Chapter 1: Awakening
A shallow thump a shimmering disturbance in the void. A voice reaches for the sleeping mind.
"I am the Lotus, and I will guide you." This brought stir to the sleeper. The voice was familiar soothing even soon it continued.
"The grineer have found you." A blooming hatred spreads through the dreamers being, knowledge and information flows into him. The grineer an unending army of malformed clones degraded from years of growing the clones of clones.
"They must not capture you… Your sleep has robbed you of your memories there is nothing I can do, they are almost upon you." If the urgency in the voice was indicative of the fight ahead then the sleeping one had his work cut out for him.
"You are Tenno, Awaken."
With that the hiss of steam and whirr of gears brings the sleeping one to the waking world. With a crisp snap the crop pods doors swing open dumping out the newly awakened Tenno. The alien form takes account of itself. It was a… warframe the vessel through which a Tenno dose battle… It was dark black in color with bright red highlights. Flexing its fingers bleeding red lighting arced across the hand. This frame was known as Volt rather aptly named considering its strengths lying in its ability to generate, channel, and direct electricity. But the time to observe was cut short by the arrival of several figures they were bulbous and deformed wearing blacks suits and swirling green and brown patterns on armor plates, these creatures are the grineer, these opponents were lancers the riflemen of the grineer, and they will soon regret entering this place. The voice of the Lotus returns.
"I can not allow another to be taken, I am over charging your warframe make this count."
Moments later a seemingly limitless amount of energy rushes through the armor. Slowly raising a hand at the approaching grineer blood red lightning arcs to the nearest opponent the coursing energy frying him in his armor but it didn't stop there the energy carried to the five other lancers standing closest to it. Leaping forward easily clearing the charred corpses the warframe's path through the air leaving flicking tongues of lightning as it traveled. The grineer expecting only to find more empty ruins were shocked to find there numbers cut by more than a third began to panic and scatter to cover. With a flick of Volt's wrist three more were sent twitching to the floor as the arcs of electricity bounced around inside their armor cooking all that was inside. Making its way out of the room paying little mind to the few that remained cowering in their cover it made its way through the decrepit facility. With memories slowly returning basic information where it's ship was and the equipment it had hidden nearby. Finding himself prepared with what little that wasn't looted he quickly set about the job of carving a path to his ship.
Using every ounce of the strength in the tireless artificial muscle of his frame he pushes himself through another slide robbing another small patrol of their legs. With movements echoing that of the lightning volt was designed to cast he carved his path with a grim glee sweeping the rabble of grineer to the side with little care. Wrenching the skana he found from the head of a grenadier to slow for his own good he felt a strange feeling rise in his chest nothing like the feedback from taking damage a heat only to be quickly quelled by a worryingly deep sense of calm.