AN: After so long I have decided to return to writing. After reading quite a few RWBY/Bloodborne/Darksouls crossovers, I've decide to write my own as well. Hope you enjoy. Leave a review to let me know what you think.
Chapter 1: The Fire Fades
This was not the first time Ruby had woken up in the middle of the night by a nightmare. They had become less frequent over the years, but still occurred from time to time. Sometimes, they are random. Other times, they are triggered by something.
This night's nightmare was random.
She hated it when they were random. The details of her dream were already slipping away, but the hollow feeling in her chest was less inclined to leave. As much as she tossed, turned, and snuggled into her pillow and sheets, the gnawing pain in her chest made it impossible to return to sleep now.
With a frustrated sigh, Ruby sat up in her bed and stared out the window at the clear night sky, the light of the shattered moon shining softly on her. She could not suppress the feeling of longing that welled up in her chest. It was moments like these when she would go visit her mother's grave. Just talking to her made the ache in her chest fade, though she knew it would never go away.
So, what if daylight was only a couple of hours away? It was still not too late to go visit her grave. It was dangerous, and there were the Grimm that occasionally roamed the forest—even if her dad had just cleared them out again. Her uncle would not be around to save her if things went wrong again, though he was expected to be back from a mission sometime today. Well, not like he can just show up in the nick of time again like some super awesome hero, right?
Before she knew it, Ruby had dressed and was ready to head out into the night. She took a deep breath as she opened her door and peeked into the hall. It would be okay, she would be very quick about it. Moreover, with her aura unlocked, she would not be defenseless.
As she crept through her home, she could not help but feel grateful for how loud her sister snored; it would help mask any sounds the floorboards made. She winced at the creaking noise the front door made as she opened it. A quick glance over her shoulder settled her fears, as Zwei, their pet corgi, was still asleep on the living room rug.
The night air was cool and crisp on her skin. She shivered as she drew her cloak around herself. It was now or never. It would only take her a few minutes to reach the cliff where her mother had been buried. She dashed through the trees as fast as she could, constantly glancing about for the telltale red eyes of the Grimm. Luckily, all was quiet with the exception of her footsteps in the underbrush. Ruby let out a sigh of relief as her mother's grave came into sight. She slowed to a walk as she approached the familiar marker, the stone shining softly in the moonlight.
Just standing here was already easing the tension in her heart. She savored the moment as the night wind blew softly around her. It was so peaceful and quiet. You could not even hear the sounds of insec—
Ruby spun around and felt her breath catch in her throat. Standing in front of her was a huge Beowolf. It must have stalked her through the forest. How could she have missed it?
The large bipedal wolf stalked forward, its bone plating and red eyes gleaming in the moonlight. Ruby could only back away in fear. It was too close for her to outrun it. What was it doing here? Her dad cleared them all out yesterday!
Suddenly, her foot slipped as she flailed her arms for balance. She had reached the edge of the cliff.
She was trapped.
Ruby could not blink her tears away as the Beowolf prowled closer. It was in no hurry with its prey cornered and nowhere to run. She swore it was grinning at her as it flashed its fangs.
"Uncle Qrow... Dad... Yang... Help," she whimpered as tears started pouring down her face. She did not want to die; she was only six. She wanted to become a huntress with her older sister, just like her mother. She wanted to live a long life, fighting Grimm and protecting people like her mother had, to be a hero. She wanted to be back home, safe in bed, instead of here, facing down one of the living nightmares of the world. She had done the same thing that Yang had done years ago, only this time there was not going to be an Uncle Qrow to come and save her.
The Beowolf ceased its movements just an arm's length away. All was silent except for the sounds of Ruby's sniffling as she waited for the creature's next move.
Suddenly, the Beowolf lunged forward, sweeping its claws towards her face. She shrieked as she stumbled backwards... right over the edge of the cliff. Her shriek turned into full-blown screaming as gravity took effect and pulled her down towards her demise. Ruby closed her eyes as the wind battered and howled around her small form. Her last thoughts were of her mother's smiling face, telling her to be brave as she left on one of her many missions.
I'm sorry, mom.
Ruby barely felt it when she impacted the ground head first, her aura shattering like glass. She lay there, broken, as the moonlight shone softly on her dying form. Her blood, crimson like her cloak, glinted in the moonlight as it poured from her skull. All the energy that made her so full of life, reduced to mere embers that struggled to remain lit.
And yet, her blood did not soak the ground around her; instead, it flowed as if it were being pulled. It surged towards a cave that rested at the base of the cliff, heavily obscured by shrubbery and vines. It continued to stream forth even as the ground under it morphed from rock and dirt to pale gray ash, struggling along inch by inch.
Soon, it poured into a small dip in the ash and made contact with a barely visible metal casing, long buried in the ash. As Ruby's blood made contact, the ancient magic hidden within reacted, and for the first time since the ancient epochs, the fingers of the gauntlet twitched.