Chapter 1. New home

It was a bright and sunny day on a regular road with a car filled with three people who wanted everything to be normal these were the Dursleys.

Vernon Dursley the driver was a obese man who did what he pleased and bullied his way to the top of his business, then there was his wife one Petunia Dursley she was a extremely skinny woman who loved to gossip and snoop about other people's business always finding what she viewed as wrong and plastering it for everyone to see in the worst of light, then there was their son Dudley Dursley a boy a lot like his father extremely large and a bully a child that believes that he can get away with anything even murder and his parents wouldn't care, (they probably wouldn't).

Then there was the last of the family a small boy that was the Dursleys nephew and there little secret because you see Petunia Dursley's sister was a witch who was married to a wizard both of which had died protecting their son from a evil demon of a wizard and sadly little Harry Potter had no clue all he knew about his parents was what the Dursleys told him 'they died in a car crash, they were dead beat drunks that deserved their fate' as you can tell the Dursleys did not like their magical side of the family shown even more by the boxes where young Harry was currently hiding as much as he could in the back seat among all the boxes from his cousin's room, because of one simple fact the Dursleys were moving you see Vernon had gotten a promotion and was being sent to another town where another grunnings drills was being built and he would be the head of the business there and would get a raise but what the family didn't know about their soon to be new home known as the town of Blairwood was the fact that the town was as far from normal as they could get.

It took them a couple more minutes before the car stopped at their new house it was a bit bigger with now 5 bedrooms two of which would now be used for Dudley's toys and a cold dark basement which would be Harry's new room while the rest of the house seemed to be of varying sizes for the two story building.

Although what Harry thanked the most about that day was the fact that the moving company had drove in only seconds after the Dursleys did so now they couldn't very well order him to drag everything inside so while he could Harry quickly rushed off knowing that the Dursleys wouldn't care as long as he came back although Harry truthfully didn't get far before he stopped by a forest and for a bit he did nothing but stare into the darkness of the forest then hearing a sound Harry walked forward following the noise till he found himself outside a small clearing hidden among the trees as he looked into the clearing where three kids had their backs towards him each of them looking down into a well there was two boys and one girl and as he watched they seemed to be whispering to each other then nodding the three split apart laughing as they ran into the woods and quickly Harry hid as one passed and confused Harry looked back towards the well only to freeze as he saw a hand gripping onto the inside of the well and quickly he rushed forward only to pause as he heard a sound then something black flew out of the well and into the darkness and blinking Harry shook his head before he rushed forward and looked into the well only to see no one

"Huh" Harry asked then he leaned forward bending down to look and see if whoever he saw fell in then he froze as cold wind touched the back of his neck and slowly turning around Harry lost his breath as he saw the pale figure behind him as long black hair blocked his view as whoever it was leaned forward causing Harry to back up into the well wall as he watched the figure raise it's hands slowly and for some reason he couldn't help imagining them reaching forward to push him into the well but then he froze as instead of reach for him the figure reached up to it's long hair before it no she pulled her hair apart showing a small pale face of a child only a little bit older then himself and after he noticed this he felt himself calm even as he stared surprised at the girls eye that was staring back at him it was pitch black with only a single white dot indicating that the girl was looking at him then the girl silently waved

"Oh huh hello" Harry stated surprised as the girl leaned towards him more almost touching before Harry sidestepped and ended up beside the girl and the well

"My names Harry, hum. Nice to meet you" Harry stated still staring at this strange girl who was staring back with just as much interest but without saying a word

"Hey Erma you coming to find us or huh" someone yelled causing Harry and the girl Erma to turn to the voice only to see the girl of the group from before causing Erma to instantly smile and made a come here motion before turning back to Harry

"Heh looks like Erma found a new friend hi I'm Amy and this is Erma" Amy stated smiling over at the boy who smiled back surprised at being called a friend 'he couldn't help wondering how long that would last'

"Huh my names Harry" Harry repeated and seeing the girl holding out her hand reached forward and shook it in greeting causing Amy to pause surprised at how rough the kids hand felt before shaking it from her mind when she notice Eema was still stare at Harry curiously with Harry stare back before he turned to Amy

"Um does Erma" Harry was asking before Amy interrupted

"Talk, no she doesn't talk much but at times we do get the odd whisper her voice is really quiet so she tends to just not talk" Amy stated causing Harry to tilt his head in curiosity and was mimicked by Erma before hearing a cry nearby

"Boy get back here so "we" can finish unpacking" the sound of Vernon's voice rang from the edge of the forest causing Harry to flinch while Amy turned to look towards the voice

"Wow your dads pretty loud" Amy stated staring towards where the yell came from

"Huh he's my Uncle actually" Harry silently whispered making it so Amy barley could hear but Erma heard it clearly as well as the much lower admittance

"i don't have a dad" before both watched as Harry waved goodbye and started walking back to the Dursleys only to pause as he felt a cold hand on his arm and turning he came face to face to Erma who reached forward and wrapped her arms around him causing Harry to stiffen

"Huh what are you" Harry started to say only to freeze as the mouth beside his ear opened

"I'm sorry for your loss" Erma whispered causing Harry to tense surprised then stiffly he removed her arms before turning and running into the woods with his vision blurring as he ran with tears falling from his face

'That was the first time someone had ever apologized to him' and quickly as he neared the forest exit he whipped the tears from his eyes before glancing back into the woods and somehow he spotted the girls eyes even through all the branches and trees

And slowly a smile spread on his face maybe he would have a better life in this town