The Contract

Chapter 50

It wasn't long before the months were creeping by, as they all worked themselves to an exhaustion. It was February before everyone knew it, or more specifically valentine's day, which the older students were over excited about.

Harry was still at that age where he thought the entire idea was silly. Plus, nobody would give him anything. They all knew he was betrothed, well, most of them anyway. He made no secret of his betrothed status, it afforded him a lot of protection.

Or so he thought.

"Harry," Draco pointed out, nudging the teen whose nose was buried in a book.

"What is it?" Harry asked, emerging from the truly fascinating book, he would have to give it to Rabastan when he was done. Not that Rabastan would mind if he'd read it before, he said he'd always read it again. It took him away from the monotonousness that was Azkaban prison he'd said.

Narrowing his eyes on the wicked grin adorned Draco's face as he pointed to something. Confused, he glanced at the area Draco was pointing to only to blanch at the sight of the dwarf. It was covered in paper love hearts and glitter.

"Oh, no," Harry said, pale all except his ruddy cheeks, already knowing where this was going. "Don't say it! I'll pay you not to speak!" the Slytherins sniggered at his attempt at preventing this.

Its mouth opened, and Harry muttered "Silencio!" but the spell did not work, it was like water of a ducks back.

"His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine, he's really divine,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord."

Harry could have sworn that the dwarf was enjoying himself, its beady eyes similar to goblins were gleaming in amusement.

The sound of everyone laughing uproariously met his ears afterwards. Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. Ugh, that had just been awful, he wouldn't hear the end of it for months!

"Five Galleons we know who that came from!" Draco said with an undertone of malice. It wasn't specifically directed at Harry, no but whom he thought sent the valentine poem.

"Oh, please! Everyone knows," Harry groaned dramatically when he heard the sniggering and muttering of the elder Slytherins who were also studying in the library. Including Marcus Flint, who was back this year for the purpose of passing a single class he'd failed.

"Oh Merlin, she's here!" Daphne choked on her own incredulity, staring at the red hair peeking through the bookcases. Watching them with avarice, not that it was new really. She was fast though; she'd give the Weasel that.

"Where?" Harry pursed his lips, refusing to glance anywhere lest he run her off.

"Behind the first-year bookcases, to your left," Daphne explained, giving Harry a curious look.

"Do me a favour? Block the damn door…Vincent go distract Madam Pince please? Ask about a book or something…" Harry asked.

"Sure," Vincent agreed, already standing up and heading towards the librarian. He would do anything for Harry, he liked the teen, and he also liked the fact he wasn't judged. He knew what everyone thought of him, that he was slow and stupid and didn't have much magic. Unfortunately, there wasn't a damn thing he could do about magic wise, as for stupid, if they saw his grades last year, they'd know he was far from stupid.

"Very well, but you owe me," Daphne pointed to Harry seriously, who nodded, with a roll of his eyes.

"What are you up to?" Draco asked, eager for details, eyes gleaming eagerly. Harry didn't say as such, but his eyes were very similar to Sirius' when he was sharing exciting news or what Sirius perceived as such anyway.

"It's time she learned once and for all that I'm not available." Harry stated, shaking his head in disbelief. "She's eleven." He grimaced, bloody eleven-years-old, she shouldn't be doing stuff like this. "Is that normal?"

Draco gave him a blank look, "A lot of us are betrothed, we don't normally start the gift giving until at least fourteen. If they do begin early, it's small trinkets, just a way of saying 'I'm thinking of you' and can't wait until we officially begin courting. It's not often done, since it sometimes sends the wrong message. Daphne's betrothed is a few years older than her, other than when she specifically mentions something she wants, he doesn't take liberties." Daphne's betrothed would become a Greengrass when/if they marry, since he had an older brother. That's is he became the heir, until their father passed away, nobody knew which one would gain the title of Lordship. It didn't work the same way abroad as it did here.

"Go get her, fresh pickled toad," Draco said batting his eyelashes.

Harry burst out laughing, muffling the sound in his hand. Shoulders shaking as he tried to contain himself. Oh, Merlin, he couldn't believe what he'd just seen. Draco didn't normally do silly, but right now he just had.

And he was sitting there all smug.

When Harry moved, he noticed Draco following at a sedate pace. Of course, what was he thinking? There was no way Draco would ever willingly want to miss a showdown with a Weasley, ever. The hatred Lucius Malfoy, his father had for them had transferred to Draco, which was a shame, Harry thinks he'd get on well with the Weasley twins.

The sound of a low squeak alerted him to Ginny being on the move. Harry was quick to corner her, surprised at the fact he actually had managed to. Sure, he was getting quicker, but there were less spaces to hide and get away in the library. So, out of all the places he could catch her, it made sense that it was the library. He glanced and found Draco at his back; Vincent was walking with the librarian to get a book presumably? And Daphne was sauntering towards them, realizing there was no need to guard the door.

Harry had cornered his prey after all.

"Harry! Did…did you like my poem?" Ginny asked breathlessly, staring up at Harry with innocence and adoration encased in a steel determination.

Harry almost felt a smidgen of guilt for what he was about to say, but it was waved off when he thought about her following him all the time. "Whether I liked it or not, is irrelevant."

"You might want to stick to small words," Draco sneered at Weasley. "I doubt she even understands what irrelevant means."

"I am very happily betrothed, Miss Weasley," Harry informed her, sounding very official. Using her name instead of first, hoping to distance her and himself further from this distasteful incident. Showing off his hand, the band clearly visible and within her line of sight. "My betrothed would be extremely unhappy if he found out about this incident."

Daphne laughed cruelly, "Extremely unhappy? They'd kill her," staring at her nails as if she found this entire spectacle boring. She did however, blanch seeing the warning in Harry's gaze. Sighing resignedly, "Well, not kill, but they'd certainly make life for her very uncomfortable, They're very rich and powerful you know." Correcting her slip up, hoping it hadn't done any damage.

"But…but…but Dumbledore said your parents hadn't made any contracts," Ginny blurted out, confusion warring with incandescent rage. Her 'innocent' façade crumbling at the face of this new news. Her features twisting into something rather unpleasant to look at. What the hell was she looking at? Surely, for surely, it had to be fake? Was he just pretending to have a betrothed to fit in? He grew up in the Muggle world…with a very abusive Aunt and Uncle…they hadn't betrothed him and Dumbledore couldn't. He might be Harry's magical guardian but hadn't been legally able to make that sort of decision. He did have the power to deny contracts in Harry's name, destroy any that might have interfered with his plans…so he would have destroyed them. Yet there it was, clear as day, a very expensive band around his finger. A promise ring that wasn't just silver she realized. Jealousy surged within her, whoever she was…had to have a lot of money to give Harry such a beautiful and classic ring.

Daphne realized the girl wasn't completely unfortunate looking. She may grow into her looks further still when she's older. She'd never be able to afford to look very pretty though, her family wouldn't be able to afford it. To have so many children, it was diabolically stupid her father said. They couldn't afford two let alone the rest of them. The only thing she had going for her was the Weasley fertility, her parents really should have betrothed her to someone. An heir, someone who could give her the life her parents couldn't. Too bad they weren't smart enough to realize the income it could have had them, and how much better off they would have been with the backing of another family. Unless…they'd had plans for Harry all along. "Oh, little girl, your parents didn't half screw up didn't they?" she cooed sickeningly.

Ginny blinked, glaring at the girl, "You don't deserve him!" she spat. Almost wanting to attack the girl for trying to steal away her future. She wouldn't get that opportunity though; she'd make sure of it. she'd find a way; it wasn't over until it was over. She would become Lady Potter. The world would just wait and see.

Daphne laughed cruelly, "He's going to be Lord Potter…I am the heir of the Greengrass Estate, do the math. We aren't betrothed you utter fool." Honestly, didn't she know anything of their ways? "You most certainly don't deserve him either. Did you honestly think you could bat your eyelashes and suddenly be marrying into the Potter family?"

Draco scoffed, "That's exactly what she thought, how pathetic, thinking she had what it took to become Lady Potter." Seeing the avarice back again, he knew he had to inform Corvus of this…that sort of jealousy and desire was dangerous. She would do something…dangerous to get what she wants. Thankfully, Harry's ring would protect him from most things.

"I intend to marry my betrothed at the end of the contract," Harry declared possessively and protectively. "I have no interest in you, please refrain from following me around in future." His back straight and tall, face filled with determination.

Logically Draco and Daphne assumed he was saying this to get the girl off his back. They knew that the contract had been created for the dual purpose of helping both Harry and Corvus and by product of that, the Lestrange brothers. Not that it was a bad match, it wasn't often someone coming in at eleven managed to find someone who betroth on the British Isles. By that they naturally meant someone worthwhile.

"Who is she?" Ginny asked, forlornly.

Harry was impressed, for an eleven-year-old she was very good at exuding emotions she wished to convey. Too bad he was better, and could see through the façade she wished to portray to the world. He wondered why she'd began showing the world what they wanted to see…from all information gleaned she'd had a typical upbringing for a Half-blood not pureblood like she was. No lessons, no betrothal contract…just a normal life with a normal family that no longer adhered to pureblood traditions.

She would bear watching in future though, for if she was like this at eleven. He knew, he knew she would continue her path relentlessly. Thank Merlin he didn't actually have a younger betrothed at Hogwarts to worry about. Because he knew looking into her eyes that she would do whatever it took.

Which included arranging accidents…for him to say that with confidence about a girl that was eleven…well, he could see the disconcerting look on Draco and Daphne's faces as well, they were on the same page as him.

"Honestly!" Daphne sighed dramatically, "She doesn't attend Hogwarts, you thoughtless insipid fool." Lying through her teeth, nobody could ever find out who Harry was truly betrothed to, not yet.

"I will only inform you once more, leave me and mine alone," Harry warned her, "Otherwise I will take action. I refuse to allow you to continue on this course. Stalking someone is against the law."

Ginny flinched at the term, opening her mouth in shock, wordlessly mouthing the word as if she'd never heard of it before.

"I will inform the proper authorities if you refuse to desist." Harry coldly informed her. "As a Lord-to-be it will be taken extremely seriously."

"You might even lose your place at Hogwarts," Draco rubbed salt into the wound. "Best watch yourself."

"The only other school that will accept you would be Ilvermorny," Daphne chuckled darkly, Durmstrang wouldn't allow her entrance, despite her pureblood status…they'd never lower their standards by letting in a blood traitors daughter. She was obviously becoming a blood traitor herself.

"It's expensive to attend Ilvermorny, I doubt she could pay for the books let alone the education." Draco sneered, giving her a pathetic once over. "There's no Dumbledore to ensure you receive your seven years of education free." The contract had been signed before the Dark Lord had taken over the school. Which meant he had to abide by it unfortunately, at least until she did something to warrant being expelled.

Harry sighed, he disliked people being judged on their lack of money. Both Daphne and Draco knew this. They were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, not everyone was that lucky. This was now becoming rather tedious; he just hoped the girl would heed his warning. He was out of fucks to give, not that he'd ever say that out loud. Corvus would have a fit if he found him talking like a hooligan.

"Leave me and mine alone. Or suffer the consequences. I won't just inform my betrothed's family but the Aurors as well as the Headmaster." Harry warned her, "Don't jeopardise your future on an empty promise of becoming Lady Potter…because that…will never happen. Not even if you and I were the last people on the planet."

With that Harry stalked back over to his seat, with Daphne and Draco following behind him, giving their own warnings. "What the fuck…" he eventually muttered, shaking his head.

"We all know what this is about," Draco stated, still staring where the Weasley girl was. "Dumbledore," just because the old fool was in Azkaban…didn't make him any less of a threat.

"The Weasley's have always been close to Dumbledore, no surprise there." Daphne grumbled in complaint. "Come on, lets head to the common room get away from the ilk." Grabbing her books.

Harry grudgingly agreed, still hearing 'freshly pickled toad' now and again. Everyone was gossiping about him. Vincent picked up his books before he could, as always happy to lend a helping hand. The group made their way over to Madam Pince, and checked the books out, put them in their school bags before ambling towards common room.

"He's always going to be a problem," Harry sighed, brow furrowed as he thought on the old fool. "I'm just glad he's not here though." He had to admit that it was a relief. Turning the corner and making their way towards the stairs.

"He does have his fanatics despite the general public now against him," Draco nodded, his father had told him as much. "They're more dangerous than Dumbledore himself."

"The Weasley's are definitely zealots when it comes to Dumbledore." Daphne agreed.

"Should we tell the Headmaster?" Vincent asked, as they stepped onto the stairs and walked down as it moved in the direction, they wished it to.

"You should," Gregory said, "He'll be legally obligated to have it written down. The more you have on her…officially, the better. Especially if as you say, she might become a bigger threat in future." Dumbledore wouldn't have done anything, they knew that, especially when it came to his crusaders, or people he wanted to be his crusaders.

"He's right," Daphne agreed with Gregory, "The first thing the Aurors will do is ask the teachers and look for any official paperwork on Weasley."

"Perhaps," Harry murmured; he never actually spoke to Voldemort at Hogwarts. They wrote, obviously, which took ages, with him having to reply then go to the owlery when he could. Then he had to wait on Voldemort replying. It was silly, since they were both in the same building, but safety first. There was no way to talk in Hogwarts, not really, without a portrait overhearing, or a ghost, or a student. He should probably get a two-way journal, like his and Corvus'. It didn't look like they'd be stopping in their exchange of letters any time soon. The exercise helped him with his recovery, but sometimes it was just a little much.

"Even if you don't want anything done, it will be written for future use," Vincent shrugged.

"And might keep her in line," Harry agreed with them all, he supposed it couldn't hurt to hold something over her. Especially in case she actually kept following him.

"Blackmail? How very Slytherin," Draco teased, shoving him very lightly, barely tapping him. He was aware of how delicate Harry was at the moment, not as much as he used to be. One day though he'd be in full recovered health and he could give him a proper shove.

"Are you sure the hat didn't consider you for Slytherin?" Vincent asked wryly, stating the password for Slytherin common room and opening the door. The group stumbled into the room, shivering a little and making a beeline for the fireplace, which was thankfully empty.

Harry just grinned enigmatically at him, in a smile worthy of the Mona Lisa.

The rest just laughed, it didn't matter where he was sorted, he was a horary Slytherin. More Slytherin than the rest of them really, since he could speak to snakes. He could let himself into the common room without needing the password too. Nobody blinked seeing a Ravenclaw sitting in the common room anymore.

"Black as a chalkboard," Harry groaned, hiding his hand in his face.

That had everyone uproariously laughing again, Merlin help them, they couldn't help it.

"I wish he was mine, he's really divine!" Daphne choked out through giggles. "Oh, just wait until your betrothed hears about this!" they never used names, not even in the common room, not without spells up. All portraits had been removed from Slytherin common room decades ago. They all knew what they were there for. Only Salazar Slytherin's portrait remained above the fireplace, inactive as it was all the time.

Harry's fingers moved revealing his eyes, "Yeah, hopefully they'll not choke to death on laughter." He suddenly couldn't wait to tell him tomorrow, and which was set to be a very busy day. Thankfully he had permission from Voldemort to be out of Hogwarts all day, which he would be. Between visiting Rabastan and Rodolphus, and then going to the Leaky Cauldron and visiting Sirius who would be officially no longer a patient of St. Mungo's and meeting up with him for the first time without a healer on standby. He'd know once and for all if his godfather would stand by him…or if he'd lose him.

Was it wrong of him not to care as long as he had Corvus, Rabastan and Rodolphus? Maybe, because he didn't know the future…what if he lost them too when he was no longer needed? He'd been all alone before, for a decade, it was a lonely feeling. No, he refused to dwell on that, or ruin any relationships he had based on his ugly thoughts because of the Dursley's. Corvus cared about him, he knew he did, it was obvious.

He did wish he was really marrying into the family though. That was how much he loved them. Maybe not in the way people love each other, when they marry and have children. He still loved them though.

"Did you finish your Charms essay?" Draco asked, reluctantly bringing out his homework. He might as well get it over with, if he left it until the weekend his godfather would have something to say about it.

"Yeah, I always try to do it the night I get it," Harry said, not surprised by the change in subject. They'd been quiet for a few minutes; it was only natural that a new subject be broached. "It's not as easily done this year though," he admitted wryly. More classes, more homework, only the same amount of time to get it finished.

"Nope, but the older Slytherin's are spending a lot more time in the library apparently the books in now are very helpful." Draco shrugged, brand new too, the library had expanded twice its size, which gave people a lot more room to sit and do their homework if they wanted.

"I don't think I've seen Madam Pince so happy!" one of the older Slytherin's commented. "Like seriously! We made noise in the library the other day she didn't even say anything!" normally she was very, very strict. No noise, no eating, no wands out, no playing around with the books.

"She has control of the library, after decades of being here, of course she's happy." Flint smirked wryly, his Head Boy badge gleaming on his uniform. He had been Head Boy two years running, the only one to accomplish that. He only had once class though and lots of free time so it made sense. "I had no idea how much she detested Dumbledore."

"Surprised she lasted as long as she did under his control," confessed another Slytherin Harry wasn't familiar with.

"We Slytherin's don't like to lose," chortled another.

Harry pulled out one of the books he'd taken from the library. The smell of the new book made him grin. He loved the smell of them, there were so many new books in the library. Including a lot of Ancient Rune books, ones he hadn't read yet! He immersed himself in it while the others scribbled away, completing their homework before the weekend.

The door to the Slytherin common room opened, and in came their Head of House. "Mr. Potter," he said in greeting, "Draco, you have a package," he informed his godson, handing over the customary package his mother sent him. It had to have been delivered a little later than normal, because it had come after breakfast.

"Hello, Professor," Harry said politely. He wasn't sure what had inspired the change in his professor, but after a few weeks of relentless sneering and subtle jabs at him he'd stopped. Then he was outright avoided even looking in his direction for a while. Then came the contemplative worried looks, before it settled on mostly impassive.

Harry had actually begun to enjoy potions; he knew he'd never be really good at them. He'd give it his all, like he did with all his classes. He admired what potions could do, how they'd helped him, but it was far from his favourite class. He enjoyed cooking, enjoyed potions, but they didn't ignite a flame of passion in him. Although, cooking for Rabastan did make him feel very pleased, and they always made sure to praise him for his skill. Regardless of how he had acquired it.

"We're going to the Defence club tomorrow, you coming?" Vincent wondered.

"What time?" Harry queried, his finger absently pointing at where he was as he looked at Vincent. It was rude not to look at someone who was talking to you after all.

"Um…three o'clock isn't it?" Vincent questioned the others, wondering if they could recall.

"Two forty-five," Draco piped in, not even pausing until he finished his sentence. "It's on for an hour, first through fourth year students."

"I can't not this time anyway," Harry said regretfully, "I'll be visiting Sirius."

"Wait wasn't that meant to be yesterday?" Daphne scratched her ear as she spoke. She could have sworn Harry said something last week about a busy weekend. Visiting Sirius Black then of course his betrothed.

"Yeah, he got hurt by one of the patients, they wanted him to stay in until they knew he was recovered." Harry explained, shrugging his shoulders, "His ankle got the worst of it."

"Yeah, they'll want to make sure they don't end up sued." Draco said wryly, "Especially by someone like Black, they'll assume he can claim the Black lordship." Which even he knew wasn't possible, since Harry had already claimed it. Black couldn't, from what he'd gathered, Black had been disowned, nearly entirely, with only the rights to his name.

Harry shrugged, he didn't know what they thought and wasn't interested in what they might. Considering it was a hospital he wouldn't be surprised if Sirius had been asked to sign an NDA and one to take lability of anything that happens to him in St. Mungo's. it was a hospital for those with mental impairments, difficulties which could be the results of spells or whatnot.

"Are you going to make Black heir?" Gregory wondered, his mind trailing away from his homework.

"Can that even work? He's disowned, he can't be Lord Black…so making him heir is sort of a waste of time, don't you think?" Harry pointed out.

"Very big waste of time," Draco agreed entirely. "Plus, he doesn't need the money, considering what he got from the Ministry for his wrongful imprisonment settlement."

It was one of the biggest pay-outs the Ministry had ever had to compensate. Not surprising since it had been a decade long wrongful imprisonment. If he had gone to court, he could have gotten double that his father reckons. Unfortunately, he didn't have the funds to take the Ministry to court, and he had been mentally impaired so he probably hadn't thought of it.

"Oh, yes, one of the biggest hand-outs," Daphne nodded in agreement, "Although, technically nobody is supposed to know the exact number." Her tone amused, but she'd overheard her father talking.

"For now," Harry said, an amused smirk gracing his features.

"Wait what?" Draco was suddenly paying full attention to the conversation. "What does that mean? What are you planning?" eager to know more.

Harry just grinned, using his fingers to mimic that his lips were sealed.

"Aww! Come on you can't say something like that then go quiet!" Draco protested, everyone leaned forward to hear if Harry would talk.

"You'll see soon enough," Harry said somewhat smugly, although, really, if anyone had a right to be smug it would be Voldemort. He was the one doing the hard work, he'd just thought up the concept. The hardest part was definitely trying to get it all to work out the way they wanted it to.

"Oh, you're bloody joking! You can't just go silent now!" Vincent whined.

"Trust me, it will be worth it," Harry informed them all, nobody other than Corvus and Voldemort knew. It was to stay that way.

They all gave him speculative looks but didn't ask again. All of them sharing knowing looks with each other. Oh, they were very curious, and if they thought they'd get an answer they'd continue trying to get answers out of him. It must be big, no massive, and they reckoned it had something to do with the Dark Lord.

For surely that would be the only reason for Harry's continued silence?

Corvus waited patiently at the Portkey bay for Harry, talking lowly with the guard while he did. Mostly being updated about the changes the prison was currently undergoing. Apparently, the plumbing was complete in every area of the prison. Which meant every prisoner had running water in their cell. A toilet that worked with a flushing mechanism instead of basically a toilet shaped chamber pot. Working showers that the prisoners were allowed to get clean in every day, with hot water. The entire prison had been cleaned and painted, and the visiting centre had been entirely refurbished for the changing laws that would allow for visitors.

Not just family and not just once a year.

All this had been a long time in coming, nobody had listened to him because he was a grieving father. It had taken one young boy to thinly threaten them all to accomplish something. A boy with more clout than he would know what to do with in the coming years. A boy who was going to take the world by storm. Then again…he already was? Wasn't he?

Before too long, Harry himself arrived via his normal portkey with a box of goodies for his betrothed.

"Hi!" Harry grinned, noticing Corvus, hosting the box further up to grip it easier. The guard did his customary check, and nodded, giving them the all clear. "All clear, follow me," and with that the guard escorted them to their usual room.

"You're rather quiet…are you feeling well?" Corvus queried, while Harry wasn't one for babbling – except for the rare occasion he was really very excited – he was never this quiet. He didn't seem particularly upset; he'd received his customary greeting for when they visited the island. He'd received letters from both the young Malfoy and Tom early this morning. He wondered if perhaps that's what was on Harry's mind.

"I'm fine," Harry was quick to reassure Corvus, "Did you bring everything we'll need for the meeting with Sirius?" including the NDA contract, just to be on the safe side.

"Ah, yes, is that what you're thinking so hard about?" Corvus questioned, as the door was opened and they were let inside. This room itself had been cleaned again, walls repainted, the chairs and tables had changed also. Padded, which was wonderful, he wasn't as young as he used to be.

"Not really," Harry murmured, he didn't much care how it went. He hoped it went in his favour though, so he didn't have to endure Sirius doing anything stupid…like trying to gain custody of him. He liked Sirius, but not as much as Corvus, Rabastan and Rodolphus. He'd unconsciously made an effort to separate himself from Sirius for that very reason. He didn't want to get attached to someone who might proclaim their disgust at him for just wanting to survive, to come to genuinely care about them regardless of their crimes.

"Not really?" Corvus rose a brow, hugging his sons, their smell had drastically improved. They still had a long way to go, and their hair definitely needed a cut, their bodies were fitter than ever though. They must be regularly exercising to keep fit. The potions they need were in the coffee and hot chocolate Harry brought and he had no doubt also in the very healthy food. "Does it have anything to do with what happened yesterday?"

"What happened yesterday?" Rabastan asked, his gaze flickering between his father and his betrothed.

Harry's face went bright red, "I can't believe someone told you about that!" he was aghast. "Was it Him?" using the same term Corvus used while discussing Voldemort while they were in the prison.

Rabastan's eyebrows rose high, deeply curious now. What on earth could have happened that was making Harry go bright red? He hadn't even gone that colour while discussing the rather intimate details of the marriage contract. Which he could remember as hazy as the memories had been at the time.

"What happened yesterday?" Rodolphus asked, his voice brisk, each time they visited it became more and more clear. Why, Corvus believed that Rodolphus was in the best shape of health that he'd ever get while in here.

"It was Valentines day," Corvus informed them, an amused quirk dancing at his lips.

"How many cards did you get?" Rodolphus asked in merriment, eyes narrowing in on his brothers clenched fists, glancing up at his face before looking at Harry again. Realization dawning, damn, he wondered if Rabastan even realised…if their father knew. Someone was getting a little possessive.

"None actually, which reminds me, have you managed to find out if any of my mail was kept from me?" Harry asked Corvus, as he took the food and drinks out of the box. Knowing where the kitchens where was very handy, he didn't have to ask the House-elves anymore, he could just go down and make something. Not that they liked it very much, but with Voldemort there…they couldn't complain since he had permission.

"Antonio is still filing for it, with Dumbledore in Azkaban is isn't easy," Corvus explained, "We need to get a summons for Dumbledore to compel him to hand them over. For that we need to find a judge to sign on it."

"So how long is it going to take?" Harry asked with a frown.

"It could take weeks, could take months even a year," Corvus explained, "There is no rushing it, even with the right judge."

"Can't we expedite it by going directly to Fudge?" what was the point of having a sheep for a Minister if you couldn't play him for a fiddle yourself?

"It means that much to you?" Corvus asked, facing Harry, a serious look on his face. Not a single hint of mockery, disbelief or annoyance to be seen. He had been under the impression it wasn't something Harry wanted desperately.

"I don't know," Harry ventured with the truth, shrugging a little, he honestly didn't know how he felt regarding it.

"I see," Corvus mused thoughtfully, "Then think about it and let me know."

Harry nodded; he'd do just that.

"What happened yesterday?" Rabastan asked impatiently.

"Oh," Harry said, turning his attention back to Rabastan flushing a delicate pink. Turning to stare up at the ceiling, "Someone sent a 'singing dwarf' to me, although why it's called a singing dwarf when it didn't sing I'll never know…it was a poem."

"Someone?" Rabastan asked almost tersely.

Harry sighed, "Ginny," he revealed, "Draco, Daphne, Vincent, Greg and I were all in the library studying after out last classes. It recited the poem when we noticed her watching…I think…there's something really wrong with her, she's really good at faking emotions she doesn't feel…and I really think Dumbledore made her believe she'd be 'Lady Potter' one day." Rolling his eyes when he said 'lady Potter' dramatically.

"What did it say?" Rodolphus asked, with a wicked grin, just thinking of what an eleven-year-old kid could come up with.

"Ugh," Harry grumbled, before he muttered what the dwarf said, "His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad, his hair is as dark as a blackboard. I wish he was mine, he's really divine. The hero who conquered the Dark Lord."

Rodolphus broke first, loud guffaws slowly but surely got louder. The laughter was infectious to an extent, brought on by their own amusement and Rabastan broke next snigger laughing into his hand. Corvus, bless him, tried to remain just smiling, but he failed, he too laughed, it was a smooth deep one.

Harry just grinned, his cheeks red but very smug with himself at having caused all three men to lose their composure. It was very difficult to do, he should know he'd known them now over a year, and for the most part they were very serious.

"It's rather interesting, though…" Corvus admitted, as his merriment began to taper a little, as he realized something. "That someone so prominently light would use the term the Dark Lord." It wasn't something she will have grown up around, which begged the question…why that particular term?

"It isn't like the line 'He who conquered You-know-who' was out of the realm of possibility in the little poem, to be fair." Rabastan conceded.

"I didn't think of that," Harry admitted with a look that suggested he wanted to whack himself on the back of the head for being an idiot.

"No matter, I doubt it can be concerning since she is just eleven, and if anyone had been talking to her from the Dark Sect they would have informed Him immediately." Corvus brushed it off, but did make a mental note of it, to inform Tom just to be on the safe side. It never hurt to be cautious.

"What else happened? For you to believe she was going to be Lady Potter?" Rabastan asked, between bites to eat.

"I managed to confront her today, told her I was betrothed," Harry said, sighing in annoyance. "She didn't want to believe it, insisted Dumbledore said there were no 'contracts'…I mean who the hell…" anger simmering in his gut, "Discussing my life, my finances, my estate with the Weasley's who did he think he was? She really thought she was going to become Lady Potter…" bitter disgust coating his voice.

Corvus was just as disgusted and alarmed. To hear that a magical guardian had been so lax in the security of a noble house was horrifying. That it was Dumbledore didn't surprise him. Perhaps this little Weasley was going to be more trouble than anticipated. Them knowing exactly what Harry was worth…as the Potter heir, never mind the soon-to-be Black Lord was very worrisome. Just what had Dumbledore put up his sleeve? There were no other contracts, and thankfully Dumbledore couldn't create one. So, he'd what? Decided to push the youngest Weasley at Harry? Encouraged her to use her eventual wiles on him in order to manipulate him into marrying her?

"I would strongly advice avoiding her, any attempts to endear herself to you, report it." Corvus stated firmly, eyes shadowed with worries, Dumbledore wouldn't have groomed an eleven-year-old girl would he? "Thankfully your Heir ring and betrothed rings will prevent most potions or spells affecting you."

Harry didn't bother asking if 'she'd go that far' it was clear Corvus really thought she would. He'd had no intentions of spending any time at all with her. Or worse, letting her continue her earlier antics.

so will Sirius exit stage left and never really be in the story again? Or shall he stick with Harry regardless of which side he picks? I think I asked if you'd all like to see Sirius/Rodolphus...can't remember if it was a poll of FB or here either way still want to see that? will there be any reality to Corvus' fears that Ginny had been groomed? will we see that the girl is removed from the Weasley's if she has? will Harry get his mail back or will Dumbledore have burnt it all? or sold it on for funds? take care everyone and stay safe! R&R