Hi guys! Laugh.Live.Love.Dogs here with another story along with Aquamarine3... We're working on this together! Just a quick introduction to Aquamarine3, she's quite young(but can work on FanFiction) and she is an excellent writer! Hope you'll enjoy our story!


Harry, Hogwarts Castle

Harry woke up from bed at midnight, and he went down to the Griffindor dormitory to meet Ron and Hermione.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were going to stop Snape from getting the Sorcerers Stone, no matter what.

Harry was anxious, but determined.

"Do you think this will work?" Ron asked.

Hermione grimaced.

They crept along the hall to the third floor-forbidden.

However, they seemed to be lost.

"Harry, I think we went passed that picture a moment ago." Hermione said. "Yeah, mate, and I'm freezing." Ron complained.

They went into a small room, and Harry recognised it. "Hey, Ron Hermione, this is the place where I first saw the mirror that showed my parents."

"Then where's the mirror?" Ron asked.

"Ron, look!" Hermione said pointing at a wardrobe.

They heard footsteps coming, and had no choice but to hide in the wardrobe.

They backed away in the darkness. "Ouch, Ron, that's my foot!"Hermione groaned.

But Harry wasn't listening.

The other side of the Long wardrobe had revealed a magnificent land with snow over it.

"Woah, guys, look at that.." Harry said, Breathtaken.

A small sign read, Narnia. "I think we're in Narnia."


Did you enjoy it? Hope you did, because it's Aquamarine3's first FanFic! Please tell us improvements in the reviews! Thanks!