K Project Story - The New King's Knight

This is my new fan fiction story. Despite that I created crossover stories last year, this time I will created something more touching and warm hearted with slightly less comedy with full of drama and romance.

I was huge fan of some anime series with full of actions and warm touching stories. K Project is one of my favorite anime series that I ever watch because I believe the story was not so simple as other animes that I watched. I watched every scene to scene in every episode so I can identify each personalities of each characters so that why I decided to write this new story that it will touched your heart forever, for those huge fans of this anime series.

In this story, new characters will appeared in every chapter. It was created from my own imagination.

This is takes place during the events in K: Return Of Kings (Second Season).

Just sit back and enjoy!

Chapter 1 - Beginning

One night in a dark lighten room, with all windows are closed. In the middle of the bed stand, there was a little lamp was turned on in the cabinet table and in the table, there was a young woman, satted on a chair, writing something on some sort of diary book. She had wrote...

" The days has passed by... as the times changes itself... is the day that I couldn't forget to rely on... those days that I spent with you... but still... I will able to meet you again in the future... protecting you until the end of time. "

- Sarina Valers Bauer

As she write it, she felt that she was inspired by the quote that she found on the old German book when she was young kid. After she write it, she closed her diary and she thinked on her mind that...

" Someday I'll fulfill my dream to become the protector of the world someday. just like she did. "

And she went to bed.

The next morning, she had woke up from her bed and she went down to prepared herself. Her pet friends named Thomson (a blue cat) and Gerder (a small brown mouse) (similar to Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse) were relaxed sitting on their respective chairs.

" How was the morning today? " Thomson asked, reading a newspaper on his favorite chair with blue stripes

" Seems fine, Thomson. Today it was my lucky day. " she replied

" Let me guess.. your first teaching at Ashinaka High School, I'm right? " Gerder asked, listening music with his headphones

" Yep, I will teached to them about history of Germany and about the Dresden Slates origin. " she replied

" Dresden Slates, you mean that thing will grant new powers to a king and it's clansmen? " Thomson asked

" Yes but hold on... where did you get that meaning? " she asked

" I been heard of it that it was stored at top floor of the Mishihara Tower. It was guarded by the second Gold King a long time ago however he passed away. " Thomson stated

" But.. if the Gold King was gone.. who will manage the Slates? " Gerder asked

" I been heard that the Blue King will take over the Slates however the Green Clan also as the Jungle wanted to take the Slates by force. Since last time, I been heard that the three clans: Red, Blue and Silver are having an alliance in order to stop the Green Clan from taking the Slates. They are already make a move but I'm not so sure if they will succeed in this mission. " Thomson stated

She became stunned when Thomson mentioned the Silver Clan.

" Uhh... is something bothers you, Ayami? " Gerder asked with wondering

" The Silver Clan... who is the in charge? " Ayami asked

" Hold on... are you interested to that? " Thomson asked with embarrassment

" No! Not really! I really wanted to know who is the name of their king. " Ayami said, blushing on her face

" Really?... " Thomson asked, embarrassed

" Alright! I'm going now! See ya later! " Ayami said in a hurry, leaving out the house

" Okay, be careful on the road! There are some Green bastards surrounded! " Gerder told her

" I will! " Ayami answered

She leaves the house.

" Hey, Gerder. Don't you think our friend was interested to the king of the Silver Clan? " Thomson asked Gerder, whispering slowly

" I don't know. I have never seen her act like that from before since we got here in Japan. I wondered why... " Gerder said

" You say so.. if she gonna met her future boyfriend... she will be so lucky. " Thomson said with a little romantic

" I hope so... " Gerder said, muttering

Meanwhile on Ashinaka High School, the young woman who was named Ayami Isumo (the close friend of Thomson and Gerder from a while ago) went to the classroom and she was greeted by the students.

" Good Morning, Miss Isumo. " the students greeted

" Good Morning, students. " Ayami greeted

That when, Kukuri Yukizome had approached to her.

" Umm... Miss Isumo? " she asked

" Yes, What is it? " Ayami asked

She released a letter from her pocket and she handled to Ayami.

" What's this, Miss Yukizome? " Ayami asked, wondered

" It was the letter from the Mr Prime Minister. " Kukuri said

" From the Prime Minister?! " Ayami asked, shocked in surprised

She opened the letter and she read it, says that...

Dear Miss Ayami Isumo,

I would like to said it that your skills and talents are quite appreciative. I would like to request to you that you will appointed as the new guarder of the Mishihara Tower, in order to guard the Dresden Slates along the Blue King, who was taken over in charge. The Green Clan also as the JUNGLE, wanted to take the Slates in order to take over the country for human mankind.

And also you will meet up with the three kings at the outside of the building at the other side of the school. Your job is to protect the Slates and the security of everyone else from the Green Clan.

You will starting work today if you wished.

Truly Yours,

Mr Prime Minister

After she read the letter, she was wondered in surprise.

" Became the protector of the Slates? "

The students were appraised to her.

" But why? Why the Prime Minister had chosen me for this difficult job? " she wondered

" This is your chance, Miss Isumo. You will teamed up along with the three kings. Just show what you have got with, we are all here to support you. " Kukuri said with determination

" But.. how about the school? my teaching to you all? I can't leave my own job just like this. " Ayami asked

" Don't need to be worried about, Miss Isumo. All of us has the biggest responsibility to saved the world from chaos. You will never turn back even though you will sacrifice your own life not only for your personal intentions but for the sake of others too. " Kukuri said

Then she recalled about the quote by Sarina Valers Bauer she had wrote in her diary last night and after that she recalled it...

" Alright! I'll must do this... for the country and the whole world! I will accept that responsibility to protect it from evil. " Ayami said

The whole students shouted with a loud cheers.

" Come on, Miss Isumo. The three kings was waiting for you. " Kukuri told her in a hurry

" Good luck!! " the students shouted

" I will! " Ayami said and she leaves the classroom

Then Ayami leaves the school and she went to the near building in which she will supposed to meet the three kings in personal according to the letter of the Prime Minister.

" My dream had finally come true... I will become the protector of the world just like Miss Sarina Valers Bauer did. " she thought on her mind , running in a hurry

And she finally reached the building.

" So.. this is must be it? " Ayami wondered

That when, she saw the three kings was talked to each other at the balcony.

" It was really them? the kings of Blue, Red and Silver? I can't believe it! This is my chance to work with them. " Ayami thought

Then she approached to them

" Ummm... Hi! My name is Ayami Isumo, it was pleasure to meet you all. " she greeted with politeness

One of them, a young girl with white hair, wearing red jacket, asking her.

" Are you the new protector of the Slates, requested by the Prime Minister? " she asked

" Yes, I am. " Ayami said

The other one, a taller man, wearing glasses and weared blue clothes, with a sword on his side said to her.

" I see about that. We have been heard of you that your skills and talents in fighting are quite incredible and appreciative. That's why I requested from the Prime Minister to joined with us in guarding the Slates and to fight the Green Clan. " he stated

" Thanks for that statement. This is the first time I will teamed up with you, to protect the country from evil forces. " Ayami said

The last one, a tall young man, with white hair, wearing white clothes and carried an umbrella on its hand said to her.

" We are so lucky that we have hired you. " he said

" Thanks. " Ayami said with a smile and she asked them " What are your names anyway? I never thought that kings have perspective names. "

" My name is Reisi Munakata, the Blue King and this is the Red King, Anna Kushina. " he introduced themselves to her

" Nice to meet you, Miss Ayami. " Anna greeted

" You too, but you will have called me Aya if you're prefer, Red King and you too, Blue King. " Ayami said

"And this is the first Silver King, Yashiro Isana or nicknamed Shiro if you prefer. " Reisi said, introduced him to her

" Nice to meet you, Miss Aya. " Shiro greeted

And Ayami became shocked in surprised when she faced him and she realized that she had met the Silver King for the very first time in personal.

" Are you the Silver King? I can't believe it was you. " Ayami asked

That when, the two began to looked at each other, face to face in a romantic way.

This is Ayami's first meeting with the three kings. She had recognized the name of the Silver King for the very first time in personal. What will be her ultimate role in his life? To the other two kings? To the fellow clanmens? To the evil force who wanted to give threat to the world? Will love developed each other or if their is someone will provoked their relationship? Who will might be?

Her job mission to protect the Slates and the world has been begun.

To Be Continued

Chapter 2 - New Member of the JUNGLE

Don't Miss It!