I am done, for now at least, with fanfiction and I would like to take this as an opportunity to thank you, my amazing reader. You're just so brilliant I can't put it into words and you're the motivation behind me posting this. U is the wind beneath my wings.
Over the years fanfiction helped me improve my ability to write, from my shitty one-shot fics (pls don't read them after this they suck but this has been a process and I appreciate all they have taught me- but don't go reading them, why would you do that to yourself?) to the longer ones that I have loved. Yellow Ledbetter was actually the last fic I wrote (not uploaded) and is my secret love letter/ goodbye to fanfiction.
'Where are you going?' I hear no one ask. Well, no one, you may not know this but writing has pretty much been the only thing I ever wanted to do since I can remember. So now I'm focusing on my original works, and who knows, maybe one day you'll see me sitting on the sidewalk clutching my single printed original book outside my tent, and you'll approach me tentatively, watching my toothy grin (like 1 tooth because the others fell out when I ate sum meth) and say 'hey man, your fics were alright'. And I sniff, because that's all I ever wanted.
Anyway can you tell how exhausted I am? I just wanted to get this all out as quick as possible, because while I'm not an essential worker during this pandemic, or useful at all, the least I can do is entertain you guys and get your minds off whats happening outside. I loves you all.
Peace out.
This Child is officially running.