Despite being late in the afternoon, it was still sunny out at Heights Alliance, where Izuku Midoriya was getting back from a long day of school. Today wasn't anything special so far, it was just a your typical day at U.A. This afternoon Izuku was going out to see a movie, but that was the most he thought he was going to get out of today.

The movie started at 6:00 and it was only 4:00 so he decided to hang out with his friends for a bit. He heard a voice coming from the kitchen.


It was Iida, he looked super excited as he signaled for Izuku to come over.

"Hey Iida, you look excited today, is anything happening?"

"Oh!" Iida scratched the back of his neck, "It's kinda... personal"

"It's alright you don't have to tell me." Izuku grinned, "It's just nice to see you not stressed like you usually are."

"Thanks Midoriya! You're seeing that new movie tonight right?"

"Oh, yah I am. From the trailers it looks like it'll be pretty cool."

The movie Izuku was seeing tonight was a new action movie about a girl and a boy who are both heroes and have to stop a big villain from taking over the world. It's not the most original movie ever but Izuku decided to give it a shot.

"Hey Midoriya, where are you sitting for the movie?" Iida was very quick to ask the question and it kinda caught Izuku off guard.

"Oh um, I usually try to get J-8, why do you want to know?" Midoriya noticed Iida grew very nervous at the question.

"Uhh, just wanted to know if you were the kinda guy who liked the front, middle, or the back! I personally prefer the front!" Iida smiled calmly.

"Oh, well yeah I'm more of a middle guy mysel-"

Izuku suddenly stopped when he saw a certain someone enter the room.

"Oh, hi Deku!"

That certain someone was Ochako Uraraka, and Izuku went red when she started walking toward him.

"O-Oh, h-hey U-Uraraka!" Izuku tried to stay as friendly as possible and not let his nervousness seep through.

"Today was really boring huh? I mean Present Mic wouldn't stop going on about verbs." She smiled at him which just made him redder.

"O-Oh yah, and w-when Kaminari threw a paper airplane at Present Mic's head, and we all had to stay 5 minutes after class." Izuku chuckled nervously and Ochako laughed with him.

"H-Hey! It was an accident! I was trying to tell Bakugo something and I missed!" Kaminari yelled from the other side of the room.

"Bakugo sits behind you Kaminari!" When Izuku said that everyone at the main room started laughing, mainly Jiro, who was laughing so hard she was crying. Kaminari got really embarrassed and just left to go to his room. After the laughing ended Midoriya looked back and noticed Ochako was staring at him with a red face.

"U-Uh Uraraka?" Izuku attempted to get her attention but she kept staring at him.

"Uraraka are you ok?" Iida usually would look concerned in this situation but he looked nervous more than anything. After a bit Ochako noticed everyone was looking at her.

"Aghh!" Ochako jumped back, "Ineedtodomyhomeworkbye!" Ochako dashed into her room.

Izuku stood there confused, but also relieved. He didn't know why but recently when Uraraka talked to him he would get really nervous. He tried to think about why, but then he remembered he had to start his homework too if he wanted to make the movie.

"Oh that reminds me, I should start on my homework too, thanks for the chat Iida!" Izuku waved goodbye to Iida as he walked away.

"See you tomorrow Midoriya!" Iida smiled as he started to walk away as well.


Izuku had arrived at the movie theater and went up to the stand to get some popcorn.

"Hey can I get a small popcorn and a drink?" Izuku was going to eat after the movie so he didn't want too much to eat. But they lady at the stand came back with a ginormous bucket of popcorn.

"Oh um I think you may have misheard me, I said a small popcorn." Despite what Izuku said the lady gave him the popcorn anyway.

"Oh, well I'm kinda in a hurry so just keep the large and I'll just charge you for a small!" The lady smiled as she handed him his receipt.

"Oh, thank you!" Midoriya grabbed the giant popcorn bucket and held it with one arm as he made his way inside the theater.

Ok, J-8…

Midoriya walked up the steps until he found row J. He looked over and as he scanned the row, and he froze.


Midoriya felt his face get hot. Uraraka was at the same movie as him, sitting in the same row as he does. Why was Uraraka at the same movie as him?! As he started down the row he realized the Uraraka was in the seat next to his seat!

OF ALL THE PLACES! Midoriya thought to himself. He tried to go the opposite direction to find a new seat when Ochako noticed him and called out to him.

"Deku? Wow what a coincidence!" She gave him a nice smile which made Midoriya start to realize what he just got himself into.

I'm screwed, I'm screwed, I'm screwed

Midoriya started to walk forward again and tried his best to give a nice smile to Ochako.

"H-Hi U-Uraraka! Y-Y-Your seeing this movie too?"

"Well yeah obviously I'm in the theater silly!" Ochako gave another smile, but she was noticeably red. She pat the seat next to her as to say "sit here"

"C-Cool!" Midoriya sat down next to Uraraka. He noticed how close he just got to her and started freaking out even more.


"Do you think the movie will be good?" Ochako turned to look at him and at the sight of her face up close Midoriya went ultra red.

"W-Well t-t-the setup is v-very bland b-but I think t-they could make it w-work…" Izuku tried to give the best smile he could, but with all the nervousness coming out, it didn't look like much of a smile.

"Oh the movies starting!" Ochako went into a whisper as the movie opened. The two sat in awkward silence for the first part of the movie, which despite being marketed as an action movie, seemed more like a romance movie. After a couple romance scenes, Izuku looked over at Ochako and came to a realization, just as Ochako spoke up.

"That's one big bucket of popcorn for just you." Ochako chuckled.

"Oh! U-Um that lady at the popcorn stand actually gave me a large instead of a small for some reason." Izuku quickly responded.

"Lucky! I didn't have enough money for any popcorn…" she looked down sadly.

"O-Oh! Well we can share mine! I mean I didn't think I could finish this anyway!" Izuku moved the popcorn toward Ochako.

"Thanks Deku, you're the best!" She reached her arm in and smiled because she knew,

Everything was going according to plan.