Percy's POV

"... and now for the news. A few days ago in England, another house was found almost completely destroyed. Furniture was flipped, everything was torn apart. Mrs. Petunia Dursley, the mother of the ransacked house, might have a few words to say on it." The newsman moved aside and the camera pointed at a woman with a long neck and a horsey appearance.

"That's another house," I commented to Mom, who was sitting beside me (TV was our mother-son time). England had been full of things like that, lately. Sometimes, people were said to have been found dead, but with not a single illness or wound. Perfectly healthy, except for the fact their hearts had stopped beating. The thought made me shiver. Annabeth had done some research, wondered if it had anything to do with our world, but she didn't find anything. We finally just chalked it up to being a new mortal method of serial killing. When I looked over to Mom, though, her expression scared me.

A look of pure shock and disbelief was on her face. "Mom? Are you okay? Mom!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her (gently, of course- I didn't want to hurt her).

"Pet-petunia? I... it can't be." Now I was thoroughly confused. Did Mom know the lady on the news? I hadn't seen her so anxious since... a really long time. Probably when Grover showed up in our little cabin when I was twelve. Deciding my answer would lie there, I turned my attention back to the screen, where Mom was still focused on.

"Yes, thankfully we were on vacation. I don't really know what was going on, or how they located our humble home- but I have an idea why they chose our house to invade." The woman, Petunia, had a snobbish look on her face. She was pretending to be sad that previously nice looking home was reduced to the havoc on screen, but anyone with eyes could tell that she enjoyed the attention. "My husband is a manager in a wealthy drill company, he supplies us with all the money we need and more. We are practical people, so we always keep our house nice and tidy- perhaps they were attracted by the garden. Our precious son, Dudley, is a champion boxer! Maybe they wanted to steal something of his? Thank goodness we brought his medals with us." I would've snorted if Mom wasn't so obviously distressed. She thought the people were thieves? And they wanted to steal her son's boxing medal? How stuck up could someone get? She went on droning about more of her household accomplishments, and Mom grabbed the remote suddenly and turned off the TV after the man, as usual, gave the phone number of the woman in case anyone was willing to donate. I personally wouldn't.

Mom wrote down the number and went to the next room, where the phone was. I decided not to follow her- she should have her privacy, though I would definitely ask when she calmed down a little more. I caught a few words from a seemingly heated and awkward conversation, still: "Sunday", "flight, and "cottage".

Mom came back into the room messaging her temples. She looked at me for a second as if contemplating whether I was worthy of a huge treat, and then declared, "We're going to England."

Short first chapter, I know. This is my first fanfiction, so don't judge too harshly, but constructive criticism is welcome. I'm aware that the news probably wouldn't show stuff that's happening in England or the person's phone number, but I need it for the sake of the plot, alright?