AN: Hey everybody how are y'all doing well I hope. Welcome to desire, wow over 300 favs and 400 follows I'll take that as a sign that you guys are enjoying the story. So I've been thinking lately and I was wondering if anybody wanted to be a beta reader for this story? Just for looking out for grammar mistakes and stuff. If you do just PM and hopefully I respond. Besides that I don't have much else to say except I own nothing but this story and if you enjoy the story glorious, if not(say it with me now) FUCK OFF.
Midoriya Izuku was at a loss with himself.
He wasn't sure what his life had come to at this point anymore. He had a quirk which he inherited from his idol and mentor, he had great supportive friends of the likes that he had never had before, he was going to the school of his dreams and making the goal he wished for more of a reality with every passing day. But all of that seemed to pale in comparison to the most recent events that seemed to keep developing in his life.
Specifically the third one that most recently occurred and was currently asleep on his back and was giving a piggyback ride to.
Momo Yaoyorozu was a tower of a girl but to Izuku she seemed light as a feather as he continued to carry along the roadway that lead to their conjoined dorms.
After their rather "intimate" classroom cleaning session he took it upon himself to clean the room of any and all trace that either of them could have left and by the time he was done Midoriya was sure that, that classroom hadn't been that clean since U.A was first built. After finishing he had picked up the still unconscious girl and begin his track back to their home.
It was chilly outside now seeing as how it was later in the day and the sun had begun to descend. As he walked along the quiet pathway Izuku was actually quite grateful for the silence, well except for the dark haired girls soft snores but even still it was better than having yet another uncomfortable conversation with one of his female classmates.
Speaking of his female classmates, this was the third girl from his class he had done this with. He had done this a third. Fucking. Time. He was just about ready to throw himself into shigaraki's hands if just to end this whole conundrum.
He went on to silently think about the other two girls he had spent intimate moments with and found himself conflicted at what to do now that this had grown into an even more difficult situation to explain. He knew he had to tell all of them at once about everything that was going on with him and with his Quirk.
He didn't know what to do before, hell he hadn't know what to do since this had started but he knew that he had to do something and that he would have to do something about it soon.
Finally after what felt like a lifetime of walking but was actually akin to more like 5-10 minutes he had arrived to the place he called home and quickly searched around in his pocket for his key. After fumbling around a minute he found the metal unlocking device and went ahead and let himself inside carefully as to make sure Momo wouldn't wake up.
Praying to god he hoped that nobody was currently in the common area as he snuck his way in and he was almost successful in getting to the girl's side before a voice called out to him from behind.
"Midoriya? What happened to Yaoyorozu?" Todoroki asked.
Fuck you god.
"O-Oh Todoroki, U-uhm Mo-I mean! Yaoyorozu fell asleep while we were cleaning the classroom, she must have overused her Quirk during practice today or something." He lied through his teeth.
"That's odd, I don't really remember seeing her create all that much today?" He scratched his chin in thought.
Todoroki was a great friend, he had proved that during their fight with stain together and the attack on training camp, but he really wished that for once if that he could stop being so god damn observant.
Wanting to end this exchange as quickly as possible the green haired teen shot his reply back to the ice user.
"Y-Yeah well I was just going to carry her up to her room before she woke up, she probably needs her sleep."
Todoroki just shrugged his shoulders at him thinking it was Izuku being the kind person he was and he wasn't entirely wrong for thinking that.
Accepting his reason Todoroki gave him wave and returned to whatever it was that he was doing and Izuku used this opportunity to take the elevator up to the top floor where Momo's room was located.
After hearing the telltale ding of the elevator the freckled boy poked his head out of the elevator and looked to see if anyone was on the floor currently. Seeing no one Izuku quickly made his way over to the tall girl's room door. By some divine mercy the door was unlocked and allowed him to get him and the girl inside with no trouble at all.
Taking a moment to relax Izuku let out a breath and looked around the rich girl's room and noticed that it had significantly changed from what he had originally saw from her.
Gone was the giant bed that dominated the room(how she got it out through the small door frame He had no clue) and instead was a much more modest queen sized bed although the sheets still seemed rather exquisite. Besides that he also saw numerous pictures of her and her family, a desk littered with snack wrappers and numerous shelves of textbooks, magazines, and… manga?
He had never taken her for the type to bother reading anything that was under a hundred pages long but he guessed that like everyone that there was more than meets the eye.
Realizing he was still carrying her he moved over to her bed and tried to lay her down gently on the bed. Key word being try as she seemed to have an iron grip on him and refused to let go. Trying to think of a way to get her to release him he looked around for something to give him an idea until he saw a large stuffed teddy bear at the foot of her bed.
Quickly grabbing the stuffed animal Midoriya moved it in between him and the busty girl in hope she would grab onto him instead. After a few seconds it seemed his plan had worked as he felt one of her hands leave his body and move to the toy. Taking this opportunity he was finally able to get her onto her bed and Midoriya simultaneously let out a silent cheer in his head.
Now free of the weight on his back Midoriya dropped her school bag that he had also been carrying and took one last look at the sleeping girl before making his leave out of her room.
Shutting the door as quietly as he could the green haired teen made his way back down to the common area where he hoped he could collect the numerous thoughts and worries that seemed to plague his mind.
Luckily it seemed Todoroki had retreated back to his room so he had the whole common area to himself. He sat down on one of the numerous couches that littered the area and rubbed his face in exasperation.
Three girls. He had, had sex with half of the girls in his class now and something had to be done about it. He couldn't continue things as they were, it wouldn't be good for him or them if the truth didn't come out soon. Maybe he just needed a push to do it or maybe some advice from someone would help him with this? But who could he call?
Suddenly an idea struck him and he quickly took out his phone and began scrolling through his contacts until he found who he was looking for. He let the phone ring for a few moments until he finally heard the oh so familiar voice.
"Izuku sweetie is everything ok?" Inko Midoriya asked her son.
"Hi mom, yes everything is ok… well maybe, that's actually why I called you." He told her.
"What's going on honey?"
"Mom… I-I- Something happened between me and a couple of my friends and everything's gotten so complicated and weird and mom I don't know what to do!" He told her beginning to panic.
"Izuku calm down it'll be alright just take a deep breath and relax."
He did as she said and took in a big breath of much needed oxygen. He instantly felt his muscles relax and his mind became much clearer.
"Listen Izuku." His mother continued. "Have you talked to any of them about this?" She questioned.
"Then there's what you need to do, you need to stop worrying about what if's and put this problem to rest. You're a good boy sweetheart I know that you would never do anything out of malice and if these people are really your friends then they'll know that too." She explained to him softly.
She was right, of course she was right. He had to stop fretting about it and just let it all out or else this whole thing will cause him to implode on himself. He smiled to himself and remembered that he had the best mom in the whole world.
"Thank you mom, I think you really just helped me out."
"Of course honey, I love you sweetheart."
"Love you too mom."
"Oh and Izuku, I hope everything goes well with your lady friends." She then hung up leaving him blinking at his phone.
How did she know?! Izuku just chalked it up to motherly intuition and left it at that. Now knowing what to do with the current situation Izuku texted a few certain people and made his way off to his next destination.
Jirou wasn't exactly sure why Izuku had asked to meet her in her room but said that it was fine. It was late now about 10:30 and everyone was either asleep or in their rooms working on some project or something. She was curious as to what he wanted, was it serious? Or did he just want to spend the night with her? He had done it before with them just in his or her room just relaxing in a comfortable embrace but the way he said it in his text made it seem much more important.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Three gentle knocks hit her door and alerted her out of her thoughts. Making her way over to the door she opened it fully expecting the scarred boy to be on the other side. But she was taken aback when her vision was filled with a bright pink and met her eyes with a pair of black and gold ones.
"M-Mina! W-What are you doing here?" She asked startled by her unexpected appearance at her door.
"Hey, Midori said to meet him here, he didn't tell me why but I figured it was kinda important." She told her friend.
Jirou's mind was ablaze with questions, wondering why Izuku would tell Mina to come to her room? But as she thought of what to ask the girl she finally came up with the perfect response.
"Sure come in."
Smooth Kyoka, smooth.
Quickly ushering the girl inside the two students were about to sit down when…
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Another couple of knocks landed upon the door that the audio jack user had just closed. Now as she made her way back to the door she thought of a few key questions for the green haired boy that was most definitely behind the door this time.
"Hello kyoka how are you doing?" Momo asked.
Or not.
Jirou felt her eye begin to twitch at the sight of the tall intruder. Usually she loved her rich friends company but right now she was just trying to understand why another girl had come to her room so late at night.
Apparently she had opened the door wide enough for the taller girl to see that Mina was inside her room as well.
"Hello Mina." She greeted her pink friend
"Hey Yao-momo." Mina responded.
That had seemed to be all the invitation Momo needed as she went on a entered the shorter girls room and took a seat next to Mina. This left Jirou just staring at the two girls wondering why the hell both of them were in here but just as she was about to pry them for answers another set of knocks stopped her.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Getting frustrated at the irritating noise the hearing hero stormed over to her door once again.
"Alright! I don't know what the hell is going on but if this is some kind of prank from Tooru or something then I swear I'm gonna-."
She stopped her rant as soon as she realized she came face to face with the boy with whom she had been expecting to meet tonight and the first thing she noticed was that he looked… apologetic?
"Hi kyoka can I come in?" He asked her without his usual stutter.
She just nodded at him too distracted by the somber attitude he seemed to be carrying around. As he entered the room he took note of the two other girls in the now crowded room.
"Kyoka I'm sorry I didn't tell you they were coming but this involves them too and before you ask what just please take a seat with them and I'll explain everything. He then gestured over to the other side of the room where the other girls sat.
Jirou huffed and did as asked however reluctantly. The girls all looked at each other wondering what the hell was going on but decided to wait for Midoriya to start talking. But none of them were prepared for what he actually did.
Midoriya had turned all looked at the three face to face and after a moment dropped to his hands and knees with his head in a bow so deep his forehead was touching the floor and he kept this position as he uttered his first words.
"I'm sorry." He spoke clearly. "I've wanted to explain this to you all since the beginning but I had no idea how, so I'm sorry for keeping this from you all for so long." He continued. "This might take a minute so please let me finish before you cast your final judgements."
After that he explained everything each special moment he had spent with all of them, the feeling he had been having for a while now, and how it somehow was related to his Quirk(without telling them about One for All). He told them that even now that feeling was in him and that he still wasn't sure what it all meant.
"I know it doesn't make any sense, I-I know I should have stopped myself." God his voice was breaking. "I know I'm just a lying asshole who *sob* took advantage of you." Great now he was crying. "*sob* But I need you to know that I'm sorry, I know it means nothing at this point but I just need you all to know."
He had said all this with his head still firmly planted into the ground and as he realized he heard them softly whispering to each other that his fate was sealed. He didn't dare meet their gaze's at the fear of becoming even more of a mess. But as they stopped talking Izuku took that as his que to leave.
Keeping his locked downward with the floor he turned around and made his way to the door. But as he grabbed the doorknob he gave them his final thoughts.
"I know all of you will probably want nothing to do with me and I don't blame any of you for that. And… if you want to get me kicked out of U.A for this, I'll understand that too." He said this with the most defeated voice he had ever heard himself speak with.
Just as he was turning the doorknob and had opened the door slightly he felt three different hands grab his left arm.
Turning around he saw that all three girls had burst out of their seats to stop him from going out the door. Each girl had tears in their eyes making him stop in his tracks as he took in their current state. Mina was the first to speak of the three.
"Kick you out of U.A?! Are you an idiot?! Why would we do that!?" She protested loudly. Jirou was the next to speak.
"Izuku we don't hate you! Sure what happened was weird but I don't hate you for it!" She explained to him.
"Midor-Izuku" Momo continued. "I'll admit I was… surprised to hear all this new information but it's not like it's all anger I feel. Izuku do you regret what you did with each of us?" She asked him seriously.
After thinking about it for a moment Izuku realized that no, he didn't regret what they done together. Does he wish it could have happened some other way or sometime else sure, but he didn't regret that it happened at all.
"B-But I'm just-I'm-I'm…" he lost all ability to formulate thought.
"I'll tell you what you are." Mina said. "You're smart." The pink girl said. "You're strong." Momo continued. "And above all else you're kind." Jirou finished with a smile.
He couldn't believe this. This didn't seem real. He was expecting harsh words and powerful blows to start hitting him when he told them this. Not kindness and forgiving attitudes. But as he felt them begin to pull him into a group hug he couldn't find any reason to try and stop it.
He wrapped his arms around the girl's and he felt them return the embrace with two of them wrapping their arms around his chest and another pair over his shoulder and around his neck. He felt slender fingers caress the back of his head lovingly and this intimate moment alone almost brought him to tears again.
"It won't be easy," Momo suddenly said. "Trying to make this work. But I think it will be worth the effort in the end." She smiled at him.
"She's right, I think I've gotten too used to having you around nerd." Jirou interrupted.
"Yep looks like your stuck with us Izu." Mina said cheerfully.
He just stood silent for a moment before responding to them.
"*sniffle* I don't *sniffle* deserve any of you." He told them.
"That's not true. But the fact that you think that makes you more deserving than anyone else." Momo finished saying this by placing a soft kiss to the top of his head.
He just held them tighter and the group seemed perfectly content staying like that for the rest of the night.
The days after the group confession blurred together for Izuku. He went about his business as normally as he usually did, albeit now he did a lot of things with his… girlfriends.
God that was weird to think about. He had not one, not two, but three girlfriends! He couldn't wrap his head around it, for every scenario he had thought of, that one hadn't never even crossed his mind as a possibility. He couldn't say that he wasn't glad it had turned out this way but he was still flabbergasted by the thought it.
He was getting more used to the idea though and more used to spending time with all of them. Helping Mina study, listening to Jirou play her guitar, or even just reading a book with Momo. In these small moments with them he found himself being happier than he had ever been in his entire life. A positive glow had found its way around him and smile adorned his face almost always.
Apparently he had cried himself to sleep after he explained it all to them and they all just stayed there, letting him get in a good night's rest that he seemed to desperately need. It was the morning after when they had their conversation about their new romantic situation.
"So it's a harem?" Mina raised an eyebrow at the creation girl's idea.
"N-No! W-well kinda but we don't need to put a label on it like that." She told the pink girl bashfully.
"Yea, I'm not sure I'm ready to associate myself as apart of the Midoriya harem." Jirou blushed at the implications.
"Listen, I'm just saying we should all be able to pursue our affections towards Midoriya, whether it be one at a time or all together that's our choice but we should be able to do it nonetheless." Momo explained standing up as if she was giving a formal speech.
"Alright I'm in." Mina told the group with a cheerful smile.
" *sigh* fuck it, compared to everything else that's happened this year I guess this is one of the lesser crazier things to happen to me." Jirou gave in.
"And I am also going to be partaking in this." Momo gave her answer as well.
Midoriya just looked at the girls with a mixture of fear and adoration that just seemed to scream "I can't believe you all just agreed to this.". He was shaken out of his disbelief by Jirou asking him a question.
"Oh! By the way Izuku do you think that whatever happened to you when you were with us may happen again when you're… you know with other girls? She said pausing slightly at the end nervous of his answer.
He had to be honest with them, now that they knew everything he had to be as straightforward with them as he could.
"I… I don't know, it's usually only happens when I'm in close contact with someone and only when it's in private. In groups I do fine but as soon as it's one on one my mind seems to focus on that person. The worse case I had of it was when Kyoka found me but now it seems more manageable. Honestly I can't say if it'll happen again I'm sorry." He told them.
The girls seemed pentitive for a moment, digesting the information he had just told them. They looked around at each other before coming to a silent agreement.
"Midori it's okay, but if it does happen again please tell us immediately ok?" She asked him.
He agreed and the group had finally seemed to cover all they needed to. And seeing as it was early in the morning the All Might fanatic gave each girl a farewell hug and made his way back to his room waving goodbye as he closed the rocker girl's door.
Flashback End:
He thought back to conversation fondly, who would have thought that nerdy, nervous, and plain old Deku would ever have a chance with not one beautiful girl but three absolute goddesses. Now all he had to do was to make sure he didn't do anything stupid and ruin this chance he had been so graciously given.
It was about Midday now, they had finished all of their classes and he had just come back from a workout in the gym. He was sitting in the common room by himself just flipping endlessly from channel to channel on the T.V they all shared. He seemed stopped on a news report of a Villian attack that had happened earlier today. It had just been some low life thug and kamui woods had came and saved the day saving the day without much issue.
It was odd, over the past few convoluted weeks he had been having with all the new feelings he had been having and all the worry that plagued him it almost seemed his hero training had taken the back burner for a second, not that it had become less important or he stopped trying as hard but now it seemed like his head was full with so many other thoughts other than "be a hero" that he almost fell into a routine with getting better at the thing he loved.
It was almost funny, a year ago being a hero was all he could think about, all he would dream about and now that he was here and making it a reality he had gotten so used to moving at unimaginable speeds and having his idol as his teacher that now it seemed like his biggest problem was girl troubles. Oh how the times changed.
The feeling of someone sitting on the same couch as him brought him out of his thoughts and when he saw who it was it seemed only fitting to offer a greeting.
"Hello Asui, how are you doing?"
"I told you call me Tsu, Midoriya." The green haired girl told him ignoring the second half of his greeting.
Tsuyu Asui was a hard girl for Izuku to figure out at times. They were friends or at the very least acquaintances after what had happened at USJ, he was one of the few girls he could talk normally to without stuttering at all. She was hard to read being a quiet and more subdued personality out of his classes rather exuberant students. He supposed she just didn't like to talk if not needed to and he completely understood that mindset.
Without even meaning to he quickly glossed over her form(something he had been doing more and more recently) and took note of her key features.
She was short, the shortest girl in their entire class standing at just 4'11 her small figure did nothing to detract from her beauty. Her hair that looked to almost be the same color as his was straight and tied up in its usual style. She hadn't gotten out of her school clothes yet allowing him to appreciate her muscular legs that he knew had great strength in them and were very nicely shaped. His eyes next traveled from her arms down to her hands which looked large on her small figure but made her very unique to look at.
All in all she was extremely cute and he just couldn't help but be glad how good of a friend she was.
"Are you ok Midoriya? You've been staring at me for a while." Tsuyu pointed out.
Seeing that he had been caught he averted his eyes as fast as he could and blushed heavily at the girl.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I just got lost in thought and couldn't stop myself and…" he started muttering at an incomprehensible speed. Tsuyu just looked at him for a minute and let him go on before finally bringing him back to the real world.
"Midoriya it's ok I didn't say I minded, just making an observation kero." She told him.
"Ah, o-okay."
He turned back towards the t.v unsure of how to continue the conversation after that awkward moment. The frog girl looked unperturbed though and looked at the boy now wondering why he had gone so quiet.
The two watched the news for a while before Tsuyu broke the silence with a question that caught him mildly off guard.
"Midoriya I'm going to pool in a little bit, would you like to join me?"
His head snapped back towards the aquatic girl and trying to come up with a response. He had nothing else to do today, and he thought doing some swimming might actually be rather relaxing so after mulling it over for a minute he finally responded to her.
"Sure that sounds really nice actually."
"Cool, Alright well I'm going to get my swimsuit and I'll meet you in front of the dorms in a little bit ok." The girl explained.
"Alright see you in a bit." The emerald eyed boy responded.
As he watched the girl make her way to the girl side of the dorms he thought about the situation he had just accepted and re-evaluated whether or not this was a good idea or not. They were just swimming that was it, sure they'd be in their swimsuits but it was a big enough pool and it's not like they be close together or anything. This was just two students swimming together it's not like anything bad could happen right?
Tsuyu Asui was a blunt person. Anybody who knew her even remotely well that she was quick to say whatever was on her mind and wouldn't mince her words just to spare someone's feelings. She believed she got this trait from her father who said honesty was the quickest way to find a solution to a problem. But due to her rather abrasive personality it had left her in more than a few awkward social situations.
In middle school she didn't have many friends and even fewer she could say she was close with. It never really bothered her much, it helped her in the end on focusing on becoming a hero and managed to get her into the top hero school in the world. But when she entreated U.A she realized it would not be the same as middle school had been.
She was surrounded by incredible people with incredible abilities and personalities to match them. And they all seemed to think she was amazing too which had actually caught her off guard slightly but she was happy to be surrounded by these open minded people. Now she amazing friends and was living among peers that she could consider life long friends now. But of all things Tsuyu had gained in the past year one thing she didn't expect to have was…
…a crush.
Romance was far down on the list of things that she prioritized, her level head prevented her from getting distracted by something as inconsequential as a high school love interest. But that had all seemed to change after her first real experience with her crush. Izuku Midoriya.
When she had first seen midoriya on the first day of school she hadn't thought much of him, he seemed so plain compared to everyone else but that was to be expected with people who looked as different as Mina and Shoji, and people who seemed to radiate strength and smarts like Yaoyorozu, Iida, Bakugou and Todoroki. In comparison to these people Midoriya just looked like a meek boy out of his comfort zone.
Oh how wrong she was.
In their first test he demonstrated a level of determination and power that was almost otherworldly when done by the person using it. Breaking his own finger to blast a ball seemed so small now compared to the other things the questionably insane boy had done now.
But the ball test had just been the beginning of the boy's stand out moments. From him fighting Bakugou in the battle practice, winning first in the sports festival race, his fight with Todoroki, and his battle with the Yakuza boss. He had gone from timid stuttering mess, to now being a leader of class A and he showed no signs of slowing down. But she still remembered how her crush on the green haired male had developed.
It had been during the USJ with them both(and Mineta) being trapped in the aquatic zone. It had been Tsuyu's first close encounter with villains, sure she had seen heroes fight them in passing but this time it was them against the giant army of nair do wells. She be lying if she said she hadn't been feeling at least a little fear at the time.
That was their first real encounter with one another and immediately she noticed how different he was in that dire situation. He was calm, focused and looked to be ready for anything. They had made their plan which ended in the boy's breaking his finger again and in that moment had gained her respect as well. But then came the moment she hated thinking about.
While the three students had been watching their teacher and the villains from afar they also underestimated their abilities. They main villain which they now all knew as tomura shigaraki had made his presence known and wanted to leave the USJ but not before killing a few of them.
Unfortunately she had been his first target.
He moved so fast that he was already on her before she could even move back, before anyone could do anything. In that moment she was certain death had come for her. Luckily Aizawa had saved her from crumbling under his grip and Midoriya made his move as well.
He threw one of his strongest punches she had ever seen from him at the hand man. It was so strong she could feel the wind blast over her and shake the entire building around them. She still hadn't forgotten the look of anger on his face as he went to stop Shigaraki.
She guessed that had been when it had begun. Tsuyu hates to admit it but she harbored a bit of a fantasy from her childhood days of a courageous hero coming to her rescue. It was silly and she knew it but she couldn't stop herself from seeing him like that after everything.
She thought that it was just adrenaline from her near death experience that was among her feel this way but after a while she knew that wasn't the case anymore. So she watched him from afar and acted friendly towards him not knowing what else to do. She had never liked a boy before and as simple as it would be to just tell him how she felt she just couldn't bring herself to say it.
She hadn't told anyone about how she felt not because of embarrassment but more because of a certain brown haired zero gravity user friend of hers. So she stayed quiet and she thought it would stay that way for a long time to come.
Then she asked him to the pool.
The girl had no idea why she felt the sudden urge to invite the boy to come swim with her at the recreation center but found that maybe her reasoning was a bit more devious than she would like to admit. And now that had led to situation she was currently in.
She was walking with her secret love interest towards the pool making light conversation with him along the way both carrying their needed pool attire. As they walked she found she couldn't stop herself from enjoying the sight of the sturdy boy.
From his curly hair to his freckles cheeks his face practically screamed cute and wondered how she had ever thought of the boy as plain before. Looking over she saw his muscular scarred arms and and strong legs which she particularly enjoyed looking at, it made her think of the one other time she had seen the boy shirtless at the pool and couldn't help but remember what he was hiding underneath his very looking tight T-shirt.
Without even noticing they had arrived at their destination and looked at the sizeable pool the two would be in.
U.A had two pool areas. A smaller outdoor pool which the class had used during summer and a larger less known indoor pool actually located within one of the numerous buildings that littered the U.A campus. Izuku who had never been to this place before made his astonishment known.
"Wow! I never knew U.A had a indoor pool here." He shouted his voice reverberating off the walls of the building.
"Yea, I come here pretty often, this is actually where I trained before the sports festival, less people know about it because it's usually only used by people with aquatic quirks like me, kero." She explained to her fellow green haired teen.
It really did seem like that not that many people knew about this place because right now the building looked to be deserted. This gave some concern to the male of the two.
"Where is everyone there isn't even a lifeguard?" He asked confused by the lack of people.
"U.A just has robotic lifeguards in here, they only come out if they hear someone drowning or something." She told him.
Izuku accepted her answer and chalked the lack of people due to people just not going swimming very often but it seemed that the two of them would have the entire pool to themselves. They parties realized they needed to get changed and excused themselves to their correct changing rooms.
After about 5 mins Izuku was the first to come out wearing a simple pair of black trunks with a green vertical stripe going up both legs. He carried a towel on his shoulder knowing he would be needing it later. He moved over to the pool and took a seat on the edge of it letting his feet dangle in the water. Izuku relished ya the warm water of the heated pool, grateful he wouldn't been swimming in an ice bath. Hearing footsteps behind him he turned around and a small blush covered his face as he saw his female friend.
Tsuyu was wearing a tight blue one piece swimsuit that was like a second skin on her body. The suit made her chest much more apparent to him and showed off more of her waist and legs than he could he was comfortable with.
Not wanting to be caught staring at his admittedly attractive friend he did the only thing he could think of at the moment.
He did a nose dive into the pool.
After submerging himself he stayed under for a few seconds before finally coming up for air and now letting his wet hair partially cover his eyes. Not wanting him to be left alone Tsuyu quickly joined him and did a big leap and dove elegantly into the water right next to him.
She stayed under much longer than he did but he guessed that she could probably stay under for as long as she wanted. Eventually the girl came up as well and quickly swam her way over to him. Trying to think of something to say he just said the first thing that came to mind.
"This is really refreshing."
"Hehe yea, the pool's heated so no matter what I thought this would be a good way to relax." She replied.
After that the pair did whatever came to mind. Just floating on their back, seeing who could go under the longest(Tsuyu beat him every time). Tsuyu showed him some of her moves in the water and she tried to see if he could improve his form along any way. The two were having so much fun they didn't even notice an hour had gone by and the pool lights had lit up the room making shadows of the water coat the walls around the pool. The two seemed ready to do the same for another hour but Tsuyu had a new idea.
"Hey midoriya we should have a race, kero." She blurted out.
"Really? I'm not sure I'm pretty sure you would destroy me in race." He shot back.
"Hmmm, how about a wager."
"Yea, whoever wins gets to ask one favor from the other person." She explained to him.
Not really seeing any harm in it Izuku nodded ok at the girl and the two students took their starting positions at the end of one end of the pool. It would be a 1 lap sprint, to and back first to touch the wall wins. Izuku fires up 5% of One for All and crouched into position. Tsuyu took a similar pose and the two began to count down.
"3." Izuku started.
"2." Tsuyu continued.
"1." They said in unison.
They two blasted off at the call and began the competition. Izuku took an early lead One for All giving him a powerful send off. He couldn't see Tsuyu but just kept his head forward as to make sure he didn't slam his face into the other end of the pool that was quickly approaching. Finally he touched the wall and turned around pushing off the wall to give him another boost.
Tsuyu however seemed to be right there with him as she had done a flip underwater and got a powerful push off now giving her the lead. The two were neck and neck but in the end this was Tsuyu's environment and she would be damned if she was going to get beaten on her turf. Using every ounce of power she had in her legs she made it back to the original edge of the pool first, with Izuku coming in a close second.
Both took a moment to catch their breath from the close race. After a few seconds of silence they green haired pair began laughing uncontrollably. Laughter filled the area bouncing off the wall immersing them even more one each other's voices.
After a few more minutes of laughter they began to quiet down little by little until they were wiping the last of the laughter out of their eyes.
"Man, That was close I thought I had you there for a second."
"Sorry, Midoriya guess you'll have to try again next time, kero."
Midoriya just silently accepted her future challenge but then thought of something else to ask the girl.
"Oh hey, so any idea what you want that favor of yours to be?" He asked her.
"Hmmm, let me think." She said.
She put a finger on her chin in a thoughtful manner trying to think of what to use her prize for. As she was thinking she looked at Midoriya and suddenly got a very naughty idea. She smiled at the thought and moved a bit closer to midoriya. Finally she gave him her answer.
"Close your eyes."
"Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you." She told him.
Midoriya wasn't quite sure what the froggy girl had in mind but he supposed that nothing to bad could happen. So he complied and shut his eyes waiting for her to do whatever it was she was doing. He could feel the water shift around him and he was pretty sure the short girl was standing right in front of him.
Tsuyu looked at the blinded boy for a moment trying to gather enough courage to do what she was about to do and after a few seconds of internal motivation she finally made her move.
She wrapped her arms around the boy over his shoulders and quickly brought her face to his connecting the pairs lips in a soft embrace.
This was new.
Izuku had very recently gotten used to kissing people but this was the first time a girl had been the one to initiate a kiss with him. Her lips were soft and wet, likely from the water surrounding them. He felt her large hands stay wrapped around his back but two other soft something's began pressing into his chest.
No! He needed to stop this, she didn't know what she was getting herself into! But as he thought this his body seemed unable to do anything other than reciprocate the girl's advances. He brought his arms around her waist and pulled the girl even closer to him leaving no space in between them.
As he began kissing her back he realized he had succumb to feeling once again and knew he couldn't stop now.
Tsuyu was in heaven, here she was in the middle of a pool kissing the boy she harbored feelings for and he was now kissing her back with double the fervor.
She had no idea what overcome her but she couldn't help herself from kissing him. The situation was too perfect and she had taken the opportunity and used it to her advantage and she guessed she had done it right as he worked over her mouth.
She could feel his strong hands caressing her backside moving them up and down and in circles as if to increase her pleasure. God did she mention he was a good kisser cause he was just hitting every spot she didn't know she had. It was like he had practice with this before or something.
Apparently he had wanted more and poked her mouth with his tongue lightly. Understanding what he wanted she opened her mouth and let him continue his ministrations with her long tongue.
She let out a low moan that almost sounded like a croak but if anything it turned him on even more and he continued to play with her tongue and after a minute or so mouth fighting the two separated for air a trail of spittle trailing between their mouths. Tsuyu's tongue hang loosely from her mouth not ready for the abuse it had just taken.
Neither said anything but just looked at each other in silent disbelief as to what had just occurred. Izuku didn't stay still for long though and quickly reconnected them once more. However this time he began to move his hands slowly down south towards her rear end.
Tsu gasped as she felt his hand cup her round cheek. She blushed at the light groping but didn't stop him either. Wanting to return the favor she took her hands and began to run them up and down his toned torso trying to elicit some form of response from him. It worked as he let out a moan in her mouth and grabbed her ass a little harder.
This pattern went on for a while with the only sound they heard was them kissing and the labored breath when they disconnected for a few moments.
Ready to push forward Izuku decided to keep going with the green haired beauty. Moving quickly Izuku disconnected from the current lip lock and picked her up by her healthy thighs.
"Eep!" Tsuyu not being prepared for this let out a startled noise.
Moving over to the edge of the pool Izuku placed Tsuyu down on it letting her sit comfortably with her legs now on either side of him and him standing right in front of her. But he wasn't done yet and brought up one of his hands and placed it over her right breast. The girl let out a small sound of pleasure as he fondled the girl's tit. He eventually started groping her other one as well doubling the feeling of euphoria she was having.
Wanting to get a better view of her Izuku took the two straps on her shoulders and brought them down her arms simultaneously pulling down the upper part of her swimsuit as well revealing the girl's bare chest to him.
Tsu blushed at being exposed to him but didn't stop him as he grabbed one of the soft mounds. He rubbed his thumb over her nipple gently rolling it around in his hands. He slowly moved forward putting his head in the center of her chest, he began kissing around her chest paying attention to the other breast.
Tsuyu bit her lip at the feeling of his hands and kisses roaming over her body. She put a hand in his curly hair and gripped his green locks between her fingers as he kept pleasuring her.
After a minute of this she shook slightly as she had what she imagined was a mini orgasm. He kissed her again and tried to take one of her hands in his but she flinched and pulled her hand away from his.
He looked at her confused for a moment and she just blushed and looked down at the ground, some of her hair covered her eyes and she looked nervous for some reason.
"I-I don't like my hands, kero." She whispered softly before explaining. "They're big and ugly and it's always the first thing people point out when they see me." She finished.
Izuku didn't like hearing her talk so bad about herself and decided to try and and change her mind. Moving slowly he gently took one of her hands in his and brought it close to him. He gave the back of her hand a small kiss before flipping it over and doing the same to the palm.
"I think you're hands are beautiful Tsu, anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't realize that they're just a part of what make you, you." He finished off by giving a final small peck to her knuckles.
She was moved by the kind words and brought the boy in for another heated kiss. He happily obliged and after releasing the short kiss she looked at him hungrily.
"Can you come here and lay on your back?" She asked/told him.
Agreeing he quickly hopped up onto the solid ground and did as she requested and layed down and relaxed as he felt the cold cement touch his back. Looking towards Tsu he saw her crawling her way up his leg until finally she found what she had been looking for.
His erection had become rock solid during their exchanges and it seemed to be begging for release from his confines. Tsuyu rubbed his bulge through his shorts and began undoing the front of his swim suit. She pulled his trunks down slightly and lo and behold his shaft sprang up in all its glory.
She looked at the engorged phallus, taking note of the veins that traveled up the member. She moved forward and tentatively gave the head a lovingly lick. He shivered in delight at the feeling and she took that as a good sign and did it a few more times. Getting used to the taste of the rod she took in half of it in one big gulp.
Izuku sucked in a sharp breath at the sudden sensation she was giving him. She started bobbing her head up and down slowly and he put his damaged hand the top of her head affectionately as if saying she was doing a good job. The amphibious girl started picking up speed causing him to huff out a few low moans. Before he could stop himself he felt his first orgasm of the night make its way out. He grabbed her head with both hands shoved her fully down his length which she seemed to take in with ease. He shot off shots of his spunk for about 30 seconds before he reluctantly pulled out of the girl's mouth.
Tsuyu had kept all his semen in her mouth and made it a point to make sure he saw it as she swallowed it all in one gulp. She gave him a small wink after finishing it all and that spurred the boy to take the lead for the next part.
Not wasting any time Midoriya puller the girl onto his now naked lap and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips once again. Not wanting to be the only one fully exposed anymore Midoriya tugged at the girls swimsuit, understanding what he wanted Tsu stripped off the rest of her clothing and revealed her entire nude frame to him.
She looked beautiful in the dim light, her long shapely legs led up to a perfectly shaped waist. Her genital area was entirely clean shaven. Maybe to allow her greater swimming abilities like how Olympic swimmers used to do before quirks? Either way it fit her perfectly and the view of her was breathtaking.
He moved her over his member and waited for her to begin easing onto it. But then Tsuyu shot out her long tongue and wrapped it around his hardened shaft probably using it to help guide his cock into her.
After what felt like forever she slowly began sinking down onto him, his rod splitting her womanhood open and enter her inch by inch. She got a little less than halfway before he hit her hymen. They looked at each other for a moment and both came to a silent agreement. He took her hips in his hands and pushed through her barrier in one quick thrust claiming her virginity. The frog girl let out a loud croak, that sounded between a mixture of pleasure and pain. He didn't move for a minute and let her get used to the feeling. After a minute he felt her body calm down and felt her begin to move her hips a bit.
Taking this as a good he pushed deeper into her and started slowly thrusting his hips along with her. He noticed she was keeping her eyes closed, basking in the feeling she was having. He just kept his eyes on her, watching her bouncing up and down on him, a loud slapping sound filled the room every time their hips met.
Fuck she was tight, but her insides also felt incredibly slippery. As if there was some sort of lining along her inner walls allowing him to move in and out of her with no trouble at all. Maybe it was another positive of her Quirk he hadn't thought of.
Tsuyu was a quiet lover compared to some of the other girls he had been with only letting out soft moans and heated breaths that sounded like they tumbled out of her chest. Izuku didn't mind though a felt as if the quiet noises she made, made this intimate moment all the more special.
He moved his hands around her backside and grabbed a handful of her round bottom. She must've felt this because she moved even more into his touch after this. He gave the tender fresh a few rubs before giving it a light smack. She gasped at the feeling but moaned at the same time. He repeated the action and this along with the intense fucking he was giving her doubled the pleasure she was feeling.
Her tongue was starting to hang out of her mouth and her eyes were glazed over and began rolling into the back of her head. He started thrusting as hard as he could, his movements became frantic and needy and he seemed to be nearing his release along with her.
"Mmmhmmm- fuck Tsu, I'm not gonna last much longer."
"Ahhhh-ooooohh- do it Midoriya, cum in me I want it all inside." She begged.
Hearing her say that he saw no reason to deny her request. Flipping them over he pinned her to the ground and used the new position to his advantage and pounded harder into her than her ever had before.
It wouldn't last much longer as he felt his impending explosion start to approach. He felt his balls start to tighten and and quickly gave the girl a final warning.
"Ooooooohh- Shit! TSU, I'M CUMMING!"
The two lovers finished slamming their pelvisis into each other one last time before both of them exploded onto and into them. Izuku felt her pussy tighten around his shaft as she came and relished in the feeling of her draining every ounce of cum out of his balls. Tsu shook his embrace and shivered at the feeling of his sperm shooting inside her sacred area.
They stayed that way for about 5 mins before either of them moved. Izuku slipped his cock out of her and took slight satisfaction at the amount of cum that spilled out of her red hole. He took another look at his now friend turned lovers face and found she had a giant pleased smile adorning her features.
Bringing his face to hers he lovingly gave the girl another sweet kiss upon her lips which she returned in full. The two stayed in their embrace for a long while with only the glow of the of the dimming pool lights to keep them company.
AN: Hi guys it's me again, just wanting to come here and answer a few things I saw in the reviews. First this story has no planned schedule, I write when I feel like writing and update whenever I feel like updating so don't always expect constant stuff to come out. Also I have no idea when the next chapter for this will be, I'm not sure how I felt about this chapter but I think I did pretty good for the most part but if you guys think otherwise go ahead and say so or don't I don't really care. Another thing to an answer to a question I got about whether or not I'm just doing girls from 1-A in this Fic, really I was just planning on the 1A girls at the beginning but if demand is high enough I may consider doing some other girls as well. Finally I'm almost done with the first chapter of another story of mine which will be out soon. And if you guys have read this far, you get a special treat. The name of my new story is "One with the Force" it should be out by the end of the month hopefully. Anyways thanks for reading see y'all next time.