Hansen Inventario, son of Captain Inventory, anarchist, and student at The Soup Can Jim Academy For Young Heros Who Quite Frankly Aren't That Talented But Hey Everyone Deserves A Second Chance And Society Sure As Shit Ain't Going To Give It To Them So Sure Why The Fuck Not I'll Open A Taco Stand, Huh What Do You Mean These Are The Forms To Open A Hero School, better known as Soup Can Academy. Currently Hansen was wandering the halls of the villain based turned hero academy trying to find a nice quiet place to start a fire that the damn janitor can't get to.
"I would fight that damn… Thing if I knew what it was." Hansen said to himself before whirling around to catch the slightest glimpse of a blank face disappearing behind a corner. Subconsciously the pyromaniac felt a chill run down his spine.
"Best Friend, what are you doing wondering the halls?" A voice with a heavy accent asks from down the hall, turning around Hansen see's one of the many bains of his existence barreling down the hallway. Tor Axloksizlik was running towards Hansen at high speeds, and Hansen, still thrown off by the appearance of the friendly neighborhood eldritch monstrosity, doesn't think to move until the geomancer from the homeland has pulled him into a tight embrace.
"Let go of me Tor!" Hansen wells as Tor holds him in a bear hug, crushing his spine. Tor however is not listening and continues his bone crushing bear hug.
"Best Friend Hansen, other Best Friend Ernest is making food do you wish to join?" Tor asks as he finally drops Hansen, who returns the hug by punching Tor in the face, before what the young man register what his rivel said.
"Ernest is making food, what kind of food?" Hansen asks, suddenly very interested in the words being said.
"Something about the burgers of the pig." Tor says with a smile, not a care in the world. Taking a second to decipher what the homeland boy ment Hansen breaks out into a wide grin.
"He said Hamburgers, oh hell yeah lets go." He says as he all but runs to the shared dorm of Guy and Ernis. As the less than dynamic duo walked in they were greeted by a chorus of hellos from Guy, Ernis, and Gale.
"Ah there you are Hansen, want a burger?" Ernis asks as he holds up a perfect looking burger.
"Hell yeah!" Said teen yells as he catches the burger and eats it as happily as someone like Hansen can.
Meanwhile in a dorm room a few doors down, the water shooting Briny Drookit was sitting on her bed looking at her phone pale faced. On the screen the digital text spelled out the words 'mom' in a blocky text, a red one floating next to the name. Briny had just received a message from her mother and judging from the preview of the message it was not the happy go lucky kind. Her parents finally found out that she joined Soup Can Academy and they weren't happy about it. Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she thought about the fact she was going to have to leave, her parents were going to drag her away kicking and screaming.
"Hey Briny are alive in there." A very familiar voice said as Guy knocked on the door. Solemnly the blue haired girl got up and opened the door.
"Hey Briny, I brought you some…" Guy started until he saw the tiers on her face and slowly put the plate down. She pulled him into a hug and started to cry heavier babeling as she did so. Standing there awkwardly Guy simply hugs her back and lets her vent her tears until the sound of a door opening catches his attention. Turning his head, the quirkless techno nerd sees the rest of his small friend group sticking their heads out of the door.
"So we got a problem." Guy says simply as he continues to lightly hug Briny. His friends seem concerned, all except for Hansen whose face is stone cold.
So, this is a story based on the Fate Core My Hero Academia Campaign run by Project Mouthwash. I have started writing this because I found the story written by Sapphire The Dude and was inspired to try my hand. Check out their story titled I'll Be Your Wings. Thank you and Tara.