Disclaimer: I own nothing but my character, Petra, and the slight changes. All credits return to the MCU.


"Ugh! This is taking forever!" yelled a very nervous Petra, tapping her foot impatiently. The red-head knelt back in the pilot seat, spinning on its wheels in an anxious behavior. Her only company was the revving of the Milano's engines.

Her eyes wandered nervously about planet Morag from behind the ship's protective windscreen. She was parked a few ways from the abandoned temple, which they were informed held the object they were sent to retrieve, a supposedly expensive orb.

Field missions always put her on edge. She wasn't used to them, and had no intention of trying to do so. The Quill would much rather spend her time in the engine room, designing new weapons and gadgets for her and Pete, her favorite and only hobby.

But, this time, it was different, because, this time, they weren't doing it for Yondu, they were doing it to get away from him, or, more accurately, the Ravagers, a large group of pity thieves and small criminals.

Peter and Petra, fraternal twins, orphans, their mother died of cancer, and they have no memory of their father, not even a photo.

Abducted from their home planet, Earth, the two were taken in and personally raised by a Zatoan named Yondu Udonta, who was also the leader of the infamous Ravagers. What luck, right?

Things were horrible, then got better, then worse. The Quills had built a name for themselves amongst the Ravagers. They were fairly skilled and worked great together, however, with the kind of people they worked with, they gained haters instead of fans, which meant that both twins were bullied on a daily basis to an unbearable point.

Yondu, being their number one, and only fan/boss/closest thing to a father, a terrible one, he did his best to keep this from happening, that included threatening people, or talking the twins up, but there was only so much one man could do.

Deep down, he knew that, someday, he was going to lose them, he just never expected it to happen so quickly, nor did he expect it to hurt so badly.

The siblings were well aware of their potential and sought more of their lives, but it wasn't like they could send Yondu their resignations and be on their merry ways. No. There was no leaving the Ravagers, at least that was how the Zatoan put it.

And that's when they came up with a plan.

They would keep it quiet until they were offered another job, which happened to be retrieving that orb from Morag. They would go through the whole mission, but instead of returning to Yondu afterwards, the siblings were to run and never look back, something they knew he wouldn't let slide.

It wasn't like Yondu had a choice anyways. If he looked past this and let them go, the Ravagers wouldn't take it. They would question his authority and jump at the chance to kick him out of the throne. And, he knew, if someone else took charge, they wouldn't just re-capture the Quills, they would kill them, and the only way he was gonna let that happen was over his dead body, because, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, deep down, he really did care for them, it's been so long after all, they'd grown on him, and he'd grown on them, which made leaving the hardest decision the twins ever had to make, especially Petra.

She halted to a stop, pulled over towards the com system, pressed down the green button and spoke, "Hey, dip-shit! Come in," she called, replied to only with static. 'That's weird. Wasn't how it was seven minutes ago,' she thought. Her concerns growing. If the Ravagers found out what they were doing, they'd swoop down any minute, take them back, and make sure they never got another chance to leave again, something that simply couldn't happen.

"Peter?" she called again. Static..."Shit."

Just when she thought things couldn't get worse than losing contact, her peripheral vision caught movement in the surrounding, toxic fog. Petra cautiously turned off the ship's engine, ducking her head down, as if that would protect her if they decided to shoot.

She perked her head up slightly, sighing in relief upon discovering it wasn't them, but it wasn't better either.

Petra fused up her hand-made gauntlet blasters, preparing for the worst. She clicked the coms again, speaking with haste, "Peter, if you can hear me, a bunch of Kree-holes just crashed the party." Again, static. "Damn it!" she whisper-yelled.

Her concerns began rising with her heartbeat. She could see the mercenaries approaching the ship with suspicion, and her damned brother was yet to show.

But if there was one thing her sibling could do, it was handle himself almost anywhere, so she was sure he was fine. However, if he didn't make an appearance soon, the Milano was probably going to turn into a gigantic canvas painted in Kree blood, something he'd be less than happy with.

'No one told him to lag behind,' Petra thought.

Just then, the blonde spoken of made a smashing appearance, literally smashing his head on the ground as he exited the supposedly abandoned temple in haste with his rocket-boosters, or Roosters, for short. 'That's gonna leave a mark,' he thought.

Picking himself up, Peter ran with all his might, praying the wrathful Kree-freak following furiously would just leave him be.

Alarm bells rang in his head when he spotted another group of dip-shits nearing his ship. His. Ship. And sister, of course.

The mercenaries opened fire, attempting several shots at the well-trained 'wing it' man. Thinking fast, Quill threw a Gravangle (Gravity-Triangle), one of Petra's many handy inventions, at a spot on the ground near the huddled Kree, forcing them to be thrown on and stuck to it together as the happy group they were.

Starlord then boosted himself high up and into the ship's open hatch, landing, well, falling, right next to Petra. "Drive!" he barked. The twin complied, still shocked, and slightly excited, from the sudden turn of events.

Petra had already started the ship. She brought up the Milano's navigation system, getting the ship up in the air, the Kree below wildly shooting at them.

"You might wanna hold on to something," she smirked. Peter hurriedly did as told. 'Shit,' he thought, knowing exactly just how crazy his sister's driving could get, especially when under pressure.

Peter sat on the adjacent pilot chair, death-gripping its arms. "Why didn't you warn me about the Kree?!" he yelled over the commotion, eyes going wide as Petra sharply turned a corner, jerking them to the side.
"I tried! But the coms were out!" she shouted back.

Their conversation was cut short when an appeared-out-of-nowhere geyser puked out an impossible amount of water, shooting up the bottom of the Milano.

The two Quills were vigorously shoved up. Petra was smart enough to buckle up. Her idiotic brother, however, didn't. She momentarily lost control of the ship and, while she stayed stable, Peter was sent flying from his seat, thrown, face first, into the windscreen, then back down.

Swaying and smashing from side to side, Peter screamed pain-filled cruses at his current situation. "Hang on!" Petra assured, regaining control of the falling-at-a-dangerous-altitude ship. Her heart almost beat out of her chest as the Milano neared the ground threateningly, right before she was able to fully pull up.

"Ha, HA, HAA!" she laughed out hysterically. 'I did it!' she thought excitedly.
"Ugh..." she heard.

Petra looked over her shoulder. Peter was on the floor, on his back, breathing heavily as his brain was wiring back to (I've stopped spinning). "You alright?" she grinned.
"Just dandy," he mocked.

"Peter?!" The pink Krylorian chick called in fear, startling both Quills. Another one of Peter's many one-nights flings. "What happened?" She asked frantically.
"Bereet," Petra called lowly to limit her dumb brother's further embarrassment.
"Bereet!" he repeated loudly, as if he already knew.

Peter thought over. 'Need an Excuse! Any Excuse! Think, you idiot!...Screw it.' "Look, I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I forgot you were here," he blathered out, making his sister scoff and the Krylorian eye him in disbelief.

Peter glared at Petra, who had slapped a hand over her mouth to stop from laughing out loud.