Authors' Note: Thank you for all of your reviews! This chapter was so fun to write and discuss about, so we hope you all like it! As usual, we were tired of all the clichés (Hogsmeade, Yule Ball...) so we went out and wrote some things out of the ordinary. This was one of the chapters we couldn't wait to write. Sorry that this took so long though... Anyways, here it is!

Chapter 9: Winter Frolics

A hushed response was heard through the crowd.

"A surprise?! What's he talking about?" from a Hufflepuff seventh year girl.

"Another Yule Ball?" A sixth year Ravenclaw boy.

"No tests?!" A seventh year Gryffindor boy. "Hope so," Added his friend and they snickered behind their hands.

Professor McGonagall had to tap her glass with her fork to get everyone's attention back to Dumbledore. The Headmaster nodded kindly to her as the mass of students quieted down. Then, the Headmaster stood up and with a wave of his wand a blank screen appeared behind him. Some of the Muggle-borns thought that it looked like a computer screen that the Muggles used at work.

"Now, this surprise is very much different from some of the surprises you have received before." Dumbledore continued and his eyes twinkled with light mischief. "For this year's sixth and seventh years, we will be starting a new tradition... and this Christmas break, for three days and two nights, all of you," He paused and looked at the four Houses who were listening quite attentively. "Will be going to..." He turned and with a wave of his hand, the screen behind him began to change. At first it was hazy, but then, it became clear and it showed a very familiar place.

"Italy?" Hermione blurted out suddenly, recognizing the famous 'boot' shape of the country as it appeared on the screen. The others were simply too dumbfounded to say anything. They looked to Dumbledore and he smiled.

"Yes, Miss Granger. The sixth and seventh years will be going to Italy for Christmas break."

And the whole mass of students began to scream, squeal, jump up and down, stare dumbly or talk about it amongst them. The latter of course mostly came from Slytherin.

"Children, please quiet down." Professor McGonagall called out and they quieted down, though it took some forceful measures to keep their mouths shut. Usually with an elbow to the ribs.

"I see that you are happy with your surprise..." Dumbledore commented lightly and most nodded their heads vigorously. "You will be leaving for Italy on the day before Christmas, more information will be given on the day itself." Dumbledore said, not wanting to ruin the excitement. Some groaned but then kept quiet, waiting for what he had to say next.

"Now, in one of our faculty meetings, we have decided on what theme your Christmas Party would be. The party of course will be held on the twenty-fifth of December... And the theme for you party would be: Muggle Appreciation Night."

"What?" The whole student body managed to exclaim all at the same time. Then, the Slytherins quickly shook their heads, saying to themselves that this was an outrage and they would not be going, even if the location was in Italy. Josh quickly held up his hand to silence the Slytherin House. Dumbledore nodded his thanks and continued with his speech.

"Before you start with your threats and other violent reactions, I would like to explain some more things." Dumbledore paused and looked around. "Now, I know that the theme might not be very much to your liking, but I hope that you would give it a chance once I explain it to you. Have you any idea of the wizarding place called Bohagley?"

The shaking of the heads of the students was more than enough to tell the Headmaster that they had no clue to what Bohagley was.

"Bohagley is a small wizarding place near here." Dumbledore said. "It is very much like Hogsmeade, except that instead of wizarding materials, places and other things, it gives us wizards and witches the delights of the Muggle world. This means that Muggle clothes, shoes, foods and other things can be found there."

A few choruses of "Oohs" and "Ahs" were heard throughout the hall. Still, most were sporting confused looks on their faces.

"Since you are going to Italy and since the theme for your Christmas party is 'Muggle Appreciation Night', then you higher years are free to go to Bohagley for the next four Saturdays leading up to the break." Dumbledore continued. "Please be advised that you are only to buy light clothes as the weather in your location in Italy is quite warm, considering that it snows here. Now, the start for the trips going to Bohagley will be at ten o'clock tomorrow and you must be advised to come back before 6 o'clock in the evening by carriage. More information would be posted at your respective common rooms."

Dumbledore looked at the students before clapping his hands. "Now, that is all for tonight. You may now retire to your respective dormitories. Good night."

* * *

The next day at breakfast, there was much uproar in the Great Hall. The younger students were talking to the higher years with much envy and excitement. There was also much talk about that Bohagley place and Hermione, Lavender and Parvati thought that it would be worth the trip going there and checking it out.

In the Slytherin table though, there was much apprehension and undecided talks about the coming Christmas break. Draco, though, was saying to the rest of the Slytherin team that he refused to go.

"I'm not going." Draco announced loudly. The Slytherin team looked at him in surprise. But his face was set in a grim expression and it looked like there was no changing his mind.

"Why?" Patrick asked. He was sitting across Draco and he leaned forward in anticipation of Draco's answer.

"Because it's a Muggle affair." Draco replied promptly then went back to his breakfast.

The other Slytherin team members who were planning on going looked to each other. Steven nudged Mark in an attempt to say something that would change Draco's mind about the trip. If the past secret Slytherin parties made any difference, they all knew that Draco was the life of most of them.

Suddenly, their team captain, Kevin, made his way to the table and sat down beside Draco and looked at the rest of his team who were busy looking at each other and daring themselves to say something about the whole situation.

"What?" Kevin asked.

"Malfoy won't be going to Italy. He says it because it's a Muggle affair and he doesn't want anything to do with Muggles." Mark supplied.

"Yeah, I would kill for a chance to go there, even if it is purely Muggle." Zach said wistfully. Along with Adam, they wouldn't be going with the rest of their teammates because they were only in their fifth year.

Kevin raised his eyebrows and looked at Draco in surprise. "Just because we have to go to the Muggle-loving wizarding place and get our things there and because you don't want to be seen in Muggle wear, you've already decided you're not going to Italy?" Kevin asked.

Draco nodded. Kevin looked to the others for help, but they had none to give him. He tried to think of some possible reason to get Draco to come. Kevin's eyes drifted unintentionally to the Ravenclaw table and he saw something, or rather, someone that made this thinking a whole lot easier. He smirked and nodded to the rest of the team, saying that he had a plan. The team waited anxiously. Kevin was the smoothest talker around, since he could get you to do anything.

"Answer me this, Malfoy." Kevin began and Draco looked at him expectantly. "What kind of Muggle clothes did Dumbledore say that we had to buy in Bohagley?"

"Light clothes." Draco answered. "He said it was warm in Italy."

"Exactly." Kevin agreed, nodding. The other members shot each other nervous glances. They didn't know what in the heck Kevin was trying to say. "So that basically means that since it's December, the only possible place there that's kind of warm is an island or a beach, right?"

Draco nodded.

"Now," Kevin continued. "Do you know what girls wear when it's warm? I mean, Muggle clothes, that is."

"No." Draco said, looking at Kevin as if he was crazy.

"Well, I do. And let's just say that it's worth coming down from your high pedestal of being a wizard." Kevin said knowingly.

"Why?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow. "What do they wear, anyway?"

Kevin grinned and leant forward to tell all of the guys. "I'm talking about skirts that fall a few inches or more above the knee. I'm talking about their shirts that show off more arms and shoulders, with necklines that give a peek of those things they hide under their school uniforms."

The other guys howled and laughed, clapping their hands over their mouths and looking at Kevin in disbelief. Draco looked like he was reconsidering his rash decision.

Kevin continued. "Look around, Malfoy. I say you've got a fine selection of lovely girls around in here, pureblood or not. If they're lovely in their school uniforms and school robes now, then think of how lovely they would be in Muggle clothes. Reavealing Muggle clothes." He added for effect.

They all looked to Draco who was still thinking. Patrick looked at Kevin and urged him to say something more that would really reel-in Draco.

"I know you're quite the leg man, Draco. And if it's warm in Italy, then you'll be seeing a lot of them." Kevin added.

Draco was silent for a moment, looking around. His eyes involuntarily rested upon Hermione and one look at her changed his mind. Hey, he didn't want to pass this chance of seeing Hermione in something other than her school robes. And besides, who knows what Weasley could do there?

"Okay, I'm going." Draco finally said. The reason was actually more of seeing Hermione in some um... form enhancing clothes.

The guys all howled again, pumping their fists in the air and giving Draco huge grins. Kevin clapped Draco on the back.

"Glad you saw it my way, Malfoy." Kevin said then began to eat.

For the rest of breakfast, the five members of the team decided that they would be going to Bohagley today to check it out.

* * *

At around ten-thirty, Hermione, Lavender and Parvati were walking down the streets of Bohagley. It was actually just a block or two of shops and cafes. They agreed to look around the place first before going into any of the interesting-looking shops.

"Look! Isn't that dress gorgeous?" Lavender said, pointing out a shop with a beautiful dress in the display window. The dress was short and what Hermione liked to call 'flirty' because of the pale blue color and the double spaghetti-straps. It was actually the kind of dress that was just right for a semi-formal occasion.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind buying a dress like that." Parvati commented. "Dumbledore did say that it was warm in Italy."

"Where in Italy are we going anyway?" Hermione asked as they continued to walk on.

"I don't know. All it said was that the party was going to be held at night, and the attire was semi-formal." Parvati answered.

"Hey, look! Why is there a space between that store and the other one?" Lavender pointed out. The other two looked at where Lavender was pointing and sure enough, there was a space for what looked like to be good enough for another store in between the other two.

"Let's go find out." Hermione said as she went to the store on its right, which incidentally was a wine store. She went in and Lavender and Parvati followed.

The storekeeper of the wine store was a rather plump fellow with grayish hair and he was wearing a white apron around his waist. Lavender had to stifle a giggle when she found out that his shirt buttons were prone to popping off.

"Good morning, ladies. Is there anything I can help you with?" asked the owner cheerfully.

"Er, yes..." Hermione answered. "Um... we were just wondering why there's a space between your store and the other one."

"Ah, you're new to this place, aren't you?" He asked, smiling.

"Yes, sir." Hermione answered.

"Well, why don't we go outside so I can explain it to you better?" He said as he opened the door to them and stepped out. "You see, this space right here is what Muggles like to call a night spot."

"A what?" The girls said in unison.

"A night spot. A club or bar where Muggles usually go and dance or drink or listen to music." He explained.

"Oh." Lavender answered. The other two nodded.

"Now, since it is a night spot, it only appears at nighttime. Around six o'clock to be exact." He continued. "Actually, all the shops here use electricity instead of candles or lamps or charms. We find that it's very convenient."

"That's good." Hermione answered. "Well, sir... thank you anyway for explaining it to us. We have to go and look around some more."

"Yes, thank you sir." The other two said politely.

"You're welcome. Good luck in your shopping and whatnot!" He called as he disappeared behind the door of his store.

The three girls continued to walk on. When they thought they had enough of sightseeing, they decided to have lunch at a quaint little café they passed before. Going there, they settled themselves into a small, round table and ordering sandwiches and pasta. Their light and humorous conversation became quite unnerving for Hermione when Parvati suddenly asked her about Harry and Ron.

"Hermione, why aren't you with Harry and Ron?" Parvati asked, her brow furrowing in clear curiosity. Lavender leaned forward as well.

"Well, um... I've decided to take time away from them and um... have girl-talk with you guys. If that's okay." Hermione replied, smiling uneasily.

"If that's okay with us, you mean?" Lavender clarified. Hermione nodded.

"Of course it's okay, you silly girl!" Parvati exclaimed laughing. Hermione laughed as well and was grateful that they didn't ask why she 'chose to spend time away from Harry and Ron'.

"Hey Hermione!" Someone called. Hermione turned and spied Joanna making a beeline towards their table. Hermione beckoned to Joanna to come and join them.

"Hey Joanna, what's up?" Hermione asked after the other two made their introductions and invited Joanna to sit.

"Well, look who I found..." Joanna said as she called out to her friend and told her to come closer. Her friend turned out to be Pansy Parkinson, a sixth year Slytherin.

"Hey!" Pansy greeted as she neared the other girls. She turned and smiled at the three Gryffindors who in turn, smiled back. With this, Pansy let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Why?" Parvati asked, tilting her head.

"Can I make a confession?" Pansy said quite nervously.

"Go ahead..." Lavender said, though she was confused herself.

"I seriously thought that you guys would throw dirty looks at me and stuff." Pansy said.

"What?" Hermione exclaimed and looked to the other two who were also in shock after what Pansy had said. "Why would we do such a thing?"

"Well, you know, house rivalries and stuff." Pansy answered.

Hermione rolled her eyes good-naturedly and shook her head. "I don't know what's really wrong between our two houses, but I for one don't consider any house as a rival anymore. That's all in the past."

"See, I told you I was rubbing off on her! Now, she's as outgoing and as cheery as me!" Joanna cut in. And the five of them laughed.

"Enough talk, sit down you guys and you can eat with us." Lavender said, pointing to the two vacant chairs. Pansy and Joanna soon settled down and looked at the menu. Once they had ordered, Lavender spoke up once again. "Now, tell me, do you guys know any rumors?"

The four laughed and Hermione even groaned. Lavender was still Hogwarts' walking grapevine.

"I know one." Joanna said after the laughter died down. The other four looked expectantly at the Ravenclaw girl. Joanna leaned in and looked around for effect. "I happen to know that certain school prefects, who have been at each other's throats for what seemed like forever, made up and promised to work together. Finally!"

The other three looked at Hermione.

"You and Malfoy made up?" Lavender asked Hermione.

Hermione could feel the blush creep up her cheeks so she simply nodded and told them that it was about time they did so.

"Oh thank the heavens!" Pansy exclaimed. "I thought you guys would never stop insulting each other!"

"Well, you know, to make Joanna and Shawn's life easier..." Hermione commented. "So that they wouldn't have to cover their ears every prefect meeting from all the um... colorful language we use on each other." She finished smiling.

The others laughed. Soon, they had finished their meal and were walking towards the clothing stores.

Almost five hours later, the girls were all toting numerous bags filled with all types of dresses, shirts, pants, shorts, skirts, swimsuits, shoes and accessories. They were all laughing and joking around with each other, recalling the time when Lavender persuaded Hermione to buy an orange- colored, two-piece bikini that Lavender said was 'totally made for her'. Hermione had countered that they didn't know for sure if they were going to a beach in Italy, so it made no sense in buying a bikini! But as Lavender had accurately deduced (she and Parvati managed to pry out of Professor McGonagall a few bits of information about where they were actually going. The professor was kind enough to say that the location was indeed a beach) that Dumbledore wouldn't say that they should only buy light clothes if they weren't going to a wizard island resort in Italy. It was December for goodness sake!

In the end, Hermione finally caved in and agreed.

When they reached Hogwarts, they were hesitant to say goodbye and go to their own dorms and let the fun end. But, they did say that there were still three Saturdays to go and check out the other stores. After the five had hugged and said their goodbyes, Hermione and Joanna made their way towards the Prefects' rooms. Once in, they both dropped their packages on the floor and plopped on the couch, definitely exhausted yet euphoric about the day.

"Ow..." Joanna moaned. "My legs... my feet... my arms...!"

Hermione laughed but moaned as well. "My tummy... we've been laughing all day!" She said, clutching her stomach.

"Well, blame Pansy for that! Who knew she was such a joker!" Joanna said and they both laughed but promptly clutched their stomachs.

"Ow!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

"I think I just about depleted the Galleons my parents sent me with all that shopping! I never knew I could buy so much. I don't even go to malls during summer vacation!" Hermione said.

"What did you buy anyway?" Joanna asked.

"Hmmm... let's see...six different tops, three pairs of pants, two skirts Parvati insisted I buy, two semi-formal dresses, a pair of sneakers, a pair of sandals, and two bikinis. I really hate Lavender for that. I mean, the pink and blue checkered one was not that bad, but orange?!" Hermione exclaimed as Joanna laughed.

"You in a bikini is a one-in-a-lifetime thing, Hermione! We're not going to let you pass on that! And besides, the color is amazing on you!" Joanna said lightly.

"I still think I should leave it here and never wear it." Hermione said then covered her ears when Joanna screamed a 'no' at her. "Joanna! Do you have to hurt my eardrums too?" She glared at her friend.

"Oops, sorry." Joanna said sheepishly. "But I still think you should bring it and wear it. If not, then you better be able to handle the four of us with or without our wands!"

"Okay, okay..." Hermione finally conceded. In truth, she was more scared that she would attract more of the attention Ron gave her before because of wearing a bikini... but then that thought was quickly squashed when she thought of what Draco said. Snapping out of her thoughts, she turned back to Joanna and asked. "What did you buy anyway?"

"Five tops, three skirts, two pairs of shorts, a pair of pants, the semi-formal dress, two pairs of sneakers, a pair of sandals and three swimsuits." Joanna counted off. "And we're going back there next weekend!"

"I know..." Hermione groaned into the couch pillow. "But no more shopping for clothes. I prefer going into that Muggle book shop you guys wouldn't let me go to!"

"And let you waste the afternoon with those books? I don't think so!" Joanna replied and they both chuckled.

Just then, Shawn came in, followed by Draco a couple of minutes later. Joanna and Hermione looked up from their positions on the couches and fell back down in exhaustion. Shawn laughed before going to his room and depositing his own shopping bags. Draco did the same before coming back to the common room and joining them.

"Shawn?" Joanna called meekly, as if she were in great pain. She really was a great actress...

"Yes?" Shawn answered. He was sitting on a plush chair opposite the couch Joanna was sprawled on. He was having a hard time keeping a straight face.

"Could you be a dear and get me to bed?" Joanna asked, fluttering her lashes for effect.

"Aren't you going to eat dinner first?" Shawn asked.

"Food can wait. Must... have... sleep..." Joanna exaggerated as the two boys laughed. "Please?" Joanna pleaded.

"Okay." Shawn said, going over to the couch and helping Joanna get up and they slowly made their way to the girls' rooms. Meanwhile, Draco was trying his best not to laugh out loud at the scene. Hermione lifted her head from her couch and looked at Draco.

"Aren't you going to be a gentleman and do the same for me?" Hermione asked, only half-joking. She regarded him as he was merely sitting in his usual slouching position on an overstuffed chair.

Draco raised an eyebrow. Then, very calmly, he got out his wand as Hermione continued to look at him in confusion. He raised it then began, in a very slow and quite loud voice, "Wingardium..."

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Hermione exclaimed, struggling to get up. She wasn't about to be levitated like that damn feather during their first year! But after a few tries, she collapsed back into her original position of laying prone on the couch, much to Draco's amusement.

He was laughing now and it irritated her.

"Ugh! You are such a... a..." Hermione struggled to find the best word.

"Handsome and charming guy?" Draco offered, smirking slightly.

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "No! You're-"

"Infinitely irresistible?" Draco suggested.

If it weren't for Hermione's current state, she would have screamed his head off with all the insults she could muster. But she merely groaned, too tired to bicker even good-naturedly with him. Finally, Draco got himself off the chair and walked towards her.

"Fine, fine..." Draco said as Hermione looked up at him. "I'll help you to your room." She smiled at him and he reached down and held her arm and pulled. Hermione expected to be literally hauled to her feet but she wasn't. Instead, Draco had stumbled backward with pure shock on his face. It took a moment, but then Hermione realized he was fooling again.

"I can't!" Draco said while Hermione rolled her eyes. "You're too heavy!"

"Draco, I am not heavy!" Hermione retorted. "Now stop joking around and help me up!"

"I'm serious!" Draco insisted, trying his best to hide his smile but he wasn't succeeding. "What did you eat? Does Muggle food really have this effect on you?!"

"Draco!" Hermione chided, glaring at him. "Help me up!"

Draco simply laughed... and his laugh was nothing but contagious because Hermione found herself laughing then groaning because of the pain in her middle. She clutched at it, still groaning.

"Don't make me laugh, Draco... my tummy still hurts from all the laughing today." Hermione said.

"Okay, okay..." Draco conceded, getting her up from the couch and getting her on her feet. He bent his head and let one of her arms steal around his neck as she leaned on him. Together, the slowly made their way to Hermione's room. Contrary to what Draco had said earlier, Hermione was not at all heavy, in fact, Draco could carry her to her room if she asked him to.

And that didn't sound like a bad idea to him.

But, they had gotten there with Hermione walking with his support. Draco opened the door and had very little time to take in the layout of her room. It was just like his, except that the bed was decorated with scarlet sheets and the pillows were golden-colored, instead of his green and silver.

Hermione stood still for a moment as Draco turned down the covers and helped her get in. She was half-asleep and so Draco decided to let her be as he pulled the blankets over her sleeping form. Very quietly, he walked towards the door and closed it behind him.

"Hey Draco, want to go and grab dinner?" Shawn asked. After putting Joanna to bed, he had gone to the common room and waited for Draco to come back from helping Hermione to her room.

"Hell yeah." Draco said, grinning.

* * *

The next school week was even better for Hermione. She and Draco managed to come up with an extremely good presentation in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hermione managed to find out how Headmaster Dumbledore did that whole projection screen and she used it to present their findings on the Rape Curse.

Draco was secretly beaming with pride when Hermione discussed half of the presentation flawlessly and didn't even flinch when she talked about the Rape Curse. He was glad that she finally got her confidence back.

They both got high marks for that and were praised for their work by Professor Lupin.

Even with the Gryffindors, Hermione seemed to get along well. Harry had finally come around, after breaking up with his girlfriend, of course and he started to build up that friendship that he had taken for granted with Hermione and Ron. Hermione was glad to be friends with Harry again, but told him that maybe she wasn't cut out for the whole 'Gryffindor Trio' again. And who would, given her situation with Ron? Harry, for the most part, seemed to understand and told her that if she needed anyone to talk to or just hang out, that he and Ron would be there.

Ron, on the other hand, never paid Hermione any mind. This suited her just fine. Harry and Ron seemed to form a group with Seamus, Dean and Neville and they were all pretty happy, talking about nothing except Quidditch and just recently, girls.

Hermione was thankful that she was on good terms with Harry... but knew that she could never be a part of that friendship again. And besides, there were other friends to think about.

Lavender, Parvati, Joanna and Pansy were a few of them. Even the teachers were praising them for having friendships that went out of the norm and out their respective Houses. The five were almost inseparable and they went everywhere together. Soon, other Houses began to remove the 'walls' that separated them. Even the Slytherins were getting in the act.

Draco was another reason for Hermione's turn for the better. After all, he was her friend and they worked together with ease. He was the real reason why Hermione gained a whole lot of self-esteem.

Who could ask for more?

"So, what are our plans for this weekend?" Parvati asked the other four girls. It was already the first week of December and they were all sitting in the Prefects' common room that Friday afternoon after classes. Usually, they would go out and talk outside in the lawns, but the snow now prevented them from doing so, Instead, Hermione and Joanna asked the permissions of the other two prefects, the two heads, and the professors if Parvati, Lavender and Pansy could spend the night at the prefects' rooms. Sort of like a slumber party.

The others agreed, as long as they didn't stay up too late and they didn't disturb the other two prefects. Both Hermione and Joanna rolled their eyes. It was more like Shawn and Draco disturbing their little girl talk. But nevertheless, they were happy to be given a chance. Even if the professors said that it was a one-time only thing.

"Um... I don't know. We already checked out the rest of the clothing stores in Bohagley..." Lavender replied.

"And bought more things!" Pansy reminded. The rest laughed.

"So where do you think we should go next?" Joanna asked.

"I wish we could go to that night spot..." Parvati mused.

"Yeah! But we can't!" Pansy said, smiling wistfully.

Just then, Draco came in and his eyes widened at the sight of the five girls all sprawled out in the common room. The five giggled at his reaction.

"I'm sorry." Draco said, shaking his head mockingly.

"Huh? Why?" Hermione asked.

"I know I'm good-looking. I'm the best-looking guy in school... but seriously, you can't expect me to um... be there for the five of you?" Draco teased. Then he started to laugh as the girls all sported looks of disgust and fury. Suddenly, they all got the throw pillows and did exactly what they were supposed to do: throw them at Draco who quickly shielded himself and surrendered after about twenty pillows hit him.

"That's what you get for having such a perverted mind!" Lavender said triumphantly as the rest started laughing.

"I will have my revenge!" Draco promised mockingly as he went off to his room as quick as he could to dodge more pillows as they continued to throw them at him. The five girls collapsed in laughter. When the laughter subsided, they began to pick up after the mess and plopped once again on the rug and continued their conversation.

In the end, they all decided to check out the other stores in Bohagley. The ones they didn't go to... Hermione was overjoyed when she said that it was about time she got to check out the Muggle bookstore. The rest didn't waste any time and quickly had a pillow fight to end the deal.

The next day, the five went to Bohagley once again and this time, they checked out the quaint shops selling knickknacks and other stuff. After much pleading, Hermione finally coerced the other girls to come and check out the Muggle bookstore.

It turned out to be a great thing, going to the bookstore. Not only did they manage to buy those interesting romance novels and some Muggle magazines, they almost spent two hours there. They went through all the bookshelves, reading on what Muggles liked to do and what they wrote about. Hermione managed to buy a book of poems and short stories she'd fallen in love with along with three best-selling novels.

After that, they all went out and checked out more shops. Then going to the café and ordering coffee to warm them up after their little walk in the snow.

Hermione looked out of the window and tuned out the other girls' conversation for a moment. The snow had picked up and it was snowing steadily. She smiled... maybe in sheer happiness, maybe in anticipation or maybe in content. All Hermione knew was, this was one of the best things that ever happened to her.

And maybe, just maybe, the best was yet to come.