Tomorrow's Guardians
By Michael Weyer
Sorry for the long delay on this, had to handle work and other fics. Then the entire coronavirus chaos hit with the unique irony of me being busier in that time than others. So apologize but here goes with more.
Nebula frowned deeply as she took in the "armory" of the Waverider. "Let me get this straight…you can go throughout time, including the far future…and this is your weapons rack?" She waved at the selection of swords, blades, a few old-styled firearms, and what looked like a slingshot on the walls.
"Let me put it this way," Laurel calmly said. "Would you put an armory of super-advanced weapons in the hands of a bunch like this?" Nebula considered the question for a long moment, then nodded in agreement. She reached to remove a large samurai sword, balancing in her hands and nodding. "This will do."
Laurel looked at her. "So…you and Gamora…You get along…better now?"
Nebula shrugged. "There are still…issues. You don't get over the hate for so long…But…after she died…I realized it was better to accept our problems rather than continue to fight over them." Laurel mused on her words.
The two headed out of the armory and back to the bridge. Mick, Snart, Drax and Rocket were around one table, playing cards with a pair of security officers. Nearby, Talla was with Sara, talking intently. "You have to know that Xelayan has a much higher field of gravity than most worlds. It's a reason we're so strong, we adapt to it well."
"How much larger?"
"At least five times than the average planet, even more with some worlds. Most humans need special suits to handle it."
Sara turned to John. "Any way you can help?"
He pursed his lips. "Not sure. As I have told you…many…many times…mixing magic and science rarely ends well."
"My suit will work," Ray stated. "It can handle the pressures of size-changing so this shouldn't be much of a problem."
"I can handle it," Charlie announced. At Sara's surprised look, she shrugged. "I'm used to altering my body a few times, I should be able to adjust to this."
"You really think you can?"
"Hey, handled the mountains with Hannibal once."
Sara narrowed her eyes at yet another of Charlie's references to events from centuries earlier. "Just how old are you anyway?"
A wistful look came to Charlie's face. "Old enough I stopped counting a while ago."
Gamora narrowed her own eyes in a more dangerous manner. "I don't like people with secrets. And you have scores of them."
Charlie just smirked. "Think you're not the type to toss stones, greenie. Besides, if I were to start sharing my secrets, it would blow your mind way harder than any gun I could fire."
Convinced pressing the issue was a can of worms she didn't want to open now, Sara moved on. "Ray's analysis of that drone gives us a chance to disrupt their shielding which can help in an attack. We'll still need more to figure a proper one out."
"I hope so," Talla said. "My planet has good defenses but we're not pure military, we're more academics and a great vacation spot." She snorted. "Of course, some would be upset they lose the best drinking hole in the Union…"
Mick perked up at that. "Drinking hole?"
Talla nodded. "Yep. At the risk of sounding immodest, we probably make the best tequila in the entire Union."
Mick stared at her before speaking solemnly. "I will lay down my life to save this planet."
"It's so nice to find your motivation, Mick," Sara dryly stated. "Now we just have to figure out an attack plan..."
"If you want ideas…" Quill began.
"Not from you," Sara quickly said.
"Come on, why not?"
"Because you're an idiot!"
"I once stopped a galactic invasion!"
"And how many have you started?"
"Please, I've been on this ship long enough to hear about some of the disasters you guys cause!"
"For once, Quill's right," Gamora snapped. "You bunch make us look like professionals."
"That's not..."
"We've actually saved the galaxy from other disasters. Name one mess you solved that you didn't have a hand in creating first."
Sara opened her mouth then shut it as she realized she really couldn't fight them on that point.
"Listen, I think we can use a better plan than just flying in to charge." Quill held up his hands. "Even the Rebellion had better than that. Well, in some cases, haven't seen the new movies yet…"
Nate snorted. "You're lucky. The last ones were a letdown. Rise of Skywalker…"
Talla beamed. "Oh, I know, that was just great! The big final battle alone was terrific!"
Ray blinked. "Wait…you liked Rise of Skywalker?"
Talla seemed surprised by the question. "Of course! Everyone does!" She waved a hand.
"Okay, you can argue Last Jedi is a better-made movie but it still wrapped up the initial saga well! Of course, the next trilogy was so much better…"
She frowned at the stares she was getting from the various Legends. "What? I say something?"
The group just kept staring with Nate leaning toward Snart. "They got a different version than us, right?"
Snart shrugged. "Put a few centuries between release and a new fandom, opinions can change."
"That much?!"
Laurel shrugged. "Ah, it wasn't as big on my Earth. Oh, sure, they were hits, just not as culturally significant." She smiled. "Now John Carter, that was a fantastic sci-fi franchise!" Her face soured. "Well, at least it was before Disney sold it to Universal…"
Sara shook her head. "Moving off this, Gideon, how close are we?"
"Roughly forty minutes from destination, Captain."
"Right, make sure the cloak is up so we don't get spotted."
Talla was passing by her to head toward the table with her officers. Ray paused to lean in. "You know Game of Thrones?"
Her eyes lit up. "Just binged it all! Wow, was that last season not the best? What a perfect way to wrap it all up!" Ray just stared at her before slowly shaking his head.
"Just don't tell us how the books end," Sara quickly said. "We want to find out on our own."
"I hope he gets it right in the end," Nate sighs. "Hate he drops the ball like too many other authors…"
"Hey, you try it sometime!" Mick snapped. "It's not as easy as it looks!"
Rocket and Snart both exchanged slow looks. "You…write?" Snart asked.
"It's fun," Mick said with a shrug.
Len cocked his head as if making a study. "You've changed, Mick."
Rory raised an eyebrow. "Good or bad?"
"I lean toward good," Snart replied. "You're more responsible, more on the ball. You used to be more of a mad dog type but now a lot smarter. It's a good look for you."
Mick smirked. "Ah, don't worry, I still love a good beer and woman over anything responsible." Len chuckled as he smacked a hand to his friend's arm. "Although I admit, do still miss the occasional robbery."
Talla stared. "Robbery? Wait, you're thieves?"
"Ex-thieves," Snart intoned. He nodded to Sara. "Hey, she's an ex-assassin!"
Mick pointed to Ray. "He's an ex-millionaire." He motioned to Nate. "Ex-scholar…" He nodded toward Nora. "Ex-evil witch." He motioned to Laurel. "Ex-supervillain."
"So your group is all one big subtraction," Talla mused.
Mantis looked at Nora, then to Ray. "The attraction is strong between them…The hate giving to love so greatly…"
Quill rolled his eyes. "Mantis, we talked about this, you need to get a hold on this talk about people in bed."
"I hold my own a lot in my bed. As do you." Mantis was confused at the snickers that comment produced.
Zari brushed her hair back. "At least it sounds like we're headed to a better planet. These Moclan guys sound….rough."
"True," Nate stated. "I mean, I get another species but this whole make folks conform to one gender thing…"
Quill snorted to get their attention. "Ya know, if Earth is ever going to get into the rest of the universe, they're gonna have to learn that not every culture is going to conform to what they think is right."
"You think forcing infants to have their genders changed is right?" Zari demanded.
Quill rolled his eyes. "Lady, I have been on planets where taboos that would blow the mind of the most liberal person are acceptable behavior. I gave up trying to judge them a while ago. It's better to just let them have their ways and not make waves fighting them. Don't get me wrong, I don't always like it but given how backward Earth in our time is, we've got no room to be judging some other race."
"So we just ignore it?"
"Hey, this isn't even your time or your universe. Get off the high horse!"
"I see no horses of any height on this ship," Drax intoned.
"I am Groot."
"See, he's right," Quill continued. "That whole 'judge not' thing still holds true for space travel."
Gamora nodded with him. "If you're trying to push your moral beliefs on another culture, it won't end well. That's true anywhere in the universe."
Charlie sighed. "Hate to say it but she's got a point. Come on, you lot were ready to bump me off the first time we met just for what I was, not like you can be casting stones! Folks can change, this group is living proof of that."
"As a historian, they have a point," Nate intoned.
Quill beamed. "See! We know more than you on this!"
"That's not what I..."
"Nope, sorry, it's how we're taking it, debate settled, we're winners!"
Siren rubbed her forehead as she walked off to the hallway. "I need a break." Sara sighed to follow her. "Hey, I know, this isn't quite what you signed on for…"
"I signed on for some way to make up for what I've done," Laurel snapped. "Not be dragged through time amid some nutty sitcom/cartoon hijinks!"
"Is that what you think is happening?"
"I think I'm paying off my karma at a vastly accelerated rate."
Sara sighed. "I'm trying to be understanding here, Laurel. I get it, you're mad about me and Oliver, you never got to handle it with your Sara before she died and-"
"You're not dead."
Sara stopped. "Wait, what?"
Laurel looked a bit chagrined. "You're not dead on my world."
Sara blinked in confusion. "But…you said…"
"I know, I know," Laurel said with her hands raised. "Before the boat went down, Oliver got you onto a life raft. The storm blew you to some shipping lanes so you were found. Media made a big deal out of it but it actually sobered you up to get yourself on track."
Sara stared at her. "You've been saying…"
Laurel threw up her hands as she sighed. "Listen, I was happy you were alive but still the fact you were sleeping with my boyfriend. We always had issues after Dad died and just got tenser. So, I took a break for Central City and…it happened. Then I went on a dark path and after that, you basically declared I was dead as far you were concentered so decided it'd be mutual."
Sara was just staring with an open mouth. "You….you…"
"Hello? Former super-villain! And you're one to lecture on secrets…"
"It's not the same!" Sara hissed. "You've let me think I was some…substitute for your sister who is still around!"
"It's not like I can see her!" Laurel snapped. "I'm pretty sure I'm still wanted on that world and even without that, as I said, she pretty much hated me…."
"She doesn't hate you."
"How can you be sure?"
"Well, I don't. Even with all you've done, the fact is….If you were still my sister, I'd still care about you." Sara crossed her arms. "Maybe instead of trying to mend fences with me, you pick the Sara you should be dealing with."
Laurel frowned as if never considering that before. Sara shook her head. "So…where am I?"
"Married and with a kid."
"Married? To who?"
Laurel just smiled as she walked off toward her quarters. "You're really going to leave me hanging there?" Sara called off.
"You can't keep using that as an excuse!"
Ed Mercer was heading to his quarters as he saw LaMarr coming up. "We've got engineering at full blast, sir," he intoned. "Plus, adjusting frequency of our weapons to try and crack through the Kaylon shields."
"Good work," Ed stated.
"Sir, if I can volunteer…"
"Denied," Mercer stated. "Sorry, John, but we need you in engineering more."
"Sir, I can handle myself in a fight."
"LaMarr, the only time I saw you get into a fight was with a stuck drawer and despite the fact you had two good arms and a screwdriver and it was an inanimate object, you still lost." Mercer softened his tone. "John, I mean it. You're more valuable in engineering than on the front lines. The ship has to be at its best and you're going to be the man to help it."
LaMarr sighed. "Understood, sir." He headed off as Ed moved to his quarters. He stopped as he saw the woman inside studying a book. "Teleya."
The Krill looked up at him with that odd little smirk that was so much like Janel. "Captain," she said in her cool voice. "I would have thought you'd have changed the code on your lock by now."
"It was on the to-do list," Ed returned in that same cool voice. He stepped inside, keeping himself as professional as possible. "Why are you here?"
"Would you believe to discuss battle tactics?"
"You can do that in an official capacity," Ed stated, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. "I want to know the real reason."
Teyela was quiet for a long moment. "I have…considered what you said to me when we last parted. At the time, I chalked it up to the usual human weakness. The foolishness we could ever become some sort of equals." She slid the book back on the shelf, letting Ed see it was an early 21st-century history tome. "All one needs is to look at your planet's history to see how easily you turn on one another, even in times of great disaster."
Ed held up a hand. "If this is going to turn into the typical 'aliens throw their superiority via stuff Earth did centuries ago' line, can you just spare me? Every Earthling on this ship has heard that about a hundred times." He moved to his nearby refreshing station to quickly replicate a cup of coffee. "Pretty sure I can throw a few nasty shots at your culture."
"Hmmm, perhaps," Teyela allowed. "But the fact you were willing to let me go back to my people was…not what we expected." She mulled over her words. "And now the Kaylon has reminded us that, as different as we are in so many ways, we are still organics and thus united against them."
"And?" Ed asked as he sipped his coffee.
"As I said, many in my race would have been happy to see you all die," Teyela stated. "But many agree that a war between us is not in our best interests." She held up a finger. "Do not mistake me, Mercer. We still hold that we are a superior race chosen by Avis." The finger turned into a wave of her hand. "But, if not peace…than cooperation would be in our best interests."
Ed sipped at his coffee. "You had to binge on our history for your cover. So you remember how ugly we were a few hundred years ago. I won't say we're perfect by any means but we changed."
"More like it was forced upon you," Teyela stated. "Let's be frank, Mercer. Take away a few pandemics and climate disasters and would your race really have let go of the materialistic and divided ways you held to in, say, early 2020?"
"Maybe not," Ed allowed. "But the fact remains that we did get through it. We both know a lot of races that didn't. We've improved to a better way of life, fixed a lot of our damage." He waved a hand. "I don't expect your culture to change fast. It took us a long time, it can take you centuries to let go of your…way of thinking."
"Our faith? Our beliefs? Yes, we take much pride in that." Teyela came up toward him. "But perhaps some…partnership is better in the long run."
Ed returned her gaze with an icy one. "Don't try to play me, Teyela. I know those games by now."
"Are you sure? You said that maybe there was more of Janel in me than I cared to admit?"
"I'm not going to look for something that I know isn't truly there," Ed returned. "We're allies for now against the Kaylon but don't think you can seduce me into giving up any more secrets."
"Seduction…is a two-way street."
Ed was never more grateful for the chime from his door. "Enter." It slid open to show Kelly. "Ed, I…." She stopped and glared at Teyela.
"She was just leaving," Ed assured his ex-wife. "Weren't you?"
Teyela smirked at him. "We shall continue this later…Captain." She began marching forward only to have Kelly block her with an arm. The blonde looked up at the Krill with a calm expression. "You know…Ed wasn't the only one who was hurt when he realized who you were. I really thought you were a good person. I trusted you. I liked you."
Teyela didn't seem to care as her smirk grew. "And?"
"And I just realized there was something I forgot to do." Kelly's fist lashed out to punch Teyela in the jaw. The Krill hissed but saw Kelly ready to keep right on fighting. She rubbed at her jaw as she gave a slow nod before marching out.
Ed chuckled. "I can't believe it took you this long to do that."
"Me neither," Kelly admitted, rubbing her knuckles. "What did she want?"
"Probably the old mind games," Ed said, trying to brush it off. "I'm a bit smarter this time."
"I guess so." Kelly looked at him and sighed. "You ever think sometimes if things had gone differently? I don't mean just us….I mean…maybe if we'd never gotten together in the first place, saved a lot of pain."
"Then I probably wouldn't be here right now," Ed said. "It's like that old saying, you pull on or try to fix a loose strand and it just undoes the tapestry of your life. Come on, Kelly, you start thinking of all the stuff you wish was different, you ignore what's still coming. Right now, I need to be focused on the present, not the past."
A buzz echoed. "Captain," Bortus' voice cut in. "We are twenty minutes from Moclus."
"I'll be on the bridge in a moment," Ed returned. He smiled to Kelly. "Thanks."
"For punching her?"
"You get me."
"We're coming up now!" Sara called out as the waves of blue light faded to show the world before them. A fleet of Kaylon ships were engaged with the Xelayian fleet, the latter doing their best but clearly outmatched by the more powerful vessels. The crews were gathered together as the Waverider swept toward the battle. The Krill ship with them was already charging in to fire away, igniting one of the Kaylon vessels.
"Captain," Gideon announced. "It appears one group of Kaylon has broken away to head to the planet itself."
"They're staging an invasion?" Sara asked.
"It is only one smaller craft. It appears to be headed to a certain section of the planet." The screen shifted to a readout of the world, colored lights showing where the Kaylon ship had landed. Talla took it in with a deep frown. "That's the Iradias Range….it's a ring of volcanic islands set about mid-way through the planet." She rubbed her chin. "This makes no sense, why attack there and not one of the main population centers?"
"Captain, scans are showing a powerful source of energy within that ship," Gideon continued. "In modern parlance, it would be the equivalent of a 1000-megaton nuclear bomb."
As the group watched, one of the larger Kaylon ships broke from the pack to place itself in orbit. The front of the ship unleashed a powerful blast of energy that cut right into the planet. On the scanner, the beam linked right up with the Iradias Range. "They're…firing into a volcano?" Mick asked.
Ray's eyes widened. "Oh, hell."
"Oh, I don't like that oh, hell," Talla intoned.
Ray swallowed. "Volcanos are linked to active magma lines, tectonic plates, and weaknesses in planetary mantles. Enough energy poured in and you can crack the mantle further. Now, drop some sort of super-nuke into that and you can cause a combination of eruption and mega-quake and…."
"Gideon, give us a model," Sara barked. "What happens if they do this?"
As they watched, a hologram appeared of Xelayan on the meeting table. A flash of light erupted from the area of the Iradias Range. The entire globe literally shook with oceans transforming into tsunamis to wash over entire landmasses. The ones that weren't engulfed were shattering under quakes, many ripped in half and some continents falling into the ocean.
"Oh my God," Talla whispered, her face white.
"Why bother wiping out folks one by one when you can take out a whole planet in one fell swoop?" Nebula noted with a scowl. "My father would be proud of this."
"We still have time before they can get to the right level to drop the bomb," Ray assured her.
"How long?" Sara barked.
"At current power levels, my estimation is along the lines of twenty-three minutes."
"Why is there always a countdown on these things?!" Rocket barked.
Sara bit her lip. "All right. Quill, take your ship out of our hold and help them out."
"Hey, there's only one person I respect as the Boss and he's from Jersey!"
Ignoring him, Sara went on. "Nate, Ray, Charlie, join Talla in getting down there."
"I am Groot."
Rocket frowned at the tree. "Really?"
"I am Groot."
"Huh, guess you're right, if trees handle it on that planet, you should too."
"Fine, just get down there fast," Sara clapped her hands together. "We'll try and stop that ship blasting down to help give you time, let's get cracking people!"
Len was smirking. "You really have grown into a command role…"
"Still not sleeping with you, Snart."
"A man can dream…"
Alara Kitan had come to the conclusion that the fates had it in for her.
It may have seemed crazy but it was hard to argue given the circumstances. Of all places on her homeworld to take a day off, she just had to pick an area being invaded by what appeared to be Kaylon. It was supposed to be a simple research trip for her studies but now here she was right back in combat.
She ducked behind a barrage of blaster fire that erupted a tree behind her. She rose up, her simple travel pants and shirt with the light jacket a far cry from her old uniform but her training was still built in her. She fired off several blasts that knocked one Kaylon back. She dodged another blast as eh gave thanks she'd come alone. The last thing she needed was to try and protect a pack of scared students right now.
Alara peeked her head from cover to take in the situation. The Kaylon forces had assembled around the base of the volcano. Unlike Earth volcanos with huge mountains, it was set closer to the ground to resemble a sinkhole and while currently dormant, there were still the usual heat and fumes coming from them which the Kaylon didn't notice. Neither did they seem to care about the massive beam of energy cutting through the sky to bury itself into the hole. Alara had no idea what this was about but knew she didn't want to find out.
She heard the sound of engines and looked up to see an odd-looking ship flying downward. It unleashed a barrage of fire to knock several of the Kaylon away. The ramp of the ship opened to allow several passengers to exit. Alara blinked at the odd assemblage. There was a man in a multi-colored suit of armor, another who appeared to be solid steel, a dark-skinned woman with a huge rifle, and what looked like a giant walking tree. With them was a Xelayan in a familiar uniform.
The armored man was firing a blast of energy from his gauntlet as the group moved in. Alara fired off her pistol as she joined them. "Hey," she said. "Alara Kitan."
"Well, this is ironic." The Xelayan woman smiled. "Lieutenant Talla Keyali, U.S.S. Orville."
Alara's eyebrows went up. "Oh, wow. I heard about you, didn't think we'd meet." They quickly shook hands. "Is Captain Mercer here?"
Talla shook her head. "The Kaylon are also attacking Moclus, he has to be there."
"I can't believe this," Alara mused. "The Kaylon?"
"Yep, it turns out they're pure organic-life haters."
"Like that Earth classic, The Terminator?"
"Seriously, how do you people know all this?!" Ray yelled as he saw several Kaylons moving a large device toward the edge of the volcano. "Guys, we can't let them drop it in!"
Nate was tossing out a punch to knock a Kaylon back while Groot was sweeping his arms around to smash two against nearby rocks. Alara looked over to Talla. "Um….who are these guys?'
"In my professional opinion?" Talla let out a deep breath. "Idiots."
"Oh. So not much different than on the Orville."
The main weakness of Kaylons, like many artificial intelligence forms, was the lack of imagination. They were logical to the extreme which aided in their ruthless nature. While they acknowledged the chaotic ways of organic life, they still conformed to a strict way of thinking. They designed their defenses on the studied patterns of various races. In the case of the Xayalans, the Kaylon were correct in being prepared for set and predictable patterns.
If there was one thing the Legends and the Guardians had in common, it was a tendency to be anything but predictable.
Thus, the Kaylons in charge of the defenses of the primary ship were unprepared for the completely illogical method of sending the Waverider smashing right through the main docking area of the ship. Sara grit her teeth as it made a rough landing. "Okay, folks, get going!"
The Kaylon in the hanger who hadn't been crushed or knocked aside by the ship were moving in with weapons drawn as the rear entrance opened. Twin blasts of cold and fire erupted outward to take out the ones in the lead, joined by a huge blaster cannon. Snart, Mick, and Rocket were storming out of the ramp, continuing their blasts at the robots, Rocket scurrying onto Mick's shoulder to unleash more fire.
Snart smirked. "Now I get it, the little guy is growing on me too!"
"Wait'll you get him drinking!" Mick blasted another wave of heat just as Quill emerged, firing off his own blasters. With a howl, Drax charged out, smashing into any Kaylons in his path and not caring if his knives made little impact on them. Zari emerged to throw out a hand and sent a blast of wind outward with Nora tossing a fireball at another.
The security officers were joining them, helping lay down cover fire. One gasped as he was hit by a Kaylon blast to go down. Quill took in his red uniform and winced. "That was inevitable…"
The trampling of metallic boots echoed as a pack of Kaylon marched toward the hanger. "Company!" Zari yelled.
Quill smirked as he fired his blaster at a nearby console. It erupted in a shower of sparks…and nothing happened. "The hell?" he called out. "That's supposed to shut the doors! It always works!"
"Not here!" Zari unleashed another wave of wind at the approaching robots. Snart moved fast, firing off a wide blast from his gun. It solidified in the doorway, thickening to create a layer of ice. He kept it up before finally backing away from the frozen solid door. "That won't hold long!"
Rocket was scurrying over to unload the large pack on his back. He pulled out a large box-shaped device to attach it to a nearby conduit. "Don't worry, this thing will do the job!"
Zari frowned. "Shouldn't we be attaching that to…I don't know….the ship's core or something?"
"Nah, this'll do," Rocket said as he worked several buttons and switches on the console. "We're still close enough to main power sources and this baby'll run through the system, causing more mini-explosions till it reaches the main power than KABLOOM!"
"When did you make this up?"
"Ah, just borrowed some random stuff from yer ship, amazing what can be used to make a great bomb!"
"Wait, he just made up a bomb out of random stuff on the ship?" one of the security officers said. "Who is he, the Professor from Gilligan's Island?"
Snart rolled his eyes. "God help me, I agree with Palmer, it's insane you all know that show!"
Rocket was quickly adjusting the controls. "Just need ya to buy me some time!"
"I have already explained, time cannot be bought!" Drax called out.
Rocket ignored him to ensure the bomb was properly attached. "All right, clear on out!" He scurried over toward the ship with the others soon falling in. "Sure this will work?" Snart asked.
"Trust me." Rocket was racing ahead as Quill took up the rear with the ramp slowly closing up. The Waverider pulled out and managed to get out of the hanger bay. It was flying off as the bomb went off, the explosion rocking the hanger. The power surge was soon sparking through the ship, creating more explosions, tearing through the structure. From the outside, the explosions echoed as the Kaylon vessel began to erupt in flame. The beam of energy seemed to add to it as the ship finally erupted into a massive fireball. The other Kaylon vessels pulled away and were soon vanishing into hyperdrive.
"Huh, easier than I thought," Sara intoned.
Laurel shrugged. "We get so many disasters, the law of averages alone dictates we're able to get one right eventually."
A buzz cut through the air. "Um, guys, the beam got cut off so I assume it worked?"
"Yeah, it worked great, Ray."
"Oh. Um, good…." Stepping over the bodies of the Kaylon troops scattered about, Ray looked down at where Groot was reaching out with his thick branches to hold Nate, Alara and Talla, who were all hanging several feet in the volcano, holding the ends of the bomb the Kaylons had pushed in and grunting at the effort. "Cause…kind of issue with the bomb dropped…."
"Can't you, I don't know, shrink it down?"
"Shrinking down a massive nuclear device may not be the best move." Ray winced as he saw Groot dragging his arms back, his feet literally setting root into the ground. "But don't worry, we…have it handled!"
Alara grunted as she kept up her grip on the device. "Listen…" she hissed. "I'm coming with you."
Talla looked at her with surprise. "You are?"
"I've been fixing my health issues," Alara replied. "Besides, this is a huge crisis, you can use every hand you can get. And hey, I miss the crew."
"Welcome aboard."
Nate winced as the trio were pulled toward the top of the opening. "You may be changing your mind on that soon."
Back on the ship, Sara looked to Gamora. "We need to get a warning to the Orville. If the Kaylon have the same plans for Moclus…"
Gamora nodded. "They can be in serious trouble."
"They are." The duo turned to where a suddenly subdued Mantis was looking up to them, her antenna twitching. "They truly are."
The two former killers couldn't help shivering at the way the odd woman was so serious.
In the Union Academy, cadets were trained to prepare for just about any disaster imaginable. It wasn't easy but sooner or later, the idea of coming across a destroyed planet was going to happen. The best captains had to handle that and be able to keep a level head in the middle of a catastrophe.
Ed Mercer was feeling it hard to do so.
He knew it was unprofessional to just be staring frozen in shock but he couldn't help it. He heard a choking from Kelly as she looked at the view screen to see the eruption of flame from Moclus. The planet was tearing apart before their eyes as the Kaylon vessels began to back away. What looked like a chunk of one continent was breaking off as oceans washed over land masses. The burning fire of the main Kaylon ship seemed to mock the Orville's failure to stop it in time.
Ed's mind was rocked but his eyes could see tiny dots rising from the surface of the planet. "Gordon," he choked. "Get us going, protect the refugees!" Shaking himself from his stunned stupor, Gordon's hands flew over as the ship began moving.
A buzz cut through as Teyela's face appeared on the screen. "Mercer, what are you doing? The planet is lost!"
"Some of the people aren't!" Mercer snapped. "There are still sections not as effected yet, we can save as many as we can!"
"The world is done, Mercer! Taking out the Kaylon is what matters!"
"I know you weren't really human, Teyela but we still put lives ahead of revenge! And if you want this alliance to work…"
She scowled at him but the decision was taken out of her hands as the Kaylon vessels winked away. "Fine. But every ship we just let get away is another we have to fight later."
"And every Moclan we save is worth it." Teyela just smirked as the signal winked out. Gordon swallowed. "Captain, we're getting several distress calls from…well…everywhere on the planet."
"Other Union ships are five minutes out," Kelly managed to call out, her face still brimmed with tears.
"They can help." Ed paused to slowly turn toward Bortus. The man was shock silent, his face as impassive as ever. "Bortus," he said in a kind tone. "I can't imagine how this feels…but we need you right now."
Bortus nodded. "I…shall prepare to aid in the boarding of refugees, Captain." He turned to head out. Ed just sunk into his seat, barely noticing Kelly put her hand on his. Normally, he'd frown on this open act on the bridge but as he stared at the ruined planet before him, Ed figured no one would argue.
The viewscreens showed the burning images of Moclus while the perfectly safe Xeleya floated in space. The metallic fingers clicked against each other as Ultron took them in from his throne on the primary Kaylon ship. "Huh. I guess one out of two isn't bad but still..."
Kaylon Prime stepped up to his side. "Sire...We cannot understand what occurred. Both worlds should have been destroyed. Our calculations..."
"Obviously didn't take some unique human factors into account," Ultron said. "That's the annoying thing about organics, they have an amazing way to throw a wrench into things." He shrugged. "Still, Moclus taken out will be a nice blow to the Union. Now we just have to ramp up our efforts."
"Now is the time to attack Earth?"
"Prime, you may be a machine but you don't have to sound like a broken record." Ultron came as close to smiling as a figure such as him could. "Nope, it's time to ramp up to my secondary plan."
"Cheer up, Prime. You're going to love this."
"Love is a weak human emotion."
"No, Prime. If anything...reveling in crushing an enemy is the strongest emotion organics can possess." Ultron clenched his fists. "And we're going to be rolling in those waves soon."
I had wrestled for a while but decided that destroying Moclus would raise the stakes majorly. Plus, the irony of how the Guardians/Legends managed to help one planet but not another. It shows Ultron isn't playing for keeps and shakes things up. Also enjoyed bringing Alara back to team up.
At the time of IC, was with the idea that Earth-2 Sara died on the boat but then "Arrow" showed she was still alive so working that in as well.
Hopefully not as long a delay until next chapter which will play on turns on Moclan culture fans know from the show and pushing more of the teams.