Disclaimer: I don't own anything beside my OC, bla bla bla, yadda yadda yadda.

Disclaimer 2: Do not read this story if you're a little sensitive retard. You probably get why.




So bored

So fucking bored

A door silently opened and a young man walked in. He was in his teens, which was apparent if you'd look at his face. Speaking of his face, he would be considered handsome by many. He had large, grey eyes, a straight nose and prominent cheekbones. He was also pale and had light blonde hair. He was probably of Germanic descent.

'Home. Sweet, boring home.', the young man thought as he walked into a house. No, a mansion would be a better way to describe it.

It was a giant, 8 story mansion built in a gothic style. It probably belonged to some old-timer aristocrats, or some millionaire capitalist pig who decided that they wanted to live lavishly like some monarch.

Nonetheless, this young man was closely acquainted with the owner of the house, it seemed. Otherwise, he wouldn't call it his boring home. Ironic, because many people would kill for this kind of house.

"Welcome back, master Sebastian! You have come late today!", A young woman, dressed in typical maid clothing instantly saw and welcomed her master, the now named Sebastian.

"And?", Sebastian replied, with a bored expression. He easily towered over the maid, probably because he was tall, or the maid was extremely short.

"Huh?", The maid looked confused with the question, not in the least expecting it.

A yawn sounded from the young master's mouth.

"I asked, So what that I came late today?", Sebastian questioned her again, irritated.

"U-Uh, your school ends at 2:30 PM, so I thought that it was weird that you c-came at 6 PM!", She explained her reasoning, stumbling on words.

"Well, there's the problem. You're not supposed to be thinking. It is not your purpose. You seem to be new here, so I'll remind you: Your job is to keep this place squeaky clean, not to think with your stupid brain.", The young master said matter-of-factly. He had a little smirk at the end, which quickly disappeared.

"Y-yes, sir!" She squeaked out, nervous and scared.

"Now, do your job, and stop bothering me. Oh, and notify me when parents arrive.", Sebastian ordered.

"Will do as you say, s-sir!", She said and quickly got out of his sight.

Several maids' chattering could be heard in the background

"Poor Marina, she didn't deserve this." One of them said with a pitying expression directed at the maid Sebastian had an argument with.

"Yes, you're right. We should've warned her of Sebastian's attitude."

Another one said, agreeing with the first one.

"No, I don't think we should've! She deserved what she got, and she'll learn not to bother the masters!", One haughty maid whispered her opinion, with which several agreed.

'These little cretins should know what they are: Worthless., The young man thought about the maids, chuckling, as he made his way towards the elevators.

He pushed the "" button. As the elevator descended, he got into the cabin.

Once he got into the elevator, he pressed the "8" button. The elevator started ascending towards the last floor.

The elevator stopped, and Sebastian got out and made his way towards his room.

This floor was largely deserted, only a few rooms here and there. There was a large door which led to the balcony.

Contrary to the first floor, no maids were there to be seen.

Sebastian made a beeline for his room's door, opened it with his keys and got in.

The room was large, even for this mansion. Silver wallpaper adorned the room, with many different intricacies drawn on it. The floor was of high-quality, solid wood. There was a king-sized bed, a big TV on the wall opposite from the bed, a wooden work desk, on which were different things that you would expect a schoolboy to have, and a different desk, which was occupied by a high-quality computer. Other than that, though, there was nothing in the room. Because of this, there was a lot of free space.

"AGHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", Sebastian laughed maniacally as he entered his room.

"This day is getting better and better!", He said, as he opened the backpack and took out a mutilated head out, "Let's see if they found the body yet!"

He pushed the button on the TV remote and the TV turned on.

"Germany won against Austria in today's matc-" No, "But, Alejandro! I can't leave you! I love yo-" No, "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?" Definitely yes, but no.

'A GRUESOME MURDER COMMITED NEAR THE WEISMANN MANSION', a headline could be read on the news channel.


A young woman, a reporter, appeared on the screen and started to explain the situation.

"A body of a young woman was found near the Weismann mansion at approximately 5:30 PM.

The young woman was supposedly going to her home from her math tutor's house, which she went to after her school day finished. That's when the killer struck.

It is believed that the suspect is none other than the famous serial killer 'The Reaper'. It is known, that 'The Reaper' always cuts off heads, which has been done on this case, too. 'The Reaper's' victim's family always receive the head, although the timing has been varied in the past cases.

As we all know, this is not the first killing spree "The Reaper" has committed.

The time between the first killing spree and the second one is 20 years, and it is widely believed that the new killing spree has been committed by an impostor.

The peculiar thing in this case is the location. It is widely known, that one of the most famous murders was also committed near the Weismann mansion.", the young reporter finished talking.

"Thank you, Amelia. Now, let's talk about something less creepy, shall we?", a middle-aged man in the studio said.

"Yes, we totally should, Carl!", another man said, and the segment about the murder case ended and a sports reporter came on.

"Oh man, I never get tired of this shit! The little bitches' families' reactions are much better, though! I'd kill to see their faces!", The now revealed serial killer gleefully talked to himself.

"Now, let's see what the internet's saying.", The psychopath decided, instantly changing his mood.

He loaded up a website called '4kun' and started browsing the boards.

/b - Random

Anonymous 1/4/2019(Fri) 6:23 No. 1293012802

Peeps, the reaper is back in action

bbs news/new-year's-reap

Anonymous 1/4/2019(Fri) 6:25 No. 1920341244


It's the fucking impostor again. Can't he just stop existing? I'm tired of all the shitty conspiracies about him.

Anonymous 1/4/2019(Fri) 6:26 No. 1489031203


If it's really an impostor, he's doing a damn fine good job at doing the imitating. One might think that the real one is mentoring him, no?

Anonymous 1/4/2019(Fri) 6:28: No. 1886566623


No, you fucking retard. Why would the original risk mentoring a fucking loser if he could do all the shit himself? And besides, you'd be an autistic retard if you thought that this was a real deal. The killings are far too messy to even consider the fact that this is the original's doing. Some tryhard is trying to prove his father that he's worth living so he doesn't beat the shit out of him every night, amirite?

"Damn it, I don't have the energy to argue with these "all-knowing" autistic mongols. It's a good thing that it's Friday, I won't have to see retarded teenage faces of my worthless, undeserving classmates. Plus, I have time do some stupid shit.", Sebastian thought, as he closed out of the '4kun' window, and loaded up a game called 'Campaigning Emperors 2'.

7 hours later.

"Excusez moi, Louie de Cretin, but why are you surrendering? Maybe because you're french? Wouldn't surprise me! That's unfortunate, I thought I had time to kill all of your family. Oh wait, I already did!", Sebastian yelled, as he emerged victorious against France, which is not a hard thing to do, with their tendency to surrender and all.

'Oh man, that was fun. But all fun has to end, unfortunately.', Sebastian thought, as he closed the game and went to bed.

'Sleep. Sleep is what I need.', He thought, as he lazily looked at the ceiling, 'Yes, sleeping. Think about sleeping. Don't think about all those nights that you didn't sleep because of your existential crisis and nihilistic thoughts. Think of murder. Yes, think of murder.'

"Nope, can't sleep.", The insomniac said as he set up. "Welp, now I'm bored."


So bored.

So fucking bored.

"Damn it, where's the "You are the Gamer!" screen when you so desperately need it?!", The young man yelled out to the world.


"...Wait, what?", He said, confusedly.

[You read it right! You have been chosen to be the gamer! and not some kind of rip-off you'd find in the many of the fanfictions you have read, which were created by not so talented humans, but the real deal, created by none other than God! You should count yourself very, very lucky!]

"...Have I gone crazy? I think I have gone crazy.", He said, again with a confused expression on his face.

"While I do tend to have schizophrenic tendencies, this is too much. This can't be real, can it?", the young man asked the question to no one.

"Well, it's not out of question, considering the fact that humans still exist, which is a fucking miracle. It certainly wouldn't hurt me if the first humans were eaten alive so they wouldn't have the chance to breed billions of fuckers like them, or if Kimmy Jongy just bombed them all. Quite the opposite, actually. I'd be very lucky if that happened, but oh well.", The psychopath continued his tirade.

"Speaking of me being lucky, if I trust this very untrustworthy translucent panel which has probably been imagined by my oh so imaginative brain, then I'm very lucky! Hurray! Congrats me!" He said to himself.

[Yes, yes, congratulations, Me!], Is this sarcasm I heard? or, more accurately, read. [Now, stop talking, dear, we still have to run you through the tutorial!]

"...Tutorial? Me saying that my brain is imaginative was sarcasm, you know? Who am I even talking to? Myself. Probably, most certainly myself.", He said to himself.

[You're getting distracted again, dear!, Why does it keep calling me dear? Well, not calling. More like 'typing' me dear. And why is it so communicative? This is weird, even for me. [Time is valuable, and more time you have, more entertainment you can bring to me! Now, we need to get going!]

With that, another screen appeared.






[Let's start with the first category, shall we?]

The [Menu] screen got replaced by the [Status] screen.


Name: Sebastian Weismann (Me?)

Occupation: [Serial Killer]


LVL - 0

EXP - ?/?

[HP] - ?

[MP] - ?

[SP] - ?


[STR] - ?

[CON] - ?

[AGI] - ?

[INT] - ?

[WIS] - ?

[LUC] - ?

[CHA] - ?

[This is your status screen. You can bring it up by saying 'Status'. People might think you're crazy, but are they really wrong?]

[Now, let's start with explaining. Well, do I really need to explain those basic stats?]

"No, I think you don't. They're pretty self-explanatory." He said, with a bored expression.

[Well, I'll explain it to the readers, then. *wink]

'…Am I tripping or is this screen tripping? What readers?', he thought.

[Name dictates your name.]

[The Occupation stat shows who you are. e.g. if you are a serial killer, your occupation would be 'Serial Killer']

[Occupations give stat and skill bonuses (mostly).]

[Level shows how much you have progressed since you have left your boring human life! Leveling up grants you many benefits, such as: Increased HP and MP which scale with your level, and... uh... many more! So, yeah, that's it. Moving on.]

'Wait, what? Left my boring human life? Am I dead, in a shitty fanfic getting transported to a shitty fantasy world or some shit? Wow, that's a lot of shit. Reminds me of India.'

[HP dictates your health. If it reaches 0, you're dead. Remember, 0 = Death, and Death is bad for your health. Try to keep your health above 0!]

[Also, HP = Health Points.]

'Pfft, since when Is death bad?'

[MP dictates how much magical (awesomeness) powers you can have.]

[If your MP reaches 0, you're not magically awesome anymore. Well, if you even had it above 0 before, that is!]

[Also, MP = Magic Points.]

[In different universes, it can be referred to as 'Chakra Points', 'Chi Points', 'Mana Points', etc. But they're practically the same, with little differences.]

'Yes, I'm getting transported to another universe. Brain, become more original, please, this trope has been used for bajillion times already.'

[SP dictates how much stuff you can do before you die of exhaustion.]

[If your SP reaches 0, you'll probably die of exhaustion. Or at least fall asleep for an indefinite amount of time.]

[Also, SP = Stamina Points.]

'Well, your mom is gay! Fuck, I'm running out of sarcastic replies. Is it even necessary? Probably not. No, it's not.'

[Now, let's start explaining the Attributes]

[Strength (STR) determines how tough you are. E.g., if you can punch someone so that their brains come out of their asses or not.]

[Constitution (CON) is your durability, e.g. how much you can withstand without getting obliterated to pieces]

[Agility (AGI) defines how nimble you are, e.g. How fast and efficiently you can stab people's eyes out.]

[Intellect (INT) defines how sharp your mind is. E.g., the higher your INT is, more torture methods you can come up with.]

[Wisdom (WIS) determines how you can use your knowledge, for example: Which torture method is the most efficient at breaking their skulls, minds, hearts, etc.]

[Luck (LUC) is a bit different from other attributes. It is a fixed stat, meaning that it can't be normally changed like others. You are born with either high luck or low luck. But there is a way to raise it, (or lower it, if you're a masochist). Although I'm not going to tell you ~how~. Hehe.]

[Last one on the list is Charisma (CHA). It defines how likable you are. For example, if your CHA is high enough, you can make peasants fall in love with you and then you can sell them on the black market, and they still won't suspect anything! Well, probably. What do you think I am, an expert?]

"This screen, or whoever's writing on this screen has a few screws loose. Wait, if I'm imagining this, does that mean that I'm crazy? Yes! Wait, no. Wait, yes! Wait. Isn't being crazy bad? What does something being bad mean? Does it mean that it's not good? But what does being good mean? Morality is confusing. Wait, do we have a morality system? Wait, what's morality? Am I moral or immoral? Wait, I know! I'm crazy!' Yes, yes you are.

'No, that is just absurd. I just need sleep. Definitely not crazy.'

After that, another window appeared.


You do not have any skills right now. Your skills will be analyzed after you have completed the [Tutorial]

[Skills are what you can (or cannot) do. You can get skills for just about everything, for example: Sleeping, playing video games, Rapping, Raping, etc.]

[Skills are made up of other skills (mostly).]

[An example of a skill is 'Killing'. Killing is made up of many different skills, which are all influenced by the General Skill, which is in turn, as you probably guessed, influenced by its subskills!]

[Some of the subskills of skill 'Killing' are: 'Knifing', 'Shooting', 'Swordsmanship', etc.]

[Skills can sometimes be listed as a subskill of its own subskill, so if you see 'Killing' under 'Knifing', don't be confused, because 'Knifing' also defines, for example how efficiently you can slice meat to prepare a meal, slice an already dead body, etc.]

[If you aren't braindead and have 'Logic' skill level 5 or above, you've probably already deduced that Subskills can also have their own subskills. It's an endless loop of awesomeness and death! Isn't that just exciting?!]

'This screen talks, or types, an awful lot about killing. I'm starting to get mixed feelings.'

[There are also things called 'Perks'. Think of them as an inbred child of 'Occupations' and 'Skills'. Basically, to not make the status screen a shitshow, the Creator created 'Perks'. Perks are practically 'Occupation' that are too shit to fill the only 'Occupation' slot you have. Also, Perks (mostly) give you unique bonuses, unattainable by other means (probably). For example, 'Super Saiyan' is a lot like a skill, but can also serve as an occupation. So, it is a 'Perk'!"

"And it's a fucking weeb. Great."

Shortly after, [Skills] screen disappeared, and was replaced by another one:



Head -

Torso - [Expensive Blue Pajama Shirt]

Hands -

Legs - [Expensive Black Pajama Pants]

Feet -

Weapon -

Secondary Weapon -


[Mutilated Head of Christine];

It was a typical inventory screen, one that you'd see in an RPG game. There were about 20 boxes, on a 2x10 span. Above the boxes was a silhouette of a man, with a few more boxes.

The boy clicked on the [Expensive Blue Pajama Shirt],and new information popped up:

[Expensive Blue Pajama Shirt]

Durability: 100%

Rarity: Uncommon

Original Owner: Sebastian Weismann

Owner: Sebastian Weismann

Date of creation: Unknown

Creator: Unknown

2 Charisma.

No skill bonuses.

[This is your inventory! You can think of it as a separate dimension created just for your hoarding desires! It is not unlimited, though. The size of your inventory scales with your MP. More MP = More space in your inventory. I'm sure you can do the calculations yourself *wink]

The final screen disappeared.

'Huh, was that it?' Sebastian thought.



[Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial! Now, you're ready to leave your boring human life and start anew!]

'Wowie, I have completed the tutorial! Congrats, me!', The psychopath sarcastically thought, "Wait, leave my human life? What's that supposed to me-"

And everything faded to black.

And color came back almost instantly.

Sebastian, instead of being in his lavish bed, trying to sleep, was in a pool of blood.

'Wait, what the fuck? Where am I? Why am I in blood? And why am I connected to this tube thing?", The serial killer thought.

Suddenly, everything started moving. The moving scenery was filled with red, red and more red.

And finally, there was light.


[You have been born!]

'…Wait, what?', the now very-young man thought.

"It's a boy!", a middle-aged woman in typical doctor's clothes said, holding up Sebastian.

Suddenly, a tall man with long white hair burst into the room.

"Where's Tsunade?!", He yelled, frantically searching for someone in the room.

"Do not worry, Jiraiya-kun! Everything went fine, Tsunade is okay. Also, as you may or may not have heard, you now have a son!", a jovial The middle-aged man with a goatee answered the tall one.

"Why the fuck are these people so big?! Why the fuck am I so small?!", A high pitched crying sounded in the room, attracting everyone's attention.

"G-give me the baby, Biwako-san…", a soft female voice was directed at the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman, Biwako, quickly complied and handed the baby to the woman in the bed.

"Who the hell is this giant blonde woman?! Oh, her boobs are soft.


blonde… giant boobs… Jiraiya… T-tsunade…!', the boy frantically thought,

"Oh, he's stopped crying.", The tall man called Jiraiya made an obvious remark, "Is this normal, Sensei?"

"Yes, I think it is. This little child is probably tired of crying.", Again, the man with a goatee answered, who happened to be the tall man's teacher.

"I'M IN THE FUCKING NARUTO WORLD!", a high-pitched screeching sound was heard from the world-crossing serial killer's mouth, deafening everyone in the room.

"Oh, why are you crying?", the blonde woman talked to the small child, "Do you dislike me this much?", She said, depressively.

"Hime, I-I think you're making him cry even more.", The tall man said to the bedridden woman.

The aforementioned woman shot the man a heated glare, which promptly shut him up. The woman turned back to the child in her hands, whose thoughts currently were:

'Oh god, oh god, please, if you exist, please oh please get me out of here! I thought I left my weeby life behind! Pleeeease! I beg you! Please!'

"What's that scrunched up face? You're probably thinking that I don't deserve you, or that you shouldn't be in my hands at all.", She whimsically said to the boy, as if he could hear what she was saying, "Well, I hope I'm going to be able to change that.", She finished her tirade a little jovially.

After a few seconds, she said:

"I think I'm going to name you 'Arima'!",

"Do I not get a say in this?", Jiraiya said to Tsunade.

"No.", She finalized her decision.

[Your [Status] has been updated!]


[X] Name - Senju Arima

[X] Occupation: [Newborn]


[LVL] - 0

[EXP] - 0/10

[HP] - 5

[CP] - ~3

[SP] - ~0


[STR] - 0

[CON] - 0

[AGI] - 0

[INT] - 12

[WIS] - 13

[LUC] - ?

[CHA] - 130

Note: Click the [Stat] or [X] to see more information.

10/01/2019: Published

6/02/2019: Perk system added, changed Title system.

16/02/2019: General changes made. Removed titles altogether, because it didn't fit the overall system.