A/N: The final chapter and epilogue are here! I was thinking of dragging out the story by delaying the upload of the epilogue but I think the story flows better if you get it all in one go. I also have very little patience as a reader so I won't be cruel by teasing y'all more than necessary. Remember to favorite or follow me as I will have more stories coming soon. I am getting closer and closer to finishing another multi-chapter story and there are a few tiny bunnies waiting to hop out. Reviews are appreciated as they let me know what my readers want and how to improve.

Disclaimer: I do not own MGLN, I do not make any profits from my writing.

Chapter Three

Coming home hours later Nanoha was terrified, how in the world was she supposed to admit to what she'd done? Entering the dark house she looked around for signs of the woman she loved more than life itself. That's how her eyes came to rest on a folded sheet of paper with her name on it. Picking it up she saw the writing was Fate's neat script and reading the words made her stomach roil with panic. 'She's gone, oh god… she's gone,' repeated over and over again in her head as tears began to flow.

Back at TSAB headquarters Fate had finished her housing request and for the first time in a decade would be living alone. She had only grabbed her most essential personal items when leaving. When she had tried to pack all her clothing she had broken down in sobs as a wrenching pain tore through her chest. It was only by thinking of the separation as temporary and by packing only the necessities like she was going on a deployment was she able to walk out of the house.

Walking down the echoing hall of one of the dormitories she tried to remember the last time she lived in such a building. Not even during her time with Riot Force 6 and living in its assigned dorms had she lived alone. Before that she had split her time between her assigned dorm and Nanoha's when she was home from deployments. Sometimes she'd enter her room and find the auburn haired angel sleeping in her bed or cooking a welcome home meal.

Entering the room she felt a chill at the bleak barrenness of the space. The single bed in the corner brought back memories of having to share one with Nanoha and the fact that both had enjoyed the experience. Tucking Nanoha between her body and the wall she had held the girl tightly so as to not fall off the mattress. On the occasions that she arrived back at night and Nanoha was already asleep she could remember slipping her body under Nanoha's and allowing the girl to rest against her completely.

Dropping her bag on the bed she pulled out her clothing and hung up her uniform in the small locker. How often had she really spent a day in one of these stark rooms? Stripping down she went to the tiny bathroom to shower. She didn't even realize she was crying until the sob tore its way out of her throat. Knees weak she dropped to the floor and cried, she wanted to be at home, she wanted her Nanoha to hug her and tell her it was all going to be okay.

Climbing out of the shower Fate barely had the strength of will to pull on clothes before collapsing into the bed. The almost antiseptic smell of the sheets and hardness of the mattress did nothing to soothe her. Pressing her face into the pillow she screamed from the red hot pain in her chest. She wanted to be home, she wanted her family, she needed Nanoha.

Falling into an exhausted sleep Fate found herself in a world of nightmares. The vision of Nanoha leaving her behind and walking away with some shadowy other haunted her. Bitter words of reproach for having left Nanoha alone and lonely too often. How her cowardice had forced the girl to seek another to fill the space she so callously abandoned. Each new scene her subconscious created pointing out her failures and how she had brought this on herself.

Waking up in a cold sweat Fate looked around the room and the sight had her vomiting. With the last of her strength she forced herself to fall back onto the bed before blacking out. It was only when she failed to show up to work did anyone realize something was wrong. Bardiche having been placed in hibernation mode so as to avoid all calls and not allowing the AI to argue with her. So when the doors to her room were forced open the sight of her shivering body was a shock to her secretary.

Within minutes a medical team was on site and she was being moved to a TSAB hospital. The doctors were all confused as her vital signs fluctuated all over the place. She had sweated so much during the night she was now dehydrated and had a dangerously high fever. Whatever they did to alleviate the symptoms could only help for minutes at a time as some new complication arose. Unsure of what to do they checked for her next of kin and a nurse made the call.

When Nanoha picked up the phone it seemed like her nightmare was coming true. The night had brought nightmares which tortured her with Fate's death. How many times had she wanted to tell the blonde to not go on some dangerous mission? How many times had the woman come home battered and wounded? It was during those times that she came closest to telling Fate her true feelings. But it was the fear that Fate already knew and that was why she was running away that halted her words. After all how could two people as close as they were live together for so long without coming to understand what the other was feeling.

Entering the hospital room where Fate was now attached to so many tubes and wires Nanoha thought she was going to be ill. 'This shouldn't be happening, Fate shouldn't be suffering this way, if I'd known this was going to be the result of my selfishness I'd never have…' her thoughts were cut off by a sharp kick. Touching her stomach she found she couldn't finish the thought, this baby was wanted but she had gone by the wrong means to get her.

Stepping closer to the bed she took Fate's hand and the rapid beep representing Fate's heartbeat calmed to a much more normal pace. Settling on the edge of the bed she leaned over to kiss Fate's brow, cheek and lips. Whispering to her, "I love you Fate-chan. I am so sorry for putting you through all this. I've been terribly selfish and betrayed your trust but if you are willing to listen and give me another chance I swear to heaven I will spend the rest of my life making you happy."


When Fate woke up her head ached and she felt like she had just been blasted by one of Nanoha's Starlight Breakers. Trying to sit up she found she couldn't because she was weighted down by a body. Looking down she saw the familiar auburn hair of her girlfriend. Their bodies pressed together to ensure maximum warmth and comfort for both. This was what she had missed for the past two nights, this comforting warmth that reassured her of Nanoha's affection.

Reaching up with her free hand she saw a bandage on it where she assumed an IV had been attached. Looking around she noticed they were in a private hospital room but most of the medical equipment looked to be missing or unused. Whatever was wrong with her it seemed the best medicine for it had been having Nanoha close by.

Relaxing back into the pillow Fate shifted a bit to bring Nanoha closer then fell back into a restful sleep. It was another hour before a certain doctor came in to check on the patient and saw the woman was now snuggling with her girlfriend. Behind the blonde doctor was a worried brunette who seeing the sleeping pair nudged her Knight, "Hey Shamal, are you sure she really was sick? She looks pretty healthy to me right now."

Hearing the voices Nanoha tried to hide from the noise by burrowing deeper into the warmth that surrounded her making Fate moan as her face nuzzled against her breasts. The snickering noise that followed and the certainty that the softness she was now enveloped in wasn't a pillow made Nanoha open an eye. The clinical green smock that covered Fate's body did nothing to diminish the allure the woman emitted. She was about to pull away and put some distance between herself and Fate for propriety's sake when she felt the arm around her tighten.

In a voice gravelly from sleep Fate said, "Last time I checked visiting hours didn't start for non-family members until after ten am. Get out Hayate, my headache doesn't need any more help," then Fate shifted pulling Nanoha in before resettling for more sleep.

With a sigh Shamal said, "Hayate please wait outside, I need to give Fate a check up."

Pulling the blanket higher over both herself and Nanoha, Fate said, "Later Shamal, I want more sleep."

At first Nanoha had no idea what to think about the circumstances but once Fate started acting like a little kid wanting to sleep in she couldn't help laughing. Very rarely when overtired and feeling sick Fate would behave in this manner. This was how she knew when her beloved was really ill because it was the only time she became demanding. She suspected this needy behavior was one of the few characteristics she had inherited from Alicia.

Reaching up she pulled Fate's face down to look at her and said gently, "Sweetheart you need to let Shamal-sensei do her check up. You were so sick my love, I need to know you're going to be okay."

Looking into pleading violet eyes Fate huffed then pouted, "Fine, but when she's done with me then you have to let her check you too. I'm want to make sure you and the baby are okay."

Stiffening at the thought of Shamal finding out the truth before she could talk to Fate, Nanoha just made matters worse. The feeling of Fate releasing her and pulling away with a look of hurt anger in her eyes was enough to make Nanoha grab hold tightly to the retreating body. Whimpering now in fear that she had finally pushed Fate too far Nanoha said, "Please just let me explain. Just give me some time to explain."

Whipping off the blanket Fate stared down at her girlfriend tears now falling, "Why? Tell me why Nanoha, what have I done to make you distrust me? Haven't I proven myself by now? Or am I really no good after all?"

Seeing how volatile things were getting between the pair Shamal was torn over stopping them before Nanoha became too upset and letting them finally resolve their issues. In the end it was Hayate who decided by pulling her out of the room and shutting the door firmly behind them. The petite woman then took a guard stance in front of the door. No one would enter, or exit, the room until the couple stopped being such idiots.

Inside the room Nanoha started crying also as she tried to force the right words out, "Oh Fate-chan, you're perfect, you are everything I've ever wanted. Do you know how hard it was for me to let you go? I hated seeing you board your ship and knowing that might be the last time I'd ever see you. So many Enforcers never come home."

The sight of tears was all that was needed to take all the fight out of Fate, not that she'd even considered fighting against Nanoha. All she wanted was the truth, if there was someone else with a claim on their baby she needed to know. She needed to know why Nanoha wouldn't accept her proposal. But most of all she needed to know that they still had a future together.

Kissing the tears on flushed cheeks Fate whispered, "Nothing would stop me from coming home to you. Did you think I liked getting on those ships? I wanted nothing more than for you to tell me to stay. Instead you just smiled and let me go as if it didn't matter to you if I was there or not."

Fate was now sitting crossed legged on the bed and had Nanoha facing her on her lap. Hearing Fate's response made the pain inside Nanoha's chest redouble, where she had seen Fate running away the woman had been silently begging her to ask her to stay. Her sweet Fate-chan would never ask for more than friendship. There were still nights where the woman woke up trembling with fright that Nanoha hadn't extended her hand to her. It was a well known fact that the blonde was immensely strong; physically, mentally, magically and emotionally, but allow her to question Nanoha's affection and she crumbled like wet sand.

Resting her head on Fate's shoulder Nanoha grasped Fate's hospital smock as she finally admitted to the truth, "When you left on missions I sometimes, a lot of times, wondered if you were running away from me. I wasn't sure if you understood what I wanted from you and all the missions was your way of keeping me at arm's length. Your silent way of telling me you didn't want things to change and we could only be friends."

Horrified at this idea Fate squeezed Nanoha closer and tried to deny this thinking but Nanoha shushed her saying, "Let me continue Fate-chan. I need to tell you this to make you understand why I did… uh...um what I did."

Unhappy but willing to listen Fate nodded before shifting again to make Nanoha more comfortable and get her closer. The fact that her girlfriend was being so accommodating made her guilt grow but there could be no more stalling. Taking a deep breath Nanoha continued, "When you left on your last mission I finally reached the end of my endurance. Without Vivio around to distract me and there being no contact between us I… I started getting depressed. I cried a lot and began to imagine a future where you were no longer a part of my life. What reason did you have to continue living with me?"

Nanoha could feel the affect her words were having on Fate, the trembling and hot tears making it almost impossible to go on. But go on she must, Fate needed to know this, she'd kept the truth from her too long. Turning her head she pressed a soft kiss on the smooth neck before speaking again, "Before she left for her new school Vivio had taken some books out of the Infinity Library and I had kept a few that had a mix of history and rituals used during various times. In one of the books it told about two lovers who were forcefully separated during a war. One of the lovers was a minor queen and she needed an heir, as a mage she knew there was a way for her to have a child using a ritual. The only problem was she didn't have all the necessary items to do so according to the traditional method."

Reaching down Nanoha rubbed her belly and felt a soft fluttering feeling which made her smile, "I've always wanted a child with you. Seeing you with Vivio just made that desire stronger. When I read about this alternative ritual I became obsessed. The only problem was both partners had to truly love one another, and I wasn't sure what you felt for me. I've known for years you love me as a friend but this had to be romantic love, the kind of love that makes two people want to spend the rest of their lives together."

It was at this point Fate made the connection, but still didn't understand the 'how' of it all. Pulling back eyes wide she looked down at the bump and mindlessly her hand reached for it. The feeling of her baby's vibrant presence immediately made itself known. Heart pounding Fate felt shock and joy fill her, with a shaky breath she said, "Mine. She's mine."

Covering Fate's hand Nanoha said, "That's right. I… I'm sorry Fate-chan."

Confused over this Fate asked, "Why?"

Babbling now Nanoha tried to explain, "I needed proof you really loved me. I needed a way to keep you tied to me. But most of all I wanted your child, if you continued going on those goddamn missions and were killed then I'd never have the chance. I wanted a little Fate-chan that I could love unrestrainedly and spoil, because I've never been allowed to show you how much I care."

Frowning deeply Fate shook her head, "No, why are you apologizing? This is what you wanted, right?"

Cupping her lover's face Nanoha lifted it so they could look eye to eye, "I'm apologizing because I did this without discussing it with you. I didn't even give you a choice in the matter. I'm apologizing because I'm so damn selfish. Even now, knowing how much I've hurt you I can't regret my decision. I want her so much Fate-chan, I want us to be a family, I want to love you properly from now until the day I die. Can you forgive me for being so greedy?"

Pulling away Fate stood up and tried to work through all the conflicting emotions and thoughts in her head. She was feeling happy, scared, confused and, the longer the truth bounded around in her head, strangely used. Running her hands through her hair she tried to concentrate on the most important aspect of the situation, "Were you planning on telling me the truth? Or was I supposed to never know?"

Getting up Nanoha stood before Fate and admitted, "I wanted to tell you that first night. Then you got so upset and I nearly lost the baby. She needs both of us to live and develop properly. The ritual pulls on both our magic to help in her development."

Hearing those words was like a kick to the chest, breathless Fate asked, "I could have killed her?" Then another realization struck her, "I'm the reason why you've had such a hard time with the pregnancy. Aren't I?"

Looking away for a moment Nanoha sighed, "Your negative feelings prevented some of your magic from helping for a time. Once you accepted her though it became so much easier. She's grown a lot since that night."

Studying Nanoha's form, Fate couldn't help thinking about how thin she'd been and remembered Shamal saying the baby had been undersized. Guilt and a different sort of resentment grew inside her as she thought about the damage she might have done, "Before I felt her move and you called her ours I resented her. I couldn't hate her because she is part of you. But I did resent her because she made me question what place I had in your life. For a time I wondered if there was someone else. Someone who would share the family life I once had with you, taking my place by your side."

Taking Fate's hand Nanoha petted it as she said, "Fate-chan, no one could ever take your place. I should have told you a long time ago how much I love you but I was scared you'd just accept me out some strange sense of obligation. I wanted you to tell me how you felt before I put any pressure on you. I thought I could be happy with just being your best friend as long as I had you by my side. Then you kept going on those damnable missions staying away for longer and longer. Your coming home with injuries and the communications blackouts drove me… insane."

Unable to resist the magnetism of Nanoha's body and needing to reassure both of them Fate pulled the auburn haired woman into her arms. Holding her for a long moment before saying, "I drove you to do this. I can see that but Nanoha why didn't you just tell me you were ready for a baby? I've been waiting for you to say something for years. You kept saying someday you wanted to give Vivio a little sister. I would have supported your decision and given you any help necessary."

Shaking her head against Fate's shoulder Nanoha said, "It wasn't just a baby I wanted Fate-chan. I want you. It would have killed me to watch you walk back onto a ship while still pregnant with your child. That's been my biggest fear since you came home. Would you leave me again?"

While Fate could still feel her frustration with Nanoha she could also feel her amorous feelings growing again. Maybe it was because she was coming to understand the situation but the need to touch, taste and claim began to grow again. The need to mark this woman as her own and end once and for all the question of what she wanted. Lowering her head she found Nanoha's delicate neck and gave it a gentle nip before kissing and licking at the soft skin. Her hands held her captive in place when she began to squirm under the treatment.

Speaking quietly but forcefully Fate said, "You want me, now you have me. You want to know how I really feel, let me show you. I promise you Nanoha once I'm done you'll fully understand my feelings."

Pushing Fate away enough to look her in the eyes Nanoha said sadly, "Fate-chan what you're feeling right now isn't normal. It's the ritual, it wants you to bond yourself to me. If you do this our magic will be permanently joined. Not just inside our baby but in both our cores, you'd never be able to leave me."

Laughing almost bitterly at that statement Fate picked Nanoha up and placed her back on the bed. Pulling off Nanoha's shirt and enjoying the now rapid breathing her lover was displaying Fate leaned in, "You make it sound like I ever had the ability to leave you in the first place."

Emphasizing this statement Fate kissed Nanoha hard, forcing her tongue into the sweet mouth she dreamed about. Sucking on the hidden muscle, trying to take in her taste as much as possible, Fate was able to elicit a moan. Nimble fingers made short work of the sky blue bra blocking her access to soft orbs. Tossing aside the unwanted fabric Fate let her hands cup each mound and gently squeeze the tender flesh.

Nanoha was torn between letting Fate have her way and stopping her out of a rapidly diminishing sense of duty. The feeling of strong fingers now plucking at her highly sensitive nipples had her moaning and arching up into the torturous treatment. Hot breath brushed down her neck as Fate's mouth moved lower, across her chin, neck, collarbone then lower still. The first touch of her breasts with a slick tongue made her grip at blonde hair and start to beg. Not that Fate stop, as rational thought demanded but for her to stop teasing and touch her properly.

Sucking in one plump nipple Fate watched from her vantage point Nanoha's face, how flushed she was becoming, the pleasured look only she now knew, the way she was now biting her lips to hold back her voice. Telepathically Fate teased her girlfriend, 'Nanoha, are you enjoying this? Let me hear your voice. Tell me how it feels.'

Turning and covering her face with her hands the pregnant woman tried to regain control of her facilities but the feeling of Fate biting down on the captured nipple made her cry out. Suck, nip, flick, this pattern was repeated on both her breasts over and over until she was a babbling bundle of nerves. "More Fate-chan! Oh god, don't stop. Please darling I need more."

Pressing the two full mounds together Fate found she could take both nipples into her mouth at once. Giving them a quick kiss before sucking hard on both pregnancy sensitive tips bringing Nanoha to her first orgasm. The feeling of the woman shuddering under her was empowering and made her hungry for more. Sitting up she shifted so she could remove Nanoha's skirt and panties. The scent of arousal in the air making her mouth water as she took in the slick wet folds of her lover's most sacred place.

Before diving into the feast placed before her Fate took in all of Nanoha, burning the image of her beloved in her mind to cherish forever. The most glorious part of it all was the round belly she now knew held her child, pressing a fleeting kiss to the soft skin as she whispered, "I love you," then began to move to her ultimate goal.

Before she could move out of reach Nanoha caught her and though on the brink of no longer caring she said, "Fate-chan you don't have to do this."

Frowning Fate asked, "Do you want me to stop? Do you hate it?"

The fact that Fate could even ask that question hurt, "I want this so much but do you? Do you really want this? You've never once showed an interest in me like this."

Kissing Nanoha with as much love as she could pour into it Fate then admitted, "Why do you think I run away so often? If I didn't I might have jumped you years ago. Maybe this will make you hate me but I have been masturbating to thoughts of you since I was a teenager."

Something in Nanoha snapped at the thought of Fate touching herself while thinking of her. Pushing Fate over Nanoha carefully removed the hospital smock and look down at her perfect goddess. Letting her hand run over the smooth curve of Fate's hip then higher up to trace the underside of her full breasts. With blunt nails she scratched lightly at the pale flesh as she asked, "Tell me Fate-chan what have you imagined me doing to you?"

The touch and question made the blonde shudder and moan, "Na~no~ha, please. Ah, if you won't let me touch you then please make me yours. I want to belong to Nanoha."

Climbing onto Fate Nanoha rested on her hips for a moment before letting her hands massage perfectly shaped breasts. Enjoying the feel of Fate's hips rolling up under her as she teased pink buds Nanoha knew she wouldn't be able to stop. This bonding might not be what she had planned but it was what she wanted more than anything. Knowing this beautiful woman would be hers for all time made her heart sing.

Reaching down between them Nanoha could feel Fate's wetness and it was more than she had expected. The blonde was so hot and slick with need it made her dizzy with desire. Rubbing up and down the folds to gather the moisture Nanoha spoke, "Yes, yes Fate-chan. You will be mine. I will never let you go," then finding her opening pushed a single digit inside.

Clenching walls pulled her in deeper as if every part of Fate wanted to possess her. Slowly thrusting into this welcoming heat Nanoha watched Fate's face. Head now pressed hard against the bed, her face flushed with passion, eyes screwed up closed as she was overwhelmed by the feelings rampaging through her body. When she found a sweet spot Fate arched up whimpering, "More."

The only regret Nanoha had at the moment was her lack of mobility thanks to her pregnancy. What she wouldn't give to be able to feel more of Fate against her. Reaching out she took to teasing taut nipples which only made Fate more responsive. The flow of magic between them was beginning again, Nanoha could actually feel the swirling energy envelop her and settle in her belly. Slipping in a second finger into Fate's tight passage as she suddenly found herself on her back.

Fingers buried to the root inside Fate, Nanoha moaned when she felt Fate's hand reach between them and find her swollen sex. Propped up on one arm Fate allowed their bodies to rub against each other while putting little pressure on her pregnant stomach. The instant before finally linking them fully burgundy met violet and Nanoha could see so much love in them. Lifting her head she kissed Fate releasing a happy moan when she felt a long slim finger slide into her.

Maybe it was the magic, or just the fact that they had years of pent up sexual frustration but when Nanoha felt herself peaking she didn't want to cum alone. Increasing her pace and curling her fingers across an extra sensitive spot she was able to ensure their mutual release. Sweaty foreheads pressed together as they cried out in satisfaction.

Careful of Nanoha, Fate rolled off her but made sure to keep her close. Looking at her hand covered with the sweet nectar she had been earlier denied she began sucking them clean. Nanoha had been conflicted over what she should do next but seeing Fate act so boldly she followed her example. Dark eyes watched as she cleaned her fingers and made the heat at her center begin to build again. Just as Fate was about to move in closer there was a loud knocking.

It was only then that rational thought re-entered Fate's mind and seeing a naked Nanoha flushed from their activities had her blushing like a tomato. Of course this didn't stop her from staring at the woman in her befuddled state. Should she ignore the knocking and go back to what they had been doing or be a responsible adult and get dressed? The decision was made for when a smiling Nanoha threw her discarded smock over her head blocking her view.

The sound of giggling and the rustle of a body getting up was followed by the voice she loved saying, "Fate-chan is becoming a pervert. Get dressed, Shamal-sensei and Hayate-chan are waiting for us."

Slipping back into the drab smock Fate watched as Nanoha dressed and the urge to reverse the process had her sitting on her hands. Turning to look at her silent girlfriend Nanoha could see a hunger in burgundy eyes which stole her breath. Brushing back rumpled bangs Nanoha kissed Fate's forehead before promising, "When we get home I'll be all yours. For now let's make sure everything is okay."

Shifting so she was sitting on the edge of the bed Fate pulled Nanoha towards her, resting her head on her chest she asked, "Does that mean you'll let Shamal check the baby?"

Returning the embrace Nanoha kissed silky blonde hair, "Of course, my private doctor says she is fine but I honestly would have preferred Shamal-sensei overseeing my pregnancy. The ritual was Belkan so she'd know if things are developing correctly."

The little frustrated noise Fate at this made Nanoha wince, "Sweetheart, I wanted you to learn the truth from me, not from Shamal."

Rubbing the curve of Nanoha's belly Fate replied, "You have to promise me that whenever you feel lonely or like I am not giving you everything you need you will tell me. I want you to be greedy with me Nanoha."

Kissing Fate for this then pressing their foreheads together she said, "Be careful what you ask for Fate-chan, you might just get it."

With the dangerous glint entering Nanoha's eyes at the thought of being greedy with Fate it was sheer bad luck for the banging to start again. With a groan Nanoha pulled away to open the door. Seeing the dark haired woman fall forward at the sudden action her annoyance with the pest grew.

Glaring at her friend Nanoha asked sharply, "May I help you?"

Pulling Hayate out of the way Shamal answered with her own question instead, "Why are you glowing?"

Then she looked at Fate and her eyes grew larger, "Okay you will tell me exactly what the hell you've been up to Nanoha. Your auras are flaring and this isn't normal."

Neither Fate nor Nanoha saw anything unusual but Hayate had finally snapped out of her own shock from seeing her friend lit up like a Christmas tree. Giving Nanoha's cheek a poke she squeaked when she received a static shock. Sucking her finger she whined, "This better not be permanent."

Getting up Fate came over to Nanoha and touching her cheek felt nothing but soft skin and a wonderful warmth inside her chest. She was about to lean in for a kiss when Shamal clapped her hands in front of the pair snapping them out of their lovey-dovey trance, "Hey! Stop that. Now I want you two to sit down, separately, and explain what's going on. The kind of magic I am seeing here is not normal and I don't want this to affect your baby."

Stepping back quickly in fear of harming their child Fate's face took on a worried frown. Pouting at this Nanoha moved to a chair and sat down with a disgruntled sigh, "How much do you know about the Wer Ritual?"

Hearing this name not only did Shamal look horrified but so did Fate and Hayate. Pacing the floor Fate tried to calm herself but couldn't help asking, "Why would you do something so reckless? Nanoha, I really could have killed you. What were you thinking?"

Confused by the outrage Nanoha said, "Fate-chan, there wasn't that much danger. I am sure I could have carried her to term if anything happened to you."

Coming over to her girlfriend Fate shook her head and said, "No, you couldn't. That ritual has been banned for centuries, it kills mages. I've seen it."

Shamal added in, "Nanoha, historical records show it has only ever been used successfully in two cases, the creator and one of the warring state monarchs. Both mages were considered S+ mages but the reason why they succeeded where the others failed was because they were able to bond before the birth of the child. All others died in childbirth along with the baby. This method is considered little more than torture suicide since without the partner there can be no success."

Shivering at the idea of the woman she loves and child dying Fate said, "Nanoha there was a reason why our magic was forcing us closer. As Shamal explained, without the bond you'd have died in childbirth from over exerting your magical core. Our child would have followed you due to having an unstable core."

Cutting back in Shamal added, "Fate-san, you might not realize this but you'd have died too. The fact that you fought against bonding was the reason why you fell ill."

Horrified over her actions Nanoha clutched at the blonde, she could have killed them all. What if Fate had been delayed coming home? Never mind the thought of Fate rejecting her for her selfishness which would have ended their lives just as easily.

Shaking with the realization of what she'd done Nanoha felt inky blackness consume her. Not even the shouting of her name by Fate was enough to keep her from slipping into unconsciousness.


Waking up to a dark room Nanoha felt dehydrated and starving. Suddenly the cushion she was laying on moved and she was being propped up. In the gloom she could see a glass of water being brought towards her lips and she thirstily gulped down the drink. When it was empty the glass moved away from her and instead a plate with a sandwich was brought before her. It was then she realized her hands were shaking so hard she couldn't hold it.

Instead the shadowy person held it for her and allowed her to take a few bites before putting it down again. Another glass was brought to her lips and the medicinal taste of some evil concoction mixed up by Shamal was swallowed with a grimace. The pattern repeated a few times until the sandwich was gone and Nanoha leaned back with boneless fatigue. Eyes shutting she gave in to exhaustion, the calming warmth surrounding her lulling her back into sleep.

A cool hand felt her forehead before its owner finally spoke, "I am so angry at you right now, there are no words for it. If you weren't pregnant I would hit you."

Tearing up again Nanoha whimpered, "I'm sorry."

The pillow shook for a moment in suppressed rage, "You aren't sorry. This is what you wanted. When did I become an object to you? Or have I always been a toy for you to play with? You are no better than Her."

Trying to sit up but too weak to move Nanoha cried out, "It wasn't like that Fate-chan! I was selfish and stupid but I never meant to hurt you."

Cold cutting words shot back, "Yeah right, you used me. You played with my emotions, was it funny to see me struggle?"

She couldn't find an answer that didn't sound hollow and fake, then suddenly she was no longer being supported but being sucked down into a morass of darkness. Flailing her arms she tried to fight back but she was too weak. Her last thought was, 'please, don't hurt the baby.'

Blinking awake in the harsh light of day Nanoha groaned. Almost immediately the blinds were closed and a shadow fell over her. In the faint remaining light she could see it was Fate. Heart breaking she tried to speak, "Fei…"

A familiar cool hand brushed back her bangs and there was a shushing sound, "You had a bad dream. It's okay now. Just relax, you don't want to hurt the baby."

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she asked, "Are you angry with me?"

In response to this Fate leaned over and knocked their foreheads together, "Calm down, I… I'm… I'm mostly confused. I'm angry at the situation we put ourselves in, I know I had a part to play in driving you to this. If I'd just been honest with you then maybe… How did we end up like this Nanoha?"

Holding Fate so their foreheads stayed connected she squeezed her eyes shut and admitted, "Because you are too selfless and I'm an idiot."

Chuckling a little at this Fate replied, "I'd believe that more if you reversed our faults. You've always put others before your own happiness."

Not believing this Nanoha blurted out, "I'm as bad as Precia! All I cared about was what I wanted. I didn't even consider your feelings."

Strong hands lifted her out of the bed and then she was enclosed in a tight embrace, "YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE THAT WOMAN."

Sobbing now Nanoha denied this, "I am! I used you. I lied to you. All to get what I wanted and in the process nearly got us both killed."

Growling now Fate shook the crying woman in her arms, "Enough! If you think that then answer this question for me, why did you want my baby?"

In a small voice Nanoha admitted, "Because I didn't think I could ever have you by honest means. I… I wanted to keep a part of you for myself. Even if I couldn't say, Fate-chan is mine and this is our family, I'd still have our daughter to love."

There was some rustling off to the side and then Nanoha felt something cool being slipped onto her ring finger. Then Fate said, "Say it," their hands were now linked and resting over Nanoha's swollen tummy.

Trying to pull away Nanoha cried, "I can't! I don't deserve it. I forced you into this."

Suddenly the body holding hers was gone then the lights came on and Fate stood before her in all her golden glory. Pulling off her shirt she let the glamours she wore to hide her scars fall. Pointing at the marks on her arms that were clearly visible from the whipping she received as a child she choked out, "Did you do this to me?"

Shaking her head Nanoha felt her tears burn her cheeks knowing what else Fate was about to show her. Turning around she could see the dozens of scars she bore on her body from her mother's hand and years of service to the TSAB. Again Fate asked in her harsh voice, "Did you do this to me?"

Getting up Nanoha hugged her girlfriend and said softly, "No, but I have hurt you."

Sighing Fate agreed, "Yes, you have but not how you think you did. You can't steal what already belongs to you. You can't force someone to love you. All you did was hide the truth, and honestly, neither of us did a very good job at that."

Covering the hands clinging to her Fate smiled weakly, "I love you, I have since I was a child. Your stubbornness and willfulness has driven me mad sometimes but I'd never want you to change. Without those traits I wouldn't be here today."

Kissing Fate's back Nanoha mumbled, "You made me this way."

Snorting back a laugh at this the blonde shook her head, "My love I clearly remember you going FULL POWER on me when we were kids. I had nothing to do with making you that way."

Pouting at this she argued, "Nope! If Fate-chan would have just stopped and talked to me properly I never would have had to blast you."

Pulling her lover back down onto the bed so she could cuddle her Fate couldn't help commenting, "You should have blasted me again."

Leaning in the White Devil curled into the warmth offered, "I wanted you to tell me on your own. I never wanted to force you."

Kissing Nanoha's forehead the blonde said, "I love you. Not just as a friend or makeshift family, but as the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want us to be a real family."

The feeling of peace that filled her at that moment erased her lingering guilt but concern that they could let things fester again Nanoha pleaded, "From here on Fate-chan, will you tell me what you are thinking? It'd make it so much easier for me."

Not wanting any further drama Fate answered back with a question of her own, "If I promise to tell you what I'm thinking will you do the same?"

Nodding her agreement Nanoha proved to be completely on board with this idea, "Right now I'm thinking, I'd really like it if Fate-chan kissed me."

Leaning over the amused blonde did so then slipped something into Nanoha's hand. Looking down at the matching ring to the one she wore Nanoha shivered with hope, "What do you want me to do with this?"

With one hundred percent sincerity Fate answered, "I want you to claim me. I want you to be able to say, Fate-chan is my wife," then touching the curve of Nanoha's belly, "and that this is our family."

Taking her hand Nanoha slid the ring into place and said with more than a hint of primeval possessiveness, "Mine," before kissing Fate.


Meanwhile Outside

Hayate paced around the living room only to stop in front of the bored looking blonde reading a book, growling she snapped out, "Are you sure this is the best thing to do? They were glowing then Nanoha passed out!"

Turning another page and in an unconcerned voice Shamal answered, "Fate confirmed they completed the bond, all they need is some time to let it settle. I've given Fate medicine to help Nanoha rest and to boost their cores so their baby doesn't take too much out of them during this last trimester. Once our little devil wakes up she'll be right as rain and probably bouncing off the walls again."

Gnawing on lip she worried, "What about her zapping me earlier? That's not gonna last forever is it?"

Barely restraining a smirk at this concern Shamal said, "That's merely the bond between them settling. Right now Fate's magic is shielding Nanoha, thus the shock you got from touching her. In a day or so the excess magic will be absorbed by the baby to stabilize her core. Then you can go back to teasing the two without immediate consequences."

Frowning at this calm disinterest Hayate fumed, "What about their relationship?"

Licking her fingers to turn another page Shamal didn't show any concern, "Honestly Hayate-chan, do you think Fate would let Nanoha go?"

Puffing out her cheeks she snapped, "Of course not! Fate-chan loves Nanoha-chan!"

Using a bookmark to save her place Shamal stretched, "She's awake and her vitals are stable, we can go now."

Blinking in surprise Hayate asked, "How do you know?"

Picking up her bag the blonde said, "I had a monitoring charm on her, I have dispelled it since those two seem to be getting frisky and I don't need that kind of information."

Jaw slack Hayate turned to look at the bedroom door and when there was a muffled moan she decided aloud, "We're going home now!"

~ Epilogue ~

Being eight months pregnant wasn't how Nanoha wanted to get married but her parents and Fate both insisted that they had the wedding before she gave birth. Waddling down the aisle in a White dress seemed a bit dubious, obviously everyone in attendance knew she had no right to it. This had been non-negotiable with her bride-to-be as it was her signature color, what else would the White Devil wear? Shaking away her weird thoughts she focused on Fate waiting for her in her own champagne gown at the end of the flower bedecked path.

Exchanging vows as their friends and family watched was the fulfillment of one of Fate's earliest dreams. Not that she'd ever mentioned this aloud to anyone, her own desires had always been secondary to what was expected of her. But on this day she was going to be as selfish as possible, today she would become Nanoha's wife.

Watching the beautiful woman ripe with her child coming down the aisle almost had her heart imploding. The pride on Shiro's face as he handed his daughter over to her helped ease her guilt over stealing Nanoha. His kiss to her cheek and whispered, "Welcome to the family," nearly had her in tears.

Sensing her wife-to-be's emotional state Nanoha squeezed her hand. Kissing the back of it Fate was able to use the moment to blink back the moisture.

The ceremony was short but heartfelt, bringing more than a few people to happy tears. Those who had watched the pair growing up were relieved to see them finally reach this stage. Perhaps the happiest person there was their daughter. The blonde had returned home from school along with Arf who'd gone along with her as guardian/companion. The familiar was probably a close second in joy as she could feel how ecstatic Fate was at this new phase of her life. These two who had the most intimate view of the couple's relationship were gratified to see their belief in their love vindicated.

Hugging her mothers Vivio declared, "Oh mamas you both look so beautiful."

Nanoha clung to both her blondes and felt like her heart was ready to burst, 'This has to be heaven.'

Allowing Arf a chance to hug her master Nanoha released her wife as she continued to keep a tight hold on their daughter.

The busty wolf-woman kissed Fate's cheek before teasing, "Now remember I'm getting too old to be looking after a litter of pups. You're up to two now, don't go trying to beat your brother by going for more. My tail can't handle another set of twins."

Blushing Fate choked out, "Arf!"

Considering this Nanoha answered, "I believe there is a ritual that has been shown to produce twins or triplets, depending on the magical strength of the parents."

All three women's jaws dropped at this and Fate's eyes glazed over as she considered the possibility of triplet Takamachi daughters.

A voice from behind them declared loudly, "NO MORE RITUALS!"

Turning around the group saw Lindy and the Takamachi parents behind her.

Pinching Nanoha's cheek the teal haired woman said, "If you want more babies in the future just do it the natural way, with technology. There is no need to risk triplets."

Shiro Takamachi was glad someone else was willing to put their foot down on this, the idea of that many grandchildren, all at once, had him lightheaded. Momoko on the other hand appeared more than a little miffed, the pout on her face as her friend appeared to be spiking her chances at doubling her current meager lot told everyone she was open to the idea of twins or triplets. As far as she was concerned the more the merrier when it came to grandbabies. She'd been suffering a drought for quite some time and who was she to say no to any sign of that changing?


Leaving the wedding party early Fate took her new wife home to rest. Helping Nanoha to undress and wash up she was about to tuck her sleepy eyed devil into bed when she was tugged down.

Locking her gaze with Fate's Nanoha purred, "We have to consummate our marriage Fate-chan."

Gulping the blonde tried to deflect her heavily pregnant wife, "Na...Nanoha you need your rest. We can take care of that in the morning."

Groping Fate's breast the sapphire eyed mage gave it a teasing squeeze before declaring, "Nope, I've waited years for this and I'm not going to delay making you OFFICIALLY mine one more day."

Smiling at the cuteness and openness of the demand Fate retorted, "Nanoha, thanks to your shenanigans we've been bonded since that first time we made love, that is more official than any wedding ceremony."

Hunching up a bit Nanoha let her guilt show, "I forced that on you Fate-chan. Our marriage is something we both wanted."

Caressing her lover's cheek the Lightning Mage reassured her, "You're right about getting officially married being something I wanted but Nanoha you have to know the bond wasn't forced on me. It never could have taken hold if I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Kissing the gentle hand Nanoha pleaded with large kittenish eyes, "Show me how much you love me, please Fate-chan."

The cuteness of her wife in that moment nearly killed Fate, any and all thoughts of letting her rest were vaporized in that instant. If Nanoha wanted her then she would pour out all the love she could. Slipping a hand down to lift the edge of her wife's nightgown she could feel her heartbeat begin to race. Consummating their marriage was the last step to making Nanoha hers.

Between them they could feel their daughter move in Nanoha's womb, rubbing the rounded tummy Fate lifted Nanoha's sleep shirt and placed a kiss on the soft skin, "I love you both, thank you so much for being selfish. I couldn't have done it, I always felt as if you gave me more than I deserved with just your friendship."

Groaning at the slowness of the movements Nanoha became vocal, "Please Fate-chan."

Smiling at the demand the blonde gave her wife a heated look as she teased, "Knowing you want me as much as I do you makes it easier to give in to my desires," then she dipped her head to kiss the inside of silky thighs.

The whimpering noises that this earned had her slowly working closer to Nanoha's center. The musky scent of desire made her mouth water and the desperate wiggle the demanding devil was displaying had her cutting short any further teasing. Pulling off Nanoha's panties Fate made love to her wife slowly, bringing her to climax with the tenderest of touches and kisses imaginable. Panting as she hovered over her dazed lover she let the knowledge that this was just the first night of their marriage sink in. There was no more excuses, no more reasons to hold back.

Kissing the sapphire eyed woman lightly Fate whispered, "I love my Nanoha. Now my darling needs to get some rest."

Though sated the White Devil refused to let their encounter be one sided and with a pout she demanded, "I want to touch you! Don't be mean Fate-chan."

Unwilling to deny her desire to be touched by her wife Fate took Nanoha's hand and placed it on her breast, "I'm all yours."

Moaning with happiness at the complete capitulation she began to tease her lightning goddess. Quickly becoming overheated Fate stripped off her own night clothes. The blonde was desperate to make it as easy as possible for the pregnant woman to please her. Denial was a thing of the past between them, from now on they would each give and receive openly and freely. When she finally did fall apart under the skilled fingers of her wife she felt complete, they were now truly married. Magic tied them together but this willful act of love sealed that bond. Cuddling together in the afterglow Fate silently pledged to never take this for granted.


The final month of Nanoha's pregnancy was a combination of stressful and pure bliss for Fate. She was experiencing the family life she had missed out on for so long with her constant deployments. Vivio had come home to stay until her mama gave birth, putting her stubborn Takamachi foot down, stating her place was with her family during this vital time. Watching the pair together as they finalized the last touches of the nursery made Fate feel a warmth she never imagined existing.

Her cocoon of bliss came to an end when Nanoha shook her roughly in the middle of the night. The panicked look in sapphire eyes as she blurted out, "It's time. AH! Get me to the hospital Fate!" Told the blonde it was time to put her legendary speed to work.

Getting to the hospital was just the first step, from there they endured ten hours of labor. Fate had never wished her wife was physically weaker, but for her poor hand's sake she did now. When the cries of their newborn daughter filled the room Fate felt a spike of fear. Their love had been enough to stabilize the little one's core, hadn't it? Silently praying as the doctors ran diagnostic spells over the child she nearly fainted when Shamal's voice said to them, "She's perfectly healthy, well done you two."

Watching as the tiny baby suckled she felt as if she'd been run through a wringer emotionally. When the newest blonde addition had her fill Nanoha called out to her, "Fate-chan, do you want to hold her?"

Grabbing a chair Fate settled next to the bed before reaching out to take the infant. Holding her against her breast she stared with awe at the squishy little sweet potato in her arms. The baby's features were still too indistinguishable to officially say she favored one mother over the other in looks but Fate was already mentally comparing the girl to pictures of infant Nanoha. There were no surviving photos of Alicia from this age and thanks to her own strange gestation process she'd skipped over this stage pretty rapidly. Either way Fate knew she would love this child with all her heart.

A tired hand reached over and touched her cheek, looking up at the worried face of her wife she suddenly realize she was crying. Wiping away the moisture on her shoulder she laughed, "Sorry, I… I guess it just hit me. This is our baby."

Smiling at how adorable her wife was being Nanoha said, "Yes, she is. And she needs a name Fate-chan."

Swallowing down her nerves the blonde offered, "I was thinking, Lila Takamachi-Harlaown."

Petting soft blonde hair Nanoha felt a warm sense of satisfaction fill her, "I think that name is perfect. Why don't you take Lila out to meet her family while I rest for a bit."

Concerned over her wife and not wanting to end this moment of peace Fate scooted closer to Nanoha before saying, "They can wait a little while longer."

With Nanoha's hand on her shoulder Fate looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms and wondered how the child had so easily captured her heart. She had gone from resenting the very existence of this little one to now being willing and able to sacrifice her own life for her. She was their daughter, the proof of the love they had tried to hide in the dark. Tiny hands gripped her mama's slim fingers as the little girl yawned before shifting to snuggle against the soft breasts she was being held to.

Smirking at this action Nanoha said, "She's just like you Fate-chan, a boob monster."

Sticking her tongue out at this Fate shot back, "I'd say she's more like you, a cuddle monster."

From the now open doorway a voice said, "I don't care Who she's like more just hand over my grandbaby!"

With their tiny bubble of solitude burst Fate shook her head, she should have known Momoko wouldn't be held back for long. Nanoha had inherited her willfulness from somewhere after all. Standing up she came over to the older woman and with a surge of pride introduced her daughter.

The grandmother took the child and said, "Oh she looks so much like Nanoha when she was born."

Fate was about to prime this pump of knowledge when the door opened again and Lindy's teal head snuck in. Seeing her co-grandparent she glared at the poacher.

"You said you were going to get coffee!" The former Admiral denounced the baby thief.

The loud voice caused two more people to force their way into the room. The blonde and redhead seeing Momoko holding the baby both glared at her.

With a pout Vivio said, "Not fair! I want to hold my baby sister."

Arf with arms crossed over her large bust demanded, "Hand over the pup, thief!"

Sticking her tongue out at the trio the senior blue eyed devil said, "Wait your turn. I've been waiting over a decade for this."

Behind the bickering foursome Nanoha sighed as she took hold of her wife's hand. Looking at each other they smiled as they shared the thought, 'Our family is crazy.'