Chapter 12 - Sarga's Evil Plan

In the previous chapter, Ayami was regained consciousness again, making Thomson and Neko were in delight. But when she asked about Shiro, they tell her that they will never see each other for the moment because of the threat of the Green Clan, Jungle. Due to this unexpected circumstances, she requested from Reisi Munakata to called Shiro, to make sure that he was safe. Later on, the two were having a call conversation. Ayami promised to him that she will come back soon. After the call conversation, an arrow was trying to hit Shiro but luckily Kuroh, Gerder and Yata were there. And so, Yata realized that Sarga was on the way to after Shiro. Meanwhile, the Green King, Nagare, was started to lose of his life energy force, commanded Mr Iwa to bring the Silver King to him.

Will the others can able to stopped the Green Clan's evil plot? Will Ayami can able to fight against Sarga again in face to face confrontation?

Find Out

At the Scepter 4 headquarters (the Blue Clan main headquarters), Ayami went out of the phone booth. When she was already out, Reisi Munakata was waiting for her, standing in behind the wall, wrapped both of his arms around his chest. He looked at her for a moment. She was surprised and she asked him " What with that glared look, Mr Munakata? Are you getting suspicious on me? "

He chuckled and he answered " Not actually that much, Miss Isumo. I had just been realized that you are truly the only true love of the Silver King. "

" It is was just your opinion... or it is just your perception from your mind? "

" Neither my opinion or my perception, Miss Isumo. I had understand of your privacy relationship between you and Mr Yashiro Isana... I mean... Adolf K Weismann. But it might be possible if the power as the Silver Clansman might be getting stronger than ever because of your relationship with him. "

" If you really so, but why Sarga wants to be alive for so long even though it was happened a long time ago. She couldn't forget that Weismann had rejected her. But somehow, I will never turned back away from my own past, to lived in the present, to lived with the people whom I really care, even to Shiro as well. I will gonna stopped her if I can.. "

The conversation was interrupted when Akiyama and Benzai enters in, went approached to them.

" Captain, we have some major trouble. " Benzai said

" What was it? " Munakata asked

" Sarga was already on the way to the hotel while the Gray King was on the way to the same place as well. I think both of them were going after the Silver King. " Akiyama said in response

Both Ayami and Reisi were surprised.

" This is not good... called the other members. " Munakata commanded

" Yes, Sir! " the two said together and they left out

" I think Shiro will be in totally grave danger. Maybe I should go back to the hotel. " Ayami said to him, in a rush

" It was too dangerous for you to go back there, Miss Isumo. Just leave it to us. " Munakata told her

" But.. Shiro needs me. I can't let allowed Sarga or any member of the Jungle might hurt him. Please, let me come with you. " Ayami said

The two are looking at each other, in different facial expressions. Meanwhile at the Homra headquarters, Anna sensed the upcoming prediction on her red marble ball.

" She was on the way... " she muttered

" You mean Sarga? But that was too sudden! " Kusanagi asked, with a surprise expression on his face

" I think she was on the way to after Mr Shiro again... and not only that, the Gray King was on the way too... " Anna responded

" the Gray King was there too? But why? " Kusanagi asked

" I think we should make a move quickly. The Silver Clan needs our back up assistance. " Anna said to him

" Do you think Yata was still out there? Oh, no... this is not so good... " Kamamoto asked, with anxious expression on his face

" Don't worry, Misaki will be fine. He was with the Silver Clan. Right now, they were searching for Sarga while the Silver King was at inside the room, with Mr Gerder by his side. " Anna stated

Kusanagi sighed and said " Well, we have no other choice but to go and to stop them. "

" Let's go, everyone. " Anna commanded

" Yeah! " all the Red Clan members shouted together

And the entire Red Clan members went out, to go to the hotel, to assist the Silver Clan.

Meanwhile at the inside of the hotel room, Gerder, was watching at the window, while Shiro was standing beside him, behind the wall curtain, to check if Sarga will be appeared.

Shiro, was getting feared in anxious on his face. Gerder turns his head to him, asked " What with that expression on your face, Mr Shiro? "

He slipped away a little bit distance from the wall curtain, wrapped both of his arms around on his chest, answered, while he nodded his head " I'm getting scared that much if Sarga will gonna catch me this time. If only Aya was here... was not getting hurt so badly... yesterday. I'll be so very defenseless. "

" I know of what you had feel with. But don't worry, Kuroh and Mr Yata will be taking care of her but we have to make sure that they are safe out there. "

But they heard a slow noise from the outside.

" What's that? "

" I think it was came from the top of the tree I supposed. "

Gerder closed all of the windows and covered with wall curtains except at the back front.

" Ger, why you had closed the windows? "

" We have to make sure that no one will get in, even that's evil woman bastard. But I hope that the other clans will be arriving soon. "

" the Reds and the Blues will be here? "

" It was all thanks to the Red King power ability to sensed the upcoming prediction and it might passed to others, to know of what will happened next. You said that it will could communicate, right? "

" Yes, of course. Anna's power ability was far more a little bit much stronger than the previous Red King, is because she was also a Strain, just like Neko had. "

" Speaking of which, where was the previous Red King anyway? I don't see him anywhere. "

Shiro, nodded his head, with a sad expression on his face.

" The previous Red King... had been passed away a year ago. "

" Oh, I see about it... " with a down expression on his face

" But according to Anna, he was was much more stronger than her and besides, he and Mr Munakata were dueled with each other. "

" You mean like they battled with each other? "

" Exactly but their battle was ended up as a draw. It was happened before I awakened my memories as the first Silver King. "

" I get it now of what you had said, Mr Shiro. But for now, things are getting so much very complicated because the Green Clan is making a move this time. "

" I hope Kuroh and Mr Yata were okay out there... " still nodded his head

But suddenly, someone crashed the door.

" What the? " Gerder turned his back, with a surprise expression on his face

It was actually Tewafune Iwa, the Gray King, holding his main gun weapon on his hand.

" the Gray King?... " Shiro said in a surprise manner

" Well, Well. I was thinking that you are prefer to stayed here rather than to run away. What a brave thought. " Iwa said to Shiro, with amusement

" What do you want this time, Gray King? " Gerder asked, with a little bit anger on his face

" Well... I had came here to snatch the Silver King and brought it to Green King Nagare. " Iwa replied in response, still with amusement on his face

" For what? " Gerder asked him again, making his voice rise loudly than ever

" To steal his life energy force of course. " Iwa answered, and he pointed his gun weapon to Shiro

Shiro, was shocked in astonished of what he had said.

" Right now, the Green King was getting weak and he commands me to get you along with your life energy force, so that he will returned back to normal state. You can able to run but you will can't hide... is because soon... you will getting burned into tiny pieces... " Iwa said, with an eerily laughter, as he stepped forward to Shiro, still holding his gun weapon on his hand

" I won't let you to hurt Mr Shiro, you green bastard! " Gerder shouted, as he gets a fire extinguisher from the desk and fires it at him, making the whole surrounding was getting foggy

" What the? What's this? " Iwa wondered, with confusion, turned his back around, looking for them

Then, he was knocked down hardly on the floor by Shiro, using his red umbrella and after that, Gerder put a sleeping spray so that he will fall asleep for long hours. Lastly, they bring him out of the hotel building, placing in behind the bushes.

" Whew! That was the close one. " Gerder said with a relief, wiped his forehead through his hand

" Come on, we will gonna catch up with Kuroh and Mr Yata. " Shiro said to him

" You got it, Mr Shiro. " Gerder replied

And they run away from the place.

Meanwhile, Yata and Kuroh were been confronted by Sarga at the parking site.

" Fight me if you can. " Sarga said, with amusement on her face

" Yeah, we shall see about that. We can't let you to get near to Mr Shiro, got that? " Yata said, in a serious tone manner

" Oh, quite brave you are, boy. But it will never let it that to happened... is because.. the Silver King will be mine soon. " Sarga said, still with amusement on her face

" Whatever you are trying to do against us. Shiro will never belonged to you ever! We do everything to protect the entire country... no... the whole world from darkness and destruction! " Kuroh said, in a serious tone voice manner

" It doesn't matter if you were trying to protect your beloved country by your strong powers and abilities that you had with. But still, you will never ever to defy me.. " Sarga said

In a moment of sudden, Sarga was activated her new power that it was very different from the other clans, making the two were shocked in surprised.

" Sarga has her own power?! But that was not Green, Red, Blue, Gray, Gold, Colorless or even color Silver... " with a, shocking expression on his face

" I think it was the new one... the one who bears the color of darkness, hatred and jealousy... I think it was color... that covered the strong light... that it was called Black... She was the first bearer of that color... she was very different from anyone else. The color Black doesn't have the Sword of Damocles. "

" So... it means... she was the first king of that Black power? But how she does gets that kind of power just like that even without its own Sword of Damocles? "

" That's how my master Ichigen Miwa said to me from before that the color Black was a very dangerous among of the entire colors. It can able to transformed into a cruel and vicious creature, like a dark monster. "

" transformed into a monster? So it means... " turned his head to him, with a surprise expression on his face

Sarga, was fully transformed into a dark monster. Her physical appearance has been totally changed, her hair was fully black and very long. She was wearing black dress with a black cape on behind of her back. She has dark crimson eyes instead of her original eye color, blue.

That very moment, Shiro and Gerder arrived in, saw her new form, were surprised in shocked of what they had saw.

" Is that really Sarga...? She was looked so very different from her original self. " Gerder wondered, with curiosity on his face

Kuroh, turned his back, went approached to them, asked " Shiro, Gerder! Why are you two came here? What happened? "

" It was... the Gray King was here... trying to attack me... but luckily Gerder was holding the fire extinguisher and fired at him and after that, he fell asleep and he and I were carried him out of the hotel. " Shiro answered in response

" the Gray King was here too?! I had never expected that way. " Kuroh said, with a surprise expression on his face

" He had almost trying to attacked him but luckily, I grabbed the fire extinguisher from the desk table and then I put him into deep sleep by using a spray. " Gerder stated

" Oh, I see. " Kuroh muttered, nodded his head

Sarga, was surprised when she saw Shiro, then twitching her eye, and then she said with evil amusement on her face " Oh my, I had never thought that you will came here. You had preferred to go over here rathered than to run away, my darling. After all, you will be belonged to me... for sure... and now then... " and then she stepped forward slowly, tries to get near to Shiro

This makes Shiro was even more frightened in fear while Kuroh covered him from behind.

But then, Yata used his fire power attack against her, creating a huge fire barrier.

She tries to get away from the flames but she failed.

" Ha, how was that, you evil green witch?! My fire power was far more stronger than your dark powers. It was inherited from the previous king, Mikoto Suoh and later, Anna Kushina. Even though you were trying to escaped yourself by using your own dark powers, it will never be affected on it, is because it was destructible. " Yata said

" Damn you... " Sarga said, with a little gritted anger on her face

" We must get out of this place, Mr Yata! " Shiro shouted, in a rush

" Okay! " Yata replied in response

After that, the four left out of the parking site, leaving Sarga was covered in the huge flames. As she saw them running away from afar, she was getting angry and frustrated, shouted in a loud voice " Get back here, you bastards! I'm not done yet with you!! You can run but you will can't hide away from me, Silver King. This is not over yet! This is not over yet! "

As the four run farther away from the place, Shiro had heard of what she had said, making him to getting nervous with frightened expression on his face again. When they reached at the waiting shed, they stopped running.

" Whew! That was the close relief. " Gerder said

" Thanks a lot, Mr Yata. " Shiro said

" It was no problem at all, Mr Shiro. After all, as the proud member of Homra, I will do everything to protect on those who are around me, including you as well. " Yata said, with a smile on his face

" That's explained it why Anna said to me a year ago that you are the strongest active member of the Red Clan. " Gerder said to him

" Whoever I am, I will be remained to be the strongest member of the Red Clan, in order to fulfilled the Red King's last wish before he died. " Yata stated

Suddenly, the other groups arrived in.

" Gerder! Mr Shiro! " Thomson shouted

" Everyone. " Shiro said

They went approached to them.

" So, where was that evil Sarga anyway? " Munakata asked

" Gone for good, thanks to Mr Yata. " Gerder said in response

Saruhiko, was surprised, turned his head, asked Yata " It does? "

" Of course it is, it was all thanks to you, Anna. " Yata answered, turned his head, facing to Anna, was standing beside Kusanagi

" You did well, Misaki. I had never expected that you will used that new power against her. " Anna said to him

" It was my greatest responsibility as the Red clansman. I will do everything to protect the people who were in grave danger. " Yata stated

Anna, was smiled of what he had said.

" But... there is one major problem. " Kuroh said

" What was it? " Munakata asked

" Sarga, has been awakened as the first ruler of the color Black.. " Kuroh answered

" Her power abilities were similar to a vicious monster creatures from the ancient mythologies. She was far more evil that we had never expected with. I think she was far more stronger and powerful than the Green King, Nagare Hisui. " Gerder stated

Shiro, turned his head, saw Ayami was standing beside Reisi, making his heart pounding was getting stronger than ever. When she saw that he was looking at her, she was surprised.

" Shiro? "

" Aya! "

And the two rushed to each other, hugged in embraced.

" I was trying to provoked her to not go out is because it was very dangerous but I had no other choice but to understand or what she truly feels with. " Munakata said

" Aya was so very worried about you, Shiro. I had tell to her a while back ago that she will never see you for the moment but somehow, she had never listen. " Neko stated

" Is because she was very worried about your safety, thinking that the evil Sarga might after you. " Thomson said

After they hugged with each other, Shiro said, with tearful expression on his face " I had never thought that you will came back here. "

She touched his face through her hand, said with determination " I will always promised to you that I will never abandoned you again... just like from the past... "

Everyone were acted in romantic manner.

" Those two are quite so very lucky with each other. " Saruhiko said

" Yep, it is. " Yata said, with a happy smile on his face

Reisi, turned his head to Shiro, asked him " What will be our next move, Mr Yashiro Isana? "

He turned his head, facing to him, answered, with a serious tone manner " Now, that Sarga was the first king of the color Black. We have to make an even better much stronger strategy plan in order to prevent either her or the Green Clan from terrorizing the city or the townspeople. "

" By how? " Seri asked

" By infiltrate their hideout. We had no other option but to strike. Right now, the Green King, Nagare, was getting weakened because of lack of energy force from the Stone slate. If he was out of life, probably Sarga will took over his position and to become the new ruler of the Green-Black Clan. It was far more dangerous and threatened than ours. " Shiro answered in response

" If it does, will that strategy plan will be worked out that way? " Kusanagi asked

" But don't worry about it, Aya will be our greatest player in the team. " Shiro answered, turned his head back, facing to Aya, with a loving smile on his face

This makes Ayami was getting blushed in red on her face.

" Well, if you say so, when we gonna start then? " Munakata asked

" By exactly tomorrow. But before that, we need to have a strategy meeting at the tower hall, just like we did last year. " Shiro said in response

" Okay, we understood. After all, we are the future protectors of the entire country. We can't let anyone to destroyed or to terrorize just for their own evil ambitions. " Munakata said

" Yeah... " Anna uttered

And they stared up at the night skies.

Meanwhile, Sukuna and Yukari found the unconscious Gray King on the grasses and then they carried him back at the hideout.

The next morning, while Gerder, Thomson, Ayami, Neko and Kuroh were eating breakfast. Shiro gets the newspaper on the doorstep.

" A newspaper, Shiro? " Kuroh asked

" Yes, it is. " Shiro replied

" What was the main headline for today, Mr Shiro? It is excitable? " Thomson asked him, while he was eating the tuna fish on the plate

He opened the newspaper. When he opened it, he saw the new main headline news at the front page and after a few seconds, he was surprised in horror.

The five went approached to him.

" What is it, Shiro? Something wrong? " Ayami asked

She looked at the newspaper and she reads of what it was written. It says that:

" Is This A Crisis Or A Terrorism War? A New Enemy Strikes The City Of Japan. "

And there was a picture of Sarga, was walked on the road while everything in the surrounding area were destroyed.

After that, Ayami was shocked of what she had saw, including Thomson, Gerder, Kuroh and Neko too.

" What the? Sarga was started to launched a surprise attack at the city?! " Kuroh wondered in a surprise manner

" This is not so good... " Neko uttered, with a little frightened expression on her face

" She thinks nothing but hatred, jealousy and evil desires. All she wanted is to eliminate us and to make the entire country as her own territory. " Thomson said, with anger expression on his face, punched both of his fists together

" And also.. she wants Mr Shiro to become her partner for good... I think we should tell this to the other clans about this. " Gerder said, in a rush

Ayami, still silent, turned her head, looking at Shiro, was getting even more frightened in fear on his face, froze just like a statue, and he dropped the newspaper on the floor.

Sarga had finally transformed into her new form, her dark form, making her to be the first ruler of the color Black. But thanks to Yata, they flee away from the parking site, leaving her with anger and frustration. Later on, Ayami was happily reunited with Shiro. Then, they decided to make an even better much stronger strategy plan, in order to prevent Sarga or any members of the Green Clan to launched a sudden surprise attack in the city. But things are getting so much worse that when Shiro saw on the newspaper that Sarga had begun her launched invasion attack at the city, in which makes him more frightened than ever, trembled with fear.

Will they can able to cope the better stronger strategy plan against Sarga and the Jungle immediately? Will Ayami can able to stopped her before it was too late?

Find Out

In the Next Chapter

Chapter 13 - Agreement

Don't Miss It!

" There is always the right time to find the right one for you. "

- Anna Kushina