A/N: HI. I'm sorry for such a long note, but this is all really important, so please read if you don't mind.

So, this is probably the biggest fanfic project I've done in a really long time and I know it's supposed to be a thirty day challenge, but there honestly might be some days where I can't actually post anything because life happens and all. But I WILL try my best to post chapters as much as I can. I made a promise to myself even before I began to plan all of this out. A lot of these will be way shorter than most of the fanfics I write. And a couple chapters might possibly be rated M, but I'll definitely warn you all at the beginning.

Also, I kind of made my own list of prompts, so it's not like any of the lists you'll find on tumblr or any of those other sites. Of course, some things might be similar, but what I'm trying to say is, I didn't just use a template of someone else's ideas, So, if you happen to want to use it for your own challenge or whatever, go for it.

ONE LAST THING AND I'LL SHUT UP. Besides the last few prompts, none of them are in chronological order. Chimney and Maddie are in an established relationship in some of them, while in others, they're kind of in the middle of being friends/in a relationship.

Day 1: Holding Hands

Title: Loving Hands

Maddie looked over at Chimney before she eyed his hand.

Maddie slowly moved her hand and grabbed it. His hand immediately relaxed into hers as they interlocked their fingers.

She looked over at him and he grinned at her before he focused on the tv again.

Before she had met Chimney, holding hands had been something that Maddie had hated… because the hands that she had to hold for so long weren't worthy of being held. They didn't deserve her love.

But with Chimney, Maddie slowly began to fall in love with that type of contact… because his hands were soft, gentle, and they treated her with the most respect in every situation; whether they were relaxing on the couch, laughing together, having sex, or even during the very rare occasions they argued, those hands were always full of love. They were kind, sweet, and beautiful… not in an attractive type of way- although Maddie loved them that way too- she never truly thought that hands could be so pure and angelic. Chimney's hands were exactly those things. Those hands deserved all of her love and appreciation.

And Maddie had different ways of showing Chimney just how much she loved his hands and him in general.

Sometimes, she would just hold his hand. Other times, she would run her fingers up and down the back of it.. And on special occasions, the ones where Maddie just really wanted to put her lips on his skin, she would grab both of his hands and plant soft kisses on every single inch of them.

And Maddie really wanted this particular time to turn into one of those occasions.

She moved closer to Chimney and positioned herself so she could easily grab both of his hands.

Maddie brought one hand up to her mouth and kissed the back of it before she gave the same amount of attention to the other one.

Now, every single kiss meant something different, and Maddie was sure that Chimney had figured it all out too.

The kisses on the back of his hands were just a little something to make sure Chimney was paying attention to her.

She looked over at him and he was watching her closely with a small smile on his face.

Then, Maddie began to place kisses along his knuckles. Those kisses were always quick, but still sweet all the same.

Kissing his knuckles was her way of saying she was thankful for him.

Maddie moved to his fingers next. She always made sure she moved slowly and gave every finger the same amount of attention.

The sweet kisses on his fingers was Maddie's way of telling Chimney that she appreciated him.

Maddie turned both of his hands over. This was where she would really take her time.

She planted heavy kisses across the front of his fingers before she kissed his palms a few times.

The front of his hands meant everything to Maddie. Those were the parts that held her hand so gently, the parts that held Maddie close on the long nights when all she could do was cry, the parts that touched her back when they hugged, the parts that touched her cheek when they kissed, and even the parts that touched every inch of Maddie's body when they had sex.

Those parts of his hands were never rough, cold, or unsafe. They never scared or hurt Maddie.

The front of his hands were always loving, warm, and safe. They always made Maddie happy.

And whenever Maddie took her time kissing those parts, that was her way of telling Chimney how much she loved him.

She looked up at Chimney and "I love you, too," was written all over his face.

Maddie began to smile. She loved how they could communicate without actually speaking.

She kissed his palms a few more times.

And then, Maddie's little shower of kisses was over.

She looked over at Chimney and hoped she hadn't gone overboard with all the kisses, but he obviously didn't seem to mind. He had the biggest grin on his face.

Maddie smiled back before she moved as close as she could get to Chimney. She kissed his neck and rested her head against his shoulder.

Her smile widened when Chimney grabbed her hand, kissed the top of it, and held it in both of his own.

God, she just really loved his hands.