Yume: -slow blinks- Didn't...you complete my story?

Hana: Technically yes. But I just literally tried to read it, and holy shit, HOW ARE YOU GUYS ABLE TO READ THROUGH ALL THAT?! The flow was horrible, there were so many mistakes...more than just grammar and stuff by the way, just, omg. I can't even.

Yume: E to...-clears her throat- So...is that why you're...?

Hana: YES! Yes, I am. Enjoy Unknown Innocence's rewrite. I don't own D. Gray-man, Yume is my OC! Enjoy the story, and if you wanna compare, the orginal can be seen on my profile. -cringes-

... ... ... ...

+ - Night One: The Day all Perished - +

We were only going to visit our mother's grave, as we've always done since before I could walk. It was a normal spring day, my brother had finished tying the obi on my kimono, and had gone to get changed into his more formal attire for the occasion. I remember that particular day very well.

It was the day that I was playing with a black cat that often came by. Its fur was so sleek, and well-kept, it was soft to the touch. Around its neck was a ribbon with a small bell on it. A gift I had given to the feline about four years ago, as a gesture of friendship, I guess. She always came by and I would always find myself speaking to the cat.

That day, however, I had nothing to speak of, so I settled with sitting under the tree that grew outside our home. The feline was set on my lap as I gently stroked her fur, waiting for my brother to emerge from our home. It was peaceful, and I liked it. It hadn't been ten minutes when the feline started to stiffen, and run off. Confused, I quickly stood, and ran after her, not an easy thing to do when you were wearing traditional straw sandals.

"Hey! Come back!" I called for the cat in my native tongue. I didn't think anything of my actions at the time…and thinking back, perhaps I should've.

. . - * - . .

The cat seemed to have been long gone, when I finally gave up the chase. Panting, I felt the wind pick up, and marveled in the calming zephyr. Much to my confusion, there was an odd coppery scent on the breeze …and then…chaos ensued.

The skies grew dark, but the natural phenomena only puzzled me for a moment because the weather was supposed to be clear…and yet the storm clouds over head said otherwise. Something cold and wet soon fell on my cheek, I wasn't sure why, but I found myself patting the wet area only to pull my hand away to find not water…but some strange black substance.

It was then I looked up once more, this time it was fear that consumed me. What I thought was a cloud, turned out to be a large mass of strange beings. They were so high up, that I couldn't figure out any details. But even from there, I could tell…I could just tell they were dangerous.

I ran.

The chaotic mass of bodies, that I found myself lost within, were all shoving each other and trying in vain to escape. I had lost my geta, the strap having broken off of it, when someone had stepped on the back of it, and the result was me abandoning my other one altogether.

Bullets started to rain from above, and I screamed when I saw one hit an elderly man before me. My eyes were wide as I watched pentacles cover his being before there was nothing but ash grey. In seconds the man had gone from screaming in agony to suddenly becoming dust. Not even a hair left of him. Several others around me had suffered the same fate, but I couldn't pay them any mind.

I was running. Running, and running…trying to find a place of safety. However, living on an island, and near the coast to boot, only gave you so much space before you were trapped between the ocean, land and the quickly approaching demons from all sides.

My eyes widened in shocked fear as I looked up and saw the monsters. They had gotten closer to where I could see more of these scary beasts. Most of which were the strange egg-shaped balloon creatures with an ashen exterior, and mask-like faces ranging from childish to feminine to masculine, all with a look of anguish on their faces. Perhaps a handful of them had faces grinning in sadistic pleasure and were smoother in appearance. The barrels of the guns on their bodies were suddenly aimed at the masses they were hovering over.

It was another onslaught, I had realized. What more could a girl, barely in her teens do? Screaming in horror as the crowd was shot at, and I curled into a crouching ball, my hands over my ears, and my eyes shut tight, tears escaping as I could only wait for the inevitable…but to my complete confusion, nothing happened.

I heard a suave voice, but couldn't understand a word. It was followed by a mechanical voice, which seemed as though it feared the first voice. Taking what little courage I had; I looked up seeing a male who seemed to be in his twenties talking to one of the creatures that had been attacking my home. I blinked in confusion. Why wasn't he afraid?

A better question. Why was everything quiet? Too quiet. I looked around, no longer seeing anyone around me…all that remained were their clothes and dust. A horrifying thought crossed my mind: did they get my brother too? The first voice seemed to be calling for me, asking me something, that I couldn't understand.

I shook my head, my dark teal-tinted hair stirring with the movement. "I'm sorry! I can't understand what you're saying!" I tried explaining to the man. "Please! Just let me go! I won't cause any trouble!" I knew my cobalt eyes were pleading. But what more could I do? The man before me, now that I had a better look at him, was tall and had ashen skin, seven small crosses etched onto his forehead. Wavy dark-brown locks were groomed back, held in a small hair tie, and there was a small mark under his eye…it and its twin were both a shocking golden color that stared back at me as they gauged at my being.

He said something to the fish-bird hybrid-like creature, from the tone, it sounded like an order. Those piercing eyes made me feel fear.

"How are you alive, is what Master Noah is asking of you, little girl." The hybrid monster said. "Why were you not affected by the Akuma Blood?"

Noah? Was that the man's name? Did that mean…it works for him? And…what was Akuma Blood?

"Brat, if you do not answer my Lord and Master, I—" Whatever was going to be said afterwards was interrupted by the man who was now pointing down at me…no, not me…my eyes slowly trailed down to the ground to see that my hand no longer hidden. No, it wasn't just my hand…my whole entire arm was revealed!

The sleeve on my kimono had all been torn at some point, I had soon deduced it was from the attack just moments ago. The gauze that wrapped around my arm fared no better. It was now barely covering anything anymore. Revealing my relatively normal skin, but with strange patterns of a dull grey marring my flesh.

The odd design started around my shoulder, though the ends never touch. The upper one followed the curve of my shoulder, before finding my arm, and languidly wrapping around half my arm, before stopping where my elbow was. The other, though shorter, repeated the process on its end in a perfect mirror. Between them, an upside-down teardrop. And below, shorter lines that inverted the top, with a downward drop to mirror its own twin above it.

From there the markings were lazily wrapped to my wrist where two tendrils rested on either side of the crystals that have been embedded within the back of my hand.

Eyes wide in fear, I quickly pulled my right hand to my chest, and in my panic, I was quick to get up and run away. Where was I going? I didn't know. All I knew was that I had to get away. Far away.

I heard the man's voice say something to the demon, and the next thing I knew…the land disappeared from under my feet. I started struggling.

Whatever had happened after that…I would never know, for in a single instant, my whole world had turned to nothingness.

... ... ... ...

There. I did it. I posted a fic that I currently only have six chapters written for. And why? Because holy shit, I can't understand how anyone actually enjoyed the orginal. I really can't. I'm better now than I was back then.

So...to be honest, I'm not sure when I'll update next. It could be monthly, it could be bimonthly. IDK.

As much as I might need it, R&R doesn't stand for Rest and Relaxation. Leave a review and lemme know how I'm doing! Show this story some love by favoriting this work, and don't forget to follow so you never miss a new chapter whenever it goes live. Until next time, I'll see you on next time on...

Unknown Innocence!