A/N: Let's see if anyone recognizes the scene … I'll say at the end. Anyone who is familiar with the show will guess quickly.

… in Chicago.

The man in the red coat sighed as he followed the tracks.

As he walked down the alleyway, a particular sign caused him to pause. Squatting down, he noticed that the tracks had changed – or that there were now more of them. Looking around, he found the source for the second track. Curiously, the second set of tracks appeared from no where.

This, he decided, was a unique circumstance. This had never happened to him before.

However, he put that observation out of his mind and began following the increased traffic.

Another curiosity caused him to pause again. He looked for a long moment at the ground. He vocalized a single sound. "Huh."

He then shook his head and redirected his attention toward the trail. He knew that the smell of the air meant that there would soon be rain. And if that occurred, the mystery he was now confronted with would not be solved so easily.

Consequently, he sped up.

He paused two more times in following the trail, to ensure that he was accurate in his observation. He was.

As he rushed down the street, he noted in passing the sound of the car which pulled up next to him. "Frasier! What are you doing?"

He glanced over. "Hello, Ray. I am, currently on the trail of a distracted Diefenbaker. I suspect that he is up ahead."

The man in the car paused. "Do you mean in that park up ahead?"

"I suspect that is correct."

The man sighed. "Well, get in. I have a poker game tonight but if I don't know everything's fine, I'll lose out."

The man in the red coat paused and considered. Finally he nodded. Quickly, he entered the car. The driver accelerated and soon the two stopped quite near the park.

As expected by the man in the red coat, the park was deserted save two canines: A white wolf and a large, black houndlike dog.

The driver almost shouted when he began to open the door. "Wait!" The man in the red coat looked at him curiously. "Are you sure it's safe?" he asked incredulously.

The man the red coat considered that for a long moment. He finally decided to answer. "While there is always a risk, in this case I believe that the risk is minimal. I, however, believe that my official title will provide me some protection."

Ray looked at his best friend incredulously. "Your job won't keep you safe from a possibly dangerous threat."

Frasier nodded. "True. But who holds ultimate authority over me will." Frasier then immediately completed the action of getting out of the car. Striding confidently, he walked forward toward the two canines.

The driver of the green buick turned it off and rushed out to follow.

Soon, one of the canines turned toward the man. "Diefenbaker. Come over here, please."

The white wolf paused and glanced over at the other canine and then back to the man.

"You can bring your friend over with you."

Soon the two canines were trotting over. The wolf stopped and looked up at the man. The man said, "You could have brought him home. Playing in the park is fine, but we do have to be up early. You know this."

The wolf gave a half-whine, half huffing sound.

"There is no excuse for staying out so late. I don't want to hear it."

The wolf gave a small bark and then glanced at the other canine. "Yes. I will assist him as well."

The wolf huffed and then moved behind the man.

Frasier looked at the other canine, who was staying back.

"You can come closer. It will assist in discussing the matter at hand."

Ray said, "Frasier. You're sounding a little …."

The man in the red coat waved him off. "Come over here, please."

The large black dog stood up and trotted over, stopping and sat down on his haunches. He looked up.

"Yes. It is nice to meet you. If you would change over, I would appreciate it."

The dog turned his head and looked at the man curiously. Ray said, "Frasier? What are you doing?" He sounded worried.

Frasier looked at Ray. "Detective Vecchio. At this time, I am declaring this a matter under my authority as a Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman. I am, in the end, answerable to the Queen. And, as this involved her subjects, it is not a matter for you to become involved with. Do you understand and acknowledge my statement?"

Ray said, "I hear what you're saying, but …"

"Good. Then please stand back quietly." Frasier turned back. "You can change now."

The dog stood up and, to Ray's shock, changed into a man.

"Good. Even though you are British and not Canadian, I do have the authority to place you under the Queen's protection." He paused. "Theoretically." He became more confident, "However, I would ask how a British shapeshifting man came to arrive in Chicago. You are far from home."

"How did you know?" the man asked. Ray immediately noticed the accent. It was an English guy.

"I followed the trail of my wolf, Diefenbaker. He found you after you arrived in this world. I suspect this is a different dimension, as there are no people with your abilities here. However, I recognized the breed of dog which you appear as – the breed is only mentioned in myths from Great Britain.

"Your ability to change was obvious from the tracks I have been following for the last half a mile. Diefenbaker, however, does not consider you a threat. Therefore, you are not a danger to myself or those around me. I suspect that you are from a world where people live who can perform magic – or something similar. You are British. You will need assistance. As a representative of the Queen, though that stretches my authority, I will make every effort to assist."

The man looked at the man in the red coat, and then at the other man. "Is he serious?"

Ray shook off his shock. "Uh. Yeah. Frasier's like that." The man paused. "Is everything he said true?"

The man shook his head. "Yes. I can't believe you figured that out from following our tracks." He looked at Frasier. "What's your deal? Why are you here?"

"My name is Benton Frasier, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I first came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of my father …."

A/N: Yes. Sirius ends up in the Due South universe. Very strange and weird. But when I thought of it … I had to write it. The show is over twenty years ago. But I liked it.