Summary - Harold and John are both perplexed because they got a relevant number.


"What?" John asked in shock on the phone

"We got Senator Morras number, John." Finch replied calmly

John was baffled, "But Finch…." He trailed off

"Are you going to finish that thought, John?" Harold asked sarcastically over the phone

"How could we get Morras number? Isn't he a relevant number?"

John heard Finch sigh over the phone, "John, I do not know. But all we know is that we now need to look after two numbers. Speaking of which, don't you have work?"

"I'm on my way now." John said simply, "But how are we going to watch this kid and Morra?"

The other line was silent

"Finch?" John tried again

"Yes, John?" Harold responded

"Thought you fell asleep on me for a minute. Is everything okay?" John asked in concern

"You know, when Nathan and I were building the machine. Our first number was like this one. Someone related to the F.B.I, but we paid no mind because of course their life was on the line, their lives are always on the line in that kind of work. At the time we didn't know it was premeditated. We kept trying to get the numbers running and the machine actually functioning without glitches. So, Nathan hired a temporary asset to solve this because we didn't have anyone at the time. Everything was done electronically. Once we finally got this agent to trust us, we got a relevant number."

"Just like us." John finished

"Precisely." Harold started, "The machine thought that we needed each others help with the relevant number. That was Nathan's theory."

"What happened?" John asked

"The relevant number, a senate as a matter a fact, and the F.B.I agent both died. As well as our first ever asset. The agent and our asset got ahold of the senator but the shooter shot them all." Harold conclude

John stayed silent

"Nathan and I were furious. We never tested our theory because of the loss of our asset. Turns out he had a family." Harold said sadly.

John was about to say something before Harold but he beat him to it

"But enough of that. Let's get back to work." Finch finished

"Right." John said simply.


John walked in and the whole office was chaotic. People running in many directions.

"Whats going on over there John?" Finch said over the microphone

"Maybe they also got Morras number." John said to Finch as he walked up to Naz

"What is going on?" John politely asked Naz

"Oh! Thank goodness you are here Mr. Randall! We have a threat against national security. Senator Morra." Naz supplied

"So what is the plan?" John asked as Naz was getting her jacket

"We are all visiting Morra." Naz said as she began toward the door

"You will be riding with Brian and Mike and Ike." Naz finished

Reese tapped his ear, "Finch."

"Yes, John?" Finch replied

"I think Ingram's theory was right."

"After that conversation, I think so too. I called Ms. Shaw and Ms. Groves. They will be ready once we give them the all clear." Finch said

"Okay. Finch. I still want to find out how Brian is related to Jarrod Sands. And Morra." John said looking at Brian Finch who was pointing at him smiling.

John smiled back.

"I will see as well. Good luck John." Finch hung up. At that time, Brian ran up at him

"Hey Nike! Ready to take down some bad guys!?" He asked excitedly

John nods, "Yes."

Brian smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Let's go then!" He said as he ran onto the elevator." John silently followed.


This was a short one, I know. The much one will focus more on the battle. Stay tuned!