Disclaimer: I do not own black butler or harry potter or any of their characters.

Warning: will be slash, possible mpreg, torture, mentions of child abuse, you have been warned turn back now

Pairings: Harry/Sebastian/Grell, Snape/Undertaker

Harry potter was dead, killed by his two best friends and ginny. He felt betrayed, humiliated, he could understand ron betraying him, he had been expecting it since fourth year. He couldn't fathom why hermione would want him dead though. Ginny, yeah he could understand why she would want him dead, a pretty good reason in his book.


Harry was in the library at grimmauld place, reading over the Black and Potter accounts. It had taken him two years after the war to get the accounts back in some kind of order. He was supposed to meet ron and hermione for lunch today. he had finally pulled out his Gryffindor courage to tell them he was gay. After the war everyone had expected him to get back with ginny, get married and have many little heros. Instead harry had hidden away, getting his accounts in order, cleaning headquarters, and recovering from the battle.

A knock on the front door pulled him out of his memories, glancing at the clock he saw he still had an hour until he had to meet his friends. Wondering who it could be, harry got up and moved to the door. Opening it he saw hermione, ron, and ginny on his front porch.

"Hey guys, your early, come in, i need to put a few things away before we go." Said harry.

"Oh, take your time we just wanted to talk to you about the wedding." Said hermione.

"So you finally asked her ron? Good im happy for you when were you thinking?" harry asked.

"I haven't asked her yet mate" whispered ron, giving hermione a confused look.

"Oh... Um, what wedding then hermione?"

"Yours and ginnys wedding of course, she said you proposed last week, mate." said ron.

"No i haven't seen ginny in over a month" said harry glaring at ginny who was hiding behind ron and hermione.

"It doesnt really matter anyway, we still need to plan the wedding. We all know your going to marry me anyway" said ginny. Harry could feel his magic swirling around him in his anger, trying to strike out at the chit.

"No ginny, i will not be getting married anytime soon. Even if i was getting married, it would never be to you! I'm gay, you dont have any of the parts I'm interested in." said harry into the shocked silence of his friends.

"Haha. Good one harry, you don't have to lie about it though. You dont have to marry ginny, and I'll be telling mum about her lie as well, dont worry." said ron.

"I'm not lying ron, i am gay."

"Harry really, its not funny, drop the joke." said hermione.


"You cant be gay! I dont have a poufer for a best mate!" shouted ron pointing his wand at harry. Harry tried to run, to dodge, anything but bother hermione and ginny had him blocked in.

"What are you going to do ron? curse me? remove the spell im under? kill me?" harry asked looking back at ron. His answer came as purple, red and blue beams hit him in the chest. the last thing he saw was the terror on rons face as he fell, then nothing.

flashback ends~

He was floating in a vast sea of white. Harry couldnt remember when exactly he got here. He didn't know how long he had been here. It could have been hours, days, years, there was no way to judge time in this room. he felt himself lowering down, 'guess its time to move on' he thought.

As harry dropped, he noticed the room seemed to be getting darker as he went. He could still see the light above him, but it was getting smaller. Suddenly he dropped into a black wingback chair, in a room that reminded him of the Slytherin common room.

"You know master, i had hoped it would be a few years until i saw you again."

The voice came from behind harry's chair. Tirning to look at the speaker harry saw a handsome man, maybe in his twenties, walking towards him. The man was dressed in a llight blue button up shirt, with black denim trousers, and what looked to be knee high dragonhide boots. His hair was short, and a light brown, sort of like Neville's. His eyes a light blue, almost grey, and he wore a smirk that belonged on the face of snape.

"Who are you?"asked harry finally responding, "And why are you calling me master?"

"I am death, master, and you are my master, what else would I call you?"

"How about you just call me harry?"

"Oh no master! You are my master, I can call you nothing less."

"Whatever, forget my names, why am I here? I thought I was dead, i remember dying anyway."

"You did, and you are."

" Yeah, cause thats not confusing, I feel pretty alive."

" You cannot truely die master, if you die, I die. I cannot die, it is impossible for death to die, therefore you cannot die. You are dead but you are not, understand."

"No. Not really, but ill roll with it like everything else my bloody life has thrown at me."

They sat in silence for a while, harry thinking about all he had learned, and death watching Harry. After a while death apparently got tired of the silence.

"Master, you have two choices from here. You may go back if you wish, or i can send you to start a new life. If you start new all your money, your titles, and your possessions shall go with you."

Harry thought it over and said, " I think it would be best if i moved on, there is nothing left for me there. if i go back they will just lable me a freak or a dark lord."

" As you wish master, i will be sending you back to the 1800's. i can set you up with a job as well if you like, master."

" Yes, a Policeman or an Auror, if you can. Will I have a home in this time?"

"Yes, but be careful master demons, angels, and reapers are quite abundant in the past. Be careful and if you are in need of any help, ask my best reaper, the undertaker. if he cannot help, you may call me."

"Why not just call you to begin with?"

"You may, but most are not comfortable with me popping up in their presence. Undertaker is well known to have information and it would not be suspicious for you to seek him out."

"Ah, so when do i leave?"

"Now." And with that everything went black.