Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Naruto or any other references you may encounter

Notes, explanations, and replies are at the end.

Warning:OOC abound


The bell chimed.

"Good Morning," a soft, mild voice greeted.

Hitomi felt her lips stretch into a warm smile as she welcomed the newcomer.

"Natsume-san! Good Morning, how may I help you?"

She looked him over, eyes checking to see if there was any sign of injury or illness on him.

His clothes was slightly rumpled but nothing out of the norm. Eyes were bright and no dark bags under them. Facial expression was calm, not twisting in pain. Complexion is alright. No limps or dragging of limbs. Posture was straight as per normal.

Maybe he was here for Madara-san(1)?

The slight young man laughed sheepishly, "Do you have any stomach medicine? Madara-san ate too much dango last night and now he won't stop complaining that his stomach hurts." His voice was tinged with irritation and exasperated fondness.

So it was for Madara-san. She should have known really.

Natsume-san rarely went to the clinic for himself and was only usually there because of his...mentor? Bodyguard? Friend? Lover?

She didn't know what their exact relationship was and no one in the village did as well.

Not that anyone really cared to find out. It was their own business.

Hitomi laughed, "Ah, well, I do have some over...here," she gives him a small, wooden vial.

The expression of relief and gratitude that spreads across his features is amusing. Madara-san must really be such a handful to elicit an expression like that.

Taking out a few coins, Natsume placed them on the counter. "Thank you, Hitomi-san, but I must be going now,"

The redhead waved him off. "It's no problem, Natsume-san. Good luck with Madara-san."

The bell chimed once more as the door shut softly behind the young man.

Humming to herself, Hitomi began her daily routine.

She was cataloging the supplies when she startled at a voice suddenly speaking.

"Vigilance, my dear Uzumaki. You never know who could come in here,"

She turned to the source of the voice.

"You again?!"

"Hello Uzumaki, you wouldn't happen to have any burn salve, now do you?"

Brow twitching in agitation, Hitomi grabbed the salve and threw it at Tachibana's face.

Catching the small wooden container, Tachibana ducked away from the other projectiles Hitomi threw and pushed past the door.

"Bandages, Uzu—"

"There, now get!"

"Long time no see, Uzumaki,"

"Not long enough,"

"Amaterasu above, I'm actually starting to miss the psychotic murderous you. At least then I only get to actually see you once a year."


"And you were definitely less annoying."

"You call murder attempts on your person less annoying?"


"Inari-sama, please give me strength," the redhead muttered as she stared at the man lounging on one of the sterile white beds in the clinic.

Tachibana smirked knowingly at the young woman. "Hello, Uzumaki. We meet again."

With a tired groan, Hitomi shot him a half-hearted glare. "What are you doing here?"

"Is that how you treat your patients?"


With a put upon sigh and a charming smile, the bastard waved her over.

Hitomi didn't budge an inch. No way was she getting anywhere near him. Who knew what scheme that man was trying to pull.

"While I commend you for actually having some semblance of self-preservation, would you really just let a patient of yours bleed out?" Tachibana asks with a raised brow.

Hitomi cursed under her breath when her eyes landed on the man's bleeding side.

It was slightly obscured and unnoticeable, and she probably wouldn't have noticed it if the man hadn't brought her attention to his side.

Hands flying and brows furrowed, Hitomi worked on Tachibana's wound, doing her best to heal it.

"What the hell happened to you?!" She asked as she slapped the bandage on the wound.

Tachibana hissed, glaring at the young woman. "Be more gentle, Healer Uzumaki" he muttered.

"The client gave me wrong intel. I thought I was only fighting humans, not gigantic monsters as well."

Hitomi's face remained unmoving and unimpressed, a brow quirked in expectation.

"Okay. But that still doesn't explain why you came here instead of a hospital at wherever the fuck you live."

"Why, Uzumaki, I'm hurt, are you turning me away?"

"Yes. So shut up, rest, then get the hell out of my clinic, bastard." She replies with no real bite to her tone.

Turning, Hitomi didn't see the small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Short, disappointing and kinda just a filler chapter, sorry bout that. But I had to build up these twos relationship somehow to not slightly antagonistic and weird creepy flirting.

(1) - To those wondering, no, the Madara-san mentioned is not Madara Uchiha.

Guest Reviewers:

Heart: Thanks( ^_^ ) I'm glad you liked it and, yes, of course it's Potter. Who else could it be? and some say that reincarnations have similarities to how their lives played out the last time, so maybe that's why? Who knows (⊙‿⊙✿)

Chocoholic202: Thanks for reading and reviewing, I'm glad you liked it enough to want more (^_^)

As an apology for the short filler, here's an extra:

"Hey, I've got a question, why crows? Why not snakes? You had a creepy obsession with them last time around."

Tachibana smiled an unreadable smile. "Why, I just felt like a change of pace,"

"...it was because you couldn't find the snake contract, wasn't it."

The man continued smiling, eyes closed in a curve.

"Yep. It was totally because you couldn't find the contract. The silence is pretty telling."