Chapter 1

"Yes. Sure. So you wanted three tiers? Oh, sorry. Four, then? Great. When's the wedding?"

Akaashi's hand furiously scribbled down the happy couple's order, the shop's phone balanced in between his shoulder and his ear. He heard the woman explain in detail her perfect wedding cake, donned with elaborate lacework and delicate fondant flowers.

His gut was churning nervously. Akaashi had made cakes like this before, with the fancy decorations and everything. With working at the specialty cake shop, plus his culinary degree, Akaashi knew what he was doing.

But this cake was for the daughter of a major CEO, whose face is often plastered on the news for his unbelievable accomplishments.

He couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Okay, December 12. So that is in…"

Akaashi nearly dropped the phone when he realized the wedding was so close. Of course, he couldn't start making the cake until at least two days before, but he already had other orders and tons of other wedding cakes to make before then. The shop was already short-handed, so how would he be able to finish all this in time.

But he tapped his pen on the notepad, thinking carefully. This sale would really boost their sales once the news hits the papers, and his boss would be incredibly happy. But it would also mean a lot of work.

Akaashi sighed.

He really needed to work on saying no.

"Yeah, that should work. I'll make sure it looks great for you. Have a good afternoon."

Akaashi hung up the phone and groaned, running his hands down his face. He really needed an assistant.

The bell in the front door chimed and the door slammed open.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Akaashi didn't even jump at the sound of his boss entering the shop, loud as always.

Bokuto had left in a hurry after a serious phone call earlier that morning. Akaashi was almost worried at his boss' unusual behavior, and he even thought about going after him, but with the flood of orders and regular patrons in the cake shop, he had no time.

Akaashi took his hands off of his face and looked up, about to ask where Bokuto had scurried off to, but the words died on his tongue.

Bokuto had his arm thrown over a young man's shoulders, practically dragging him into the store. The young man had black hair and dark, blue eyes that avoided everyone's stare. He wore an uncomfortable frown on his face, his expression almost sheepish and shy.

Akaashi wasn't sure if he should feel sorry for the guy or worried. He had the phone in his hand just in case Bokuto admitted he kidnapped him.

"I'm back, Akaashi!" Bokuto announced, tugging the man to the shop's counter.

"I can see that," Akaashi said. "You also brought a… friend?"

Bokuto blinked at him for a moment and then grinned widely, his free hand resting on his hip.

"Oh, right, right! This is Kageyama Tobio! He's a friend of Shouyou's, and starting today, he's going to be working here," Bokuto announced happily.

Akaashi's eyes widened a fraction and they flitted over to Kageyama. His shoulders were to his ears and the pout on his face was prominent, almost giving him a brat-like appearance. Akaashi had almost written him off but stopped when Kageyama finally met his eyes.

There was a deep sadness in those blue orbs.

"Kageyama, this is Akaashi!" Bokuto introduced, finally releasing the poor guy's neck. "You'll be assisting him with some cake orders."

Kageyama jumped and then faced Akaashi properly, his arms stiff by his sides. His eyes widened and he nodded, suddenly looking serious. He bowed at the waist, nearly smacking his head on the counter and making Akaashi jump.

"Thank you for the opportunity! I look forward to working with you!" Kageyama said. Loudly.

Akaashi blinked down at him, still in a little bit of shock at his sudden appearance. He folded his arms across his chest, tilting his head.

"Do you have culinary experience, Kageyama-kun?" Akaashi asked, hoping the man would finally lift his head.

Luckily, Kageyama straightened his back upon hearing his voice and stared owlishly at Akaashi, his arms still glued to his sides.

"Ah, um… not really," Kageyama admitted, the pout back on his sheepish face.

Akaashi blinked at him, his brows slowly pulling together to create a crease.

"Have you ever decorated a cake?" Akaashi asked.

Kageyama's face turned a bit pink. "No."

Akaashi hesitated, his back stiffening.

"Have you ever made cupcakes, then?"

Another pause, and Kageyama's face reddened even more. Instead of a verbal answer, the man looked down at his shoes shamefully and shook his head. It was pitiful to watch.

Akaashi looked to Bokuto and quirked an irritated brow.

"Bokuto-san, may I have a word?" Akaashi asked, voice firm.

Bokuto, oblivious to Akaashi's wariness, gave Kageyama's back a swift slap, making the poor boy stumble and rub the sore spot.

"'Course, Akaashi. Yo, Konoha!" Bokuto called, startling the blond working on the display case and making him bonk his head against an empty shelf. "Run the front, will ya?"

Konoha responded with a half-hearted salute and a tentative rub of the new bump on his head.

Akaashi rolled his eyes and nodded his head towards the corner of the shop, making Bokuto follow him. Bokuto's smile was unwavering as the two of them moved to the unoccupied corner of the shop. Akaashi stood with his arms folded across his chest, staring at Bokuto with all of the frustration he could muster.

"Bokuto-san, why would you hire someone with no culinary skills?" Akaashi asked, his voice low.

Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck, his expression turning a little sheepish.

"Well, it's… it's kind of a favor," Bokuto admitted.

Akaashi's brow rose in suspicion. "A favor?"

Bokuto's smile fell as he glanced over his shoulder to stare at Kageyama. The boy was fidgeting nervously as his eyes darted to stare at the cakes and desserts in the case. Konoha was trying to make small talk with him, which made Kageyama look even more nervous.

"Shouyou called me this morning saying Kageyama was having some troubles," Bokuto said. "He didn't give me any details, but it seems that Kageyama was recently expelled from university, and now he doesn't have anywhere to go."

Akaashi's eyes widened, his head turning back to look at Kageyama. The young man was now having small talk with Konoha, looking just a bit more at ease. Unlike Akaashi, Konoha was good at making newcomers feel more welcome. Although, Kageyama's arm was now wrapped across his body and holding on to his other arm, as if creating some sort of barrier between him and Konoha.

Akaashi squinted his eyes curiously. Odd.

"Anyway, Shouyou begged to let me hire him until he figures out what he wants to do," Bokuto said.

Akaashi hesitated, sucking his lip in between his teeth. "Hinata-kun didn't say why Kageyama-kun got expelled?"

Bokuto sighed and placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head. "Nope. He seemed really pissed, though. I think he even mentioned punching someone? So unusual for him!"

Akaashi had to agree. He couldn't imagine that redhead ever hurting a fly, but now he was ready to fight someone? And for what? This guy?

"What about his parents?" Akaashi asked. "He can't ask them for help?"

Bokuto shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Shouyou didn't say anything about 'em, so I figured they weren't really around, or something?"

Akaashi winced and sighed, shaking his head. What a mess. How had this young man gotten himself in so much trouble? Did he do something illegal to warrant expulsion?

"So you'll take him on, right?" Bokuto asked, looking at Akaashi with hopeful eyes. "Shouyou said he's a hard worker!"

"That's all you got from him? No other work experience?" Akaashi asked.

Really, why was Bokuto the manager again?

"Please, Akaashi? Pleeaase!"

Bokuto clapped his hands together and bowed his head slightly, and Akaashi immediately felt the sweat start to form. He sighed again. He had a weird feeling about this. He just hoped he wouldn't regret it.

"Fine," Akaashi relented, feeling exhausted already.

Bokuto beamed, pulling Akaashi in for a bone-crushing hug.

"Thanks, Akaashi! I really owe you one!" Bokuto said.

"Yeah, yeah. Now please, get off of me," Akaashi groaned.

Bokuto released Akaashi, his dopey smile still on his face. He turned around sharply and hollered across the shop.

"Hey, Kageyama! Akaashi said he'd train you starting today!" Bokuto yelled.

Akaashi jolted, his veins bulging from his temple.


It only took a moment for Bokuto to find a new apron to slap on Kageyama's body. Once it was on, Kageyama made quick work of tying the straps neatly behind his back. He stood up straight and waited awkwardly behind the counter as Bokuto rattled off the more fun parts of working in the shop.

Once Bokuto was done, he scurried to the back office, leaving both Akaashi and Kageyama standing awkwardly behind the counter. Even Konoha had fled to the other side, helping out a customer with her order.

Akaashi took a deep breath, trying to figure out what he should do first. If Kageyama was to be Akaashi's assistant here, then he had to know the basics of baking, as well as decorating. It was a task that took Akaashi years to master. Was Bokuto really assuming that this kid, a college reject, could really learn all this?

Akaashi glanced over at Kageyama, the guy now fiddling with his apron, looking tentative and nervous. His pout was still tugging on his lips, and his eyes were still narrowed, cautious.

"Kageyama-kun," Akaashi called.

Immediately, Kageyama straightened, his pout disappearing and his eyes widening. He arms fell by his sides as he gave Akaashi his undivided attention.

"Yes!" he said, his voice still a little loud for Akaashi's tastes.

"Right… Um, well, have you ever baked a cake before?" Akaashi asked.

"Ah… no," Kageyama admitted.

Akaashi's lips twisted. "Well, that'll be your first lesson. Let's go make a simple cake layer."

Kageyama nodded fervently and then followed Akaashi into the kitchen. Akaashi could see his eyes sparkle at the equipment, his jaw dropping slightly.

"Okay. Here's the main recipe we use for simple vanilla cake," Akaashi said. "We need to make one anyway for a groom's cake."

Kageyama took the spiral bound book of recipes and squinted down at it as he read it over, his lips pulling to the side in concentration. Akaashi's brows lifted a little in surprise. At least he was taking this seriously.

"Okay. Here are the ingredients." Akaashi pointed to the shelves, each ingredient labeled. "And the measuring cups are in these cabinets."

Kageyama hesitated, his fingers curling around the edge of the recipe book. Akaashi gestured towards the mixing bowl on the center of the table.

"Go ahead. Follow the recipe," Akaashi said. "I will watch."

Kageyama jolted, the recipe book slipping from his grasp. He barely managed to catch it before it hit the ground.

"Um! Akaashi-san," Kageyama started, biting his lip. "You… You're just going to let me make a cake on my own? Even though I've never made one before?"

Akaashi flipped his hand in the air. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here to give you guidance when necessary."

"But! Isn't this for something important?" Kageyama suddenly looked nervous, with maybe a hint of fear lingering in his eyes. He lowered his gaze, his hands gripping the book. "What if I mess it up?"

Akaashi's brows knitted together, watching as Kageyama began to close in on himself, making his tall stature appear much smaller. It made Akaashi's heart do a strange leap in his chest.

Akaashi cleared his throat. "You won't mess it up. I'll be right here to guide you."

Kageyama bit his lip and nodded, moving to set the recipe book down. He began slowly, his eyes scanning the page every few seconds. It was a struggle to watch, especially when he gathered the measuring cups and blinked at the numbers on the sides. He managed to get all of the dry ingredients together, setting the bowl aside.

When it came to start putting things in the mixer, he froze, looking at the standard appliance as if it would bite him. Akaashi sighed and got all of the attachments ready for him, carefully explaining how exactly to use it. Kageyama listened with sharp eyes, watching his every move.

It was downright painful when it came to the eggs. Kageyama managed to crack all three eggs into a separate bowl, along with a majority of their shells. He looked to Akaashi, fearful of his mistake and looking completely lost.

With a soft sigh, Akaashi plucked the shells out of the bowl and handed it back to Kageyama, the boy taking it with trembling fingers.

"Sorry," Kageyama apologized.

Akaashi quirked a brow at him, letting go of the bowl of eggs as Kageyama took it from him.

"Don't worry. You'll get better," Akaashi said, suddenly feeling sorry for him.

Kageyama swallowed and nodded once, turning back towards the mixer to continue making the cake.

He added the last of the ingredients and let them mix together, and then he poured the mixture into buttered cake pans. The poor boy then placed the cake pans into the oven, his finger catching on one of the hot metal rods. He yanked his hand back with a hiss, holding his finger.

Akaashi was by his side in an instant, looking down at his reddened finger. He sighed in relief when he saw that the burn wasn't so bad, and he let Kageyama continue.

Oh, boy. Kageyama was a mess.

Once the cakes were done, Akaashi took them out of the oven, saving Kageyama from another burn, and he set them on the cooling rack. He took a fork and jabbed it into the end, popping the piece into his mouth.

Kageyama stood nearby, watching on with furrowed brows and pouty lips.

Akaashi chewed for a few minutes before he stopped, his eyes squinting a bit.

The cake was salty.

"Um, Kageyama-kun," Akaashi paused, struggling to swallow down the piece of cake. He glanced at the ingredients on the shelves. "What did you use for sugar?"

Kageyama hesitated, following Akaashi's gaze to stare at the ingredients on the shelf. He pointed to one of the bins, its white and fluffy contents inside.

Akaashi blanched.

"Kageyama-kun," Akaashi said, turning the bin around so he could see the label. "This is salt."

Kageyama's eyes widened, and he immediately bowed at the waist, apologetic.

"I'm sorry!" Kageyama said, his voice trembling. "I will try to do better, Akaashi-san!"

Akaashi blinked down at him, shocked into silence. He could see him trembling, his hands balled into fists at his hips. Akaashi was quickly growing uncomfortable, even feeling a bit sad for him.

He sighed, reluctantly taking another bite of the cake to try to look past the awful taste from his new assistant's mishap. Besides the salty flavor, the texture of the cake was excellent. It was smooth and delicate, easily melting on Akaashi's tongue. If Kageyama had added the sugar instead of the salt, then the cake would've been perfect.

Huh. On his first try, too.

Akaashi turned back to Kageyama and swallowed the little piece of cake he had left in his mouth, leaving his tongue and throat dry.

"It's not bad," Akaashi told Kageyama, making the young man jump and straighten his back. "You can still use some more training and practice, but I think we can work with this."

Kageyama looked at Akaashi, stunned and at a loss for words. He nearly slammed his head on the kitchen counter as he doubled over in another deep bow.

"Thank you for teaching me! I will do my best to learn!" Kageyama shouted.

Akaashi fidgeted in place, his hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck.


"Bokuto-san, I'm leaving," Akaashi announced as he walked towards the front of the shop.

"M'kay! See you tomorrow, 'Kaashi!" Bokuto hollered from his office.

Akaashi sighed, tugging on his coat and wrapping his scarf around his neck. It was a long day of teaching Kageyama the basics, and watching him fumble about in the kitchen and make a mess. It a grueling process that Akaashi never expected to have to go through. He thought back to his poor teachers in high school and college, and all of the stress he must have put them all through when he was beginning to learn.

Bless them for their enduring patience.

After the scarf was tucked under his chin, he walked out of the cake shop and into the darkened street. The cold night air was already prickling against his face. He huffed out a hot puff of air, his breath visible as the steam rose and dissipated into the cold air.

Winter was nice, but man, was it cold.

Akaashi turned to go home when he tripped over a pair of legs, causing him to stumble a few steps over the sidewalk, barely managing to stay upright.

"Ah, sorry!"

A familiar voice greeted his back and he turned around to see Kageyama sitting on the ground with a worried look on his face. He had his hands in the air, as if he wanted to try and catch Akaashi, but he didn't quite manage to get up in time.

"A-Ah, Akaashi-san—!"

"Why are you sitting on the ground here? Didn't you leave to go home over an hour ago?" Akaashi asked, his brows pinching.

Kageyama blinked and then quickly scrambled to his feet. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his head ducking slightly. It was then that Akaashi could see how red his cheeks and ears were from sitting out in the cold for so long.

"I, uh, I actually had a question," Kageyama said.

Akaashi gave him a puzzled look.

A question? Why couldn't it have waited? Or why didn't he ask before he left?

Didn't this guy have anything better to do?

"I was wondering if there were any ways I could learn the techniques faster so I can catch up," Kageyama said, derailing Akaashi's rude thoughts. "I, uh… there's no real place for me to practice it, but… I was wondering if I could get more information somehow?"

The sincere tone in Kageyama's voice was puzzling to Akaashi. If he had been expelled from school, it had to have been for something bad, right? So why was Akaashi feeling sorry for him?

Akaashi inhaled through his nose, the cold making his face tingle.

"I'm sure there are guidebooks in the library," he said, startling Kageyama.

"The library?" Kageyama asked.

Akaashi nodded, pointing a thumb over his shoulder. "The closest one is a few blocks that way. The librarian could probably help you find the books you need."

Kageyama nodded, his eyes widening.

"Yes! I will do just that!" Kageyama said, quickly sidestepping Akaashi to head in the direction of the library. Just before he crossed the first intersection, he hollered over his shoulder. "Thank you so much!"

Akaashi watched him until he disappeared from sight around the corner at the end of the street. He quirked a brow in his general direction and then turned on his heel to go home.

He needed to rest to prepare for another long day of wasted ingredients.

Akaashi wasn't sure what he was expecting first thing in the morning, but a sleeping Kageyama was not it.

The college reject was leaning against the front door of the cake shop, his head leaning back against the glass and his eyes closed tightly. He had a messenger bag clutched to his chest, the strap still wrapped across his body. Soft snores escaped his lips, and… was that drool?

Akaashi's nose wrinkled a bit in disgust, and he nudged Kageyama's thigh with his foot.

"Oi," Akaashi called. "Kageyama-kun."

Kageyama stirred on the third nudge to his side, his eyes fluttering open to lock with Akaashi's gaze. After a moment of slow blinking, his eyes snapped open wide, fully awake and aware of the situation.

"Ah, Akaashi-san!" Kageyama greeted, scrambling to his feet. "Good morning!"

Akaashi blinked at him, taking in his appearance.

He was wearing the same clothes as the day previous. But he didn't smell, and his hair was damp. Did he shower? Or does he just have a wardrobe filled with the same outfits?

"I did as you suggested," Kageyama said, reaching into his bag. He pulled out four books and leaned forward to show Akaashi. "I went to the library and grabbed some of the books that taught the basics of baking. I read through each one."

Akaashi blinked at him, somewhat impressed, and a little freaked out. How was this boy a college reject?

"I think I can be a better assistant now," Kageyama said. His confidence wavered a bit as his lips nervously tugged to the side. "But, um… I still need your guidance."

Akaashi quirked a brow, fishing his keys out of his pocket to unlock the shop's front doors.

"Well, we can see if you can use your newly learned information today," Akaashi said, putting his keys back in his pocket and opening the door.

Kageyama hesitated for a moment, looking a bit shocked at Akaashi's answer. Then, he nodded, hurrying to put the books back in his bag. He followed Akaashi into the shop and continued his second day of training, his cakes tasting a little less salty this time around.

Akaashi observed him and helped him when he could, giving him advice and hints when he found it necessary. But he was starting to get drained. He was already feeling the stress of the upcoming wedding order that would take an entire day. He didn't need to babysit on top of that.

A whole ten days passed, and every day was the same. Kageyama showed up incredibly early and then rushed off to the library at the end of the night. The next morning, he would have even more books to show Akaashi, pointing out the little techniques he learned along the way.

His cakes became better with each new batch, and even Konoha went back for a second piece of his chocolate cake. He was a fast-learner, and Akaashi was constantly impressed by his skills.

It wasn't until Kageyama made a delicate red velvet cake with white frosting and pretty decorations that Akaashi felt something inside of him change. It started as a small flame in his chest, and then with each new creation that Kageyama produced, it grew until it was burning painfully.

He's only been here a little over a week.

How is he so good at this already?

His thoughts began to consume him, causing him to make little mistakes here and there. His frustration only grew with each new blunder, making the flame grow into a full-blown wildfire.

Why can't I be as good as him?

When he lost track of how much baking powder he put into a flour and sugar mixture, Akaashi felt his stomach plummet. He slumped, sighing heavily, and yanked his apron off of his neck.

"I'm taking a break," Akaashi told Kageyama as he passed him.

Kageyama jumped—or was that a flinch?—and nodded to Akaashi.

"Yes! I will continue to make the cake you requested," Kageyama announced.

Akaashi nodded to him and left the kitchen to head to the break room, keeping his simmering frustration in check. He knew he was overreacting, frustrated in his own abilities. He wasn't exactly angry with Kageyama. He was only doing what he had been told. Akaashi knew exactly what his problem was.

He was jealous.

"Hey, hey, hey, Akaashi!"

Akaashi glanced up at Bokuto, who had poked his head inside the break room. The boisterous manager walked in and sat down next to Akaashi on the bench.

"I see that Kageyama made a nice cake. Good job, sensei!" Bokuto said, smiling brightly.

Akaashi hesitated at the compliment, his hands fidgeting in his lap. "Yeah. He's doing well."

"He sure is! And just as a beginner, too!" Bokuto sounded excited, as usual. He loved when people did well, no matter who they were. There wasn't an evil bone in his body. "I knew I assigned him a good teacher."

Akaashi blinked, snapping his gaze up to Bokuto, who was looking back at him with that same, happy smile.

"What?" Akaashi asked.

Bokuto tilted his head to the side. "What? You're the best teacher here, you know."

Akaashi's brows pinched. "Me?"

"Yeah!" Bokuto said, smiling. "Why do you think I picked you to teach him instead of Konoha or Wataru? You have the best skills and best patience of anyone in this shop!"

Akaashi rubbed the back of his neck. "That's not true."

"Of course it is!" Bokuto said. "You sell yourself too short, Akaashi. You have amazing skills."

Akaashi rolled his eyes to the side and slumped, putting his head in his hand.

"Not as amazing as Kageyama."

The words fell from his lips before he could help himself, and he snapped his jaw shut with a click. He avoided the burning stare from Bokuto's piercing eyes, and opted to stare down at the floor between his feet.


Akaashi swallowed, risking a glance up at his boss, his friend. His eyes were sharp, as he predicted, but his voice was calm and gentle.

"You know you're the best, right?" Bokuto asked.

Akaashi's brows furrowed and he rolled his eyes. "Right."

"No, seriously!" Bokuto protested, reaching out to grab Akaashi's shoulder. "I've never doubted your skills. Ever."

"I'm making so many mistakes lately," Akaashi said. "Kageyama has only made one major mistake. He's been pretty flawless ever since."

"You've gotta stop comparing yourself," Bokuto said. "He's just a quick study, that's all. Besides," Bokuto paused to make sure he locked eyes with Akaashi, "I like your cakes the best!"

Akaashi felt his lips quirk a little, a hint of a smile growing.

"Ah, see? There's a smile!" Bokuto ruffled Akaashi's hair, making him smile even more. "In my eyes, Akaashi, no one is better than you. So stop thinking negatively, got it?"

Akaashi released a huff of laughter, trying to swat Bokuto's hand from his hair. He smiled and tried to smooth his hair down.

"I got it, Bokuto-san," Akaashi said, resting his hands on his knees. "Loud and clear."

"Good!" Bokuto said, satisfied with himself. He pushed himself up from the bench and headed to the door of the break room. He stopped short, his hand on the doorknob. "Oh, right. By the way, could you do me a favor?"

Akaashi blinked at him and tilted his head. "What's up?"

Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, it's… it's just something Shouyou was telling me. It seems Kageyama's in some sort of pickle," he started. "Shouyou's real worried about him, so… it seems like something else is going on."

Akaashi's brows furrowed, thinking back to all of his interactions with Kageyama over the last few days. He did seem jumpier than usual…

"Would you mind, I don't know… looking out for him, or something?" Bokuto said. "Just… keep an eye on him, I guess?"

Akaashi breathed slowly, his hands gripping his knees. He nodded once, solemnly.

"Yeah," he said. "I can do that."

When Akaashi took time to actually watch Kageyama, he noticed things about the boy that seemed… off.

Kageyama was incredibly jumpy. Every time Akaashi walked into a room without Kageyama knowing, the young man would flinch and stiffen his back, nearly flattening himself against the nearest wall. His wide eyes flashed with a brief moment of fear before relaxing, eager to show Akaashi his progress.

It was jarring, almost giving Akaashi whiplash every time he drastically changed from uptight to excited. The more Kageyama reacted poorly, the more suspicious Akaashi became of his circumstances.

And it all came to a head one week later.

Akaashi was at the counter of the shop before opening hours, looking over his lists of orders. The huge wedding was only a week away, and he needed time to prepare himself for all of the little intricate details that the bride requested for the cake. There were so many specifics that she wanted… the decorations, the frosting, the fondant… So picky.

He was about to go to the kitchen to practice making fondant flowers when he heard a shout from outside the shop. It was loud and a little screechy—familiar.

"What the hell were you thinking, you idiot?! Oh, wait, I forgot. You weren't!"

Akaashi's brows furrowed at the sound. He put down his order book and tiptoed to the front of the store to get a closer look. He poked his head outside the door and glanced around, freezing when he saw two bodies at the corner of the store.

It was Kageyama and Shouyou. Kageyama's back was facing Akaashi, so he couldn't see his face, but Shouyou's face was twisted up in anger. Although, Akaashi had a sneaking suspicion that Shouyou was not angry with Kageyama specifically.

"Why did you even go back there?! What did you need so badly?" Shouyou yelled at Kageyama. "Were you even using your head, Bakayama?!"

"Stop calling me that!" Kageyama bit back, his hands going into fists by his sides. When Shouyou flinched, Kageyama leaned back and sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I wanted to see if I could find my savings that I stashed there."

Shouyou's brows furrowed, a little sadly. "Did you find it?"

Kageyama shook his head. "My dad found me before I could search more."

Akaashi quirked a brow, his hand tightening into a fist against the door. What in the world did that mean?

Shouyou winced, his eyes shining at hearing the news.

"I thought you already grabbed it a while ago…" Shouyou said. "You said you were going to stay in a hotel."

Kageyama hesitated, his head turning a little to the side. "I will. I've almost got enough money saved up."

Shouyou sputtered. "What?!" he shouted. "Then where have you been staying this past week?!"

Kageyama hesitated again, his feet starting to fidget and kick at imaginary pebbles.

"Um…" Kageyama stuttered, unable to provide an answer.

Shouyou rubbed his face furiously and reached up to grip his hair in frustration.

"Urghhh! Okay, just come back and live in my dorm with me again," Shouyou said.

Kageyama took a step back and shook his head wildly, his hands coming up to form an "x" in front of his body.

"Are you crazy? They caught me last time! You almost got expelled right along with me!" Kageyama shouted.

"Kageyama…" Shouyou whispered.

"I'm not going to risk your scholarship," Kageyama said. "I won't have your dream taken away for something like this."

Shouyou looked on the verge of tears, and a few even spilled out. He downright looked pitiful when he cried, and it really didn't look right on his face—especially with him being Bokuto's nephew.

"But it wasn't your fault…" Shouyou whimpered. "You didn't do anything wrong. It was the upperclassmen, they set it all up!"

"There's nothing I can do," Kageyama said.

"You idiot!" Shouyou yelled, and Kageyama flinched. It did strange things to Akaashi's heart at the sight. "We can report them! Turn them in! There are plenty of people who know you weren't the one to—"

"Hinata!" Kageyama shouted, making Shouyou flinch back this time. "I already told you. There's nothing we can do!"

Shouyou stayed quiet, his eyes shining as more tears trickled down his reddened cheeks.

"It's too late to do anything," Kageyama said softly, almost too quietly for Akaashi to hear. "Just let it go."

Shouyou bit his lip, letting the tears slide down his cheeks and meet at his chin. Kageyama reached forward and clasped him on the shoulder.

"Thank you," he said softly, only making Shouyou cry even more. He removed his hand and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I have to get to work now."

Shouyou sniffled, lifting up a fist to scrub away at the tears on his face. When he dropped his fist, he gave Kageyama a stern look and pointed at him.

"Well, then! You better find a place to stay! And take care of your ugly face!" Shouyou yelled.

Kageyama sighed and waved a hand in the air. "Yeah, yeah. I'll take care of it," he said dryly. "I'll talk to you later."

Suddenly, Kageyama was turning towards the cake shop, and Akaashi scrambled away from the front door. He ran back to the counter and vaulted over it, quickly righting himself to stare at book of orders. He leaned on his elbows and listened for the familiar chime of the bell. Akaashi kept his eyes on the book of orders, trying to keep up appearances of innocence.

He looked up briefly to catch Kageyama's familiar mop of black hair walking into the shop before glancing back down at his book.

"Ah, good morning, Kageyama-kun," Akaashi greeted lightly.

Out of the corner of his eye, Akaashi could see Kageyama walk around the counter and take off his jacket.

"Morning," Kageyama greeted without his usual enthusiasm.

Akaashi decided to just ignore it. "We'll have to start working on the wedding cake later this week," he said. He sat up from the counter and glanced at Kageyama. "I'll teach you how to—"

Akaashi's words died on his tongue as he met Kageyama's gaze, his eyes growing wide with shock.

Kageyama was sporting a nasty black eye.