Fluff is back ! And this is the last chapter of this story 😉 Thank you to have read this !
Elyne was half-lying on the Doctor, her head resting on his belly. She liked resting there, he was soft, warm and his arms around her made her feel protected. She wished she could stay here forever. That is why she could not fall asleep. What if he left while she was sleeping ?
She felt a gentle hand running through her hairs and she looked up. The Doctor was looking down at her. She never knew if he was angry or annoyed and sometimes it could scare her. But most of time, his look was gentle, even if he did not smile. And for the child's logic he would not let her hug him if he was angry, right ?
As she was rocked by his breathing's seesaw motion, she snuggled closer to him and closed her eyes.
The Doctor was lying on the bed almost too small for him. He had no choice, the moment he stepped inside the room, Elyne pulled him to the bed. Well, she pulled as hard as a four-year-old could do. His back will make him pay for that he thought, but he stayed quiet. He did not want to disrupt this peaceful moment. He would never admit it loud, but deep inside, he craved holding her close to him. Yes, either he likes it or not he was a hugger. Tenderness was part of his true nature no matter what he looked like. He was just better at hidding it in this current body.
He allowed himself to relax as he held Elyne close to him. He put his hand on her cheek. Her temperature was normal again. He smiled at the small warm ball snuggled at him. Then a tiny voice broke the comfortable silence.
"Doctor ?"
"Yes ?"
Elyne did not look up and stared at the room's door.
"Stay, please."
"I'm here."
"But you will leave again."
The Doctor frowned. "Why do you think that ?"
Okay, he could not really be upset that she could think that.
"Because he said you don't want me." her voice was tired and shaking. "Because I am a freak."
"Who said that ?"
"The bad doctor."
Now the Doctor was angry.
"Elyne, I want you to listen carefully." his tone was firm but his eyes were loving. " Professor Gray is a liar. I want you to forget every words he had told you."
The little girl nodded, wiping her eyes. "So I am not a freak."
"You are not a freak. In the whole universe, no living creature is like you." He smiled when Elyne put her chin on his solar plexus, watching him with her big amber eyes. "You are a marvel."
He chuckled when he saw Elyne's cheek turning red. She tried to hide her embarrassement by nuzzling her face against his midriff.
"Don't leave me please." she whispered.
"I won't leave you little one. Never again."
He held her tighter as he spoke, to support his words. But he heard Elyne sniffling. What did he do wrong this time he wondered. He did not really know how to soothe her. So he gently pulled the child on him, resting her head on his chest. His heartbeats comforted her the last time she felt bad, maybe it could work again he thought. As he rocked her, he softly wiped her tears with his thumb. That is at this moment that the door opened.
"Can't you knock like anybody else ?" snarled the Doctor genuinely embarrassed.
"Sorry Doctor. It's just funny to see you acting like a doting father." chuckled Kate.
"Wait it's a rare moment ! Don't move !" exclaimed Nardole as he took a picture. "Aw you look scary sir ... Another one !"
"Nardole ! Get out !" the Doctor shouted as he suddenly sat back on the bed.
He watched Nardole leave the room giggling, proud of himself, then he threw a sharp look at Kate who was laughing as well. He felt his cheeks burning when Elyne snuggled against his arm.
"I am happy to see Elyne at ease." observed Jade. "For once."
"Great. I turned into a cuddly toy." grumbled the Time Lord.
"You'll get over it Doctor." taunted the psychiatrist.
Elyne looked at all the adults around, not understanding what was happening. When she saw Kate, she sneaked under the Doctor's arms. Like if he read her mind, the Doctor hugged her close to him.
"It's alright. I won't let anybody take you away from me." he stared at Kate. "Anybody."
"Yes. And I would like to apologize to Elyne." she knelt down in front of Elyne. "I thought it would be better for you to bring you there, but it did not. And I am sorry for that."
Elyne did not answer. She almost looked indifferent. She did not mean to look rude, but she was exhausted. She just nodded and stayed under the Doctor's arm. She wished he could take her away right now.
"Doctor, can we go please ?"
"Soon little one." he smiled. "Sleep, adults have to talk."
The little girl did not argue. The Doctor gently stroked her head as she curled herself into a tiny ball and snuggled her head against his thigh. She quickly fell asleep after a sigh.
"We started steps to start a guardianship," Kate stated, " but under some conditions."
"What kind ?"
"You will be responsible for her well being and education, but all importants decisions will have to be approved by a council."
"What else ?" sighed the Doctor.
"You will bring her once a week for a psychological check up." added Jade.
The Doctor hated following rules. But if it meant he could bring Elyne back home, he would accept anything.
"Where should I sign ?" he consented.
Elyne slowly woke up. The first thing she did was checking for the Doctor, but he was not here anymore. She gasped and abruptly sat up. Oh no ! He went again she thought. She was so panicked that she did not notice she was in a new room. She opened the door and ran in the corridors. Her sight was blurry because of tears and she did not recognized the man she just lied into.
"Woah ! Slow down little one !" exclaimed the Doctor. "What were you running from ?" he laughed picking Elyne up.
Relieved, Elyne hid her face in his neck and hugged him tight.
"I thought you were gone." she sniffled.
"I told you I won't leave you, remember ?" he stroked her head.
Elyne put her head on the Doctor's shoulder and looked around. She smiled. She was in the Tardis.
"Do you like your room ?" asked the Doctor.
"My room ?"
"Yes your room." the Doctor frowned.
Then he doubted. Did something went wrong with it ? He walked to the room and opened the door to find it in a good condition. A wood floor with a single bed stucked to one of the colbat blue walls and there was shining stars on the ceiling. The Doctor winced at the empty room. He had to send Nardole get some toys.
"Don't you like it ?" he asked putting Elyne on the bed.
"That's really for me ?"
"Of course." he frowned. "Don't tell me you want to go back in the med room ?"
"No !" she giggled.
"Good." He sat down next to her and opened his arm. The child quickly snuggled at his side and he started rocking her. "It'll be okay now, you're home."