Hey everyone! So yeah, I feel like I owe you guys an explanation. So as some of you many have noticed, Watching Spider-Man Homecoming, my story, has been deleted. Yes, I deleted it. I had to because copyright issues were starting to stress me out so much and due to the popularity of the story, it caused me to worry more. I want to assure you guys that I did not delete it because I was bored with it, I didn't want it or couldn't write it anymore. It was not down to rude reviewers or anything like that. It was purely because of my worry for the copyright issues. I want to apologise to all of you, I really enjoyed writing it, I really did. I hope you all understand.

So this is a story with Peter meeting the Avengers and involving IronDad and SpiderSon. I am excited to write this since IronDad and SpiderSon is amazing! And did you guys see the new Homecoming trailer! It's awesome!

Alright so I hope you guys enjoy, and again, I hope you understand why I had to delete Watching Spider-Man Homecoming!

Tony was currently in his lab, tinkering with a new piece of technology he was working on. He was more in deep thought than working really. He was thinking about his intern, Peter, better known as Spider-Man. Peter had never been to the tower before but he had already had disapproving comments from practically everyone. Fury and Coulson had talked to Peter to get some information on his abilities and had allowed him to continue his street patrols and fighting any villains. Peter had been adamant that he would have continued to fight without permission; something which made Tony smile, but it was that attitude that made Fury and Coulson quite impressed. Currently, Steve, Banner, Bucky, Clint and Natasha were in the tower and Tony had practically ran to his lab to avoid the comments. He had defended himself so many times with giving Peter a suit, but they didn't listen.

"Sir, Peter Parker is on the line," Friday said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Put him through," Tony said as he sat up slightly.

"Hey Mr Stark," Peter said brightly.

"What's up kid," Tony asked.

"I-I uh have a question about these web grenades?" Peter asked.

"Web grenades? What's the matter with it?" Tony asked in concern.

"Well when I throw it, it doesn't explode properly. I tried to throw it at this group of bad guys and it kinda…blew up in my face," Peter said in embarrassment. Tony sniggered at this; he could practically feel Peter's embarrassment coming through the line.

"Alright, I'll come around in the evening and take a look. Will May be out?" Tony asked.

"No, she'll be at home trying this new meatloaf recipe…" Peter started but then the doors of the labs opened, and Banner walked in.

"Hey Tony, do you know where the…" Banner started.

"Oh, wow is that the Hulk?" Peter asked in shock, recognising the voice.

"Who is that?" Banner asked in surprise.

"Do you mind? I'm on the phone to Spider-Man here," Tony said, concerned about the identity of Peter. While they knew he was a kid, he didn't want them visiting him and telling him to quit.

"That's Spider-Man?" Banner asked. He sounded so young!

"It's an honour to meet you! Well not actually meet but-yeah um…" Peter said, starting to get flustered at how fast he was talking as well as getting nervous. It was the Hulk for crying out loud.

"So why are you calling Tony?" Banner asked, now directing his attention to Peter.

"Oh um…my web grenades are broken. I tried to fix them, but it didn't work so I was hoping Mr Stark could help," Peter said shyly. Banner nodded at this but then a thought came to his head.

"Say Spider-Man, why don't you come to the tower? I could help you with it, seeing as Tony is quite busy," Banner said, causing Tony to look at him with wide eyes and a gasp to come from Peter.

"Really? Are you serious?" Peter said, trying to hide his excitement.

"Uh Bruce…" Tony started but Banner interrupted him.

"Can you come this evening? Say after school?" Banner asked, and Tony turned his head to the scientist in alarm.

"Are you serious?" Peter asked, his excitement coming through.

"Wait a min-" Tony started but Banner interrupted.

"Great, see you soon!" Banner said cheerfully as the called ended. Tony then turned to him with a frown on his face.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" Tony asked, and Banner looked at him innocently.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"You know damn well what, why did you invite the kid?" Tony asked.

"I want to meet him. Come on Tony, you can't keep him to yourself," Banner said.

"Why not?" Tony said, almost with a pout.

He surprised himself with that thought. Sure, Peter was his intern, but he often talked with Peter about his day to day life or when he was feeling down after a hard day at school. What's more, he was worried about how everyone else would react. He didn't want them pressuring Peter.

"Look Tony, I am not happy that he's young and fighting. I think it's irresponsible. But he does seem like a nice kid. Maybe if everyone, including myself, got to see what you do in him, then the heat will go down," Banner said, and Tony considered this.

"Yeah alright," Tony said with a shrug.

"So, what exactly do he do besides Spider-Man anyway?" Banner asked. Tony scoffed at this and put down his gadgets.

"No, you'll have to wait. All I can say that…he's a nerd too," Tony said with a smirk as he headed out of the lab with Banner trailing him excitedly, continuously asking more questions.

Clint was currently watching a film on the TV while eating popcorn on the couch while Steve was talking to Bucky in the kitchen. Natasha was on the couch with Clint but was reading a book instead. The whole top floor of the tower was essentially like a massive living room with an extended kitchen. It was like a place that teenagers dreamed about.

"Come on Tony, just tell me! Science or Maths?" Banner whined.

"Leave it alone Banner, he'll be here in a bit!" Tony said in annoyance as they both came into the room.

"Who's coming?" Clint asked, not turning his head from the TV. Tony practically halted in the middle of the room when he saw everyone there.

"Crap I forgot you guys were here," he cursed.

"Who's coming?" Clint asked again in annoyance. He didn't want anyone interrupting the film he was watching.

"Spider-Man is coming!" Banner said with a grin but then he remembered the one fact that bothered everyone. Spider-Man was a kid. The TV turned off at this point and all eyes were on the pair.

"Did you have to?" Tony said with gritted teeth. He did not need this right now!

"You invited him here?" Natasha said as she got up from the couch with a frown on her face. Steve had also started to approach. Even better. Not!

"Well I didn't," Tony said, giving Banner another glare, "He needs some help with his web slingers."

"Oh, you mean the slingers you gave to a kid?" Steve snapped.

"Now that we are on that subject, Tony, why the hell did you involve a kid?" Clint said, his voice rising.

"Alright first off, this kid, is incredible. He has strength to stop a ton bus going at full speed towards a building, not to mention that he has powers beyond my understanding," Tony started but this comment caused an uproar.

"It doesn't matter about that, what matters is his age!" Natasha said in concern.

"Tony, this is exactly why…" Steve started but Tony got right up in his face at this point.

"Don't start on me, I wasn't the one protecting a murderer," he snarled, earning a shove from Steve.

"Alright break it up! We have been over this!" Banner said firmly. True to his word, there had been a lengthy discussion in the group where Tony and Bucky had come to an agreed truce. While Tony didn't necessarily like him, Steve often invited him round the tower since he wanted the two to get along better. That wasn't going to well at this point.

"It's alright," Bucky said quietly. He had been pretty upset when he found out about Spider-Man's age, especially since he and Sam had given him a pretty good beating. He could have this chance to apologise but he didn't want piss off Tony since he was the intern to him.

"I gotta say…I initially thought he was your kid when I heard about him. You know, like you hid him away for years and now he's out in public," Banner said as he folded his arms. This caused eyebrows to go up.

"He's a person, not an ancient antique," Tony said with a frown.

"Iron Man? A dad?" That's hard to see," Clint commented.

"Says the man with armed arrows that could bring down a building," Tony shot back.

"Tony, I swear, if you endanger him…" Steve started again.

"Easy fellas," Bruce said coming between them.

"Sir, there's a Peter Parker at reception," Friday said, then interrupting the conversation, causing a tense silence.

"Is that him?" Banner asked with a smile.

"Yes. Alright Friday, send him up!" Tony said loudly.

"Right away," Friday answered.

"Alright now I don't want any of you pressuring him, especially you!" Tony said as he pointed a finger at Steve.

"Me?" Steve said in annoyance.

"Yeah, you and your lecturing," Tony said.

"I don't lecture people," Steve said and a few scoffs came from the group at this.

"You always lecture TV adverts when they use fast cars," Clint added in.

"And food adverts," Natasha said.

"Alright," Steve said, and he almost pouted as Bucky started to laugh at him.

"You were frozen for how long? You may not have aged physically but mentally…" Bucky commented.

"Nice," Clint said with a smirk.

It was at that moment that they all heard an elevator ping and a door slowly opened. All of their heads turned towards the door. A boy around an average height with brown hair and a skinny frame came through. He was clutching a side back pack nervously and he wore a loose t-shirt with jeans, sneakers and a dark green jacket.

"Hey uh…Mr Stark," Peter said nervously. He certainly hadn't been expecting the Avengers that's for sure.

So yeah! He's meeting them! I hope you guys enjoyed! Please review and see you soon!
