Deltora Quest 3: The Drugs of Deltora

Chapter One- Crazyness…ness…ness…ness…ness……..ness.

The Shadow Lord watched as the boy in the green cloak took the Pirran Pipe from Lief. His shadowy hands reached out for the boy, but they were driven back by one note from the Pipe.

The boy began to play the Pipe. The Ak-Baba shrieked and fell from the air, whining like babies. The Ols dissolved into puddles of white liquid (wink), and the Wild Ones lurched and clutched their stomachs, and they puked. The Shadow dissolved into the sky, still watching the Arena. The music was too powerful! The Shadow Lord could not stand it much longer.

And then the music stopped. The prisoners, Lief, Barda, Jasmine and the strange boy vanished, along with the Pipe.

The Shadow Arena was in ruin, the pillars reduced to rubble. The benches began to collapse, killing many of the Wild Ones. The Ra-Kacharz, squealing like little schoolgirls, got up to flee, but it was too late for them.

The Vraals howled in anger and pain, and then they collapsed as their eardrums burst. The echo of the Pipe's music carried over the Dead Plain, and the Scuttlers ran from the sound. The Factory began to collapse, and the dying Guards screamed for a few seconds before getting up and running around in circles.

The red clouds hovered over the ruins of the Arena, the shadow within cringing as the music's echo drifted by on the breeze. The Pirran Pipe had destroyed his land. A hiss of anger echoed from the cloud as the Shadow Lord's sign vanished in the sky with the coming of the day. Or was it because of the Pipe? He knew that only the Drugs of Deltora could kill him now.

Around a week later…

Lief, Doom and Barda sat in the forge, stoning. Lief was stoning because Jasmine had refused to go out with him, Barda needed to rid his mind of the urge to steal the Belt, and Doom was stoning 'cause he could.

Lief jumped on the coffee table, and pulled a microphone out of nowhere. He then grabbed his balls and started to make up a rap song (unsuccessfully).

"You n****s are stoning like motherfu**ers, you n****s, u be da n****s of Del! Yo! Yo! I be King Lief, You n****s don't know Lief!"

"Err ya racist bum!" yelled Doom, chucking a vase at Lief, who was carried off to hospital five minutes later from major cuts and a cracked skull.


Lief opened his eyes, wincing from the pain in his head. Jasmine, Kree, Barda and Doom were standing next to the bed.

"Why you racist bum!" yelled Doom, wrapping his hands around Lief's neck.

Lief came to again later on. Doom was chained to the wall, screaming about how racist Lief was.

Lief looked over at the bedside table, where there were several "Get Well Soon" cards, a "Stop being a racist bum" card from Doom, a voucher for a free pizza at Pizza Hut and a "Gimme the Belt" card from Barda.

And a black envelope sealed with a mix of wax and blood. It had the Shadow Lord's brand on it.

"Huh?" muttered Lief, opening the envelope.

To Lief

            Please die soon.

From the Shadow Lord

P.S. Only the Drugs of Deltora can kill me!

Lief screamed as Doom ripped one of his arms free and started firing at him with a machine gun.

I know, it's kinda stupid. I'm stopping here for now. Cya.