Hey y'all! I love Seven Deadly Sins and totally ship Ban and Meliodas. So I though't I'd write my own story! The point of view will change between Ban and Meliodas every other chapter. This first chapter is going to be in 3rd person and get the setting started so its a... prologue? I think that's the thing. I also apologize in advance because I know I'm going to mess some details up. Chapter 1 is in the making! I honestly have no idea where this story is going and I'm a people pleaser so leave your me your thoughts and ideas! And I rated this story M just in case. Do you guys want some mature content?
It's been many many years since the Seven Deadly sins had defeated the Ten Commandments and the Six Knights of Black, and there has been peace ever since. Diane and King actually got together and they're living in the Fairy Kingdom, and Escanor and Merlin are who-knows-where exploring or researching. Gowther has stayed with with the captain and Elizabeth and Ban. The four of them ran the Boar Hat together. Ban would cook, Elizabeth and Gowther would host and serve, and Meliodas would manager the bar. Meliodas would also cook but the other three wouldn't let it get out to the public; They'd loose so many customers. Though Meliodas's cooking has gotten better, his food is still crap. Life was great for every one until Elizabeth got sick, very sick. She had gotten weaker with age and the death of her farther years before put strain on her. She was going to die, and Meliodas was devastated.
"Meliodas?" Elizabeth called, waking up and moved her head weakly on the pillow.
Meliodas had been sleeping by her bedside, with his head laying on the bed next to her. Hearing Elizabeth speak immediately woke him and he turned his attention to his love. "Yes Elizabeth?" I asked softly, holding her hand as he looked down at her.
"I.. I'm going very soon." She said softly looking up at him.
"No! You can't leave yet!" Meliodas protested, grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently
"Meliodas, I'm just a human..." Elizabeth said with a warm smile and a calming voice. "... We have such short lives."
"N-no!" Meliodas cried out and hugged Elizabeth, pushing his face against her chest. He cries softly against her skin and grips the bed sheets tightly. "I can't loose you! I can't do this all over again!" I sobbed nearly incomprehensible
Elizabeth soothingly strokes Meliodas's head, running her fingers through his hair. She was silent for a few minutes to let Meliodas cry it out. Eventually his weeping slowed and quieted and she spoke again, "Meliodas... I love you." She smiled lightly. "I know I'm leaving sooner than expected and I understand how you feel... I wish I can stay longer with you but I'm satisfied with my life... You made it perfect. So many years of perfection. Thank you for making that possible. I'm truly lucky to have had you in my life"
Meliodas was still crying but not has much any more. "I don't know what I'm going to do without you." He said after he looked up at her
Elizabeth smiled softly. "I want you to live your life. Don't waste it away obsessing over me... or my absence. Because I'll always be with you Meliodas... In your memories and in your heart." She said putting a hand to his chest with a warm smile. Meliodas sniffled and looked down and stayed silent. He couldn't think of anything to say. Elizabeth let out a deep breath; is sounded every so slightly raspy and crackly. "Isn't this beautiful?"
"W-what?" Meliodas asked looking back at her.
"This... I used to be afraid of death. After spending the rest of my lifetime with you and being by your side filled my life. That was my my contribution. I feel so peaceful." She closed her eyes and inhaled then exhaled. She looked at Meliodas and smiled. "Now. I want you to find someone else, when you're ready of course."
"I don't know if I can..." Meliodas said softly
"If you can't that's okay too.. I just want you to be happy. You deserve it." Elizabeth said with a smile. "Promise you'll be happy, please?"
Meliodas was silent for a few seconds and nodded slowly. "I will try... I promise."