Lucina stared toward the setting sun. Grima was in that direction. The end of all this was fast approaching. Either they won, or Grima did. However, Lucina was not all that concerned. Grima was still weakened, and they still had her father. She had a hard time imagining they would lose this time.
Despite this, Lucina was still plagued by the strife within her own band of travelers. Despite her newfound closeness with some of them, there was a clear rift in the group. While she sympathized with Severa essentially losing her father a second time, she found her behavior reprehensible. Severa usually had a foul attitude, but the moment she insulted Morgan, she succeeded in making Lucina angry for the first time and the princess had not extended another olive branch since.
It seemed her maternal impulses were quite strong actually. Despite their rocky start, Lucina had started doting heavily on her daughter – perhaps in part to make up for said start. It had gotten to the point where she was starting to get concerned that she was embarrassing Morgan.
It was amazing in a way. Not six months prior, her actions would have embarrassed herself. Now, she was more concerned with making sure Morgan ate all her dinner and was appropriately dressed for the weather than she was her own image, and anyone who attacked her daughter would face her wrath.
Having a family of her own had also given her first hand insight into her father's belief that their bonds make them stronger. For a long time, she never quite understood his reasoning, but now she did. She would do anything for Robin and Morgan. That included fighting to her last breath. What she had once thought to be a weakness turned out to be a source of immeasurable strength, and it was one she was happy she found.
Distracting her, Morgan approached, "Mother, there you are."
"Morgan," Lucina turned from the setting sun, "Is something wrong?"
"No," Morgan shook her head, "But dad sent me to find you. Dinner's ready."
"I must have lost track of time," Lucina followed after her daughter.
"Mom," Morgan fell in beside the princess, "When this is over, what are you going to do?"
Lucina looked at the girl quizzically, "I'm not sure. We still don't know why it wasn't safe for you to stay in Ylisstol, but whether we figure that out or not, I'd like for us to stay together."
"You mean it?"
"Of course," Lucina smiled, "We're family. No matter what, we'll find a way to stay together."
"But," Morgan played with her cloak reminding Lucina of how she played with her tunic when nervous, "What if something happens to you again?"
"It won't," Lucina also now knew why her father had been so adamant in reassuring her not that long ago. It was not that she was saying this just to make Morgan feel better either; she firmly believed what she was saying, "You've given us a warning, and you're much more capable now than you used to be. We'll be fine."
Morgan perked up at this and engulfed her mother in a sudden hug. She did not say anything, she did not have to. Lucina simply smiled and hugged her back.
"Well," Chrom stared up at the enormous figure maneuvering through the clouds, "Anyone got any ideas on how to get up there?"
"Naga will channel her powers through the Emblem. I should be able to get us to Grima with those powers," Tiki explained.
"Then we put an end to this," Chrom nodded, "Sounds simple enough."
"Simple doesn't mean easy, Chrom," Robin reminded him, "I doubt Grima will go down without a fight."
"Heh," Chrom put a firm hand on Robin's shoulder, "That's why we have the greatest tactician alive on our side."
"No pressure, as always."
"You'll do fine," Chrom gave another pat before he turned his attention to the manakete, "Well, no sense in waiting. Let's end this."
The harsh wind's they suddenly found themselves facing caused a bit of disorientation upon arriving on Grima's back. The manaketes adapted first followed by the fliers. Chrom was not far behind and made a few steps forward. He could make out a familiar cloak flowing in the breeze near Grima's neck.
"So, you've finally made it," Grima's casually bored tone somehow carried to the band of Shepherds, "And you even brought my vessel. I don't suppose you're here to surrender?"
"What do you think?" Chrom narrowed his eyes sure that the dragon could hear him over the howling wind.
"I think you are here in your misguided belief that you actually have a chance to stop me. Allow me to demonstrate why that is a very dumb idea." With a stretch of the hand, Grima summoned a field of energy spikes.
Morgan watched in horror as everyone around her fell in agony, "No!" She felt a sore, but clearly she was not affected in anywhere near as severe a way.
"Poor little Robin," Grima mocked, "Do you regret your choice now?"
"Not for a moment," Robin replied through clenched teeth.
"Hmm, well, give it some time. Maybe you'll change your mind after I kill them all. Slowly."
"Argh," Robin clutched his head as Grima tried to take control forcibly.
"I will not be rejected by something as pathetic as you," Grima snarled, "I will break you, and then I will kill you! You and–Gah!"
Grima clutched the nub that used to be a right arm. A cloud of dark smoke oozed from the wound and took the general shape of an arm before clearing away to show a newly minted appendage barring the sleeve. In the seconds that it had taken to regenerate the arm, Grima had been forced on the defensive as a very angry Morgan released a flurry of attacks.
"I told you to stay away from my family!"
"Where did you even come from?" She had closed the distance between them rather quickly. Now this brat was chopping away at the Fell Dragon until its rage boiled over.
"Enough!" A dark shockwave shot out from Grima knocking Morgan back, "You are powerful, I'll give you that," With a snap, an energy spike rose beside Grima who broke it off to use as a makeshift sword. "But I have much more experience!" Taking advantage of her lack of balance, Grima easily disarmed her flinging her sword off the dragon's back.
"It's a shame to get rid of such a potentially useful tool, but clearly, you're more trouble than you're worth." Grima raised the spike to finish her off, but Morgan held her hand back toward the others.
"They can't help you now," Grima mocked, but Morgan was unperturbed.
"Who said I wanted help?" As if on cue, a blue tear-shaped stone flew into her hand and started to glow, "I was going for a weapon."
"Morgan!" Lucina had been watching Morgan's duel with bated breath. She had wanted to charge after her as soon as she noticed she was gone, but as one of the first to recover, she needed to help the others get back on their feet. Having her daughter take on Grima one on one certainly made her uneasy though, and that uneasiness quickly turned into outright panic upon seeing Grima disarm the girl.
Her distress was so great, that she failed to notice her Falchion shaking before her dragon stone flew free on its confines and headed straight for the girl. Lucina stopped as light engulfed Morgan before a dragon emerged from said light.
Morgan's scales seemed to be in a state of flux between purple and blue, not unlike her eyes, giving her an altogether unearthly aura. Though, Lucina did not have much time to ponder that as Grima's massive body soon began to twist as it moved to engage Morgan with its full might.
Lucina instinctively went for her dragonstone only to remember that it was not there. She closed her eyes bracing for the feeling of weightlessness to overtake her, but after several seconds of waiting, that feeling never came. She cautiously opened her eyes to see most of the Shepherds still standing on Grima's back with their feet aglow with a blue light.
"Mother," Lucina saw Tiki visibly straining keeping up the spell.
"I…can't hold you all for long," Tiki managed while sweat began to stream down her brow.
"Then send the others back," Chrom stepped forward, "I'll finish this myself."
"I'm not leaving you," Lucina insisted, "This is my fight too."
"Better count me in too," Robin walked up.
"Robin," Chrom stopped himself realizing he was entitled to this fight as much as he and Lucina were. Well, neither may have been as entitled as Lucina, "Alright. We'll end this, together."
"What about Tiki?" Robin noted, "We shouldn't leave her unguarded."
"Leave that to us," Sumia said with Cordelia, Cherche, Gerome, Nowi, and Nah behind her. They had not been caught by Tiki on account of being able to fly themselves, "We'll keep her safe."
"Okay," Chrom smiled at his wife's confidence before speaking to Tiki, "Send the rest back to Origin Peak."
Tiki complied wordlessly, and her relief was quite evident, "Be quick. I still cannot hold you indefinitely."
"Understood," Chrom nodded. He turned to his allies, "You two ready?"
"Yes," Lucina fell in on his right.
"Let's get this over with," Robin got into position on his left.
Chrom smirked before getting serious again, "For Ylisse!"
Grima in Robin's body stood at the nape of the dragon's neck as it maneuvered around the smaller dragon. This child was starting to vex the Fell Dragon. It was a shame to let such power go to waste, but if it could not be controlled, it was better to nip it in the bud before she became too powerful to handle.
However, Grima was distracted upon hearing footsteps. Turning around, Grima came face to face with three of the most meddlesome humans in its very lengthy memory.
"How even–" Grima noticed the glow at their feet, "Of course. Meddlesome dragons."
"I've come to end you," Chrom approached with his glowing blade.
"Can't you see I'm a little busy at the moment? Wait your turn for your ruination."
"No," Lucina stepped forward, "We end this now!"
"And what about you?" Grima looked to Robin, "Do you share their enthusiasm?"
Robin narrowed his eyes. He did not speak at first, but his fingers cackled with electricity which found its way down his sword, "We stand together."
Grima let out a spine-chilling cackle, "How quaint. Very well. Allow me to demonstrate what true power is!" A row of spikes shot toward the trio forcing them to scatter. Fortunately, their fight with Walhart had convinced Robin that he should work on some three person team strategies.
Robin rolled out of the way and provided cover with his Thoron while Lucina closed the distance faster than Chrom. All she managed was a quick slash to the chest before retreating, but it was enough to give Chrom an opening to cleave into Grima's shoulder. It was not enough to finish the dragon, but it was enough to enrage it with the power of the fully awakened Falchion.
Grima pushed both lords back with a wave of fell energy, but Grima was engulfed in a fiery explosion before being able to capitalize on the opening. The wind quickly cleared the smoke away leaving Grima to glare at the tactician with glowing eyes as its skin mended. Robin did not hesitate to rapidly cast two more explosions with the ancient tome destroying tissue faster than Grima's fell powers could repair it.
Robin went for a third, but Grima rushed him forcing him back, but before Grima could pursue the tactician further, Lucina and Chrom intercepted again. Chrom went in with a flurry of strikes. By the time Grima was able to push him off, Lucina came at him after an inhuman leap thanks to some manipulation of Tiki's spell. The added height just made the impact all the grander neatly cleaving Grima's right arm off which did not heal as readily thanks to the partially awakened Falchion.
Grima snarled and smacked Lucina away before she could recover, "Worms!" Fell energy swirled, "You are but worms beneath my feet!" Robin went for another Valflame explosion, but Grima closed the distance in a blink of an eye. Lifting Robin by his throat, Grima growled, "I win. It is inevitable. The future is written, time has spoken, and your fate is sealed."
"Think again!" Chrom charged Grima who threw Robin at him, but Chrom ducked underneath moved with nigh superhuman reflexes. In a flash, Grima had Falchion sticking through its gut.
With Chrom wrenching the sacred blade out, Grima nearly collapsed. The dragon teetered back a few steps before falling to its knees. Grima laughed, "This isn't the end. I'll be back. One way or another. I cannot be defeated. Only postponed."
"We'll see about that," Chrom made to finish Grima, but he found that he could not move. "What?" He looked down to see his feet now glowing red.
Lucina, who had been racing to aid her father and Robin, looked at her mother who bore a look of sorrow, "Mother?"
Tiki opened the flap to Robin's tent, "Robin, might I have a word?"
Robin slowly walked toward Grima, feet still lit with a blue hue.
"You look troubled. What's the matter?"
"Robin?" Lucina pleaded and looked back and forth between her love and her mother.
"I am faced with a choice. A choice of loyalties. Of family," Tiki looked Robin in the eyes, "But I have made my choice."
"What are you doing?" Grima snarled, but there was a hint of caution in the Fell Dragon's tone.
"There is a way to permanently kill Grima, however, it could mean your death."
Robin looked at Grima with disdain, "I'm here to kill you, Grima."
"I do not bring this up lightly. There is something you need to know about Naga."
"Don't be absurd! Even if you could, it would kill you in the process!"
"She likewise seeks to use Morgan's powers for her own, albeit less sinister, purposes. That is likely what forced Morgan to live on the run, but if the source of much of her power were removed…."
"I know," Robin replied charging up the fell energy. He could feel its corrupting influence seeping up his arm.
"Then I don't see that there is much of a choice," Robin replied, "I'd do anything for her."
"And what about your little brat? Such a sudden shock could be detrimental. A fall from this height is quite fatal I assure you."
Tiki nodded somberly, "This…will hurt them."
Robin hesitated for a moment, but quickly resumed his efforts, "She's a big girl. She doesn't need me anymore."
"They're tough. They'll adapt."
"Robin!" He heard Lucina call out, but he could not bring himself to look at her. She struggled against the spell locking her down, but only made minimal progress.
"Robin! Don't you dare break my little girl's heart!"
"I'm sorry," He whispered before casting the orb of fell energy straight at Grima causing both forms to shriek in pain.
Robin collapsed shortly after his attack. He finally looked Lucina in the eyes. Her beautiful eyes were marred by tears. Tears he put there. It hurt to move, let alone speak, but he forced himself to try.
"I…love…" He never managed to finish before he faded away leaving Lucina reaching out at nothing before everything went white.
Lucina was in shock when they appeared on Origin Peak. The voices of those around her faded into white noise as she watched Grima's body fall into the ocean. It was not until Tiki landed after catching a disoriented Morgan that she finally pulled herself out of it.
"Mother," Morgan ran weakly into her arms, "What happened? Grima just…stopped, and I suddenly felt really weak. And where's father?"
"Your father…he didn't make it."
"That may not be true," Tiki approached.
"W-what?" Lucina asked, her anger at her mother for helping Robin go through with that momentarily forgotten.
"Chrom, may I see the Emblem?"
"What are you up to?" Chrom was hesitant to trust her, but he handed her the relic regardless.
She closed her eyes and held up the Emblem. After a few seconds, the gemstones began to glow. After a few more seconds, they returned to normal.
"Do you care to explain?" Chrom folded his arms.
"Robin may yet be saved, but…to do so I must speak with my mother."
It was dark. Robin looked all around him, but he saw nothing. He was not even sure if he felt anything as odd as that may have sounded, nor was he sure if his voice ever actually left his mouth. It was a disorienting experience to say the least.
Eventually, Robin sat and started to contemplate where he was. He did not get far before he heard a cackle coming from…he was not sure where.
"You certainly made a mess of things."
His first thought was that this was somehow Grima, but, no, the voice was different. Robin reached for his weapons to realize he did not have any.
"Who are you?"
The voice cackled again, "Think of me as…a puppet master."
"Puppet master of what?"
"Of you, for one. The Grimleal, your father. I am the shadow that runs deep through your line. Manipulating, controlling, but never seen."
Robin kept spinning looking for the source of the voice, "You expect me to believe some…disembodied voice was behind this?"
"Believe it, boy. I have been corrupting people for millennia. From that pathetic emperor to your father."
"Why?" The voice kept moving, but Robin was getting closer to catching it.
"To enact my final revenge on the descendants of that welp who got in my way. To make the world he cared so much about burn!"
"And did you think Grima would just let you go on your merry way?"
"That did not matter. No, my revenge is all I care about now. I had thought that beast the best way to achieve it, but the princeling's line just could not stop meddling it seemed. Even this time, it would have worked had that girl not shown up. Then you had to go and kill it! You stole my chance at revenge, and for that…you shall suffer."
"What are you going to do to a disembodied voice?"
The voice cackled again, "Oh, you are not quite dead. Not yet anyway." Robin turned finally catching the voice. What he saw a grotesque man in a hood, his face partially hid by the shadows, "Allow me to remedy that!"
Robin saw a ghostly face charging at him before crying out in agony.
Tiki strode into her mother's sanctum with the Emblem in tow. She was really not looking forward to what was to come.
She made it about halfway to the front of the room before the door behind her slammed shut and Naga appeared at the end of the long chamber. She did not look happy.
"You disobeyed me."
"You wanted to use my granddaughter as a weapon."
"I wanted to protect the world. With my guidance, she could have done just that."
"What gives you the right to take their daughter? It is not like you have much experience being a mother yourself?"
Naga narrowed her eyes, "If you have something to say, say it."
Tiki obliged, "What kind of mother sends their newborn away?"
"That was the hardest thing I ever did, but it was better than the alternative. The others…feared you. I could not let you fall to the madness, but I also could not have you killed."
"And yet you did not bother to stay with me."
"I could not leave our people without a leader. Especially not with Duma and Mila's increasingly suspect behavior in Valentia."
"You could have visited."
"I did," Tiki was visibly surprised by that revelation, "You were unfortunately asleep when I did, but I visited many times. Bantu would keep me up to date on how you were doing. How full of life you were when awake, and it made my heart ache that you could not enjoy life like you deserved. Years later, when you proved yourself free of the madness, you still locked yourself away though. Why?"
"Because I was afraid," Tiki admitted, "Afraid that I would succumb to the madness, but more so, I was afraid of getting close to anyone again. I lost people dear to me, and I did not want that to happen again. However, I found myself forced into even closer bonds now. She may not technically be my blood, but she is my daughter now. That…that makes me happier than I ever have been. Then…to have a granddaughter…they are my family, and I just want them to be happy. Robin's survival is key to that happiness."
Naga looked at her hard before sighing, "You are not going to take no for an answer, are you?"
"I will not."
"You always were a stubborn child."
"At least I finally started eating my vegetables," Tiki gave a slight grin.
"Very well, I shall see what I can do," Naga took the Emblem, "Perhaps afterwards, we could…talk."
"Yes, perhaps that would be nice."
"Why won't you die?" Two more phantom faces hit Robin in the front and back. He staggered, but he managed to claw his way back upright.
"What's the matter?" Robin panted, "Getting tired?" At least now he was very certain he was still feeling.
The corrupted man growled in response, "You are one of the most stubborn men I have ever known. Why do you cling to life so?"
"Because I have something to live for. You're a decrepit husk of a man whose only goal is to destroy. You're weak."
"You sound so much like those before you, and yet, they are dead while I am still here."
"You won't live forever. Why else are you so eager to kill me instead of making it last? Someone will come for me, and when they do, your secret will be out. You'll finally meet your end. That's why you're in such a hurry to kill me."
"Bravo, but do not think that knowing that will change anything."
Robin grinned triumphantly, "It did stall you though."
"What?" Robin started to fade away as the man quickly sent face after ghoulish face toward the tactician, but it was to no avail as he disappeared before they reached him, "No!"
Lucina and Morgan sat quietly off to the side of the chamber while Naga did her work elsewhere. They had arrived later than Tiki to give Morgan time to recover, but Lucina still ended up carrying the young girl since she was still feeling rather weak. Lucina had shared some choice words with her mother but had since calmed down considerably.
Now she was just concerned with getting Robin back. She casually put her hand through her daughter's hair as the tired girl drifted off using her lap as a pillow. She was concerned, but she had also been under incredible strain. Especially for one so young. However, to say that Lucina was proud of how courageous her daughter had been would have been a severe understatement.
Morgan had almost fallen asleep when Naga returned with an exhausted Robin in her arms.
Both women seemingly forgot how tired they were as they darted for where Naga laid the man down. Morgan practically sobbed into the tactician's coat, but Lucina noticed that he looked to be in much worse shape than when he had disappeared.
"Robin, what happened to you?"
Robin groaned, "Someone…else…in the Emblem."
Tiki looked deathly pale at this, "Who?"
"I don't know…but he was old. Extremely old."
"Gharnef," Tiki murmured under her breath, "But how? I thought we had finished him permanently."
"Who is that?" Lucina asked.
"A villain from millennia ago," Tiki replied, "He had preserved himself inside of one of the gemstones, but I thought we he had purged him."
"Clearly not," Robin grimaced, "According to him, he's been pulling the strings behind the Grimleal."
"It would not be impossible. He once corrupted a good man to do his bidding. If the head of the Grimleal passed down the same stone…how could we have been so careless?"
Tiki turned to her mother, "We cannot allow him to continue."
"Agreed," Naga summoned the complete Emblem, "Now, I shall purge the entire Emblem. A resetting of sorts. Er, perhaps…Robin ought to avert his gaze."
Robin did as suggested and looked away as the Fire Emblem began to glow brighter and brighter. As it did, a purple smoke began to be emitted by the artifact. Tiki became increasingly uncomfortable as she started to hear the cries of a man she long thought dead, and she could have almost sworn that the vapor took the vague appearance of his face. Lucina gave her a reassuring hand on her shoulder which calmed the manakete profusely. She was no longer a little girl and that man could not hurt her anymore.
The process itself only took a few minutes. Once it was over, Lucina moved to let Robin know he could open his eyes only to see that he had conked out on the floor. Lucina smiled and adjusted his hair. They could celebrate in the morning. For now, they would rest.
Lucina lightly readjusted herself on Robin's chest. It was a comfortable day out, and it was perfect for lounging about on her favorite pillow. Healers could only do so much about the strange dark magic Robin had been afflicted with inside the Fire Emblem, but the damage Gharnef had done would simply require a little rest which the tactician desperately needed. Had Naga not lent her aid, he may have faced permanent damage.
Tiki and Naga had been slowly rebuilding a working relationship. Lucina liked seeing her mother finally start talking with her own mother. Even if her grandmother had wanted to take Morgan from them – something which still made Lucina a bit more closed off around the ancient dragon, but they were working through it as a family.
Unfortunately, not everything had been worked out. Severa and Owain disappeared shortly after Grima's defeat with only their parents having any idea where they left for. Lucina regretted that they left on bad terms, but at least the others had been on better terms.
Laurent went to work with her mother. He often traveled performing research, but he would stop in from time to time. Nah would have a hard time finding work given her young appearance for quite some time, so she went to live with her parents. Brady had become a traveling musician, and was quickly becoming a bit of a celebrity. Yarne had left for a more quiet life, but still visited his parents often. Inigo had actually joined the Ylissean military as an official member of the Shephers. Finally, Gerome had left, seemingly without a trace. At least, until his parents received a letter about a week ago.
Lucina was the only one of her initial band to stay at the castle though. She was finally at peace, and she was not letting her family go anytime soon. Her mother visited often but did not stay mostly to avoid a ruckus. She also wanted to see the world. She would often bring Morgan back little trinkets from all over. Morgan cherished each and every one.
Lucina also had a suspicion that Robin was wanting to propose once he regained his strength, but nothing was confirmed at this point. Though Morgan had begun teasing them about the possibility of a sibling or ten much to their embarrassment. It did not help Robin's blush that Lucina had taken to wearing less restrictive clothing either. She was her mother's daughter after all.
Speaking of daughters, Morgan had experienced a massive power reduction. Though, she did not seem to mind no longer being one of the most powerful beings on the planet. She was just happy to be able to run around and have fun.
The world was mending, and Lucina's job was done. She could finally rest. As unlikely as her story was, it had a happy ending. One she was keen on exploring now that she had hung up both her sword and her stone. Well, she may still use the stone to travel some.
After all, it was part of who she was.
A/N: Okay, so for the Gharnef thing, I got the idea that maybe he had been corrupting people and was the reason Validar was the way he was. Granted, I don't really think Validar needs complex motives, but I think it's a nice twist. Especially given his connection to Tiki.
Also, with Super Mario Maker 2 coming soon, don't expect any new big projects. I do plan to finally finish that remaster and hopefully add two more chapters to the Chrom and Sumia story. I may also do some one-shots, but I don't want to start something only to get interrupted. That usually doesn't bode well for the story in question.
And Naga in Heroes! Though, I am kind of frustrated she's listed as from two games. Who else would be an Awakening mythic hero? Why does it have to share?
In any case, it's finally over. Thanks for reading.