I shot the ghost in the head with a well-placed sniper shot and grinned before chambering another round and taking out one more. I chuckled with a sigh. "That brings me back."

"First Recon, right," asked Panty beside me as she spotted for me.

"Surprised you actually paid attention."

"How can I not? You basically cunt block me every chance you get. I get bored around you."

"Not my fault. I don't fuck sluts. Kind of had a bad relationship with one a few… I don't know, thousand years back."

"Why isn't my sister doing this?"

"Can your sister accurately count for wind, distance, and velocity?"

"Nah. Stocking's great at melee, but she's crap at firearms."

"A fact she understands. Target spotted."

"Adjust aim, two degrees. Wait for my signal."

"Copy. I'm surprised you keep trying to sleep with me."

"What can I say, I'm persistent."

"More like annoying."

"Fire in three, two, now!" I pulled the trigger and took out Patient Zero, a ghost created with the equivalent of a zombie virus.

"Damn timeline alterations, he wasn't supposed to come along for another month or so."

"Don't we get infected?"

'Yeah, but Gabriel comes and bails you out."

"She's an asshole!"

"Gabriel's a she?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Must prefer possessing guys, then."

"Yeah, you can say that again." I stood up and helped her to her feet before turning my rifle back into a handgun and returning it back into my beret. "Why is it yellow?"

"Demon armament. Deals more damage and after Phantom, more damage means better chance at killing the fuck."

"He gave you a run for your money, huh?"

"No. He had help. One of the Freaks really is here, I just need to limit his reinforcements."

"Need any help with this Phantom guy?"

"No. I can take him. It's the Freak I'll need help with. Manipulative, impulsive, highly unstable, Voldemort is a formidable opponent. And he can easily turn innocents against me, limiting my movements to make sure they're not hurt." I looked around before noticing the ghosts didn't drop any coins. "Fake ghosts. Dammit."

"How are they fake?"

"Artificially made. Fuck."

"What does that mean?"

"It means it's as fake as a stripper's tits. Factory made, essentially." I looked around before shaking my head. "Come on, let's get back to the church. Fake Ghosts weren't supposed to happen yet." I dropped down from the building we were on top of, lost in thought.

"Hey!" I snapped and her shadow brought her back down to street level. "Thank you."

"I need to get back to the school, I expect you to return there tomorrow."

"Oh, come on! School's fucking boring!"

"You have a cover, stick with it. Besides, I rigged the classes, so you have majority of them with the Daemon Sisters. I need you to keep an eye on them since I can't. I actually take my jobs, even my covers, seriously. Especially when I'm the teacher. I tend to do that more often than not. Alma claims I have a complex about it after the whole Death Note fiasco."

I whistled, calling Shadowmere and climbed the steed before looking at her. "Where the hell did you find that thing anyways?" Shadowmere snorts in indignation and stamps in annoyance as he turned to her.

"Shadowmere was a gift from a mentor of mine. One of the first guilds I joined was the assassin guild known as the Dark Brotherhood. Shadowmere was given to me based on loyalty and precision when completing my contracts. Also, it's he and him, not it. He hates that."

"You animal lovers are all the same."

"I'm not a general animal lover. I'm not fucking a bitch in heat like you, am I?"

"Oh! You're insufferable!"

"That's a big word for you. Yah!" Shadowmere took off with me as I shifted my clothes into my teacher's attire and shifted Shadowmere into his bike form, a helmet appearing on my head. I pulled up to the school and knocked a jock who was tormenting Rock into a dumpster. "Mr. Dawes! You know better than to stand in a fucking parking spot! Clean yourself off and report to class!" I turned to Rock as I removed my helmet. "And you need to start sticking up for yourself, Mr. Briefers." I climbed off Shadowmere and addressed him fully. "You make yourself too much of a target."

"I know," sulked the geek. I shook my head before handing him a flier.

"Self defense classes. Take them. That's an order." I shook my head and started walking away when I noticed a limo shooting into the parking lot. I glared at it before it came to a stop beside me and the back window lowered, showing the Mayor of Daten City. "Mr. Mayor. Dropping off your daughters, I see?" Corset smiled at me slightly.

"You must be Mr. Mason," he said. I kept my face neutral. "I trust my little… 'angels' have been nothing but perfect."

"I wouldn't know. Other than once, they haven't been in school since I started here. Not a good image for you, is it, Sir?" I glared at the man as he simply smirked before the door opened and Scanty and Kneesocks exited the car, looking between us nervously. "I think you should be leaving now, Mr. Mayor. And take your shoddy rug with you!" I threw the carpet into the window, hitting him in the head before I forced the driver to speed off with mind control. I snapped and the damages done by the limo were fixed. I glared at the two, striking the fear of Lucifer into them and making Scanty slightly squirm. "Do that again, and its suspension. Be glad I blame your 'father' more than you. Understand?"

"Y-yes, Mr. Mason," said Kneesocks.

"Get. To. Class." They nodded and hurried off as I looked around at students watching the altercation. Seeing my glare and slightly glowing silver eyes, they hurried on their way, not willing to risk getting me angrier. I sighed and pulled up the drones I left at the Daemon Mansion and had them scan the area for traces of magic or ectoplasm, having them run for thirty minutes before setting down in case someone entered the Mansion.

"What are you doing, Professor," asked one of my students behind me.

"Checking something." I turned around and spotted Asuka Ishida behind me. "How can I help you, Miss Ishida?"

"I-I was wondering i-if…" I shook my head slightly as she blushed lightly while speaking to me. "I need you to tutor me!" I chuckled under my breath at the blatant lie. Asuka was at the top of my class and third in class behind the Daemon Sisters. Conversely the Anarchy sisters were a mixed bag. Panty was at the lowest spot while Stocking was fifth in the class, if only because she wanted to keep a good image of herself in my eyes. I was aware that most of the female students, and even some of the teachers, had their eyes on me. Despite me preferring to stay in the shadows for the most part, with Gareth forcing me into the position of teacher, that wasn't an option.

"Why do you need tutoring, Miss Ishida? You're among the top of your class."

"I-It's more for the self-defense classes. I was hoping to get a head start on them."

"No can do, I'm afraid. Equipment doesn't arrive for another few days. But if you really want lessons, report to the gym after classes today. I'll improvise something. Bring whoever else needs it."

"Yes, sir!" She smiled and walked away, and I noticed a spot of red and black on her leg. A pulsing ghost that seemed to be draining her of something. I changed my beret into a handgun with a silencer and shot the ghost off of her leg. I picked up the remains as the gun shifted back and saw it was another artificial ghost. "More of them. Corset's stepping up the timetable and changing more thanks to the Freak, great."

"Do you want me to investigate," asked Kurumi behind me.

"No need. The machine that creates artificial ghosts isn't here, I already checked. And it doesn't have a normal energy readout, so I can't track it. Just stay on standby and if an attack happens, get the students out."

"Yes, Mr. Mason." She smirked before leaning in close to me. "Whatever you want."

"Down girl." She giggled and kissed me before heading to her class. I frowned slightly as I felt someone watching me and looked around. I glanced around and spotted a brief instance of green hair shooting around a corner. I narrowed my eyes before going to investigate and spotted Scanty leaning against a wall, clutching her hand to her chest and blushing with a frown on her face. "You know, that's not a good look for you. Flustered and sad." Scanty jumped and turned to me.

"M-Mr. Mason!"

"Spying on me, were we?"

"I didn't mean to…" She frowned more before looking at me. "Why did she kiss you?"

"Kurumi Tokisaki is one of my girlfriends."

"One of…?!"

"Quiet down. Before you start, they are aware of each other. In fact it was one of their ideas for me to not be limited to just her. She knew I'd be experiencing multiple lives and worlds without her, despite my sense of omnipresence. She gave me permission to date others so I wouldn't get lonely at any point. And Kurumi joined, much to Tsukiko's reluctance and annoyance, not long after she said that."

"So… you have a harem?"

"Not my original intention. But I always have the same stipulations. Unless I have the blessing of the others, I don't start dating anyone else. And dating too many girls at once is a no go. Plus, it would be too overwhelming."

"How many girlfriends do you have?"

"Why? Interested in me?" Her face turned even pinker as she moved away from me.

"N-no! I would never! I mean… You're my teacher and…" I chuckled.

"Relax, I'm teasing. Get to class."

"Yes, sir." She walked away and I placed a bug on her uniform as she did. The rest of the day went on without event, other than me having to stop a fight breaking out between Angel and Demon sisters. I needed the Daemons on my side, not injured or dead, despite the eternal deadlock between the two races. It wasn't until school was let out for the day that things got… difficult. As I was climbing onto Shadowmere, a scream caught my attention.

"Mr. Mason," shouted Asuka. I looked up and spotted Phantom holding her and an unconscious Kurumi in his arms.


"So you're a teacher," said Phantom with a grin. "I hate teachers." He dropped both girls and I sped with Shadowmere to catch them. My shadow saved Kurumi as I caught Asuka and set her on Shadowmere before getting off and moving Kurumi behind her.

"Get them to safety, Shadowmere." He neighed before restraints held both girls to him and he sped away. I grabbed my beret and aimed at the ghost. "Big mistake attacking me here, Phantom!"

"Oh, I wouldn't say so. After all…" I looked around as artificial ghosts turned visible around me, all of them sporting white flames somewhere on their bodies and with glowing ectoplasm on their hands.

"Clones. You must really take after Plasmius' side more than your normal side. Completely unoriginal!"

"I wouldn't say that. I'd say these artificial ghosts are more than enough to deal with you. Case in point…" He snapped and multiple Ghostly Wails hit me at once, even distorting my shadow as it tried setting up behind Dan Phantom. I solidified the air around me to block out the sounds temporarily and glared at the former Halfa. "Now that I know you can match me I know how to beat you."

"You and I both know we were holding back last time, Phantom!"

"Well the appetizer is done. Now it's time for the main course!" He breathed purple fire to me and managed to phase it through my dome of air. I dropped into the shadows and ejected behind a ghost and throwing it at him. He swatted it away and created an Ecto Copy of himself before both rushed me. I blocked an ectoplasm covered punch with my shield before slamming it into him and knocking him away, leaving me open to a blast from the clone. Another Wail Wall hit me and pushed me into the air before Phantom tackled me into the school.

(Stocking's POV)

Me and Panty were stuck in detention, glaring at the Daemon Sisters who were also suffering the same punishment. Phoenix even put runes around the room to make sure we didn't attack each other! I know he thinks he can turn the Demons to his side, but that doesn't mean we need to like them! Especially that Scanty! She was the worse of the two! Trying to seduce Phoenix like she did at her mansion! Who does she think is?! But I promised Phoenix I wouldn't kill her. Correction, I would try not to kill her. Didn't mean I couldn't hurt the bitch! "Looks like you two aren't as perfect as you like to think after all," said Panty with a smirk.

"Shut up," said Scanty as she glared at her. "You're in here too! But what can I expect from a whore?!"

"Don't stoop to their level, Dear Sister," said Kneesocks. "They aren't worth our time."

"Afraid we'd kick those nonexistent asses, bitch," I shouted at her. We growled at each other when a scream brought our attention to the window. Panty and I ran to the window and saw Kurumi and some other girl, Azka or something, being held by a strange man with green skin and white flaming hair.

"Who the hell is that," exclaimed Scanty behind us.

"You don't know," asked Panty. "Your boss is working with him! Hell, whoever he's working with must've brought him here!"

"But," said Kneesocks. "Phoenix said that is against the rules…"

"Phoenix," I exclaimed as several flaming ghosts shouted at him, forcing him to make a shield to protect himself. Phoenix's runes prevented the glass from shattering, and I watched on in worry.

"Why doesn't he just power through," asked Panty. "He can kick his ass here and now!"

"There's still students in the school," said Scanty. "Phoenix can't properly fight while they're in here! He won't put them in danger!" We watched as Phantom and his clone attacked Phoenix and he was tackled into the building.

"Those ghosts are making it harder as well," I shouted.

"I have to help him," me and Scanty shouted before we glared at each other. "No, I have to help him!" We growled. "Stop copying me, bitch!"

"Both of you shut up," shouted Panty. "I think Phoenix is about to have more problems. Who the hell is that?!" I looked outside and spotted a cloaked figure making its way to the school.

"That's Corset's new partner," said Kneesocks. "What is he doing here?!" I gasped as he held his hand to the school from a few dozen yards away.

"Get down," I shouted as a blast of lightning struck the school and destroyed the front, including the rune protected room.

"How did you know that was going to happen," asked Scanty.

"Phoenix told me that the Conqueror named Voldemort possessed someone from another universe. Someone who could counter his magic and shoot lightning from his hands." I turned to Panty. "We need to help him!"

"Fine," said Panty. "I may not like him, but I can't just sit around doing nothing." I glanced at Scanty and growled to myself softly.

"If you care about Mr. Mason, help him. Otherwise stay out of our way!" I got Stripes I as Panty got Backlace and we jumped out of the now broken window. She started shooting the odd ghosts and I sliced them to bits. I was about to hurry after Phoenix when the ghosts just reformed. "What the hell?!"

"They reformed!"

"No shit! How?!"

"Why are you asking me?!"

"Honestly," said Scanty behind us as the ghosts parted ways for them. "You're sisters. You should be getting along, not bickering like children." We glared at them.

"Like we do," said Kneesocks as she stood.

"Yeah," said Panty. "Incest isn't our thing, freaks."

"I knew you couldn't be trusted," I shouted. "Demons are always lying little bitches!"

"Well," said Scanty. "You're right about one thing." I stared as they pulled off their under garments and attacked the ghosts near them. "We can't be trusted!"

"What are you doing," shouted a man in the distance. I turned and saw the Mayor standing beside the Daemon Sister's obnoxious limo. "You're supposed to kill them!"

"You've been breaking the rules, Corset! How dare you manipulate us into working for you when you've been doing the very thing we detest?!"

"You're demons! You should want to destroy this world, damn the rules! Now obey me!"

"News flash asshole," shouted Phoenix from above. "The perceptions of Heaven and Hell are flipped to mortals! They latch onto what they do not have!" Corset looked up and screamed as his arm was blown off his body. I turned to the Daemons and saw the ghosts reforming behind them.

"Lookout," I shouted, before tackling Scanty and Kneesocks as the ghosts tried attacking them. My lips landed on Scanty's and we spit off to the side once we realized what happened.

"You kissed me," we shouted at each other in anger. "No, you kissed me!"

"Now's not the time," shouted Phoenix. "These ghosts are made with Phantom's DNA! You need Purgatory weapons to beat them, or work in combination!" Out of nowhere a blast of lightning shot him from the sky.


"Stop with the parroting act," shouted Panty. She and Kneesocks combined an attack and stopped one of the ghosts from attacking us. "As much as we hate each other these things are going to kill us unless we work together!"

"They look more like our ghosts," shouted Kneesocks. "Which means a Ghost stone was involved in their creation!"

"A what stone," I asked.

"It makes fake ghosts," said Scanty. "If they used one to make these, if we destroy it, they will die!"

"You dare defy me," shouted a voice from the school. I turned to the school and grunted as Scanty tackled me down as a bolt of green lightning flew over our heads. Our lips touched again, and we growled at each other.

"Stop doing that," we yelled.

"Not the time," said Kneesocks as she and Panty killed another ghost. Phoenix landed between us and the figure and blocked another green lightning with some kind of barrier before deflecting another normal lightning into the ground with his shield.

"Don't you touch them," he shouted before shooting forward faster than I could blink and tackling the man inside again as students ran out of the school. I felt my heart skip slightly from the gesture and saw Scanty's face flush before realizing something.

"Where's Phantom," I shouted.

"Try looking up," said a snide voice above us. I looked up and pushed Scanty away before slicing a green ball in half as it sailed to me.

"Sis," shouted Panty before she and Kneesocks were surrounded again as more fakes showed up.

"What the hell is going on," I shouted. "Where are they coming from?!"

"Him," shouted Phoenix from the school as a glowing red sword aimed at his head. He blocked it with open air and pushed the man back. "In his chest! I exposed it! Destroy it!" I took a good look at Phantom and spotted a red stone where his heart would be.

"Please tell me that's it," I said to Scanty.

"It is," she said. "Behind you!" I turned around and sliced at a ghost trying to stab me as Scanty shot it.

"Panty, look out," shouted a boy nearby. I looked up and spotted a boy who looked like one of the students with curly red hair covering his eyes throwing a rock at a ghost and standing there as it did little more than plink off of it. All the chaos stopped at once as they ghosts zeroed in on him.

"Get him out of trouble, Panty," shouted Phoenix. "If the Freak gets his hands on him we're fucked!"

"Do not call me a freak," shouted the distorted voice of the man. It sounded like two voices combined into one.

"We'll save Geek Boy," said Panty. "Stop Phantom from making more of these things!"

"Dammit," I muttered before glaring up at Phantom as he laughed.

"Oh, the weakling demon and angel," he taunted. "You both stand no chance against me."

"Heads up," shouted Phoenix. I looked up and spotted a blue and yellow sword head in my direction and a gun with the same colors head to Scanty. "Use them!" I looked at him and saw he was fending off his opponent without his shield and was without his beret.

"What are those," asked Phantom before he grunted as Scanty fired at shot at him and grunted slightly from a little pain.

"Nephilim weapons," she muttered as the gun seemed to hurt her. "Heaven and Hell energy."

"Use them together," shouted Phoenix as lightning arced between him and the man.

"I'm not good at melee!"

"Just the rifle! Stocking can handle the sword!" Phoenix grunted as he was pushed back. Phantom laughed and I glared at him as the sword glowed in my hand. I turned to Scanty and cursed myself. I helped her up and glared at her.

"Alright, Bitch," I said. "We need to help Phoenix kill these assholes, and that means working together. As much as I hate it, we have no choice. Phantom is just going to keep spawning more fakes." Scanty glared back at me before glancing over at the school as an explosion jostled the whole building and Phoenix's shouting sounded distorted in the battle.

"Dammit," she muttered. She held the rifle in her hand, and I held it with her. "Fine. But only because these ruffians are making his job infinitely harder. Then it's back to hating each other."

"Make it fast," shouted Phoenix's distorted voice from the school. I looked at him and saw he was covered in shadows and wielding a large scythe and slicing through and shooting multiple fake ghosts at once. "I can feel him starting to work past his Binds, and I do not want to fight him at full power!" His shadows dissipated revealing his lacerated and healing form, his shirt gone in the battle and his eyes glowing like mad as he blasted his shadows at the Freak.

"Stop gawking," shouted Panty.

"And kill him already," yelled Kneesocks as they fended off the fakes. I turned to Scanty and saw she was sporting a slight nosebleed, something I was probably mimicking and growled before wiping my nose and switching to my angelic garments, my wings growing behind me.

"You can fly, right, Bitch," I asked. Scanty shook her head and wiped her nose before switching to a leather clad dominatrix-like outfit, her demon wings sprouting behind her. I stared for a moment before shaking my head.

"Of course I can, Cow," she said.

"Good. Then hurry up and finish him."

"You don't order me around." We picked up the weapons and flew straight for Phantom.

(Phoenix's POV, 5 minutes prior)

I growled as Phantom slammed me into the school and glanced at nearby students. "Get out of here, now," I shouted before kicking Phantom off of me and freezing the air around him. I threw my shield and followed it close. Phantom knocked the shield away and grunted as a frost covered fist landed in his chest. I threw him into a wall by the entrance and grew a pair of claws before ripping away his chest. I paused as he breathed fire at me and hid an ecto-ball inside before lobbing it into my chest through the flames. I got knocked away and got a good look at his insides. In place of his heart, a red stone was sitting there, glowing with demonic energy. "A ghost stone. Great so that's how you did it."

"You should know by now…" A clone of himself used a Ghostly Wail to knock me into where he was as he went intangible "I'm full of surprises." I growled and stood up to fight when the wall behind me exploded. I grunted and turned around to see a cloaked figure making its way to me. I grunted as Sith Lightning shot me in the chest and I started fighting it.

"I know that burn! That you, Palpy?!"

"As insolent as ever, I see," said the voice of Emperor Sheev Palpatine.

"You will be silent," shouted Voldemort as he shot a Killing Curse at me. My shield deflected it and I grinned.

"Wow, Riddle," I said. "Playing Beta to the true Top Dog! Gotta say, humility is looking nice on you!"

"Trying to divide us will not work, boy," said Palpatine. "Against one such as yourself, adversaries would do better united than divided against you."

"Keeping your egos in check to smite little old me?" I blasted them with magical lighting and blocked Palpatine's own. "I'm flattered!" I shouted and launched a locker at him, pinning the amalgam villain to the ground. Students ran out of the new extra wide exit as well as a couple of my fellow teachers, the man hastily holding up his pants and the woman's hair a mess as they ran past. I flew up into the air and spotted the Anarchy and Daemon sisters surrounded by the fake ghosts.

"You're demons," shouted Corset. "You should want to destroy this world, damn the rules! Now obey me!"

"News flash asshole," I shouted as I started forging Nephilim weapons using my own energy now that I had an energy basis for Angel and Demon weapons. "The perceptions of Heaven and Hell are flipped to mortals! They latch onto what they do not have!" Corset looked up and screamed as his arm was blown off his body with my demon rifle.

"Lookout," shouted Stocking. I looked down and spotted her tackling the Daemon Sisters under an attack from one of the fake ghosts. Scanty and Stocking's lips connected, and they blushed dark.

"You kissed me," they shouted at each other. "No, you kissed me!"

"Now's not the time," I shouted. "These ghosts are made with Phantom's DNA! You need Purgatory weapons to beat them, or work in combination!" I grunted as Sith Lightning hit me and knocked me from the air. I righted myself and growled. I rushed back to the battlefield and spotted Volde-Tine fire a Killing Curse at Stocking. Scanty saved her this time and once again, they kissed.

"Stop doing that!" I growled and landed between him and them and blocked the next blast with my shield.

"Don't you touch them!" I charged forward and slammed the shield into him and tackled him into the school. I threw my shield and trapped Volde-tine against a wall before launching a Sith Seeker at him.

"Where are they coming from," shouted Stocking.

"From him!" I heard Palpatine roar and launch at me with his lightsaber. I blocked with the Ghostsaber and held him back. "It's in his chest! I exposed it!" I conjured a wall of stone and slammed Volde-tine into the ceiling.

"Panty," shouted Rock from outside. "Look out!" I turned around and spotted him pathetically throw a rock at a ghost before running in fear as their natural instincts drew half of the ghosts to him.

"The Origin," said Volde-tine, their voices now sounding like a Fused warrior, their goal in sight and minds aligned.

"Shit." I turned to the girls. "Get him out of trouble, Panty! If the Freak gets his hands on him, we're fucked!" Rock Briefs, the key to the Hellgate, and part of the Origin of this entire world. Corset's endgame and his untimely death means cutting off the link between Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and this version of Earth, allowing one to get to the Origin Point, the point in time closest to the Prime Worlds.

"Don't call me a Freak!" I blocked and sliced through debris Volde-tine shot towards me with magic and the Force using my shield and summoned the Nephilim weapons, merging them with my sunglasses and beret, swapping out the Demon Rifle for the Nephilim. I bashed Volde-tine and turned to the girls, tossing the weapons.

"Heads up!" A Force Pull removed my shield from my hands and I created an Anti-Magic shield with my hands, blocking a barrage of bolts. "Use them!" I roared and sent the spells back at the freak. He followed by lunging with Palpatine's synthetic lightsabers and I blocked with my bare hands before kicking him away. I heard Scanty fire at Phantom and shout out in surprise and pain.

"Nephilim weapons," she said. "Heaven and Hell energy."

"Use them together!" I sent my own barrage of lightning at Volde-tine and redirected his own.

"I'm no good with melee!"

"Just the rifle! Stocking can handle the sword!" I grunted as Voldemort added magic into the Force Lightning and I was pushed further into the school.

"You cannot win, boy," said Volde-tine in his weird amalgamated voice. "We are superior!"

"Too bad you need magic to beat me, Palpy! A few more seconds and I would've done worse to you than Windu did!"

"Silence," shouted Palpatine, breaking through his joined mind with Voldemort. I could feel Riddle's anger rising and smirked inwardly. "I shall show you the strength of the Dark Side!" I grinned and sent a Force Push at him before igniting it with Force Lightning. The Sith Seeker shot towards the Freak and exploded, its noise echoing in the halls before dissipating. I grinned as Voldemort struggled against Palpatine's own strength to use a spell to block the lightning. At the same time, Fiend Fire shot at me and I barely got my magical aura up to negate the worst of it as it burned away my shirt and empty bandolier before following with a rapid-fire cutting curse.

"That was a hundred-dollar shirt, asshole!" I grinned sadistically as my wounds started healing and shadows enveloped me, and I summoned the sister scythe to Denise's. "Hope you got the credits!" I shot forward and Palpatine took control, avoiding my rapid attacks like he would inexperienced strikes from a single Jedi Knight. I could only move so fast in this form in a confined space. I needed to push him outside where there was more room and more light to cast shadows. Then I noticed something. It was like Voldemort's side was getting stronger the more this fight dragged on. He was adapting to the binds put on his strength from the Shadow Vault. Voldemort could feel it as well and sent dozens of fakes at me. "Sonofa…" I glanced outside and spotted the Scanty and Stocking coming to an agreement.

"…Then it's back to hating each other," said Scanty.

"Make it fast!" I formed a replica of the Demon Rifle and sliced and shot through ghost after ghost before sending a wreathe of fire at Volde-tine. "I can feel him working past his binds, and I do not want to fight him at full power!" If Voldemort regained his full strength and overpowered Sidious, that would be too much at the moment and would force me to rely on an End All before the girls can get away. I had to think of something, and quick. I dodged under a Killing Curse and eliminated the last of the fakes between the two of us before I shot forward, my shadow moving around the Freak. Through the Shadowrealm, I could tell the two souls apart and channeled my soul magic into my shadow before we advanced on him. I created an instant clone and had him hold down the physical body while my shadow separated the two souls just enough for me to do some damage. I used the scythe and sliced through Palpatine's body, cutting Voldemort's soul off of him and dealing some major damage to the Sith. Palpatine shouted out in anger and Force pushed me away before pressing a button hidden on a gauntlet in his sleeve. I watched a Boom Tube open up and Voldemort's wisp of a soul shoot through it before an injured Palpatine limped after him. I tried going after them but was halted as a fake managed to grab hold of my legs. I roared in frustration as the bridge through space closed and glared at the spot it was at before making my scythe disappear. I heard gunfire and rushed outside.

I spotted Scanty and Stocking giving chase to Phantom as Panty and Kneesocks cut and shot down fakes coming for Rock. "Briefs! Get down!" I aimed my shadow rifle and shot down a large fake ghost before it could capture him. I flew up to Phantom and grabbed him in a full nelson before holding him in place. "Do it! Shoot!"

"But," exclaimed Scanty and Stocking.

"I'll be fine!" I switched my energy from Nephilim to God of War in an instant as Scanty and Stocking fired on Phantom. The blast shot through both of us and cracked the Ghost stone and weakening Phantom. I dropped him and caught Scanty as she dropped from the air as Stocking shouted in exertion and sliced through the rest of the stone and cutting Phantom in half. She dropped the sword and dropped as well. I caught her also and watched as the fakes that were about to overwhelm Panty and Kneesocks and take Rock turned into dust. I grunted as I landed and saw the girls asleep in my arms. I conjured a bed and set them down before collapsing on the ground with a groan. "Fucking. Fuck!" I turned to Dan Phantom and snapped, locking his halves as they started to reform in the shadows to transfer to the Vault. "If all my fights are going to be a fucking stalemate, I'm going to fucking scream!"

"Need some help with that," joked Panty suggestively.

"Not the fucking time, Whore." I snapped and Shadowmere galloped over, Kurumi still in his saddle, still unconscious and Asuka nowhere to be seen. "Hopefully, she got to safety." I stood up and moved Kurumi to the bed before levitating it above me. "Can one of you ladies offer me a ride? I don't think I'll have the energy to ride Shadowmere."

"I thought you were all powerful," said Kneesocks.

"Doesn't mean I don't get mentally tired! Come on! I just went twelve rounds with a Freak and came to a draw!"

"How was that a draw," asked Panty.

"Well they got away, didn't they?!"

"Why are you shouting?"

"You ever get blasted with a Ghostly Wail?! It leaves your ears ringing for hours! Now come on! We should get these three out of public attention!"

"We'll take my limo," said Kneesocks. "Where are we going?"

"How do you feel about Church?"


"Afraid you'll burn up?"

"Fuck you."

"Not sure your sister would let you do that before or without her." I grinned as she blushed before growling and whistling for the limo. I looked inside and spotted Corset trying to stay alive as his stump arm continued to bleed out. "You're still alive? Damn you're persistent."

"G-go to H-H-Hell," stammered Corset as his body started shutting down.

"To quote the infamous Doctor Lovelace. 'After you, sir.'" I summoned a revolver and shot him in the head before moving his body out of the limo and vanishing the blood before bowing to Kneesocks to let her in first. I turned to Panty. "Get Rock out of here. He'll tell you where his house is. When you're done, head back to the church. Voldemort and Palpatine are still out there, you four need to be ready."

"What are you talking about," asked Panty as I moved the three unconscious girls into the limo.

"Calling either one of them a sore loser is an understatement. Phantom failed to stop me, now they'll come after the four of you for assisting me. Rock is defenseless and more powerful ghosts are going to be spawned from this."

"What do you mean?"

"We're simple commanders," said Kneesocks. "Corset was our handler. Our leader is bound to take our place now."

"And who is that?"

"Their dad," I said. "Think on the same level as your mother." I looked at Kneesocks. "It's Him, isn't it?" She paused before nodding. I shook my head. "Fuck."


"Someone who's not above breaking a nonaggression pact. And if he does, it's war." I climbed into the limo next to Kneesocks. I looked at their counterpart to Chuck, Fastener as it drove the limo. "Get us to the church." Fastener looked at Kneesocks who nodded and turned to her sleeping sister. "Now, Miss Daemon. Let's talk."

(Conqueror's Hideaway- Dead Nexus Point)

Voldemort snarled as he and Palpatine arrived in the Nexus. "I would've killed the fool," he shouted. "I had him and your incompetence let him gain the upper hand!"

"My incompetence," exclaimed Palpatine as he drained the life essence of a nearby slave provided by a demon Voldemort managed to summon to heal himself. "You possessed me!"

"You allowed your ego to put you in charge!"

"I will end you!"

"Not before I kill you!"

"Try it, Riddle." Palpatine held up his hand and lifted a goblet above his hand. "And I will gladly destroy your remaining Horcrux."

"Enough," shouted Shinnok. The Elder God glared at both Dark Lords. "How you failed is irrelevant. You still failed! Even with your combined prowess, he still beat you!"

"We would've killed him," shouted Voldemort. "Phantom was a buffoon! I was so close to releasing my binds! I would've killed him!"

"Your binds were only releasing because of my power over the Dark Side of the Force, Riddle!"

"Will both of you be quiet," shouted the Master as he looked up from his work. "I told you this combination would end horrendously." He turned to Shinnok. "If we hadn't lost the clown and Aizen, we would've had someone to handle Riddle's spirit!"

"Yet another thing we can blame Phoenix for," said Zamasu as the Kai helped heal Palpatine, much to his utter disgust at helping a mortal. "I hope you have a plan for dealing with him. And the demon traitors who helped him and the angels."

"I do," said Shinnok. "Someone who can understand the Verser's way of thinking." Shinnok opened a Boom Tube and Zamasu glared at who walked through.

"Another mortal?! And a child at that!"

"Uh, excuse you, Green Weirdo," exclaimed the girl in her late teens. She had blonde hair done up in two pigtails held in place with black and white clips, blue eyes and wore a schoolgirl's uniform with a short skirt and exposing her ample bust. "I'm, like, legally an adult."

"This is your plan?!"

"She may not seem like much," said the Fallen Elder God. "But I'm sure she should prove more than a match for Phoenix. Upon observing his fight with you, he seems capable of adapting to long term strategy using quick and effective improvisation. Our new friend here is a genius. Rivaling our Time Lord in programming and engineering and with an understanding of psychology as well."

"Phoenix," asked the girl. "You talking about Phoenix Mason?"

"You're aware of him," asked the Master.

"You bet your sorry ass I am!" The Master and Zamasu stared at her as she placed a crown on top of her head and her accent changed. "Oh, I've so waited for my fated reunion with my darling! It shall be a very eventful affair! Rivaling even the Queen's wedding!" She removed the crown and placed a pair of glasses on her face before turning to Shinnok. "I'll assume you need me to think of a plan to eliminate or, barring that, incapacitate Mr. Mason for an extended period of time. Am I correct in assuming." Shinnok chuckled.

"You are indeed, my dear. Am I right in assuming you can get the job done?" She removed her glasses and her features took a more manic expression as her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

"Right as fuck! Fucking Phoenix is gonna regret the day he fucked with me! I'll bring him down!"

"Then we'll allow you free reign, my dear." He opened a Boom Tube to the world Voldemort and Palpatine had just retreated from. "And you shall be granted a power to…"

"Didn't ask. Don't need it. Go fuck yourself!" She walked to the Boom Tube and arrived in Daten City with a massive grin, her personality reverting back to it's original. "Look out, Loser City! The Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima, has arrived! He he!"