Title: Brains, Brawn, and Beauty

Summary: Gibbs and Jack are required to attend an Admirals retirement together. It turns out to be the perfect opportunity for Jack to deal with her feelings for Gibbs.

I don't have a beta reader so any mistakes are completely mine.


She loved the feel of his body above her, the way he kept as much of his weight off of her as possible while still making sure they were skin to skin. She loved the way one hand always touched her thigh, her hip, or her ribcage not clutching at it but caressing it, fingertips dancing on her skin. His other hand entwined with hers, their joined hands above her head offering them both an additional sense of connection. She never really liked the missionary position, it made her feel claustrophobic, trapped, without any sense of control…but with him she felt free, totally exposed, and that her power was absolute. And she felt that way because of him, because he gave her the power, allowed her to feel the control she had over him and the situation. Her hands clawed down his back as he whispered in her ear. This was the thing she loved most when they made love. His voice, his words, this desperate need he had to convey to her the depth of his adoration, the passion, and the endless need he had for her. His voice was erotic, his words intoxicating, and that alone made her want to come.

"Gibbs" The scent of Old Spice and sawdust filled her senses.

Jack shot upright in bed, panting for breath, her body covered in a fine sheen of sweat as the dream dissolved around her. "Damn it." Running her hands through her hair, she tried to calm her breathing as her body shivered. This had to stop, but she knew it wouldn't. Dreams are a way for the brain to processes the emotions and stimuli that we experience throughout the day and right now her days were filled with one stimulus and one emotion…Gibbs and how much she wanted him.

She groaned as she dropped back down on the bed. The dreams had started months ago, a random dream here or there, but over the last few weeks they were happening every night. This specific dream she'd had a few nights ago, but there were four or five that seemed to be on constant rotation in her mind. At the beginning she tried to rationalize it to herself, they worked together, spent time together after work; it was completely natural for her to dream about him, it didn't mean anything. But she knew it did, the attraction between them was undeniable and her feelings went deeper than just attraction. Any other woman probably would have just told him how she felt, but she knew…knew the rules, knew the past he held on to, and knew he'd never cross that line….at least not without one hell of a push.

Yet she didn't push, her own fears keeping her silent. She flirted, sometimes in the most adolescent ways, with that little giggly laugh that was so syrupy sweet that it made her half sick to her stomach. She rolled her eyes. She'd done it on Christmas Eve. The whole scenario was like some bad eighties movie about some love sick teenage girl desperate for the attention of the boy she liked. His playfulness and his tone that night had made her think that maybe finally he was open to something happening between them. So she smiled giggled and went home with him, hoping a few drinks and conversation would lead to one of them finally making a move. It didn't. Instead they drank, talked, laughed, and he slept on the couch and she sleep in an empty bed. An empty bed, a bed that smelled of him, even though she doubted he slept there often. There was still that scent of old spice and wood and she swore she smelled coffee as if it seeped from his pores. It was this scent that was just undeniable him, a scent that she even smelled after waking up from her dreams. Christmas Eve had been one of the most disappointing and erotic nights she'd ever spend with him at the house. A few drinks more than usual had her feeling no pain, knowing he was asleep down stairs, being in his bed assaulted by the scent of him all around her, she gave in that night. Touching herself, pretending it was him. Part of her wanted him to hear her whimpers of need, wanted him to come up stairs and make the ache go away. Desperately trying to be quiet as the orgasm tore through her body, she buried her head in the pillow and screamed his name…God she hadn't come like that in years. The next day she was euphoric, he even questioned her about it, and she attributed it to the holiday. She wondered if he knew and was just seeing if she would admit it. This led to another dream…the dream where he walks into her office late one night as she's about to leave, closes and locks the door. He's suddenly behind her, his hand touching her hip as he whispers in her ear that he knows…knows what she did, watched her do it and can't stop thinking about it. He wants her, wants to touch her, and unless she tells him to stop right now, he will have her. Of course she doesn't say stop, this is exactly what she wants. She leans back against him and his left hand snakes around her waist jerking her back against him. His other hand slides up her thigh, bunching up the fabric of her dress as his fingertips brush against her panties feeling her wet and wanting.

"Stop." She sat up throwing her legs over the side of the bed and shook the vision from her mind. An ice cold shower and then the punching bag, that's what she needed to center herself before she had to walk into work and casually smile at him.


Her timing was perfect, she'd stepped off the elevator and the bullpen was empty. The team had probably caught an early case or were finished a case from the day before. Either way, she made it to her office without having to see him. Focusing on work, she managed to completely forget the dream and the thirty-five minutes she'd spent on the punching bag working out her sexual frustrations had calmed her. That was until she heard the single tap at her door, inhaled and smelled that haunting scent. When she looked up she was smiling.


"Morning." She pulled her glasses off and dropped them to the desk. He was still in the same clothes from yesterday. "All nighter?"

He nodded as he leaned against the door frame.

"Heading home?" She reached up about to tuck her hair behind her ear when she caught herself and put her hand down. It was one of those little things she did all the time in his presence, a subtle flirtation, body language that she was trying to control. She wondered if he realized it was flirting or he thought it was a nervous habit. Maybe he didn't think about it at all. Agents learn to be aware but to sometimes turn that awareness off when you're with friends.

His brow furrowed confused by her being unaware of why she was here. "Vance left you a voice mail."

She thought for a moment then sighed. "Damn." In her aroused state and wanting to get out of the house as fast as possible she'd left her phone.

"Forgot your phone?" Gibbs smirked

"Yeah." She was about to add that it was a rough morning, but again stopped herself.

"He wants to see both of us."

"What did we do now?" She grinned.

Gibbs shrugged. "I was gonna ask you."

"Well guess we'll find out." Standing up she made her way to the door and as she was about to walk by him when he gently touched her arm. "You okay." He couldn't place it but he sensed something was bothering her.

"Fine, a little tired." She tried to ignore the touch, the way it warmed her body and made her want to lean in to him. With a smile she walked passed and he followed her towards Vance's office.

Gibbs did knock but didn't wait for a response, just opened the door for her and they walked in.

Vance glanced at his watch then up at the two agents. "Glad to see you two could finally make it."

"Forgot my phone." Jack was making a statement not giving an excuse.

Vance looked at Gibbs as if he expected the man to give some explanation of his own.

Gibbs just shrugged.

"Admiral Tabor is retiring." Standing up behind the desk, Vance continued as he looked at Gibbs. "Seems he's a friend of yours."

Gibbs just nodded.

"When I told him I was going to be out of town this Friday during the party. He highly recommended that I send you."

Gibbs rolled his eyes.

"And I agreed." Vance looked back and forth between Gibbs and Jack. "You two have a date Friday."

"Leon, come on-"

"I actually have plans Friday." Jack cut Gibbs off. "And Gibbs could take-"

Both men looked at her surprised, not that she had plans, but that she was willing to place plans about her job. She was as dedicated as Gibbs, but unlike Gibbs, Jack loved to socialize.

Leon straightened his jacket. "You're right you do have plans, Admiral Tabor's retirement party."

Jack took a deep breath and forced a closed mouth smile.

"I can take Bishop." Gibbs could tell by that smile Jack honestly didn't want to go.

"No." Vance quickly explained. "You're there in my place and Jack's there because she can actually talk to people."

Again Gibbs rolled his eyes.

"Plus she'll probably improve your reputation."

"A good woman usually does."

The comment surprised her and she cocked her head and looked over at Gibbs.

Gibbs senses the look. "What?"

Jack just shook her head.

"1900 Friday." Vance looked at Jack. "And part of your job is to keep him there till at least 2200."

"Leon." Gibbs balked.

"And your job is to try to enjoy yourself." Vance sat back down. "Because how often do you get to go to a party, with an open bar, a beautiful intelligent women on your arm and get paid for it."

Gibbs didn't respond just stared at Vance.

"Dismissed." Vance opened a file on his desk as the two agents walked out.

They'd taken maybe twelve steps from Vance's office when Gibbs stopped and turned around.

"Bishop will go."

"You heard Vance."

"Rule eighteen."

Jack chuckled. "So since he'll be gone Friday, you can take Bishop and when he finds out next week. Not much he can do right?"

Gibbs shrugged.

"You and I make a more believable couple." The minute she said it she regretted it realizing how it sounded.

Gibbs' eyebrow went up.

"I just, she's a little young, and-" She groaned to herself. God she was digging the whole deeper. "We'll go it will be fun."

Gibbs took a step closer. "Maybe I'm too old." With that he turned around and headed towards the back elevator.

She was shocked by his statement and she just stood there. When she realized she was just standing there he was already standing waiting for the elevator doors to open. Walking quickly, she reached the elevator as the doors opened and she slid in after him.

"Never figured you would be concerned about an age difference."

He flipped the stop switch and the elevator jolted to a stop. "I'm not, but evidently you are."

She deserved that her comment about Bishop being too young had been an attempt to make herself look like a better option. She shook her head. "I didn't mean it that way…age is just a number and you and Bishop would turn heads. She'd look beautiful on your arm."

"Not an actual date, just work." Gibbs paused not sure how to take her odd reaction to all this.

"I know." She cleared her throat. "Just saying she'd be great."

"Don't go if you don't wanna be there."

He was trying to give her a way out. She knew he'd cover for her if she didn't go, knew he'd take the brow beating from Leon and she'd never hear any more about it.

"You're gonna give me the, don't go if you don't wanna be there speech." Jack chuckled. "You don't want to be there."

"I don't wanna be at the party. I don't mind being there with you."

She was taken aback, surprised by the honesty, and realizing that her objection to going sounded like she didn't want to be there with him. Involuntarily she tucked her hair behind her ear forgetting about her earlier conversation with herself. "Open bar, good company, what more could I want." It wasn't what she truly wanted to say, but it was the safer option.

Gibbs just started the elevator without responding. When the doors opened and he stepped out he didn't look back just headed towards the bullpen. She didn't move, let the doors close, the elevator start then hit the stop switch again. She leaned back against the side wall and ran her hands through her hair. This had all went horrible wrong. Truth was her objection was because of him, just not for the reasons he believed. Three hours…three hours of hanging on his arm, laughing, mingling, and as two friends doing their job. If it had been a month ago, it would have been easy. But not now, not when all she'd be able to think about is him taking her home and fulfilling every one of the erotic dreams she'd had about them together. Flipping the switch, the elevator jolted to life, and she took a deep breath as it ascended.


She was sitting on the couch some old movie playing on the TV screen but it was merely background noise. Her attention was focused on the dress hanging on one of the coat hooks by the front door. It was the perfect dress, a dress that was both beautiful and provocative, a dress that made a woman feel sexy and confident, a dress that would have been perfect, for an actual date. But like Gibbs had said this wasn't an actual date, just work. As good as she was at reading people, sometimes Gibbs was still a complete mystery to her. They were friends, he trusted her, cared about her, and was more open with her then most people. She knew he sensed the attraction between them, there were tiny moments were she saw it, felt it, but otherwise he seemed completely oblivious to it or maybe he was just ignoring it. Or maybe it was as simple as he was scared, just like her, to push or admit anything. Once you cross that line it can't be uncrossed. If she pushed and he wasn't ready or didn't want more, there would be consequences. Maybe it would be something as minor as a rejection with no change to their friendship or maybe, maybe something unfathomable, like losing his friendship all together. Was it worth the risk? She wasn't even sure she was ready to take the risk. She had her own fears and reasons for not crossing that line and she hadn't even begun to deal with those.

Reaching down, she grabbed the TV remote and turned it off as she got up and headed towards the bedroom. She stopped just as she was about to cross the threshold and looked at the bed, then looked over her shoulder at the couch. Maybe a change of venue would halt the dreams. She laughed to herself realizing the absurdity of the though and walked into the bedroom. A few seconds later, she emerged, pillow and blanket in hand. She knew it was absurd, but at this point she was willing to give anything a try.


"Call." Fornell tossed his chips into the pot and looked over at Vance.

Vance shook his head and dropped his cards.

Fornell looked across the table at Gibbs.

Gibbs tossed his chips in.

"Full house aces over kings." Fornell grinned as he laid his cards down.

Gibbs just sighed and tossed his cards on the table face down.

"You were so bluffing." Fornell chuckled as he scooped the pot towards him.

Vance picked up his beer downed the last swig and looked at Gibbs. "So I assume my first order of business when I get back on Monday will to be dressing you down for taking Bishop instead of Jack to Tabor's party."

Gibbs shook his head as he gathered the cards.

"Jack's going?" Vance looked surprised.

"Unless she changes her mind by tomorrow night." Gibbs shoved the cards back in the box. The game was over he already knew that. Vance had to catch an early flight and two handed poker doesn't really cut it.

"You invite her tonight?" Vance had expected her to be here.

Gibbs nodded. "She passed." He caught her just as she was leaving and invited her. Again she said she already had plans.

"Well, I have an early morning." Standing up Vance grabbed his coat from the back of the chair. He patted Gibbs' shoulder. "At least try and enjoy yourself tomorrow night."

"Try." Gibbs leaned back in the chair.


"Leon." Fornell watched as the director made his way to the front door, waited to hear it open and close, before speaking. "So what did you do to piss her off?" Fornell had already heard about what had happened.

Gibbs shrugged. "No idea."

"Not like Jack to try and get out of going to a party." Fornell smirked. "Although going to a party with you is-"

"I get it." Gibbs snapped.

"Just saying. Maybe she doesn't want to have to spend her night dragging you around while you roll your eyes at everything and everyone."

Gibbs glared at Fornell as he took a swig of his beer.

Fornell suddenly grew serious. "You think somethings wrong?"

"Somethings bothering her." Gibbs shook his head. "Just can't figure out what."

"Spidey senses all out of whack?"

Gibbs just took another swig of beer. When it came to her, his Spidey senses always seemed out of whack. And most of the time he was never sure why.

"She's one of the guys." Fornell stood up and grabbed his coat. "She'll probably tell you tomorrow about some date she had that she was nervous about."

"Yeah." Gibbs got up and walked his friend to the front door.

"And Leon's right, have fun tomorrow." Fornell smirked as he opened the door. "With Jack on your arm, no one will even care that you're there."

"Thanks a lot." Gibbs snickered.

"Enjoy some drinks and let her do all the talking."

"Yeah." Gibbs already planned on that.

"And I'll be around if you're up for a few more drinks when you get home."

Gibbs nodded as Fornell walked out. Closing the door, Gibbs made his to the kitchen and grabbed another beer then headed to the couch. Dropping down, he twisted off the cap and took a long gulp. He was definitely the cause of whatever was bothering Jack, he just couldn't figure out the reason. In the last few weeks most of their conversations had happened at work, revolving around cases, not much else and the last time she was actually here was almost as long. Two Sundays ago, she'd stopped over, but the visit had been brief. A quick beer, some mundane conversation and she left. He had no idea what he'd done. He'd spent days thinking about it then a few nights laying on the couch thinking about it, but nothing struck him. Trying to read her hadn't help. She was normally all smiles around him, and the few times she hadn't been she'd blamed it on lack of sleep. Maybe Fornell was right, maybe she was seeing someone. It would explain her absence over the last few weeks. A new relationship tends to monopolize your time. Jack in a new relationship that would explain even more than her absence. It would explain the plans she had for Friday and trying to back out of going to the Admirals retirement. It would explain her not showing up for the poker game, a few morning he'd noticed her come in late, and it would explain choosing a date over spending time with him.

He hadn't experiencing Jack dating, the closest he'd come was hearing about the blind date that led up to Hakim, but he'd never had to see her in a serious relationship. He felt his stomach clench and he shook his head. Playing the maybe game wasn't going to answer the question. He'd just ask her tomorrow night. If she was seeing someone, he'd try to get a name and check the guy out. Taking another swig of the beer, he took a deep breath as the agitation and anger set in. Standing up he headed for the basement, he needed to clear his head, work on the boat and have another drink.


She had one hand flat on his chest the other was clutching the head board as she rode him hard and fast. His hands caressed up her hips and over her ribcage feeling the rise and fall of her body above him. Gazing down at him, she slammed down onto his cock then rocked her hips rubbing back and forth. His jaw tightened as he hissed and his fingertips dug into the sides of her body. She dipped down brushing her lips against his.

"You're so close." Her hand clawed its way up his chest to his neck. "You love when I make love to you like this."

"God yes."

She purred as she continued to rock over him. "I love just feeling you inside me."

"Jack." Her name came out as a desperate plea.

Her eyes closed a moment as she savored the sound of her name from his lips. When she opened her eyes, his blue were staring up at her begging for more. She made a few quick movements over his cock then stopped, seeing the growing frustration in his eyes. "Do I frustrate you?" The words were spoken in a pouty condescending voice. "Toying with you like this." She rubbed over him again, then bounced a few times over his cock feeling the fingertips claw deeper into her ribs. "Using you to make myself come."

He thrust his hips upward jabbing his cock deeper into her.

She clenched her knees around his hips and pressed her full weight down onto him stopping his movement and drawing out a guttural groan from the man beneath her. She ran her thumb over his bottom lip. "You love every agonizing minute of it." She smirked as she saw the answer in his eyes, but demanded a verbal response. "Don't you."


As if rewarding him, she started taking him again in short quick movements. He moaned licking at her thumb as it brushed over his bottom lip. Then she stilled his blue eyes looking up at her begging for more. "I like this better." Again she rubbed herself across his groin; the friction created against her clit caused her to whimper as the need grew. "Feels so good, you inside me like this." She rose up again throwing her head back as her body started to shiver. "So close."

Jack's eyes shot open in the darkness and she whimpered. Her thighs were clamped together, her body quivering desperate for relief. She couldn't stop herself. Unclenching her thighs, her hand slipped between her legs and found her throbbing clit. The reminiscences of the dream fueling her, she closed her eyes and saw exactly how the dream ended. She would come screaming his name, her body collapsing forward, staying there until she calmed enough to speak. Her lips would find that spot below his ear and she'd allow him his own release. He'd take her with an animalist need, jabbing into her in quick thrusts grunting and growling until he screamed and filled her with his release.

And she screamed, screamed Gibbs name, just as she had for endless nights now. Laying there letting her body calm, when her breathing finally steadied she opened her eyes into the darkness again. Enough is enough. She couldn't go on like this. Tossing the blanket off her, she got up and headed to the bathroom. Flipping on the light her eyes stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was in complete disarray, some of it plastered against her forehead with sweat, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were still dilated. She stared at herself for a moment and suddenly realized what she had to do. She laughed, why hadn't it occurred to her before? If he was any other man it's exactly what she would have done. Turning on the water she washed her hands then splashed water over her face. And the Admirals retirement party was a perfect backdrop to do it. Drying her hands and face, she flipped off the light and went back to the couch. Lying down, she closed her eyes as she worked out exactly what she needed to do.


Sitting at his desk, Gibbs glanced up at her office door for the third time this morning. It was closed and he wasn't sure if she was already here or hadn't arrived yet. He got his answer when her door opened and she walked out a file in her hand. Her brown eyes met his as she smiled at him making her way to the stairs.

He watched her descend the stairs, suddenly captivated by the slow deliberate steps she took, and the quick looks she gave him as she made her was down. There was something different about her, an air of something surrounding her. When she took the last step and started towards the bullpen, his eyes were still fixated on her.

"Are we all set for tonight?" She asked with a smile as she stood before his desk.

He nodded.

"Are we leaving from here or do you need to go home first?"

He tipped his head behind him.

She looked back and saw the garment bag draped over the half wall behind him.

"I have my dress upstairs." Her fingers played with the small charm on her necklace. "Also I was hoping you'd take a look at this." She came around his desk and dropped the file in front of him. Leaning over she flipped it open to the page she wanted and pointed to a name. He picked up his glasses and put them on looking down at the name. "Sound familiar?" She placed her hand on the back of his chair.

He read the name then felt the brush of her hand against his back. "Yeah, arrested him last year for killing his mistress." He glanced up at her finding her again playing with the charm on her necklace.

She caught his eyes lingering on the necklace a moment longer than necessary before meeting her gaze. "He says there are two more bodies."


"He wants a deal and he'll give the location of the bodies." She sat down on the corner of his desk, legs crossed.


"They're working on it."

His eyes inadvertently skimmed down her leg watching as she dangled the high heel shoe off her toes. That was different too. She usually always wore boats, thigh high boots that left only a few inches of skin exposed between the top of her boot and the hem of her dress. Realizing what he was doing he looked back down at the file reading a few lines. "Our case?" He asked as he looked back up into her brown eyes.

"Not sure yet. He hasn't given the names." She shifted towards him slightly, her legs touching the arm of his chair trapping him against his desk. "But it may come back to us."

He nodded.

"If it does, it will come back to your team."

Another nod.

"Just wanted to keep you in the loop."

"Thanks." He closed the file and held it up to her. When she took it but didn't move he spoke again. "You're in a better mood."

"I am." She smiled at him remembering her dream from last night.

Gibbs saw the glint in her eyes and bit back a snide remark. He knew that look, all men do. The look of satisfaction. "What's his name?"

"Who's name?"

Gibbs rolled his eyes. Was she really going to play this game with him?

She knew what he was asking and why he was asking. And she almost didn't say the words of rebuttal, but then she remembers what she told herself last night. Standing up she leaned close to him speaking softly. "You know a woman doesn't need a man to have a satisfied look on her face."

His eyes widened momentarily and his mouth suddenly went dry.

She turned and walked away heading back up the steps to her office without giving him another look.

When the office door closed behind her, Gibbs pulled off his glasses and tossed them on the desk. He ran his hands down his face and took a deep breath. What the hell was that about? If he didn't know any better he'd think…he couldn't even finish the thought.

"Something wrong?"

Gibbs was so lost in thought he hadn't heard the young woman walk in. He looked over at Bishop standing by her desk. "No." He stood up and headed for the elevator. "Coffee."

The elevator doors opened and Torres walked out saying hello to Gibbs and getting a grunt in response.

Bishop's brow furrowed as she watched her boss disappear behind the elevator doors.

"Something wrong?" Torres asked as he walked into the bullpen and saw Bishop's face.

"I just asked Gibbs the same thing."

"And his answer was?"

"No." She turned to Torres. "But I walked in without him even realizing I was here."

Torres' eyebrow went up. "A new woman?"

Bishop's eyes went wide. "That's it he actually looked flustered."

Torres shrugged. "Then probably was a case."

"Not that kind of flustered."

"Really." Torres smirked. "So we're talked the, I got offered something I want but didn't think I could have flustered?"


"What? That's what you implied." Torres wiggled his eyebrows. "A work place hottie?"

She shook her head. "Not Gibbs."

"Maybe it was last night and the effects are lingering." Torres tossed his bag down next to his desk. He cocked his head. "Does Gibbs even get flustered?"

"All men get flustered." She dropped down in her chair.

"But Gibbs, come on." Torres stood by her desk. "The man could have any woman he wanted. Woman love that strong silent type…add the steely blue eyes and-" He made an explosion noise and as if something blew up with his hands. "Done deal." He saw the doubt in her eyes. "What about a couple weeks ago that witness on the Johnson case." His eyebrow went up.

"Ugh, I remember." Bishop groaned. "She was wearing that little satin robe over her bikini, it just keep falling open farther and farther as we were questioning her."

"I was ten feet away and I knew exactly who and what she wanted." Torres looked at her. "And Gibbs was definitely not flustered."

"Obviously he wasn't attracted to her."

Torres laughed. "Please any man with a pulse would have been attracted to her."

"I don't think-" Bishop stopped in mid-sentence when she saw the movement on the steps above them.

Torres turned to see what had made her stop talking and he saw Jack was making her way down the stairs. He leaned towards Bishop. "Why don't you ask Jack about men getting fluster. And she was at the scene that day with little miss bikini."

Bishop opened her mouth then closed it again as Jack walked in looking slightly concerned. "Am I interrupting?"

"No, we could use your opinion." Torres asked. "Remember bikini woman at that scene last week."

"The one coming on to Gibbs." Jack folded her arms across her chest defensively. She remembered the woman all too well and the jealousy she'd felt. "Hard to forget."

"But Gibbs wasn't interested." Bishop added.

"He didn't seem to be."

"But she was attractive. I mean Gibbs had to have noticed that." Torres questioned.

Jack chuckled. "Any man with a pulse would have noticed she was attractive."

Torres snapped his fingers and laughed then pointed at Bishop. "Told you."

"Still Gibbs wasn't flustered by it." Bishop glared at Torres.

"All men get flustered, but I have a feeling it takes more than just a pretty woman to fluster Gibbs." Jack chuckled. "What brought this up?"

"Did you see anyone in here talking to Gibbs this morning?" Bishop asked.

Jack shook her head.

"Maybe I was wrong."

"Wrong about what?"

Torres rolled his eyes. "When Bishop got here she said Gibbs looked flustered."

"Flustered." Jack's eyebrow went up.

"I actually got off the elevator, walked into the bullpen, and spoke without him realizing I was here." Bishop shook her head. "That never happens, and he just, just had that look." She looked at Jack. "You know the look."

Jack nodded. And she knew exactly why Gibbs had that look, but having it confirmed made her pulse race. "Does it matter why he had the look?"

"No, just…" Bishop sighed. "It would be nice for him to find someone, the right one, the last one."

Jack smiled. Bishop truly loved Gibbs, that same love that all his agents had for him. They saw him as this mentor, father figure that no matter what happened he would always be there for them, long after the job ended. "Being someone's first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect."

"That's beautiful." Bishop sighed wistfully.

The elevator dinged and Gibbs strolled out, slowing as he saw the three people standing in the bullpen look over at him. He was carrying two coffees and when he reached them he handed one to Jack then continued to his desk.

She took a sip as the two agents stared at her.

"I could use a coffee." Torres scoffed.

"I am his favorite." Jack smirked glancing over for Gibbs' reaction, but he didn't even look up.

Torres and Bishop both raised an eyebrow looking at her then turning towards Gibbs who was now staring at his computer screen.

"Do you need me to find you two some work." Gibbs said still staring at his screen.

"Nope." Torres ran over to his desk as Bishop typed at her keyboard.

When Jack didn't move Gibbs tipped his head up and looked at her. "Favorite or not, I can find work for you too."

She smiled at his confirmation of her statement. "Right." She held up the coffee. "Thanks."

He stared at her eyes narrowing.

"I'm going." She turned and headed for the stairs.

It took all of Gibbs' strength to not watch her take each step. Instead he let his eyes drop back to the computer screen. They needed a case, sitting here all day was not what he wanted or needed. The phone on his desk ran and he picked it up. "Gibbs." A momentary paused. "Yeah." He hung up the phone and stood up, the two agents around him rose. "Sit." They did as told and Gibbs headed up the stairs disappearing towards Vance's office.

"Vance is gone."

"Right." Torres hissed. "Surprised he didn't run the other way."


When Gibbs opened the door to Vance's office, Vance's secretary was standing by the desk shoving papers onto a clip board. When she looked up she had a look of shock on her face.


"You actually came up?" Her head went back usually when she called he ran to hide somewhere. "I was just gathering up everything I needed you to sign to come chase you down."

"I'm here." He walked around the desk and sat down in Vance's chair.

"Is this a joke?" She still had the shocked look on her face. "Are you sick?"

"Just give me the damn papers." Gibbs balked.


Gibbs managed to stay busy throughout the day handling Vance's back log of paperwork. There was the occasional interruption, all from his team making sure he was okay or trying to give him an excuse to get out of the office. There was a soft knock on the door and Vance's secretary walked in still smiling over the fact she didn't have to spend the day following him around.

"I brought you a coffee." She sat the coffee on the desk in front of him.

"Thanks Susan."

"You're welcome." She smiled but with a hint of concern. "Are you hiding from someone? Not that it's any of my business, but you have never spent this much time in this office, ever."


"Are you trying to hatch a plan to get out of going tonight?" He was about to speak when she stopped him. "Because I have direct orders to call Vance if you try to get out of it or don't go."

He chuckled. He knew Vance would have her keeping an eye on him. "I'm going."

"Good, because I'd hate to have to ruin the best day I've ever had with you."

"We're good." Gibbs nodded.

"Well it's almost six and you need to get ready." She walked out the open door and returned with the garment bag. "I had Agent McGee bring it up." She hung it on the back of the door. "Agent Barker will have the car waiting for you and Agent Sloane out front at six thirty."

He stood up and came around the desk.

"And Agent Barker has instructions to call me if you're not there."

"Yes Ma'am."

She chuckled and shook her head as she walked out, closing the door behind her.

Gibbs stared at the garment bag before walking over and unzipping it. He hated black tie affairs, stuffy politicians and uptight military brass. Same reason he never wanted to be Director. Yet tonight, what concerned him more than any of that was the woman on his arm.