This is my first writing project. Criticism isn't just welcome, its encouraged.

My apologies in advance for a lack of Godou. I have long-term plans for this fic loosely lined out, but due to HP taking place in the 80's and 90's, while Campione starts in the 10's it'll be a while before he gets relevant.

It was 985 A.D. in the Scottish highlands a storm was brewing and no sane man or woman would want to cross the moors in this horrid weather. Yet five figures clambered and trekked their way across the hillside, to an outsider they'd look an odd collective; that is if there were any outsiders to see them in this uninhabited land.
The first of four was a man, with black flaxen hair cut short and a dark complexion, wearing robes made of linen dyed in red beyond normal pigment, and carrying a tome bound in the same, filled with various hieroglyphs that glowed and shone a light on his face like the rays of the sun itself, the image of a golden lion depicted in gold on the front of the man's tome. Unlike his companions he walked a brisk stride as if untouched by the cold, as the light of his tome illuminates his face.
The second was a woman. Her skin was pale from cold and her hair tangled and brown with dirt, garbed in humbler clothes, the robes of a druidic priestess carrying a sprig of wood in one hand, and in the other she held a harp made of living wood, two blossoming branches sprigging from the ends.
The third figure was a brown horse, laden with bags and the humble harpist, singing prayers to the gods that they may pass through these lands untouched by the weather.
The fourth figure was dressed in the thick and untanned hides of beasts, her breast covered by a deer's pelt and her legs covered by a wolves, upon her back she wore a bow and quiver and on her head a silver diadem, her charcoal hair curling down her northern features.

But most miserable of all was the last of the four, his skin tanned alike the first and long hair black as char, carrying a tome in one hand. In his other he carried a large spear, segmented akin a scorpion's tail. Though the weather was rough and the journey exhausting they talked amongst themselves as if they'd known each other for years.
The group had been on this journey for a while, their end goal simple: return to the castle they had built, bringing with them the tomes, scrolls and books their horse was laden with, but upon arriving back in the valley wherein their castle lay, they stopped still.
They found the castle surrounded by the moors and land, the lush grass that once grew was gone, now black and charred, the trees had fallen and even the lake had turned a putrid black. Realising something was wrong they set about trying to find the cause, Rowena and Godric searched the castle's many winding halls hoping to find the source, while Helga and Salazar trekked searched the woods and lake respectively.

It was Salazar who found the creature, lying in a cavern underneath the lake. A giant serpent who's very presence seemed to corrupt the world around it, and as he gazed upon it, he realised why the oracle had instructed his friends to recruit him from his homeland. Salazar knew this beast, how could he not, his patron Goddess fought it in ancient days and was the only reason mighty Ra had survived its venom. Using the gift of spirit channelling he called on his patron and fought valiantly,
The battle lasted hours long, and his spear broke halfway through. The blessings of Serqet protected him from the serpents venom, but in the end the fangs still pierced his heart. And with his dying breath he'd bled into his tome, and wrote the binding seal in his own blood, Sealing the god of Chaos to the cave, so that only his blood might free it.

"Throughout history there have been many instances at which someone foolish mortals managed to anger a god. Some occur through incompetence, some through hubris, but on rare instances its the influence of another god which brings them doom. For example take the Children of Poseidon.
The Children of Poseidon were a sect residing around the British Isles, founded in the early 1500's they quickly gained some status and influence, enough at least to obtain access to a divine relic, which has since been identified as being a tome of the goddess Discordia
Records of the specific series of events are rare and the ones that remain are incomplete.

Some accounts claim the remnant somehow corrupted Poseidon, yet others claim Poseidon ordered it taken away only for his worshippers to defy him. All accounts though agree on the results;
Poseidon cursed his followers to turn blind to the world of gods. They could still see each other, but they could not see the world of gods, and over time they even lost sight of the mundane as well."
- Excerpt from "The land of the blind" by Gottfried Matson.

In the year 1942 a young Tom Riddle stumbled across the cavern beneath Black Lake, and found the room, it's walls carved with ancient hieroglyphs. featuring nothing in it but a sarcophagus and a giant statue.
He'd spend most of a month translating the scripture on the walls, searching every book in the Hogwarts library until he found one on the long dead script. But once he'd found that he soon figured out the purpose of the chamber.

It was a tomb, erected right beneath the Black lake, the words on the wall told the stories of the death of Salazar Slytherin, it told of how he'd fought a giant serpent and died binding it with long lost magic. The symbols spoke of how the serpent still slept beneath the statue of his ancestor. It told of his ancestors sacrifice and nobility, his cunning poisons and dignity. But most of all it spoke of his legacy, of the book that bound the serpent, and of how it lied hidden in the sarcophagus in the centre of the room.
He'd heard a lot about the other founders and their dignity and honour, they were praised and beloved icons of wizarding culture, but Salazar? He was considered nothing but a guy who ended a curse on the black lake, But now Tom new: Salazar was truly the greatest of the founders.

Yes Godric might've killed a winged lion, while the Goblin father fought some mist-cloaked mage, and helped set up a positive rapport between the wizards and the early goblins, but he'd done it with the help of a thousand goblins, and the fool hadn't lived to tell the tale.
So what if Rowena might've brought the spells and enchantments on the castle, but she'd died of injuries sustained fighting a single eagle that attacked her daughter.
So what if Helga saved the town of Hogsmeade from a giant badger? anyone could do that.
But his ancestor, Salazar Slytherin had defeated a god. It stood their plain and simple in ancient text engraved upon the sarcophagus.

"Here lies Salazar Slytherin, Greatest of the Hogwarts Four, He who sacrificed himself binding the God of Chaos."
And within the sarcophagus lay but two things, the remains of his forefather, and a tome with written with worn out symbols.
He'd been looking for a worthy artefact to bind his soul into this plane, so he took the tome from his ancestor's hands.

And though he didn't know it, that was when he sealed his fate.

First chapter done… that was easier then expected to be honest. I know it wasn't much but it was necesary for the story i have in /
I've already got some of Harry's authorities figured out, and decided on a uniting theme. Their theme will simply be "wizard". I know its a bit vague but i felt that any other theme would just alienate Harry from his original source. So i decided that all Harry's authorities are to somehow follow the sense of a "western-styled archmage", (so no Daoist inspired magic, think more OP-Merlin then Daoist Monk). Probably with various Authorities each representing different "types" of magic. (Necromancy, Alchemy, Druidic magic, Runes, Healing, Curses) or staple arch-mage iconography (wand/staff, tome of spells, familiars, giant tower of magic)br /
If anyone has any suggestions for authorities in this theme I'm willing to consider them.