It's been a few months since their trip to Forever fall and the end of the semester was coming, and each team was doing pretty well in the school work, thanks to Weiss, Ruby has been doing well with her school work, while Nora was a pain in the ass for her to understand something, it has been working out for her, thanks to both Ren and Beck. Ren because he already knows Nora since childhood and Beck, he had to help a lot his brother, because he distracts to much with things he doesn't care for.

As for what happen to team CRDL…


By the time Peter had finish the Grimm off, miss Goodwitch had arrived, with Jaune, Ruby and Lucy behind her.

Immediately, after seeing team CRDL in the ground, she started interrogating Peter, to which he answered her by handing her the cam/contact lent and saying that all the evidence was in here and that she should watch with headmaster Ozpin.

After that, they walk out of the forest and thanks to Glynda's glyphs transporting team CRDL on top.

By the next day teams CRDL, JNPR and LIME where call to the headmaster office, which had to take the teams individually, with team CRDL being the first. A couple of minutes later every team had arrive, with all of them either seated or not.

"From what I heard from miss Goodwitch and Mr. Miller, that there was a confrontation in the forest, that ended up with your team fainting in the forest"

At that Cardin's face turn red anger, before he could explode, he took a deep breath.

"We were doing our assignment, when HE appears out of nowhere and electrify us! I demand immediate expulsion and send him to jail" said Cardin, with outrage.

At that both teams glared at Cardin, which display an aura that make him go paler by the second. Before anything could happen, Glynda use her weapon to earn the attention back the manner at hand.

"Thank you Glynda, now Mr. Winchester we know about the attack that Mr. Miller did, but we all know that you are lying" with that Ozpin turn to Peter and took out the lent, which make team CRDL turn white as a sheet "Mr. Escobar could you do the honors"

"Yes headmaster" with that he activated his scroll, Ozpin put the lent on top of the Scroll, Peter search the footage and press play.

After the footage ended, team CRDL was still pale as before, while the others could only watch them with hatred, disbelief and horror.

"I will not put this in your permanent book, I don't want to loose a team of promising students to the police and I believe your father, Cardin, wouldn't like to see his son of the news being arrested, all of you will have detention, Mr. Miller will have his with professor Peach, while team CRDL will have detention with professor Goodwitch, Port and Oobleck until the end of the semester"

"It was just a prank! Nobody will have been hurt!" exclaimed Cardin.

"No? consider this Mr. Winchester, is someone of your team would have launch that jar while they were still collecting the sap, someone will have fallen on to of the other jars or spilled the sap in the ground, while this sap is delicious in of itself, it works as well to bring and trap Grimm for Professor Port classes, with more sap, more Grimm appear and mentioning the fact that Rapier wasp are mostly Alpha Grimm, which know how aura works to a extend and are the only Grimm that can bypass aura, which makes the body started to fill numb with multiple stings on the body, with the grimm that are coming over and if they haven't kill all the Wasps and being sting multiple times by know, you and your team would have sent almost 3 teams to the infirmary of the school and make them stay there for months, to treat their injuries and recovery, or they could have been kill or the combination of both scenarios"

At the end of the speech, his turn so cold, that you could literally feel the temperature dropping, Cardin just give up at that point and sit down, Ozpin send a glared to the members of team CRDL with each nodding along.

"Good, team CRDL, you are dismissed, at the end of classes miss Goodwitch will call you to come to the combat arena, where she, Port and Oobleck will be waiting to give you your detentions"

With that team CRDL stand up and walk to the elevator, dreading what is going to happen to them.

Ozpin sighed as the elevator doors close and the look at the other 2 teams.

"While what you did to team CRDL was not necessary, it was the best option at the time, so your detention would take place for the next 3 weeks, with professor Peach, after the normal classes of the day are over, you're dismissed"

With that team LIME nodded and got up, leaving only team JNPR in the office.

"Have you told your team about it" said Ozpin.

"Yes sir" said Jaune.

Ozpin sighed. "While this problem is a little problematic, there is a lot of time to fix it, Glynda"

Glynda sighed, while she adjusted her glasses. "This is a situation that I never thought it would happen, if it was a normal situation, we would have you expel form the academy for cheating your way in" Jaune lower his head at the statement, while Pyrrha put her hand in his shoulder. "But we won't be doing that, Ozpin convince me otherwise, so the rest of team JNPR has to help him train and you are allowed to enter the gym after curfew"

Team JNPR was surprise, to say the least, but are thankful that the teachers are giving a chance to Jaune.

"Thank you, miss Goodwitch and head-" Jaune is interrupted by him.

"Professor, I like to feel that I'm at the same level as my staff" said Ozpin.

"Yes, professor and thank you" this earn a nod from him.

"Do not thank me just yet, Mr. Arc I want to see progress in your training, if I see that, I will accept that as thanks" said Glynda, with her strict voice.

With that they leave the office, with Jaune sighting in relief at having a huge burden off his shoulders.

End of flashback.

While Beck did get a lecture from professor Peach about the used of Dust, she was most interested in his semblance and usage of Dust by it and she make him experiment with the dust, so he got scot free.

With team CRDL was a different story, each professor had a different type of detention for the team. Miss Goodwitch ended up sparring with them, without holding back, at the end of the day they look like steam was coming out of their faces, doctor Oobleck made them read a entire section of history book over and over again for a hour, then he will give them a quiz about, if 2 of them didn't get over 80% correct in the answers they would have to do it again. And with Port, they have to help him catch Grimm for his class, without the used of the sap from Forever falls and without their weapons, always with hand to hand combat or by using their environment, Port didn't help them until, they were tired or their aura was about to break. And sometimes professor Port and miss Goodwitch team up in the combat arena, by the end of the "spar" they could have easily being confused as corpses.

Jaune as well has been training, thanks to his teammates and team LIME that every now and then help him with the training. He was gaining all that experience that hasn't had all those years back, as well as socializing with friends that didn't judge them. He has been really thankful about this change.

A few months later and the end of the semester is almost there, team RWBY wanted to invited us to see the decorations of the Vytal festival, Blake then whispered "Weiss wants to spy in the exchange students", team JNPR said no, while team LIME said that something came up, that another day they will be able.

It was late at night, almost time for curfew to begin, when team LIME enter their dorm.

"Well, so far everything is in order in the US, for the time being" said Lucy.

She was heading to her bed, when she sees Peter with a face.

"What's wrong Peter?" ask Lucy, making Peter sighed.

"It's just, I want to tell them about you know what" said Peter, Lucy knew what he is talking about and nodded in agreement.

"I know what you mean, but" she is then interrupted by Baxter.

"But what? We already earn the trust of 3 teams, with 2 of them are famous because of their actions or family name"

"And that's the problem, remember that Weiss has been sheltered all her life in that mansion of hers, she talks to me because I haven't done anything to her, but she doesn't want anything to do with the faunus, she has trust issues with anyone, even if it is a faunus or a human" said Lucy. "And besides, only if something drastic happens, we are authorized to tell them"

The rest just sighed, they knew that Weiss was a wild card, because of the life she had in her life, as well being the heiress to one of the biggest companies in the kingdoms, as well said company having connection to the most powerful kingdom it would bring a lot of problems.

"I'm going to team RWBY's dorm, Blake has one of my books and she said she would give it back today" said Lucy.

As she opens the door and steps in the hallway, she immediately bumps into something, making her go down into the floor and earning the attention of the rest of the team.

Lucy moans in pain at the impact she receives, she stands up a little and sees Blake, who was standing up as well, before she could talk, Lucy sees the look in Blake's face, one full of fear, shame and regret.

"Blake, what's" she is interrupted by a shout from the end of the hallway.

"BLAKE!" shouted the voice.

Everyone looks, to see Ruby going in their direction, Blake quickly stands up and runs again. Lucy tries to stand up and stop her, but she makes Ruby trip without noticing, by the time she helps her stand up, Blake wasn't in the hallway anymore.

"Hey Ruby, what happen?" ask Lucy, a little worried.

"No-nothing happen, just a discussion went downhill" said Ruby.

Before Lucy could say anything. "Is it because she is a faunus?" ask Baxter.

"Or because she was a member of the White Fang?" added Peter.

Ruby fell down at the floor again, with a look of surprise, while everyone sweat drop at that.

"How did you know?!" exclaimed Ruby, which earn a sigh of exasperation from Lucy.

"Let's go to your dorm and I'll explain there, and you will explain what happen" said Lucy, Ruby nodded in acceptance, if not a little hesitant.

Once they enter RWBY's dorm, Ruby immediately ask how did she know that Blake was a faunus and ex-member of the WF, which brought shock to the other occupants of the room, Lucy then explained that her father had work for wrong type of people for a couple of years not knowing that they were a well organized Mafia, back in Mistral, once he knew, he left the group and make another team of huntsman take a hold of them, by giving them the info anonymously. After he knew that I wanted to become and huntress, beside teaching me how to fight, he teach me how to read a person, how each part of the body could tell the story of said person and what he or she might or may act. That's why she knew how Blake was a faunus and she further confirmed because all the things she did outside of classes make her look like a cat.

"… so that why she likes tuna a lot" murmured Ruby, making team LIME snicker at the remark.

"So, what happen, that make this situation even happen?" ask Baxter, with a serious face.

Ruby then started explaining. After they arrived at the docks, Ruby noticed that a Dust store that had been robbed, after some small talk with the detectives, one of them said that the white fang maybe the ones that robbed, because all the money was still in the store, this made Weiss make a remark about them, which Blake took negatively, to which started an argument between them.

"So that's how all of you found out?" ask Beck.

"No, I haven't finished explaining" said Ruby, with a deadpanned face.

Beck look the other way, a little embarrassed for interrupting.

"Like I was saying…"

Before the argument could started, a monkey faunus came out of one of the ship docking, they ended up pursuing him, until the lost him when Weiss crashed onto a girl named Penny. A girl with orange hair, green eyes and quirky but somewhat strange attitude. Who, apparently, was in Vale because she was going to compete in the tournament as well, then Weiss started questioning her about the monkey faunus by giving him a name, which enrage Blake.

"The name was…" ask Lucy, moving her hand to know the name.

"Monkey tailed rapscallion, as well filthy faunus" said Yang, putting her 2 cents.

This earn a glared from Lucy to Weiss, which took a step back at that.

"Before you ended up killing her, let Ruby finish" said Peter, putting his hand to stop her.

After Weiss said that, the argument restarted, which was still lively when they return to the dorm, Blake let slip that she joined the WF because she was tired of seeing her people being treated as trash, after noticing what she said, she run from their dorm.

"… And I think, you know the rest" said Ruby ending the explanation.

Lucy sighed and run her hand through her face. "Alright, is to late to do something about it, let's leave her be for the time being" then she looks at Weiss. "And you, shouldn't have jump to conclusion so quickly"

Weiss was about to say something, when Baxter interrupted her. "Have Jaune told any of you, how he enter at Beacon"

Confused by this, they still nodded.

"Then you know that Ozpin knew all along, that he had cheated his way in, if he had known about it all this time and didn't do anything against him, then he already knew that Blake was a ex-member, maybe she even told him about it and he give her a chance" explain Baxter.

"And to put things in a little more perspective, she is a faunus, you're a Schnee, you family hasn't had the best relationship with the faunus to begin with and with her reveling that she had been a member a while back, she is most likely scared of what would you do to her, send her to the police is the most likely option and who knows what could happen is the council ended up knowing about it"

At that, Weiss finally back down, seeing the logic of it, she let herself go back to the prideful heiress that she was at the beginning of the year, even though the promise that she did to Ruby was only for her, if she slip back to that attitude then the repercussions would fall on the team one day and that what just happen.

Weiss started to fill guilty about it, clearly showing it in her face, because she immediately felt a pair of arms wrap around her, she sees to her right that Ruby was hugging her.

"It's ok Weiss, you just slip back to your old personality, we're going to find her and both of you will made up, so that team RWBY returns more stronger then ever" said Ruby, with a smile in her face.

Weiss look at Ruby and form a small smile in her face and return the hug, while everyone smile at the scene.

They decided to let Blake relax and if she doesn't return by Sunday morning, they would search for her.

Sunday, afternoon.

Since Blake didn't appear, both team LIME and RW(B)Y went to Vale to search for her, Peter took his time to search for places she likes, libraries, bookstores, places to drink tea. While team JNPR stay at the school to see if she ended up retuning.

The rest of team RWBY stay together, while team LIME separated.

"So, did you bring it as back up?" ask Lucy, talking with Peter with her Scroll.

"Yeah, I was able to talk with Ozpin about letting me bring it, once is night-time, I'll activate it and it will be circulating around me" said Peter.

"How do you convince him?"

"Ozpin knows that Blake has a determination against the WF, but what form it would take is anybody's guest, so if we found her in the middle of something related to the WF, we will need the backup"

Lucy hummed in agreement. "Ok, sounds good, see you later" with that Lucy hang up.

Lucy sighed, she knows Blake will be problematic, it's obvious that she wants the WF to change, and that determination in her eyes are anything to go by, then who knows how she will act.

The only clue of where she might be, was from a Café, which Beck enter to see if she was there and she was with the monkey faunus, if the description of him is anything to go by and from what Ruby told, after I called her to send my the description of said monkey faunus

It's already been a few hours and the sky is almost dark, she was about to turn around when she saw the monkey faunus, at the other side of the street, with an apple in is hand, jogging to the docks, she immediately text LIME, but forgot to text RW(B)Y.

After following him, for about 30 minutes, she sees him jumping over the wall at the docks area and jump to the roof of one of the warehouses, Lucy jumps over the wall and stay there, she then starts hearing the conversation.

"Did I miss something?" ask the faunus.

"Not really. They've offloaded all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there" said Blake.

'There must be WF in here' thought Lucy, calling Peter.

"Where are you?" ask Peter.

"I'm at the docks and the WF is here, how much longer until you get here?" said Lucy, when her ears perk the sound of a jet engine. "And they look like they have aerial support"

"What do you-" peter is interrupted by the sound of Bullhead engines passing over Lucy. "Ok, I understand, I'll be there in a few minutes, the rest will arrive a bit later"

With that the call disconnected, Blake's voice brought her back to the conversation.

"This isn't right, the White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that" said Blake, then the sound of her sword unsheathing.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" exclaim the faunus.

Lucy immediately circulated the warehouse and hid herself in the containers, she then saw an unexpected person, with Blake's sword in his neck.

'Roman Torchwick, what the hell is he doing in here?" thought Lucy, completely caught off guard by that.

Then the sound of engines overhead, draw her attention, as well the voice of Torchwick, but couldn't make out what is he saying, then an explosion send Blake flying.

Blake was dizzy for a moment, when she looks back, seeing Torchwick shooting at her with his cane, Blake stands up and evades the explosive bullets and makes her escape.

Roman wanted to pursuit but was distracted by a banana being throw at his face, then a monkey faunus kick him on the face.

"Leave her alone" said the faunus, as WF grunts surround him.

"You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you kid?" said Roman, mocking him.

Before the could charge at him, one of the grunts hits the ground, as a flying kick from Lucy grounds him, she looks at Roman, while cracking her knuckles.

"Look who is talking, with that much makeup you look like a woman" said Lucy, earning a growl from Roman

With that the WF grunts charge at them, the monkey faunus just grinned as he takes out the first with a punch to the face, the second one was knockout with a strong punch with his tail, while the next one getting kick in the stomach.

With Lucy she is fighting CQC with the, with her just making them loose balance and taking off their mask, she keep this up with at least 5 of them and then started attacking the rest, she make one of them fall to the floor, by making him trip in her tail, as well with multiple punches to the other at around the waist or the face.

With only the remaining 5, which ended up surrounded her, she finally act with them.

"Well, about bloody time I use this"

"What are you" the WF grunt stops at the sight of her eyes, turning into red.

"In the name of Lucy McArthur's name, you will obey my orders" said Lucy.

With that the WF grunts, stay still like statues, then relax and salute at her.

"Yes, my lady!" said the grunts.

"Find me the highest-ranking officer of the WF in this operation and then hid him or her in one of the containers" ordered Lucy, her eyes still red.

"Yes, my lady!" with the run to search the officer.

With that she turns around to see Roman being throw, by the combine attack of Blake and the monkey faunus, she then saws Roman looking up at a container in a crane, she runs to him, when she starts hearing some music, Roman shoot at the cables and as the container fall, a laser cuts it in half! And Peter, with his suit appear, punching the container, making it fall near the 2 of them, but not hurting them.

"Well looks like the knight in shinning armor arrive" said Roman.

Peter stands up and aims with every weapon at Roman, who immediately pales at that.

'How the fuck did you put so many weapons on that?!' shouted Roman, mentally.

Then the engines of the Bullheads and the sound of heavy machine gun, impacting the ground near Peter, he immediately takes off as the Bullheads pursuit him.

"Hey!" said a voice on top of a warehouse.

Everyone look to see Ruby on the top.

"Oh, come on! Isn't your bedtime you fucking kids!" shouted Roman, not believing his luck tonight.

With that he shoots at Ruby, who is distracted, then Penny comes out, leaps out of the warehouse roof and attacks with her swords at the WF grunts, sending then flying or hurting them in not so severe ways.

Then the Bullheads appear again, all of them with different states of damage, with one of them, barely keeping itself level, Peter is in the middle one punching his way through the metal of the Bullhead, when his indicator warns him of massive energy build up, looking down the dock, he sees Penny powering a green light in front of her, he activates his thrusters, but one on his left feet ended up damage, because of residual energy of the energy blast.

Peter immediately retreats to his warehouse, after that.

Roman looks at what's left of the dock, just in time to see one of the few Bullheads remaining ended up crashing, because of that orange haired girl.

"This kids just keep getting weirder!" said Roman, as he closes the Bullhead door and leaving with any remnants of his forces"

15 minutes later.

The police had surrounded the area, and arresting any WF grunt in the scene, as well questioning the students, the let them go.

Most of them were sit on top of wooden crates, while Lucy was walking around, talking with Peter in her Scroll.

"At least you're fine… how long will you be out?... a couple of days… well, just stay in your warehouse, we already had a "exciting" night, I don't want anymore problems… ok, see you in a few days" with that Lucy hangs up.

"So, Peter is ok?" ask Ruby, very worried. With Penny looking down, guilty.

"Yeah, he is ok, nothing happen to him, just a few minor burns and that part of his jeans being destroy, just the thruster in that leg was damage"

Penny stands up, walks to Lucy, puts her hands in her shoulders and starts shaking her. "I'm sorry, I didn't… see him! If I had saw him, he wouldn't be in this problem!"

"Penny! Please stop shaking her and let her speak!" shouted Ruby, trying and failing to not laugh and the same could be said about Sun, as he introduced himself, who was laughing hard and Blake, who has her hand in the mouth trying to contain her giggling.

After Penny stopped shaking her, Lucy stay still and try to reorient herself, the she looks back at Penny.

"It's ok, you didn't see him, adrenaline can make you do a lot of thing without you noticing it" said Lucy.

Before Penny could say anything, Weiss, Yang and the rest of team LIME arrived and approach the group, Beck and Baxter walw to Lucy, while Ruby tries to talk to Weiss, but she ignored her, she then stopped in front of Blake.

"Weiss, I want you to-" started Blake, but Weiss make her stop.

"Enough, I want to apologies with you, I didn't notice that I have slip back to my old attitude, one that I want to bury. As long as you aren't part of them anymore, then I don't care. The only thing I ask of you is, if something like this comes up again, you'll come to us first, not someone else"

Blake smile at that and dry a tear from her face. "I understand"

"Good" with that Ruby immediately celebrates, saying that team RWBY is back and much stronger, to which everyone chuckles at the scene, then Ruby looks around and sees something different.

"Hey, where is Penny?" ask Ruby, everybody looks around, but don't see her.

Penny was inside of a car, looking at her friends, as they prepared to leave, she wanted to come with them, to be a girl of her age for once, but as her orders said she had to obey her caretaker.

"you should know better than to go around in a strange city" lectured the driver.

"I know sir" said Penny sadly, looking at the group, with sad eyes. The driver noticed this and sighed. "Penny, your time will come"

1 hour later.

All the WF grunts had been move to either the police station or jail, now the only ones that are left are police and investigators looking for evidence or making sure no one enter the site.

"I hope those investigators work faster; I want to go home" whine one of the police officers.

"You're telling me, I have my kid birthday tomorrow and I had to help my wife decorated the house, tomorrow morning"

"How old is he?"

"he is 6, tomorrow he will have 7 years old" said the officer, proudly.

"Kids this day, they don't have to worry about anything… until they are older"

The other officer moaned at that and rubbed his eyes. "Don't remind me, he is already a handful, not a bad one, but he is going to be a pain in the ass-OUCH!" the officer shouts, at felling something stung his butt.

"Hey, what happe-OUCh!" the other shouts as well.

A second later, they both fill dizzy and before they could fall to the floor, 2 figures appear from behind them, and stop their fall, dragging them to a secluded area.

After those 2, other 2 more appear and enter the docks, while the other follow behind them, shooting tranquilizers to the investigators and doing the same as the officers.

"Victor-1, we are in the docks, cameras and lights are in the dark" said the leader.

"Copy that Bravo-1, our information said that the container with HVT is marked by one of our trackers, you should be able to find it" said the operator, through his earpiece.

"Copy, bravo-1, out" said the leader, as he signals his team to follow.

A few minutes later, one of his companions receives a signal from his visor.

"Hey, I found the signal, 20 meters, straight" signal one of the men.

"We follow you" said the leader.

A minute later they arrive to the container and opened it, inside was one WF soldier, with his weapons, a very modern assault rifle, without any magazine or bullets nearby, signaling what rank he is.

"Victor-1, we found the target, I believed is a captain, if the weapon beside him is anything to go by" said the leader.

"Roger, Bravo-1, your extraction vehicle it's on its way, get there as soon as possible" said the operator.

"Roger, Bravo-1, out" said the leader, as the team walkout of the dock, with the WF captain, being carried by one of them.

Once they reach the entrance, a black van was waiting for them, with another comrade waiting, they got inside of the van, close the doors and drive inside the city, without noticing that a black crow was watching, with one of his feet guiding a Scroll to the van.

Back in Beacon, Ozpin and Glynda watch the video that Qrow send them.

"Who could be this people?" ask Glynda.

"I don't know, but it is quite obvious that they are professionals, but the questions are, who are they working for and why" said Ozpin.

Authors notes:

AND I'M DONE! 3 chapter in a fucking month!, the first chapter I finished it in a week, because it was half-way done, the problem was the last chapter and this one, that, on my opinion, the most important chapters of character development in volume 1, so I have to extra careful of how I was going to write them, which took 3 week, around 9 or 10 days, for each chapter.

But as of right now, this act is officially over.

The next act will have more of the USA in it, mostly of the CIA team that is in vale, my idea at the beginning was that volume 1 will stay mostly the same, with volume 2 change it somewhat and volume 3 will have the official appearance of the USA to the kingdoms.

As well I'm going to make 2 more stories, one of them is from a poll of one of the authors I follow, while the other one if completely original, but I'm not going to tell you what fandom it is, you'll have to wait

But for now, that's it, I hope you had an excellent week.

P.S: the characteristics of the spec ops team, will be in the codex soon, i'm still trying to desing it.

P.S.2: this chapter should have come out a week after the last one, but i completely forgot about it (chuckling nerviously)

See you around.