A/N Hey! This is just a side project I decided to start (even though I have so many projects going on). I am planning on updating this every Sunday until I have no chapters to release. As of right now, I have a few, so strap yourselves for a new Undertale AU. A glitch, so to speak. A new tale to tell. Enjoy... :)

One last hit, you thought. Your hand shook from the exertion. Blood ran down your forehead like tears from a cut caused by the monstrosity before you. No matter how many times you met this beast, it never ceased to surprise you. How could a single flower, evil but small, become a photoshop nightmare with powers that could kill you in an instant, if you weren't so resilient? The fallen humans from the past were now on your side. All you had to do was attack one last time. But it was hard, knowing that you were attacking him. Asriel. The Fallen Prince.

But if you finished this, you could do it. This had to be the route that allowed you to change the ending. Pacifism only lead to heartbreak. Genocide lead to apathy. In this ending, your feelings were so strong, so strong that maybe... MAYBE you could do an impossible action. Break the code and story that kept you from doing it.

Finally! An opening. Flowey had underestimated you and left a gap in his defenses. Without any hesitation, you jumped. Putting both hands around your rusty knife, you prepared to swing it. Flowey's monitor suddenly showed a look of fear as you slashed and cut his face.

That's it. That's all that was needed. He screamed in anger. You had heard it all before. You started lip syncing the words Flowey said. "This can't be happening! You...YOU!"

You didn't even act surprised when Flowey reloaded the SAVE File to be at full health. You didn't even flinch when he killed you mainy times. Sure. It hurt, but you learned that pain is just an illusion of the brain made to keep you alive. Since you were going to live anyways, you ignored it as best you could. Then, rainbow madness later and you were all alone. Alone with the flower that tried to kill you.

Weak. Pathetic. Pitiful. Two choices. MERCY. FIGHT. You had tried both. Neither had worked. Now, you fought against the code. You fought to move from your spot. Normally, the code would keep you standing where you were, but this time, you were in control. Not the code. Not the story. You walked towards the flower. He looked up in curiosity.

"What are you doing?" He asked. You took out your knife. He smirked. "I knew you had it in you!"

But you weren't going to attack him. Instead, you struck at your chest. Pain was just an illusion, and yet you yelled and pleaded for it to end. Then, by the end of it, you felt the pain recede and numbness return. Your soul was in your hands now, and Flowey seemed to look intrigued. You didn't even notice the red liquid that was everywhere. Instead, you offered it. You offered your soul to Flowey. He seemed to hesitate. After all, it could be a trick.

"Just take it," you said, your vision starting go dark. If he didn't take it then, the world would reset, and this whole thing would've been for naught.

A cruel grin appeared on his face as his eyes went black. More pain. Vines struck you everywhere, piercing you to death. Your vision started to darken faster. You watched as he took your soul in his vines. You could barely hear his voice when he spoke.

"Thanks for the gift."

Darkness. Your voice echoed. "No! No no no no no!" Not a reset!" Code appeared in front of your eyes.

True Reset Commencing...

Suddenly, the code glitched. Everything changed as words appeared from another person. Gaster...

What have you done?

True Reset Failed.

Reset Commencing...

Reset failed...

Error: Human Soul (Red).exe...Corrupted

Error: Chara .exe ...Corrupted

Error: Player Control... Faulty

Error: Flowey .exe...Corrupted

Solution found. Making changes.

Human Soul (White).exe...Installed

Chara .exe...Altered

Player Control...False

Flowey .exe...Altered

You lost control. You can no longer move. Only watch. The code disappears after showing one last line.

This is your fault.

On your screen, a new title popped up. This is game is no longer Undertale.

OVERGROWN: Press C to continue

You pressed C. A pop-up alert comes from your computer.

"These files are corrupted" it said on top. Underneath the title of the warning, it said, "YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF."

You realized what this meant. You and Frisk were no longer one person. You, the player, were now an observer. You were no longer in control. This was no longer your story. This was Frisk's. They would choose what to do. This was your fault. You did this.

Now, you had to watch as Frisk went through their journey in a totally new, corrupted world without you. You hoped they would do the right thing.