To Get Rid of Me

This is a story of Matt having a serious disease called SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). Quite angsty, but I don't really think so. Mostly Taito, and hope the short chapters don't make you bored. Before I begin, I'm telling you that Digimon is not mine, and this story is just made up, so it doesn't relate to anybody dead or alive.

Wait a minute, why am I so angsty as well? Hmph. So read this, and review okay? Thanks.


Chapter 1: The Outbreak (Matt's POV)

It has been a week since I returned from China. I went there to perform in a concert and it was all satisfying… not. Now I got a fever and I can't even go to school.

And this is so humiliating.

Yesterday I saw news about something called SARS. What is SARS, actually? I din't pay much attention to it because I thought it was some kind of air forces or something [1].

Huh… my body is aching all over right now. And I felt very hot. No matter how cold my room, I still couldn't get rid of the heat. Father even complaint that my room is now much colder than the fridge!

Suddenly I felt very cold. It is indeed very cold here. So I turned off the air-cond and went outside to the living room.

I remembered when Tai called me yesterday. He had asked why didn't go to school recently. I just told him that I got a fever and I don't think I'm able to go to school. He said nothing after that.

I'm bored. I'm so damn bored. Maybe I should watch TV.

My vision blurred as I reached the TV. My head…it felt like it wanted to explode. I clutched my head and shook the pain away before my vision cleared.

"And now for the breaking news," was the first sentence I heard. "The SARS outbreak had claimed 81 lives in China [2]. The reported case had now increased to 1838 cases [3]." I froze. Outbreak? In China? Since when?

"People are advised not to travel especially to China, Hong Kong and Singapore because of this disease [4]."

I was stunned to hear the rest of the news. I merely thought that SARS was a new airforce group; but no, it's a disease. It was short form of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or so it's called [5].

"The symptoms of the disease will begin with a fever higher than 100.4ºF, headache, discomfort, body aches and followed by dry cough and trouble of breathing. If you or your family members who had gone to China have one of these symptoms or more, please go to… [6]"

I didn't hear the rest of the explanation as I blacked out.


Well, that's the beginning. Some explanations:

[1] This is exactly what I thought of SARS when I first heard it. Geez, am I so stupid… -_-;;

[2] Reported on 18 April 2003.

[3] Approximate number; I don't really remember, but it was reported on the same day.

[4, 5, 6] For more info, search on the Net. ^^

Remember to review. Okay? Chapter 2 is coming up next. Once again, arigatou gozaimashita.