Author's Note: Hello dear readers- I planned a funny author's note about grad school and whatnot. Right now, though, it doesn't feel right. I'm sure many of you are disturbed by the current goings on in the world as the global response to this virus continues to take shape. I hope this chapter, when it reaches your inbox, finds you well- not just physical health wise, but emotionally as well. I can't imagine how difficult it is for everyone in their individual circumstances. I do want to express gratitude- for you. Many of you have been with this story since the beginning, and have been a supportive community of people chapter after chapter. I'm grateful to have this Volturi loving little FanFic community of readers, where I can write to ease some of the anxieties in my mind and my heart. Continually sending all my love to each of you during this difficult time.

Last Time...

The door to the room burst open, Aro rushing to Isabella with Demitri, Felix, Alec, and Jane on his heels.

Aro gazed at her, a mournful expression displayed across his features. It was earnest, begging her forgiveness for what he was about to do. "Protect your Queen." A pause, and then a whisper "Isabella il protettore."

Smoke curled from Alec's fingertips and encircled Isabella in an instant.

Everything went black.

Chapter 24

One Week Prior

It was less than two weeks until the wedding. The day had been full of less than exciting political work. Quite droll and was an equivalent to watching paint dry, for Isabella and Athendora. Once each guard member had retired for the evening, Aro, Marcus, and Caius were still in a heated debate regarding a new vampire population accounting system... The two women returned to the Cullen's wing of the castle, flopping on the unoccupied couch with dramatic sighs for additional flair.

Isabella was face down, an unessecary groan emanating from her lips into the soft cushion. Could vampires have headaches?

"Oh Belllllllls..." Alice's voice trilled just inches from her ear. Isabella grunted in recognition of the pixie.

"Not now, Ali." Isabella sighed. Insistent tapping ensued on her shoulder- whatever it was that needed her attention at the moment must have been good. "You know what might cheer you up?" Alice spoke, conspiratorially.

30 Minutes Later...

Bridal magazines crowded the small coffee table, serving as a buffer between the large couch and the equally large TV. Wedding related romantic comedies joined the magazines, stacked haphazardly at one end. Even a sign hung from the door to the Cullen's living area, decorated with ribbon and silk flowers, read "No Boys Allowed."

One thing to note within this scene was that each woman had lived through the 1990's and early 2000's, albeit Isabella was a child then. As such, each had witnessed the iconic Friends sitcom episode. Dear readers, you must know the one. No? Ah, two words.

Wedding dresses.

"You know, Alice, this really did put me in a better mood." Isabella smiled, smoothing one hand over the lace skirt, the other raising a silver chalice to her lips. It seemed the rejected wedding dresses from various designers had a use after all.

From left to right Esme, Athendora, Isabella, Alice, and Rosalie crowded the couch, nearly hip to hip. Esme wore a sleek, ivory mermaid gown with a silk flower nestled in her hair at her temple. Athendora wore an off-white tea length gown, with lace appliqués along the bodice. Am off-white pillbox hat shrouded her face to her upper cheekbones with delicate, lace netting. Isabella wore a blush, rustic lace gown with a high neckline and keyhole back; the cathedral veil complimented the ensemble. Alice wore a strapless, sweetheart neckline pure white gown, with half transparent panels across her abdomen, revealing embroidered detail within the corseted bodice. Lastly, Rosalie wore a champagne princess gown, complete with a very full, tulle skirt that nearly obscured Alice's petite frame next to her.

"Mhmm..." Alice hummed. "Rachel Green is not the only one that knows what she's talking about." A sarcastic deadpan followed the sass-laced comment.

"I'll say." Rosalie sighed wistfully. "Do you think Emmett will be up for another vow renewal soon?"

Alice leaned to deadpan at Rosalie. "That man would do anything for the excuse to honeymoon with you, babe. But, maybe a few more years. I thought Esme was next in line in the Cullen coven?"

Esme smiled warmly, surely reminiscing about their last ceremony in the late 1970's. "Yes, a trip to the island for a few weeks sounds divine..."

Isabella cleared her throat loudly to draw focus back. "Ahem, what about Athendora and Caius? I'm sure a good honeymoon might... soften his exterior?"

"Soften?" Athendora whispered, causing the group of women to burst into snickers at the well placed innuendo.

"Well this calls for a toast. Of course, to the bride." A glance to Isabella. "But also to Momma Cullen and Athendora getting some." Rose offered with a grin, raising her glass in the air in a toast. Enthusiastic cheers and a whistle from Isabella followed, with clinking of glasses of animal and human blood alike.

A Few Days Later

Aro managed to pull himself away from affairs of state for small amounts of time each day, throughout past weeks, just for the chance to see his bride to be. Well, seeing is putting it lightly for half of their impromptu meetings. Either way, it was something she appreciated- especially when affairs of the day were more nuanced and something Isabella could not even pretend she would want to be present for.

And this, dear readers, is how Aro found his lovely bride in the gardens just before sunset. He admired her from afar for just a few moments, captivated by her ethereal beauty within the sun's gentle rays. That is, until Isabella's knowing eyes caught him in his admiration.

With a wink, she sauntered into a small grove of trees within the garden, well aware of him following her. "My lord, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Her gaze was mischievous, as she was fully knowledgeable on how using older forms of speech riled him up.

"To bequeath a small token of my affections." Aro smiled gently as he drew nearer to her. He brushed her hair back over her shoulder affectionately before securing a flower plucked just a moment prior behind her left ear. His thumb stroked her cheek gently, his lips pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before he pulled away slightly to look into her crimson orbs. "You are so beautiful."

Isabella closed her eyes, turning to gently kiss his palm before leaning her cheek into his touch. "Please tell me business is almost over for the day." A small pout pulled at her lips.

Sighing, Aro could overhear that he was needed once again for things most necessary, but droll. "Not yet." An affectionate touch to the tip of her nose. "I'll be with you as soon as I can."

Isabella pouted further, until she sensed that he would need to retreat from her in a moment. Her fingers sought the lapels of his suit jacket, anchoring her hold as she pulled him close for a searing kiss. "Until then."

Aro departed soon after the words were spoken, his gaze regretful. Soon, however, they would steal away to the countryside- uninterrupted for weeks. Sighing wistfully, she thought of that to stave off her impatience and went to find the Cullens for company.

Cullen Rooms, Two Days Later

"God dammit Edward!" Jasper cursed loudly, a scowl gracing his marble features as his hands went up to tangle frustratedly in his honey locks. Their highly calculated chess game of over two hours had ended, swiftly, with Edward's victory. "You are a cheat."

Edward grinned crookedly- the sight of it did not soothe Jasper, especially in addition to the facetious, triumphant feelings that radiated from the eternal teenager. "It seems you couldn't handle a red herring within your strategy."

Jasper gave him a pointed look, before resuming his low grumbling and the resetting the pieces for Carlisle to play as his opponent. His mild manner was very much welcome in comparison to his recent contender.

"Don't stay away too long, Eddie boy." Emmett beloved, clapping Edward on the shoulder as he moved towards the door. "You don't want Renata to be too sorely missed..." He guffawed at Edward's pinched expression.

Esme approached with Carlisle, the latter patting his shoulder and Esme hugging him gently soon afterwards. "Truly, please be careful." Esme's brows drew together as she looked to Carlisle and then back to him. "We know there haven't been any attacks within these past months, yet do continue to be cautious."

Edward smiled softly, his gaze soft. "I will." His gaze became faraway, laced with affection. "I am very lucky to have her. She certainly would not allow harm to come to me, nor would I to her." A pause. "Demitri informs me France is perfectly safe as of late. I'll see you in three days."

Versailles, One Hour Prior

The forested hillsides outside Versailles were a hidden gem- a perfect escape for the two lovers who had only just recently become entangled with one another. Just after their hunt- Renata within the city and Edward within the isolated woods- they reclined in a small meadow, framed by trees and wildflowers.

Renata's eyes were closed, her thick lashes brushing the tops of her cheeks as she laid with her head nestled against Edward's stomach. He idly twirled a strand of her hair around his finger- enjoying the silence her shielded mind provided him. "What are you thinking?" He asked softly.

Renata gave a small laugh at the question- it was one she had become most familiar with since they were introduced some months back. "Of contentment." Her eyes opened at this as she moved to her stomach, her chin braced against his lower chest as she turned her head to the side to look at him. "My contentment with you."

Edward smiled crookedly, stroking her cheek with an affectionate air. The peaceful moment between the two was broken, however, as a snapped branch sounded. Both were standing on guard in a moment, Renata's eyes firmly analyzing their opponent across the meadow.

While a younger vampire might regard the lithe woman opposite of them as unthreatening, her age and experience clearly registered her as threat. The woman was calm- too calm to have stumbled across two immortals accidentally while passing through. This was planned.

"Fancy seeing you here, mind reader..." A languid glance to Renata, lips curled in distaste. "Shield..."

A growl emananted from Edward's chest as he stepped forward, effectively blocking Renata from her. "What do you want?"

Musical laughter, sickly sweet yet alluring spilled from her lips. Her smile was disconcerting as her teeth began to elongate into sharp fangs as she walked forward, all too casual and nearing facetiously conversational in quality.

"What do I want? Well..." She smirked. "I want the world." The she demon leapt.

Edward dodged her attack. Before he could swivel back to strike a blow to her spine, her talon like fingers were gripped like a vice around Renata's neck.

"Renata-" Edward croaked before the sharp screech of tearing vampire flesh assaulted his ears. His breath escaped his lips in shallow gasps, eyes wide at the moment that had just passed. "Renata, Renata, Renata..." His voice became more composed with each syllable as his strode, expressionless, to her disembodied head. A match was struck with a smoky hiss, Edward turning to look back at the woman.

Edward grinned, turning back to the head in his hands. Stroking her cheek patronizingly, he whispered a good riddance before tossing her head along with the other pieces into the small fire. As Renata burned, he stalked to the halfbreed, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled her unique scent. It may have been unpleasant to some, but to him it was... invigorating. Like a moth to flame, their bodies molded perfectly to one another in a lover's embrace.

"Do they expect anything?" She purred, her small fingers tangling in the copper hair at the base of his neck.

"Not a dammed thing, my love." Edward grinned, his arms tightening around her frame before crashing his lips to hers. She growled, biting his lower lip and then trailing open mouthed kisses to his neck, earning her a delectable moan. "Nathalia... please."

Nathalia pondered, eager to have her way with him right there. But, alas, enacting their plan would be too... observable here. Huffing gently, she stepped away from Edward, her hips swaying as she sauntered to examine the pile of ash. Seemingly satisfied, Nathalia turned with a seductive expression, her arm raised and palm extended as she beckoned him. "Come."

Aro's Study, Minutes Prior

Aro occupied his study, grossing over recent letters and parchments that had become stacked upon his desk. His... amorous endeavors... with his bride to be had kept him behind the day before, much to Caius' dismay and Marcus' amusement. One letter, however, seemed oddly familiar. The porous parchment used had not been in wide circulation for nearly a two centuries.

Dread weighed on Aro's heart as he turned the envelope, his eyes fixing on the intricate, dark wax seal; two arms entwined amidst stars- one slender and the other much harsher, the fingertips elongating into claws.

Tearing the letter open with haste, Aro's countenance soon went slack.

Though I will not allude to how this letter has come into your hands, its infiltration within your ivory castle was met with neither force nor contest. You, dearest Aro, remain the first immortal within these walls to know of this letter's existence, and its contents. It shall remain that way. Banish all you wish not to meet a gruesome demise and remain to meet with an old acquaintance this eve.

Should you not heed my words, the cost will be dire. Shall yet another woman fall in the wake of your arrogance?

Not another word, nor a signature graced the page. Neither were necessary. With a heavy heart and voice thick with emotion, Aro called for Demitri. When the guardsman arrived, he stamped it down. "Prepare the guard at once. The coven leaves immediately."

Author's Note: Most of you have most likely already guessed it, but this chapter borrows from the Friends episode, "The One with the Wedding Dress." A fun fact about me is that my mother raised me on Friends. And potentially named me when I was born, based on the show. See you soon for the next chapter.