance as possible, you will fail." She lamented as Re-Jaune scowled picking Weiss up from the metal.

"That's enough. Answer my question dammit." Weiss leaned around him staring back into Jaune's eyes freezing him in place.

"It won't matter…Form your armies, dream your dreams, make your plans and plot your schemes, send your fighters one and all, then in battle watch them fall…"

"That rhyme supposed to scare me?" Re-Jaune asked as he forced Grimm Weiss to look at him. "I killed him once, I can do it again," Re-Jaune said as Grimm Weiss breathed out a sigh before closing her eyes.

"It won't matter…" she said and slipping a small knife out from her dress sleeve, then faster than Jaune could move, stabbed herself in the gut sucked in a gasp of air, before falling back onto the ground.

"SHIT!" Re-Jaune swore, as he bent down and held her as she gasped a single tear rolling down her cheek before a soft smile formed on her face.

"It's...over...I've only been like this...for a few days but it''s felt like eternity...I understand...his rage..." she brushed a hand against Re-Jaune's cheek as she smiled sadly. "I'm...sorry..." Weiss went limp, body fading to nothing leaving the oldest Arc's hands lingering air. He closed his eyes, resting his hands onto the cold grass sighing in exhaustion.

He looked up as could've sworn to see his shadow before it disappeared into the wind.

"Dammit...that bastard was watching us while we fought them. We took them down easy, but we know damned well he's got people that are even stronger." Re-Jaune said. Jaune nodded in agreement along with Puppy. "He's got Hazel, Tyrian and whoever else he pulled through the portal."

"Of those two, who's more dangerous?" Jaune asked.

"Tyrian easily." Re-Jaune surmised. "His semblance in being able to deactivate and disrupt aura. If he just touches my arm, it doesn't have aura for a certain amount of time and if he's got Noctis's power in him he'll be even more deadly. Hazel is just a pure powerhouse and tank who'll take some putting down, but I can outpower him for sure." Re-Jaune said as he knew from personal experience how that man fought.

"Let's plan then for any future encounters. Brainstorm inside and say final goodbyes when dad gets back with Reaper."

(Reaper and Nicholas)

There was a silence between the two of them as Nicholas trailed behind Reaper at a safe distance. Nicholas didn't utter a single word as the two trekked along the dirt path down to the main road. Instead, he just looked on at the back of his son from another world.

'To think Jaune could have gone down a similar path.' Nicholas shuddered at the thought of his own son going through what Reaper had gone through.

He continued to look on at Reaper's back and there was a detail that bothered the patriarch the most. It wasn't Reaper's breathing nor merciless behavior he witnessed only minutes ago, but his posture. Reaper was definitely tired, but Nicholas knew what was really going on with Reaper.

It looked like something was tearing him apart from the inside out.

He had seen many huntsmen and huntresses in his heyday go through what Reaper was going through now and he knew all he could do is hope Reaper didn't do anything drastic in his distraught state.

"Reaper?" the sudden voice of Yang Xiao Long made Nicholas snap to attention. Fear began to pool within the bottom of his stomach as Reaper continued toward Team RWBY with silence. While Nicholas stayed away, he shifted his weapon back into a rifle for emergency purposes.

"Reaper, what happened?" Ruby asked as she and the rest of her team met up with him. "Is everyone okay?"

Reaper nodded slowly. "Everyone's okay. Ember and Blake retreated. Weiss is dealt with and I killed Yang." Reaper said with a coldness none of them were used to. "It's why I came down here."

There was a pause between the five of them while Reaper looked up and closed his eyes in order to collect his thoughts. "I haven't been the friendliest person to be around during my time here and I understand I'm difficult to deal with at times."

"We understand," Yang said as she folded her arms. She was clearly uncomfortable with the nature of the conversation, but remained strong. "Given what we saw what you look like as well as what we looked like where you came from."

"That's the thing," Reaper said, looking at Yang, Blake, and Weiss. "They looked like monsters here, but when they did this to me, they looked exactly like the three of you. There wasn't a dark power taking a hold of them, there wasn't any influence from anyone, nor was there anything at stake that made you three treat me like that." Reaper clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "You guys found out a secret about me and decided to hate me. That's it."

"Reaper," Ruby started, but was cut off as Reaper held his hand up.

"All I'm going to say is that it took killing my Yang to realize you three aren't them. You looked like them, but aren't monsters, and I'm sorry for what I've said about you all during my time here."

"It's okay," Yang said first as she took a step toward Reaper. "It's still a little weird that you killed me.., I guess."

"Don't look at the body then," Nicholas said as he came up to the group. "It will definitely get weirder if you do."

"Roger that, Papa Arc." Yang said with a nervous, but comedic salute.

"Well I got word from my wife that the authorities are on the way, so this should be fun to explain to them."

"Well," Weiss said as she nodded for Reaper and the rest of the group to follow her back to the Arc house. Might as well get this over with.

(Next day, airborne)

The events of yesterday's attack were still fresh on their minds. Reaper's talk had definitely helped, but the mood was still sullen. So, hoping to make things a little less awkward, the Jaune's had decided to break the ice by talking about their personal preferences.

"Look I'm just telling you Jaune, thighs are the most attractive part of a woman's body!" Re-Jaune pleaded his case still focusing on piloting the bullhead making Jaune roll his eyes.

"And you obviously don't know real taste! Thighs are great but abs John...especially Pyrrha's abs!" Jaune shivered at the thought hoping that his girlfriend would be awake when this was all over.

"Alright, female abs are hot I agree one hundred percent, but you can't get smothered with abs!"

"Can you two just shut the fuck up and stop jerking one another off? Giving me a damned migraine." Reaper growled trying to lay down and get some extra sleep, not being able to rest well the night before. "Also, asses are better."

"Yeah! I'm trying to nap too! And the simple answer to you novices is boobs! Seriously, imagine being my size and being squished between Pyrrha's breasts, oh it's heaven..." Puppy trailed off curling into a ball imagining his Pyrrha snuggling him.

"...Ok he makes a good point but that only really works for him since he's so damned little when a puppy. How is it we're the same person, but each have different preferences? But still-!"


A massive explosion erupted down below under the foliage making Re-Jaune circle the area and set the bullhead to autopilot.

"The fuck was that?" Reaper popped up holding onto their seats looking down through the cockpit to see what was happening below.

"I'd say it looks like a fight but what the hell could cause an explosion like that and not be heavy ordnance?" Re-Jaune muttered lowering down a bit and handed Reaper a pair of binoculars.

Reaper peeked over the windshield of the aircraft and gasped as he looked down at the scene of Cinder being pummeled into the ground by a supercharged Hazel with the massive man gripping her by the neck ready to snap her in two.

"It's Cinder," Reaper said, making everyone perk up with surprise "And it looks like she's being attacked…by Hazel and Tyrian?"

"Cinder? So Noctis didn't regain control of her yet. This may be an opportunity or a trap for us, how do you guys think we should-" Suddenly the airlock opened and back mist rushing past him as Reaper jumped out of the ship. "…Or we can do that?"

Reaper felt something that he couldn't explain as he found himself diving through the air down toward their battle. It was gnawing at him, but also satiating any hunger he had for a few moments before feeling a surge of power come from his mist.

He braced for impact as he slammed into Hazel with the force of a cannonball launching the hulking man back and releasing Cinder in the process. The raven-haired woman fell to the ground retching from the lack of air looking up in shock.

"Y-You!" Cinder muttered.

"Me." Reaper taunted with a sneer while he got up to his feet.

"W-why did you intervene and how are you here?" She coughed again as Reaper chuckled before shifting his weapons.

"Simple." Reaper said. "I didn't want these two bastards to have the satisfaction to kill you. That's our pleasure."

"Dammit, Reaper warn before you jump!" Re-Jaune yelled over the comms as he landed the shuttle and jumped into the clearing with Puppy. Jaune trailing behind already combat-ready.

"So, we're just going to help the woman that put my girlfriend in a coma?" he asked as he glared at Cinder's injured form. Resisting the urge to drive his sword into her chest.

"Unfortunately, yes, little brother, and I understand your anger" Re-Jaune said as he too was resisting the dark thoughts of ending her life. "But she may be more useful to us alive then dead right now."

"That's if you can beat us."

A haunting voice that sounded so eerily to Reaper's gave even the masked terrorist chills.

'No fucking way.' Reaper turned around to see himself. Or rather a different Reaper staring back, eyes just as red and the same mask. Although there was vile intensity radiating off him and bone plating where Reapers metal armor should be.

"Hey there. So, you're the other Reaper I heard about. This'll be fun." The doppelganger gave out a hollow laugh as Grimm Blake appeared in a tree and Rot snaked her way out from behind Hazel.

John glared as he raised a brow. "Let me guess…you're the Reaper from Sparrow's world?" he asked as the masked man nodded.

"And you're on Noctis' side, right?" Jaune asked as the man chuckled.

"I see you're the smart one of the groups, which means the furball, and the rookie there won't be much of a challenge. Though I am curious to see how the Copycat there does against me?" Sparrow-Reaper smirked as the small puffball growled and prepared to transform again, Jaune getting angry himself as he drew his sword and Reaper aiming his shotguns at this counterpart.

"Its official, I hate the Multiverse."

Re-Jaune grasped the handle of his new blade as he drew it out. "You and me both."