Hi girdies! Sorry I haven't been posting consistently Cheer has been kickin my booty. I hope y'all like the story. Please review ;)

-•Tris POV•-

I wake up early the next morning, so I decide to take a shower. I grab some ripped mom jeans and a tight black long sleeve shirt. I grab 2 towels and head into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and hop in. I shower in about 10 minutes, I'm usually pretty fast. I realize I forgot a bra so I walk out of the bathroom. I don't look where I'm going and I run into someone, Four. I adjust my towel and make sure I'm covered. I look up and see him only in a pair of loose grey sweatpants. His tanned chest is exposed, I can see his toned chest. I look at his neck and see ink curling around it from his back.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I say to him

"You're fine I didn't realize anyone was up yet"

I laugh alittle "Neither did I"

He smiles and I rush past him to grab my bra. I search through my draws to find a small black bra. I run back into the bathroom hoping I won't see Four again, since I'm only in a towel! When I finally make it back into the bathroom I realize I dont have the thing I went out to get. I slowly open the door and pray that Four isn't there, but he is, holding my bra.

"I'm guessing this is yours?" He hands me it

I just blush and go back into the bathroom. Great, a hot shirtless Four just handed me my bra, and saw me in my towel. I really hope the rest of the day shapes up to be better. I dismis the thought and begin to get dressed. I throw on my shirt and pants, I plug in the hair dryer. I dry my hair and decide to throw it up into a messy ponytail.

It's still only 7:30 so I go downstairs and start of breakfast. I open the fridge and grab eggs,bacon,milk,cheese and some peppers. I'm going to make breakfast burritos. I cut the peppers, fry the bacon and scramble the eggs. By the time I've finished everything they all start to trickle down.

"You're up already? Marlene and I just got up." Uriah says to me "It's 8:30!"

"Oh, I woke up early and just decided to make something, I hope they're okay"

"Okay?!" Zeke says munching on a burrito "These are fantastic"

"Yeah, they really are" Shauna says

I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and then a low voice obviously Four's.

"Who made food?"

"Tris did, and it's fucking fantastic!"

When I see Four I feel my face getting red again.While cooking I had almost forgot what happened. I turn around and grab a burrito and sit down trying to avoid eye contact with him. I honestly don't know why I'm so awkward around him, I've been around hot guys before... "Tris?! Hello!" Christina says to me

I must've zoned out becuause now everyone is staring at me.

"Huh?" I say to her

"I asked you what you wanted to do today" she says "Why are you acting so weird?"

"Um anything is fine, and I'm not being weird"

"Mhmm okay Trissy"

"Chris!" She just rolls her eyes and continues what she was doing.

*About 6:45*

We just hung out for most of the day until about 5, then they went home to get ready for clubbing. Christina has dragged me upstairs and forced me to look 'sexy'. Like my A cup boobs and tiny butt could ever. She did a natural Smokey eye and a nude lip for my makeup, which is still a lot for me. Surprisingly she talked me into wearing this small black tube dress and silver heels. The heels are 4 inches so I am currently 5'5 which feels insane. My hair is curled into loose ringlets and falls down my back.

I grab a silver clutch to match my heels and carefully walk downstairs. I feel a bit self conscious because I would never usually wear something like this. I scroll through Instagram until I hear the doorbell ring. Since Christina is still upstairs getting ready, I answer the door. I open the door and there's Zeke,Shauna,Uriah,Marlene,Will and, Four. I feel the boys eyes on me and a blush alittle.

"Hey, come in" I close the door as the walk in. Zeke is wearing a Black collard shirt with jeans, Uriah is similarly dressed but with a yellow shirt on. Will has on a plain blue shirt and black jeans. Shauna and Marlene both wear sparkly strapless dresses, Marlene in Black and Shauna in Blue. Four comes in in light wash jeans that are rolled at the end and a salmon colored shirt that fits him perfectly. His naturally curly hair looks perfectly messy and the sides look clean. Honestly I don't know how he's so perfect. I try not to stare but I'm honestly failing miserably.

"Where's Chris?" Will asks

"She's still getting ready" I say

"I thought so"

"I'll go check on her" I smile and walk upstairs to her room.

"Hey Chris are you almost done" I say to her "Everyone is already here"

"Yeah yeah calm your shit" She reply's

I roll my eyes and walk downstairs again.

•=Tobias POV=•

Tris comes back downstairs after being upstairs with Christina. I love the way her dress hugs the right places, and makes her look even more beautiful than she already is. I didn't realize that she had a tattoo, I can only see part of it, it's looks like the birds are flying to her heart. On the outside she is fragile, but her words and the way she presents herself is so strong.

Acouple minutes after Tris came down Chris comes down. We all drive in Christina's Subaru Impreza and Uriah's red Jeep Rubicon. We decide to go to 'Club Candor'. Inside it's very large and crowded since it's a Friday Night. We all order drinks and sit at the bar.

*2 hours in*

By now Uriah is pretty drunk along with Zeke and Shauna. Marlene is getting there so is Christina and Will. Tris hasn't drunk a lot but I can tell she's alittle tipsy. The rest of them decide to go dance so it's just me and Tris at the bar.

"Okay, so tell me about you. I hardly know anything" She says

"Oh, I'm taking classes at DAU (Dauntless Academic University) and I'm in the Police Academy there. What about you?"

"Well, I am also going to DAU and hopefully majoring in Political Science. Once I Finnish collage I hope to become an Attourney"

"That's amazing"

We both smile and I see his cheeks turn a bright shade of red.

~•2ish hours later•~

We all got alittle more drunk and decided just to call an Uber. The Uber dropped us at Christina's and we all passed out there.

Woah, I am so sorry for not uploading in forever I've just been sooooo busy with school. I hope to have a consistent uploading schedule, maybe 1-2 chapters every other week? Idk yet but I'll keep y'all posted. Love you babes ;)