Hello, this is my trying to write a story. I'm not that good. I would love if someone would be my beta or advisor so I can go back and forth them.

I'm not much of an expert on speech in the 12th/13th century. I'm going to try. I know Caroline isn't a name coined in the 1100s, but this story is going to be taking some canon liberties.

The story will have Dark!Klaroline moments. Finn will also have a character arc because I don't know why he didn't in the first place. I'll try not to change the major story aspects but I will try to write my best.

Caroline is a siphon in this story. She has the ability to siphon magic from her touch, but as a vampire she channels her lifeblood. Siphons/Heretics are TVD Season 6 and 7 creatures. Look it up.

Summary: Caroline Forbes, the first heretic, meets Niklaus Mikaelson, the original hybrid, and an eternal love story unfolds between them as, suddenly, the world tilts on its axis when two hybrids become one and take the world by storm. Starts in the Late 1200s.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All rights belong to L. J. Smith and Julie Plec.

Chapter 1: Hiding

The Great Falls of Virginia, 1188

"She is a scourge! An abomination of our nature itself!" The father beat his 12 year old daughter into the ground, as she lay in her tears, wishing she could escape this pitiful existence. Her father and mother simply standing over her in distaste as she was being punished for harming her father with her ability.

"I am sorry, Father. I am sorry, Mother. I didn't mean to. I don't know how to control it." She sobbed into the floorboards, tired and weak from her beating.

"Enough, Fredrick. She's had enough." Mother had requested as she clasped her husband's shoulder.

Fredrick shoved her off. "No, I cannot let this stand. She is an embarrassment to our name. The coven will laugh and mock us. We created a monster... " Fredrick huffed. "Annabeth, we must conceal her. It's becoming more difficult day after day. She doesn't draw from nature and soon the rest will know. Something must be done." He explained as he knelt down to his daughter, who didn't have anything to say but cry. "Do not worry, Caroline. We will fix you."

"But Father, what is so wrong about me? I do not understand." Caroline croaked out.

"Oh my dear," Annabeth helped her up. "You are not like your father and I. We draw from nature, the spirits themselves. You cannot, it seems. Anything that isn't from nature is an abomination, and if you cannot draw from the spirits, then you are not allowed to exist. That is why we must fix you before the coven finds out."

And in that moment, a part of Caroline shattered and remained forever broken. Is what she is really so wrong? Caroline curled up into a ball, loathing her own life. What had she done wrong to be treated this way? Her own parents called her an abomination. Is it a crime to be born? She asked the world.


France, 1285

"Ah, Ariana, Gerard. Lovely to see you again." Elijah Mikaelson greeted his guests, the pair of siblings, Ariana or Aria as she called herself, a slender, beautiful raven-haired woman dressed in elegance; and Gerard, standing beside his sister, a stern, tall man. They'd arrived out a carriage to the Mikaelson Estate for a ball.

"It has been long, old friend. How have you faired in the past century?" Aria greeted Elijah as he took her hand and kissed it.

"We have gotten by. Nothing our family cannot handle." Elijah mused to the younger vampire.

Gerard laughed as he shook the hand of the Original. "Sounds as though trouble has come around every corner." Gerard glanced at his sister and then back to the Original. They all shared a laugh.

"But of course, what is life without a little trouble?" Elijah mused. "Come, my dear friends-" Elijah's eye finally spotted the third guest that accompanied Aria and Gerard. "Oh, and who is this?"

Aria looked back on her friend for a moment. "Oh my, heavens. I forgot to introduce you to our new companion. She travelled with us for quite some time now. She even helped us with a witch to gain Daylight Tokens."

The vampire stepped forth. "My apologies, I did not wish to intrude upon your reunion. My name is Caroline Forbes, a friend of Aria and Gerard Wells. It is a pleasure to meet you." Caroline curtsied to the Lord.

Elijah gazed upon the beautiful woman in front of him as she lay her introduction. Elijah smiles. "The pleasure is all mine, I assure you. Worry not, any friend of Ariana and Gerard is welcome in our home. My name is Elijah. Quite the thing you are, to procure not 1, but 3 Daylight Tokens safely."

"Perhaps that is a story for another time, yes?" Caroline flirted, much to Elijah's amusement.

"A story I cannot wait to hear. Do come in."


England, 1232

"My, my... What is a fair maiden, such as yourself, doing out at night. Do you not fear the dangers of the night?" A drunk man purred as two men followed behind. Caroline recognized the look in their eye. Men with drunken lust were seeking her out for her body. Caroline shivered in disgust.

"Do not worry for me. I will be just fine. I was trying to return home." Caroline chirped sweetly as she tried to walk away from the men.

"Where are you going my lady? Stay. Keep us lonely men some company, my sweet?" The other man behind him called out.

"Well now, that would not be proper of me. I am afraid that I must decline your offer. Perhaps another time we shall speak when you are sober and not foolhardy." Caroline bited rudely. She had nothing to fear of these men. She was more than ready to kill such unruly men.

"Now, do not be such a wen-" The man spit out before something jumped out into the night and bit into his neck, feeding off him. The man tried fighting back but soon perished, falling onto the ground. He turned around to the other two.

"I believe you heard the lady has said no. I would advise you take this as a lesson. The night will never be safe, not for anyone."

Caroline watched as a the vampire entered into the scene and killed the unruly men. She watched patiently as she watched them die. It was a pity, she didn't get to punish them.

The vampire made his way towards her, Caroline didn't flinch as he sped up to her. "Worry no more, they can no longer bother you."

"That was not necessary. I could take care of myself. However, thank you for coming to my rescue." Caroline nodded.

The vampire gently held Caroline's hand out to place his a blood-stained kiss on her knuckles. "Of course, but it is the duty of a gentleman to help any dame in distress, even the blood-sucking kind."

"H-How did you guess that I was- that I am a-" Caroline stuttered out as she wanted to understand how he knew. Being a vampire was still quite confusing.

"You have yet to scream or cry for help. That tells me you are not human, are you?" A snide grin came to the vampire as he explained himself.

"Well deducted, I am not." Caroline confirmed.

"My name is Gerard Wells. I know of every vampire in England and I have yet to meet a beautiful dame like yourself. You are newly turned?" Gerard questioned. "Come, let us walk."

"Alright. No, I turned some time ago. I am simply new here. I did not know what to do. I have just arrived to this land." Caroline pouted as she went on.

"Aha, I see. Right then, we have rules to be met here in England. I can guide you, I am sure you shall need shelter from the sun sooner or later." Gerard offered.


Two weeks had passed and Gerard had introduced Caroline to the ruler of the vampire society, Augustus. Gerard taught Caroline the rules of vampires in England. Augustus was definitely surprised by Caroline's Lapis Lazuli, even though that it was further from the truth. Caroline was hiding her witch abilities, quite well in fact. In the two weeks she had been there, Gerard and another had taught Caroline all the rules that they had to follow. The rules along with the punishment for breaking them we're told very specifically to her, making her nervous.

She had honed her abilities over the years, including her control. Caroline was her own perfect disguise. She looked helpless and confused, but it was all a facade.

Gerard was a good friend. He had only honourable intentions for Caroline. He finally wanted to introduce her to his sister. They walked into her chambers to meet her.

"Sister, come. Meet Caroline. She is one of the new vampires in the kingdom." Gerard introduced, walking through the door as Aria stood up to greet the visitor.

"Oh I see, so this is the elusive Caroline that I have been hearing so much about. It was as though you just appeared. Many are curious about you, darling. I must say, you are definitely beautiful. I am Ariana, but please, call me Aria." Ariana welcomed warmly, hugging Caroline who returned the favour.

Caroline blushed. "A pleasure to meet you. This is all quite new. I did not even know there was a society for what I am."

"Not 'what' my dear, it is 'who' you are." Aria giggled, correcting the supposed new girl. "Being immortal is such a blessing, you should cherish the thrill."

Caroline nodded silently.

Aria spots the Lapis Lazuli ring and gasps. "Now where in Heaven's name did you get a Daylight Token. Those are for the much more elite. You are quite the mystery, dear Caroline. What is your secret?"

Caroline raises an eyebrow. "As I told Lord Augustus, a good friend of mine is a witch. She bestowed me with a Daylight Token after I had saved her life. She felt indebted to me." Caroline smiled as she watched Aria and Gerard believe her story.

"I hope to meet this friend of yours one day. Surely you shall put in a good word for me and my sister." Gerard mused.

Caroline laughs wholeheartedly. "That remains to be seen. I am quite sure she will make you work for it."

Gerard and Aria laughed with her.


France, 1285

"Aria, I am unsure of what dress I might wear to this ball. What do you think?" Caroline fuddled with her wardrobe, pondering to Aria, who simply lay resting on the bed.

"Oh Caroline, you worry too much. It is a ball, not your wedding. Wear nothing too fancy, you might stain your dress with blood." Aria advised, not bothering to get up.

Caroline turned to Aria, curious as to what that was supposed to mean. "Why do you believe I would get a stain on my dress, and with blood for that matter?"

"Caroline, this is a vampire ball, not a human ball."

Caroline slammed the wardrobe shut in anger. "And when were you going to tell me I was dressing up for hogwash."

Aria got up from bed and walked to the heretic. "Caroline, you are new to France. I know you hate these kinds of balls, but they are essential for our stay here." Cupping Caroline's face, Aria's voice grew softer. "If we are going to fit in, we need to appease the Original family. Augustus and his army shall never trespass into this territory if we are in the good graces of the Originals."

Caroline remained silent. She knew she had to. If this was the way to stay safe from Augustus' watch, then that's how it would be.

"Care, please?"

Caroline digressed. "Alright, but only for you."


"Klaus!" Gerard greeted joyfully as he caught Klaus drinking. "Might I join you?"

"Gerard Wells, so you have left Auggie's England?" Klaus muses. "I must say, I am not surprised. Tell me, is Augustus still the arse I knew before Kol sired him?"

Gerard licked his lips. "I cannot speak on that matter," Gerard sat down with Klaus as a compelled servant have him a drink. "However, I can say my sister and I have grown tired of England. We thought to travel. A rumour told us of a ball. We thought to attend your lovely ball on the morrow."

"Wonderful. I look forward to seeing you and your sister. Cheers, old friend." The glasses raised, clinked together as they drank the day away.


England, 1285

"What do you mean, she has fled?" Kol raised his voice in anger to his protégé, Augustus.

The amount of bloodlust Kol felt in a single moment had never been so powerful. To believe that a vampire had magic. When Elijah and Niklaus heard of the rumour of some Heretic, a vampire with witch capabilities. They were in chaos. And the vampire-witch is lost to the world.

"My sire, she is powerful. She erased the entire court's memory of her face and name and that of her companion's. She goes by the pseudonym 'Heretic' and she is not a force to trifle with." Augustus explained, on his knees begging to Kol not to kill him.

Kol stood still, benevolently over Augustus as the entire court watched him kneel for mercy. "My family wants her found. You know when my family wants something, they get it. It is confound. A vampire and witch duality. That is impossible. We must have her. We must know how she did this. You are going to expend any resource into finding her. For if the rumours are to be believed, we must have her power." Kol was extremely angry, almost envious. Thanks to vampirism, he lost his connection to magic. But to hear that there existed a being with both capabilities. He didn't have to be sent by anyone to investigate. He was more than willing to go find out more.

The entire vampire court of England watched in dread as Kol seethed, announcing for everyone to hear, "Make no mistake, we will have the Heretic. There is not a place in the world she could hide."

I hope you guys liked it. Leave a review. Ariana and Gerard are OCs. They are respectively 148/152 as of 1285. Gerard is older. Caroline is 109 as of 1285. I hope this is suspenseful. It's not my forte.