AN: This is the first chapter of a re-write of my other story "The Coming Storm".

This is more of an attempt to cut the fat off my first attempt at this idea and make a more cohesive story.

Chapter 1

"Why don't we start with your name?" The social worker asked the boy as Ozpin watched from behind the one-way mirror.

"Thor." The boy said curtly.

"Thor? That's an unusual name." The social worker said as he wrote something down on his clipboard.

Ozpin silently agreed with that assessment but didn't think the social worker had much else right. He'd been watching the…interview from the beginning and the case worker had made the grave mistake of treating this boy like any other child, and he clearly wasn't.

The bizarre circumstances of how he'd been found aside, the boy's mannerisms were certainly atypical. The way he spoke, the words he used, his whole way he carried himself were all indications of someone older than what this boy was.

Ozpin thought he'd had a hard life most likely and was forced to mature quickly. Or at least that was the current impression he had from watching interview, more information would come.

But this boy…Thor, was not very cooperative. Ozpin had watched these two interact for close to an hour and only now did he divulge his name. Or, at least a name. The boy may be lying or misleading, Thor wasn't a name he'd ever heard before. It could be part of a name or some sort of pun, given the child's hostility it wasn't at all unlikely he wasn't giving his full name.

Still, what he'd done, how he'd been found. He was going to be one to watch in the future, if today was any indication, he was possibly going the be the great Huntsman of his generation. Well, he would be if Ozpin had a say in the matter.

And as luck would have it, he did.


A child's body, that's what this was. When he woke in the forest, it took him a few hours before he'd realized what was wrong. Now he knew, well enough at least, what this was.

A banishment, or punishment. He'd done something again to anger his father. Only this time, he couldn't remember what it was. Which was different, the first time he'd had all his memories suppressed. Now he could recall everything till…well he didn't know when. He had no idea of the lapse of time from when he'd been sent here to when he woke up.

He'd faced some creatures, which given his body and no powers, had made him fear for his life. He'd slain a few but was certain he'd of been killed if help hadn't arrived.

From then on, he'd pestered by social workers, police and a detective. Question after question, who was he, where were his parent, what was he doing the woods.

Thor answered vaguely, or not at all. Telling them the truth would more than likely get him sent to an asylum. Of course, a lesser scenario would have resulted in him just being called a liar, which not as bad, would still hinder him … whatever he supposed to do.

He'd been pondering it for a while and didn't have a shadow of a clue. For now, he'd just have to…go with the flow.

Which meant likely being sent to some sort of group home. He was going to have to hunker down in this life and try to figure it out as he went.


Thor Odinson, which was the only name he'd offered, was now settling into the Vale orphanage. Ozpin had interviewed the boy before he'd been sent along to the facility. And he was even more peculiar than he'd originally thought.

He didn't know what he'd faced was a Grimm. Not just the species, but even what Grimm were. He knew nothing the semblances, dust and the wider world. Or at least that was the impression he got, he hardly had time quiz him on his knowledge of the world, that would be for placement testing for when he tried to enroll in school.

Still, it was like he just wondered into the world with no knowledge of it. Even if he was from one of the number of clans to villages that broke off from the Kingdoms, he should have at least known about Grimm.

Truly a curious case.

Three Weeks later – Thor's "room"

Thor hadn't ever been one to care for "academics", so when he'd been given placement testing and utterly failed it, he didn't take it too hard. In standard areas, such as math, he'd done fine. But the history of this world, as well as several of the subject studied were totally alien to him. "Dust" studies totally alluded him.

"This is not Midgard." Was all he could really think. Yet it had some undeniable similarities. Humans populated it. But the test also talked about another race, Faunus. Some references to animal parts, but he'd yet to see one.

Then there were the powers of the "Huntsmen." Like Midgard, powers flourished here. He was going to be forced into remedial classes to bring him up to scratch, according to his teachers.

They'd asked him his age and honestly, he didn't know, so he estimated. He was close to twelve so that was the age group he'd been tested for. And he found himself acting like he was twelve again sometimes, despite his…experience.

This was expected, he knew there was a biological aspect to behavior and emotions, and that younger people, especially those in puberty had a hard time regulating them. And that became clear when he was told about his academic situation, he's thrown a complete fit.

As he sat in his "room" cooling off, he felt ashamed and embarrassed after the outburst. His older mind chided him for the childish behavior.

He'd just have to deal with the situation. He looked around him "room" and sighed at the fact he owned nothing. It wasn't really his "room", he shared it with two other boys. One was small for his age, timid and quick to yield.

The other was as tall as Thor, but heavy set. Yet was still remarkable athletic for his size. He was also something of a bully. But Thor didn't think he meant it that way, he just seemed somewhat inconsiderate.

The smaller boy's name was Grey, and Thor though that fit him well. Low key and easily missed. The other was named Olivier. They illustrated a point Thor was noticing.

Almost everyone had color-based name. In fact, aside from the man called Ozpin, everyone he'd meet had. If he'd known that, he might have picked a name that stuck out less.

It didn't matter now. He needed to live this life until he figured out what he was supposed to do to fix it.


If Thor's ignorance of the world was cause for questions, how quickly he was making up the deficit was raising just as many.

After his placement testing and one term in the remedial classes, his scores had risen to near the upper levels of his classmates. That ability was either the sign of true genius, or of someone who knew what he professed to not know.

Both options gave Ozpin a fair amount to think about with this boy, be he prodigy or deceiver. If he was just that intelligent, that was something. If he'd been deceiving them, the question was why.

What was more, he was unwilling to be interviewed or go further with the officials than what was necessary. He wasn't making thing easy.

But he was proving a natural in combat classes. Of course, Ozpin knew this would be the case, given how he'd been found. But his teachers were reporting instincts of a seasoned Hunter and knowing tricks that even they didn't.

And all his teachers noted how he seemed more "mature" than he should be. While he still acted a child at times, he was still more mature than his peers.

But when he lost his temper, he lost it. He'd gotten into a fight with one of his roommates as he bullied their other roommate and had broken the other boys fist.

It was a noble enough sentiment, but when he was worked up, he seemed to lose the maturity and rationality he had in other situations.

Still, he was proving a remarkable young man. Ozpin was certain he'd be coming to Beacon, because if his teachers could be believed, he loved to battle.


The world of Remnant, as he'd learned it was call, was incredibly like Midgard in many regards. But differed as well. He felt like he was half way home all the time.

That was confusing at times, but he did fell like this world was home in a fashion. Still, he'd see something not of Midgard or Asgard and it would remind him he wasn't home, had no power and didn't know how to get back. The body and mentality of a child also didn't help, his reactions tended to be more erratic and less logical.

But he was heart sick for his two homes. Asgard and Midgard, he was of both realms, but couldn't go to either. At times this made him incredibly apathetic and lethargic, other times it made him work harder to advanced whatever plan his father had.

His father. King Odin. He loved him but hated his machinations sometimes. Well most of the time, never knowing what he planned or what your role in them was.

But here he thought he might know at least the start. This world had professional Hero's. They were called Huntsman and Huntresses, but they were hero's. It was what he had been called to do over countless lifetimes, so that was where he'd start, becoming one of this world Hunters, and see what path his father had laid out for him.

At least he'd be in a role he was familiar with, that at least felt like home.


Thor was more than just a remarkable child. More than bright and strong. In his long life, he'd never meet anyone like him. He felt and energy coming off him when he unlocked his Aura and used his semblance. He couldn't place it exactly, but almost felt like the relics. But that was impossible, or he thought it would be, but the signature was too similar.

It was possible it was just a coincidence, but that didn't seem at all likely. Perhaps the gods had finally gotten tired of his anemic efforts and had sent another to help? Or blessed another with the power?

At this point he didn't know. He'd watched Thor for years and couldn't help but think the gods would have sent a more…tempered man. Thor was the most talented student in his school, but also the most hot tempered and likely to break rules.

He was quick to pick fights with those who annoyed him or picked on others. He was noble in his defense of other's but it got him into trouble for going outside the rules. But to his credit, he often mended the fences quickly. The first few weeks at the orphanage, he gotten into a fight with his roommate over his treatment of their other roommate.

Thor had ended up broking the boys hand, but soon after, the three boys had become the closest of friends.

But his constant run in's with authority figures had hampered any idea of bringing him to beacon early. If he could just learn to temper himself, he'd be the ideal student.

But now he was coming, ready to make and attempt for a spot in prestigious school. He would of course be allowed in, even if the initiation didn't go his way, he'd find some way to being him in. There was something of the divine in him, and if nothing else, he wanted to learn more about it.

From the divine or touched by it, there was something of the other world to him.

Thor – First Day at Beacon

Thor felt…oddly downcast despite the fact he should be excited. He was taking the steps fulfill his role and find his path in this world and find out what he'd done to end up here.

Still, he'd been here for five years and hadn't seemed to make any real progress in that regard. No signs or visions. But he'd grown fond of this world never the less, it wasn't without its charm. It was more advanced in a general sense than Midgard in technology yet fell short of what some of his friends and enemies built.

But he also felt the weight of time in way he'd never felt it before. Never had his godly mind been exposed to human nature so clearly. Even when banished as a mortal he retained none of his memories and the few time's he'd been stripped of his powers it hadn't lasted over the course of years during a large growth period for his body.

He almost felt like he was dying by inches, and that really wasn't far off. Weren't all mortals? He didn't fear death, but he feared what his people called a "Straw death", death out of battle. It would shame him for the rest of eternity to die in such a way. As a god that hadn't been much of an issue, if he were to be killed, it would be far more likely to be in battle, not from some illness or the infirmity of old age. Now the odds were much more in favor of the later.

He'd just have to figure out his father's plan. It was time's like this he found himself missing his brother, for all the grief he caused him later, in here younger years they'd been as close as it was possible for two brothers' to be. And he was the brains behind the whole operation. Not that Thor was dumb, but Loki was smarter and what was more, he enjoyed using his mind. He was good at puzzling things out in ways Thor wasn't.

But it wasn't any good wanting his brother there, he wasn't, so Thor had to do it himself, as best as he could.

Beacon in the distance had looked almost like castle. Seemed fitting enough, to train warriors. Still, it seemed…oddly well designed for defense for school. What did they need to defend against? Grimm were one thing, but that wasn't such a threat at its location. As he walked the grounds, it seemed even more evident.

Perhaps it was just to instill a martial sense in the students?

He pushed the thoughts out of his mind for now. It might well be something he'd learn here. Initiation would be the next day, and that was the only thing that gave him concern. It was never the same from one year to the next, and even exceptional students could be ejected if they didn't meet the proper requirements.

He was confident in his skills, yet luck was fickle and could turn the strongest into the defeated. He supposed there was wisdom in that, still it didn't seem wise to eject potentially powerful warriors on something so mercurial.

These thoughts kept him in his own mind, and he only vaguely heard some argument off to his right between two girls.

Then he was washed over with light and heat and thrown to the ground.


It took her a moment to realize what had happened. Then a wave of embarrassment and anger washed over her. Weiss Schnee had been waving dust vile in front of her and she'd…set it off.

"By the gods." Another voice muttered, this one deep and clearly a boy's. Looking behind herself, she saw another prospective student climbing to his feet. The ash on his clothing made it all to clear he'd been caught in the blast. She felt her cheek's flush even more. Blowing up one student was bad, but she could reason it was just as much Weiss's fault as here's, but this poor guy had just been walking by.

She could only think that she was just making enemies and not friends.

"You dolt! Look what you've done!" She heard Weiss shouted and she walked over to the other student to help him up, but he was already onto his feet.

The first thing Ruby noticed about this guy was how big he was. He was taller than any of the other students she'd seen coming in with her and Yang. And he was broader in the shoulder's and heavily muscled. When he turned to look at them, she saw he had a full beard. Most of the boy's she'd seen with any facial hair only had it grown in patchy.

But when he faced them, he was smiling, and Ruby noticed something else about him. He was handsome, extremely handsome. His smile was almost seemed glow.

"It's nothing…really." He brushed himself off still smiling. "If a small dust explosion is something to be concerned with, maybe we aren't in the proper career?" His smiling not fading, and laughter in his voice.

Ruby was happy that he wasn't mad, and his demeanor seemed to have diffused Weiss's anger. Or at least distracted her. For a moment, she thought she might slip away while she talked to this newcomer. But she didn't fell right leaving without apologizing, even if he didn't seem upset about it.

"Sorry about…blowing you up." She said and realized how awkward it sounded. She wished Yang was here. She wished she hadn't said anything, because Weiss's attention came back onto her.

"You should be." She said coolly.

She wasn't shouting, but she seemed just as angry, but instead of hot anger, it was cold and full of contempt.

"Come now miss…" The boy said.

"Schnee." Weiss said "Weiss Schnee." She offered her hand. The boy took and shook it.

"Thor Odinson." He said smiling. If Weiss thought the name was odd she hide it, but Ruby couldn't help but turn an eyebrow at the name, it sounded…foreign, but in a way she couldn't place. "But I think you are far too upset over such small matter." He continued.

Ruby was mildly pleased to see Weiss look confused at it being called a "small matter" and in truth it made Ruby feel better as well.

"She detonated my dust!" Weiss said, her voice climbing a little higher in the octaves.

"Yes, yes, but no one was hurt, were they?" He said, "It is a small thing."

"But someone could have been!" Weiss said her voice getting a little louder.

Thor just smiled and laughed "Why worry about that? It didn't, and there is no point to worry about it."

Ruby was grinning as Weiss's face turned slightly red in temper, and she was a little surprised that at this she picked up the rest of her belonging and left her them.

"She's wound to tight." Thor said before turning to Ruby." I didn't get your name." He said, extending his hand, I'm Thor, but I suppose you knew that." He never stopped smiling.

It took her a moment to respond and gather her thoughts "Oh…right…" She reached out and grasped his hand and shook "I'm Ruby Rose. Thanks for…" She wasn't sure what to say but settled on "diffusing the situation."

"Ah…it was nothing, no one was hurt, although, I'd suggest being more careful in the future." He said, his voice kind and a smile still on his face. "I'll see you at initiation, I presume."

And with that he was off, and Ruby felt an odd sensation of happiness and confusion. Happy in she'd made a friend…sort of, and confusion at him telling her to be more careful. Did he mean with dust? Or with people like Weiss?

"Well." She thought "I'll ask him next time I see him. "


She was more than a little flustered over the encounter she could admit that to herself. The sudden explosion, the fight, Thor and his dismissal of the incident. She suddenly found herself feeling like she was facing down two opponents rather than one.

She knew that wasn't the case logically, but that boy Thor had side with that Ruby girl, at least that was how she felt, she suddenly felt that maybe she had been in the wrong, given that he'd been totally uninvolved in her little confrontation with Ruby, she thought of him as a sort of objective outsider. And, if she was honest, she'd played a part in it, waving a poorly sealed dust container in the girl's face.

She didn't like feeling like she was wrong. She didn't mind so much other's confronting her, so long as she knew she was right, but admitting to herself she'd been wrong, or in the wrong was much harder.

It was true she'd been caught off guard by that boy's appearance. He looked like a hero out of antiquity in his good looks and hero's body. Almost like one of the statues of the legendary warriors had come to life.

But she thought his attitude was to…lax. And he seemed so…happy at being blown up. That was more than a bit odd.

Well, if he made it through initiation maybe she'd find out more about his peculiarities.

Ruby – The Day of Initiation

She waited eagerly to be launched into the forest as Glynda explained the rules and conditions. She wanted desperately to find Yang in the forest first. She didn't want another partner, despite making…well she'd say two friends. Jaune was nice, but he didn't seem really…qualified.

Her other "Friend" was two people she only considered friendly acquaintances and not full friends, Thor and Blake, so she only counted each as a half.

Thor had been kind to her when she had that unfortunate encounter with Weiss. Blake she'd meet later that day who commented on Weiss in cold way. They'd meet again that night as they bunked down for the night and Yang had tried to foster more, but it hadn't seemed like it was going anywhere, until Ruby and Blake found a common interest in books.

But neither could compare to her sister. Blake was to cold, and Thor was…different in his own way. He'd taken to sleeping in nothing but his boxer's, much to the discomfort of herself and several others, and far too much interest from Yang. She didn't think she'd be able to cope with that on a daily basis. Then this morning she'd seen him consume food almost like he was vacuum, out eating the combined amount five boys he sat with. That was…odd.

Between him and Blake, she'd pick Blake.

As she got ready to launch she made a list in her mind of who'd she wants to find first. Yang was number one. Blake was second, and Jaune and Thor tied for third, after that, she didn't know, she just hoped it'd be one of her choices.


This almost felt like flying again, yet he had no real control of his direction…yet. Spinning the weapon, he'd made, just like old time, he turned himself in the air towards where he knew where the relics were and threw it, holding onto the strap to be pulled along.

It wasn't as refined as his true form of flight, but it served his needs. As he watched the other students plummet into the forest he kept going, getting ahead of them all. He smirked at his own clever design for this weapon system. He still wasn't sure how he'd come up it, but he thought it was some subconscious level of his godhood manifesting itself in whatever way it could, in this case, configuring a weapon system to replicate his power, no matter how feebly.

He'd reached the relics and examined them for a moment. They were chess pieces. Picking up the White King he tried to remember the rest of the initiation process. He hadn't been paying close attention when it was being explained.

Get the relic's and get to the top of the cliff. Find a partner, that was the other part. Simple enough, he had his relic so now he just need a partner.

If he headed back the way the others were coming he'd find someone. Pocketing his relic, he headed out.

A few hours later, Thor had run into several Grimm but no other students. Making him wonder if he'd perhaps gotten himself turned around. He's never admit it of course, and the Grimm had provided some fun, but he did need to find a partner and get out of the forest before it was too late.

Looking into the sky, he spotted a large Nevermore. Not much to be concerned about, but he though he heard voiced on the wind, and thought he saw spots of white and red on the creature pure black feathers.

Then he saw both spot fall off and heard screams, and realized it was other students. Who would be crazy enough to ride and Nevermore? Other than himself of course. These two had peaked his interest.

One again using his gear to take to the air, he followed.


The Deathstalker was making its way towards the combined group, the Nevermore circled overhead. Not good odds, but they were here to learn how to deal with these types of situation. What was more, she wanted to show Weiss she knew what she was doing, that she wasn't here by mistake.

She turned to the Deathstalker as it charged them and got ready to charge it herself.

But a crack of thunder and flash of lightning blinded her for a second as something struck the Deathstalker. Then something landed in front of her. It took her a moment to see a man rising from a crouched position and raise his hand. The object that struck the Deathstalker flew back to his hand, a massive hammer with an axe blade.

As the flash from the lightning faded from her eye's she saw Thor standing in front of her. Smiling the same smile, she'd seen yesterday, and she couldn't help but returning it.


The man knew how to make an entrance, Weiss gave him that. How he'd done it she'd just have to figure out later, but he's stunned the Deathstalker, and it hadn't taken much conversation for the group to make a run from it.

Thor made a mention of fighting and finishing the Grimm off, but the other's, all of who's name's she yet to learn, voted for making a run for the cliff.

And they had, but to soon became clear that would have to fight. And as they talked over a plan of what to do, Weiss saw something she never forgot.

Thor spun his weapon like the blade of a helicopter, and threw it, while keeping hold of it. He was pulled into the air and Weiss was shocked at the pure recklessness of the act as he flew towards the Nevermore.

She was even more shocked when he flew straight through the Grimm's neck, virtually decapitating it, while a stand of flesh held the remains of the head to the body.

She thought back to when she'd meet him yesterday, and of the heroes of antiquity. The image was dashed however when he couldn't stop and slammed into the cliff who's top they were supposed to reach, unable to control his flight path after his launch.

The cries of the other's voiced their concerned over what had happened to him, but as he was seen climbing the face of the cliff, they turned their attention to the Deathstalker, and all together more robust opponent. Thor seemed fine, or at least well enough to climb, and frankly, they needed to see to themselves now.

Still that act had been simultaneously brave, stupid and oddly brilliant in its own fashion, even if it could have killed him. The pure reckless nature of it…and the force of the attack. Another reason to keep an eye on him. He hadn't impressed her this morning with his table manners, and his complete disregard for dressing decently in mixed company hadn't impressed her.

But his sheer audacity in his attacks was something.

The Deathstalker went down hard, but with eight on one, the fight hadn't been overtly taxing. Still tougher than Weiss had thought it should have been. She thought to Thor killing the Nevermore with a single attack but had to remind herself that Nevermore were comparatively fragile next to a Deathstalker. Fast and dangerous but at the cost of the robust body other Grimm enjoyed.

But when all was said and done, they had won. All that was left was to get the extraction point.

That Night

Weiss thought the room was small. To her it was, but this was what she signed up for when she decided to come here.

The day's events were a drain, and she wanted to get to bed. The actual initiation was tiring, and herself being passed over for team leader was a blow to her ego.

She was also surprised to learn that one initiate, Thor hadn't made it in, not being at the team naming ceremony. She guessed she should of know, when he'd meet up with them with not team or partner. He had his chess piece but hadn't meet the other parameters of the test.

It was a little sad, Pyrrha had been, in her mind, the strongest student. Thor had made that idea seem less likely. Such talent being cast aside…it was a little sad in her mind.

A knock on the door broke her own of her thoughts. Before she could really think of who it could be, Ruby answered the door.

"Hello!" familiar voice called, Weiss couldn't place it immediately, but that didn't matter as Thor walked in, holding a bag over his head.

"What are you…" ruby started to ask but was cut off when Thor handed her a piece of paper.

"That will explain everything." He said as he looked around the room. "Four beds…I suppose I'll just use my bed roll on the floor." Thor said as he moved to a corner and started setting up what looked like to Weiss a camp site.

"Ruby?" She said turning away from the…intruder.

"Uhhh…it says." She stumbled a she read the note. "Thor will…be staying with us." She stopped for a second to continue reading "He apparently didn't fail initiation, just getting a team, so he'll be a…'free agent', student."

"What does that mean?" Yang asked.

"He's…uh…going to work with different teams for team exercises."

"Okay…but why is he here?" Weiss asked.

"I was assigned to your room because I meet you first in the trial." Thor called from his corner of the room.

"So…" Weiss began "We are going to be even more crowded." All she could think was how she had thought the room was small with three other students, now another. "Great."