This is my first ever fanfic and something new I'm trying so wish me luck and make sure to give constructive criticism and to be respectful. I hope you all enjoyI do not
own:BlazBlue Persona 4, Undernight In birth, RWBY, Nor Pokemon only own the Oc's
Chapter 1: A New Begening
It's been almost a year since the defeat of System XX. A man wearing a man with white hair wearing a red jacket was laying in the middle of a forest dazed and confused this man was the infamous Ragna The Bloodedge, a S-ranked criminal with a bounty large enough to buy a small country.
"What the hell" he sat up still processing what had happened "Why am here? I-I shouldn't even exist" he looked at his hands and noticed something "The Azure it's gone"
He looked at his right arm "it's normal, wait" he looked at his left and was amazed at what he had discovered. His left arm was back to normal too. it was not just a mechanical replacement anymore. Both of his arms we're now back to normal.
He stood up still amazed and confused but refocused himself "Okay now's not the time to be amazed. I need to find where I am and how the hell I got here" He closed his eyes and started to remember.
"Let's see I was drifting in the boundary until a bright light came out of nowhere, next thing I know I was laying on the ground" he began to curse "Dammit that doesn't help me one bit".
Before he could ask himself more questions he noticed movement in a bush to his right. He jumped back a bit and kept his eyes locked on the bush ready for whatever was brave to attack him.
What came out of the bush surprised him. What he saw looked like a small bipedal dragon like creature with a blue grayish color and a fin on its head with a red underbelly and massive jaws with stubby arms and legs and a small tail.
He didn't know what to do or how to react, he just stood there quit still not knowing what he was looking at or what it was.
"what the hell is that?" he ask himself.
It looked at him with curiosity and to walked towards him without a care in the world. Ragna stepped back not knowing what he could do he reached back to grab his trusty bloodscythe but realized it wasn't there. He cursed under his breath "crap I forgot it's back in the boundary".
It walked forward and looked up at Ragna and rubbed it's head against his leg and gave a joyful little cry "what the?" Ragna responded, he then kneels down and petted the creature and in response it gave another happy cry.
"huh you're not as bad as I first expected huh?" he stood back up and walked towards an opening with the creature following him. He soon came a clearing and looked at his surroundings and was astonished at what he was looking at.
He was on top of a hill and was watching at creatures he has never seen or heard of before. There were a herd of rhinos made out of stone sleeping in a field, horses that had mains made out of fire running across the fields, plant like creatures that look like plant buds absorbing the sun's rays, unusual looking birds flying high in the ski, two headed birds racing against each other.
Ragna was speechless never in his life would be have seen something like this. His new companion rubbed itself against his leg and looked up at him. Ragna looked at it still not knowing what to do or what it is. He sighed (guess I have no better option) he then kneels down and looked at it.
"Could you help me find somewhere I could find other people?" It nodded and walked along the hill, Ragna stood up and followed his little companion thinking to himself. (This place is nuts. I need some info and find out where I am, hope this thing knows where it's going). He sighed and just stayed quite.
Yu Narukami was following his new companion a small bipedal canine creature with blue fur, fox like ears, a gold like ring around its neck, and two black appendages hanging from it's face near the edge of a forest.
He met it after waking up not to long ago next to the forest near a pond. At first it was a little afraid and was about to attack him but thankfully it seemed to understand him so Yu was able to convince it that he was not a threat and was lost, he asked it to show him to where the nearest civilization was. It agreed with a nod and started walking east. Yu took that as a sign to follow it and hopefully find someone else.
While walking he was recalling what he was doing before he got here "I remember talking to Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko over the phone, studied for a bit then went to bed when I woke up I was under that tree in the middle of nowhere and still in my pajamas " he sighed and looked at his companion in front of him "still I know well that I'm somewhere new, could Izanagi be up to this?" He shook his head and decided it was something else but he didn't know what though.
He looked at the creatures that were in the fields amazed at what he was witnessing. He then noticed something, he looked up and his eyes widened seeing someone he has not seen in a long time "is that who I think it is?" he yelled at the man "HEY RAGNA!!" this caught his attention and he looked him and waved then began to make his way down with his companion that looked like a stubby shark with arms, legs, and a tail.
He did the same with his partner and met him in the middle of the field "Ragna I can't believe your here too it's been a long time ever since last we saw each other" Ragna scratched the back of his head "Yea ever since the Phantom Feild. uh Yu right?" Yu nodded with their partners looking at each other and began communicating with each other.
Yu then realized and looked at Ragna "wait if your here then does that mean Hyde and Ruby are here too?" Ragna not having a clear answer just shrugged. There partners stopped chatting then nod with Yu's walking east and Ragna's pulling on his pants to follow.
They did and began to talk, asking on how they got there. Ragna Told Yu what had happened in his world about defeating Yuuki Terumi deciding to leave the part about Saya out of it not wanting to relive it. Yu told him what he was doing before he woke up under the tree and why he was in his pajamas.
Ragna asked the younger member of there four man group "Yu are you able to use that giant ghost thingy?" "Hmm good question." Yu tried forming the tarot card to summon Izanagi.
After a few minutes of trying to summon his persona he gave up and shakes his head Yu asked Ragna "Ragna can you use your powers?" Ragna shook his head. Both of their partners were wondering what they were both doing.
Before they could continue a roar then screams were heard not far in the direction they were going both Ragna and Yu nodded and ran towards the screaming with both of the creatures following them.
Hyde was having an eventful day. He defeated Paradox at the heart of the "hollow night". Got sent to a different world during his battle with Seth,found out he can't use his Ex's in turn means he can't summon his sword the insulator met a small humanoid creature that looked like it was wearing a long white dress and had a green bowl like haircut and two flat horns with red eyes.
Then met an old ally he has not seen since the phantom field name Ruby Rose who was with the same creature as him but with blue hair and orange horns and eyes. Then pissed off a a giant bipedal bear that was able to break a tree in one strike.
Now both Hyde and Ruby are carrying the creatures they met in the forest in their arms and running for their lives from there pursuing attacker. Hyde was just ducked under a swipe from the huge bear and heard a tree break from it. "Crap this thing is really persistent. Got any ideas what we can do Ruby!?"
She responded frantically "I DON'T KNOW JUST KEEP RUNNING!" they soon ran into a clearing seeing different creatures moving out of the way or taking defensive stance at the bear. The huge bear didn't seem to care however and kept charging at Ruby And Hyde.
Hyde then noticed two people running at them and smiled "Ragna, Yu help!" Hyde waved his arm but then noticed a blue orb fly right past them and hit the bear and was enough to stun it for Hyde and Ruby to get to Ragna and Yu.
Two creatures ran past Ragna and Yu, both standing in front of the group looking like there ready to fight Yu looked at Ruby and Hyde with concern as both were breathing heavy.
"Hey are you two okay?" asked Yu as Rgana was watching the bear as it glared at them with anger.
Hyde was able to catch his breath and relaxed still holding the little creature in his arms "Yea, yeah we're alright.
But that bear is relentless and crazy strong to make matters worse I can't use my powers same with Ruby". Ruby stood straight and looked down "and I don't have my Crescent Rose either".
Yu looked at him with surprise but then sighed "that's the same with me and Ragna we can't use our powers to" Yu pointed at the two standing in front of the group "luckily those two can fight with some kind of power they were the ones who saved you too".
Hyde looked at them seeing the fire in their eyes ready to fight. Hyde felt shuffling, he looked down and watched as the creature in his arms try break free.
"Huh what are you trying to do?" it pointed at two in front with it wanting to fight with them. Hyde then kneels down and set it on the grass, the creature runs next to the blue dog like thing. Both nod at each other and look at the bear.
Ruby decided to let hers go and watched it go towards the group. With all four ready to fight now, Ragna stands behind the shark like thing and smirkes "it looks like these things have some stones, alright then let's show that over sized mammal what we can do" with the his partner giving a war cry
Yu then stands behind his with a serious look on his face, popping his knuckles "You decided to attack my friends for no reason. I'm not going to let you get away with that" the blue fox stood square with him and punched it's paws together staring down at the bear.
Hyde walked towards his partner and undoing his tie in the process now frustrated at today "gah first Paradox, then Seth, now this. You better be ready for this little buddy" his partner turns it's head around and nods at him ready to fight with Hyde returning the gesture.
Ruby stands behind hers, her cloak flapping in the wind then looks at her partner "As a huntress it's my duty to protect others when there in danger. Sorry but I have to ask you to fight for me but I promise I'll make it up to you. Okay?" It looks at her with determination in its eyes. Ruby nods at it and gets ready for battle.
Ragna's was the first one to make a move charging at the bear. A Blue energy surrounds it's right hand turning in long pointed claws. It jumps in the air and slashes it's claws at the bear. The bear blocks the attack with its forearm and swings its arm back with enough force to send it crashing into the ground near the group. Ragna's partner jumps back up shaking the dirt off of it ready to fight.
Ragna's charge back at it using the same move but Yu's put it's paws together and launched the blue ball as energy as before at the bear. Ruby's and Hyde's launched leaves surround with rainbow like energy at the bear hitting it but only seeming to make it more agitated.
The bears arm glows with white energy and punches Yu's energy ball back at the group hitting the ground between Hyde's and Ruby's partner's making a mini explosion sending Hyde's and Ruby's partner's flying back and debris in the air.
Ruby's eyes widen in fear waiting for the debris and dust to settle to see her and Hyde's partners on the ground weaken from the blast sent back at them.
With the same arm It punches Ragna's and launches it straight back at the Ragna. Ragna was able to catch it but was surprised at the force that his partner was launched at, enough to make him slide back a bit. He looked at his partner worried a little "are you alright?" It gave a weak painful cry before it feel unconscious. Ragna then looked at Ruby And Hyde to see them holding there's in there arms in the same condition as his.
The bear began to create massive amount of energy and launched it at the group in an orange beam. Ragna could sense the energy building "Oh shit, EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Everyone dropped to the ground in time to watch the energy beam fly past them into the hill behind them a half a mile away to see a massive explosion with enough energy to shake the ground.
All the creatures in the area flees to safety as the bear was making making another energy beam. The whole group looked at the bear in fear at the sheer power of that blast. Yu stood back up determined to win but his partner was shaking in fear at what it just witnessed.
Before the bear could blast a giant bipedal armored lizard with silver armor three horns and blue eyes fell from the sky. It created a blue force field that was strong enough to block the blast and made a huge dust cloud.
The group was astonished that it was able to block a blast the created a huge creator in the side of a hill. The new creature swung its arm out sting enough to blow away the dust.
A boy the same that looked to be the same age as Yu wearing a blue jacket, a black undershirt, black pants a black and white sling bag, and black, blue and white running shoes. Came flying down on the back of a blue bird like dragon with red eyes and a plane like design.
He jumped off of it and looked at the lizard standing between the bear and them. "Nice block there Aggron" Aggron nodded then the boy looked at Ragna and the others "Are all of you alright?" Ragna was looking at the boy "Yea thanks for the rescue, but these guys" Ragna looks down at the creatures in there arms "dang it looks like your Pokémon took some serious damage after I beat this Ursaring I'll take you to the professors" he turns back to the bear called an Ursaring.
"Ready Aggron?" it nods and takes a stance ready to fight. "Latios protect the others" the blue bird like thing called Latios cried in agreement and moves towards Ragna and the others and stations itself in front of them.
"alright let's get this start Aggron use Autotomize!" aggron shook its body and flakes of its armour began to fly off of it like meter being sanded of of it. Ursarings arm turned white with energy again and charged at Aggron "Aggron duck under it" Aggron ducked in time to dodge the attack faster than it should have been for its size "now Aggron use Iron tail!" Aggrons tail turned into full steel and spined it's body and hits Ursaring in its side with enough for to make it sound like a gunshot and sending it flying towards a bolder destroying it.
Ursaring was laying on the rubble unconscious the group looked at Aggron with amazement witnessing how something that was giving them trouble earlier was taken out so easily. The boy looked at Aggron "man, I think overdid it bud" Aggron scratched the back of its head looked down the boy patted it on its back and jogged over towards the Ursaring and placed two yellow fruits next to it out of his bag "sorry here are some sitrus berries for when you wake up okay"
He then walked back over to Aggron and pulled out a ball that had red coloring on top and white on the bottom "alright Aggron return" the ball opened and a white beam of energy came out and enveloped Aggron and sucked in side the ball and closed the boy pressed the bottom in the middle twice and it shrieked to the size of a golf ball. He then put it in his bag and made his way to the group. Who were still speechless after what they witnessed
He pulled out another ball and did the same with Latios then looked at Ragana and the others. "I got to admit your Pokémon are very brave for trying to take on and Ursaring" Ragna stood in front of the others protective not know who this kid is "Yea mind telling me your name kid?" the boy nodded "My name is Zane mind telling me what all of your names?" the group went in order.
Ragna was holding his partner in his arms "names Ragna" "My name is Yu Narukami" "I'm Hyde Kido" "And my name is Ruby Rose".
"Well then Ragna, Yu, Hyde, and Ruby let me take you to the professors so she can heal your Pokémon so I suggest you put them in there pokeballs until then".
Zane was about to walk of until Ragana stopped him "we'll Zane here's the thing we don't know where we are or what these things are so mind explaining to us where are we?"
Zane looked at him with a confused look on his face "well your in the Ao Region and I'm a Pokémon trainer, second what do you mean these things you mean Pokémon? Well I'll you can tell me later we need to get to the professors it's starting to get dark and here" Zane gives them all pokeballs "since your still holding them that means they haven't been caught put your Pokémon in them it'll keep them safe while there resting just tap the button parts on there heads"
At first they were hesitant to do it but Ragna was first to do it after he tap the button part of the pokeball after that a red light envelopes it and went in after it shook for a bit a click could be heard and the movement stopped Zane explained what that means and what pokeballs are. After explaining the others did the same with the same results
Ruby asked in concern "Are you sure this will keep them safe?" Zane told her that they'll be alright he then walked in the direction that Ragna and Yu we're heading in earlier. Ragna pulled the others aside and asked "Are you all sure we can trust this guy?" Hyde agreed with Ragna until Ruby stepped in "But he did save us" Yu joined in and agreed in with Ruby "I have to agree with Ruby. Plus we don't even know where we are or anything about this world. Right now it's our best option to follow him to this professor"
Ragna and Hyde sighed in defeat then Ragna spoke up "ugh, fine but if he tries anything" Ruby patted Ragna on the back with her free hand "Yea, yea let's just go already" Hyde and Yu followed as Ragna followed close behind.
After an hour of walking the group walked upon a two story cabin with solar panels on the roof, wind turbines spinning in the gentle breeze. Yu, Hyde, and Ruby were catching up with each other while Ragna was just walking quilt behind them.
Zane walked into the cabin as the others followed in and Ragna shut the door "Professor? Professor Fern? Are you here?" A loud crash was heard in the next room. A young woman came stumbling out of the room she had shoulder length gray hair amber eyes wearing a short baby blue dress, running shoes and a lab coat.
"ye, yes I'm here" she looked up and squinted her eyes then widen "oh! It's you Zane and it looks like you brought some guest. Are they friends?"
"No I found these guys in the direction of that explosion they were battling an Ursaring but there Pokemon couldn't beat it and there Pokémon need some help"
The professor nodded and looked at the group and held her hands out "if you would all hand me your pokeballs I'll go heal up your Pokémon right away"
At first they where a bit hesitant to hand them over but Zane said don't worry she'll be careful with them. One by one that handed them hand there Pokemon over the professor then walked into the same room she came out from.
"you guys can take a seat if you would like I'll get you all something to drink, what would you like?"
Yu,Hyde, and Ruby sat on the couch with Th starting first "I'll take a water" "I'll take a soda" "I'll also take a water" Ragna sat on a chair next to the others "I'll just a water.
Zane nodded and walked to the kitchen. "alright now that things have finally calmed down what should our next course of action should be?" Asked Ruby.
"well for right now.. our best option would be to stay here for now" Yu said.
"I have to agree with Yu plus we don't know anything about this world either. So for now we should just get as much info as we can and find a way back to our worlds." Ragna added
The other three nodded "alright but quick question who's going to tell Zane and the professor?" asked Hyde
Everyone stayed silent not knowing how there going to explain to the other two that there from different worlds and how they got here.
Ragna raised his hand and sighed "I'll do it" he said about.
Zane walked back from the kitchen with everyone's drinks and a couple of snacks soon the professor walked back and handed everyone there pokeballs.
"alright you're Pokémon are good as new" Said Fern with a smile on her face.
The group pushed the bottom on there pokeballs to see a white light come from it and land on the ground then being replaced by their Pokémon.
Ruby hugged hers in her arms "are you feeling better now?" Her Pokemon let out a happy help.
Yu petted his pokemon on its head which ended up making it blush slightly. Hyde let his pokemon sit on his lap and gave it a fist bump. Ragna patted his on its head and made it smile.
"wow I got admit not bad Pokemon as your starters a Gible, a Riolu, and two Ralts not to mention that one's a shiny as well" fern noted Zane noted in agreement.
She sat next to Zane "now could you tells us why you four were in the middle of the woods?"
The three teens looked at Ragna. Ragna just sighed and sat next to the others "alright let's me start from the beginning"
He then went over how they were each of them from different worlds and got transported here from some bright light. And each of them briefly detailed what there worlds was like and what they were doing before being in the forest.
Zane and Fern listened carefully to each and everyone of their stories trying to piece together the events that have unfolded them.
After Ragna was finished Zane and Fern looked at each other staying quiet "you think we're crazy huh?" asked Ragna
"No, not really there are moves like teleport that can as the name implies teleports the user but bringing people from different worlds there's only two that come to mind about that" Zane said.
"Really which ones are they?!"Ruby asked excitedly
Fern put a hand on her shoulder "wow wow calm down there for a sec. I know your excited that you can get sent back now but there's a problem" Fern said to Ruby
"What's the problem?" asked Hyde
"it just so happens to be that those two are legendary Pokemon Arceus and Palkia" Zane added.
"what makes those to trouble are they strong or something?" Ragna asked now curious
"worse they are literal gods. Palkia the creator of Space itself and Arceus, Palkia's father and the creator of the universe those two can wipe you from existence barley lifting a finger" Zane added
Ruby sat back down now losing a little bit of hope. Now thinking about her friends and team who had just gotten back together now being stuck in a different world.
Her Pokemon looked at her and tugged on her arm bringing her back into reality she then looked at it sitting on her lap barely able to see it's orange eyes under behind it's blue hair. She smiled and rubbed it's head.
"well for now I suggest you guys eat and sleep on it for tonight. I have extra rooms up stairs you guys can stay there" Fern told the group
The night went as normal as the group could make it. They ate dinner, got bathed and Zane left. Fern told the group that she'll take them to go buy new clothes and gear and will teach them the rules of the world.
It had been almost a whole week ever since Ragna and the others had arrived in this new world. During the past week Fern has taught the group the rules of the world and the lay out of the region to find out the professor's house was on an island with a small town on it next to the mainland. She then proceeded in teaching them type differences, evolving there Pokemon, what gyms are and contests and how to battle.
She bought them all new clothes. Ragna has black hiking pants, red and black hiking boots, a black long sleeved thermal shirt under his red jacket, black and white gloves and a matching fanny pack. He was also given a blue pokedex by professor Fern.
Yu now wears a black thumb hole sleeve thermal jacket, Gray pants, black, white, and yellow hiking shoes, and black and gold messenger bag and given a yellow pokedex. Yu decided to give his partner the nickname Izanagi after his persona.
Hyde is no longer wearing his school uniform and is now wearing a black and red hooded jacket, black jeans and black and Yellow running shoes, with a black sling bag and given a purple pokedex. Hyde gave his pokemon the nickname Ral a shorter version of its name.
Ruby was hesitant to switch her clothes but decided to get new clothes, she kept her red cloak but now wears a gray thermal hoodless jacket, a red and black skirt with black leggings under her skirt, black and red hooking boots, a red backpack and a red pokedex. Ruby gave her Pokemon the nickname Sapphire do to her blue coloring.
Today was the first day of their journey Ragna and the others were in the living room going over the route they will take to get to the major city while there Pokemon were eating.
"okay remember you four what I taught you and before you leave town I'll teach you one more thing" Fern told the group.
"Alright I think we're ready to go anyways" Ragna said then turned to the rest of his group "are you three ready to go?"
"Yup" the three with responded with.
"alright then" Ragna pulled out his pokeball "Gible return" the capsule opens and Gible was pulled into his pokeball. After that Ragna put his pokeball into his fanny pack.
"Izanagi return, return Ral, Sapphire comeback" the other three's Pokemon returned and were placed into their bags.
"Okay you four follow me" Fern said as she grabbed her on pokeball and left the cabin follows by the others.
It didn't take long to wear they would start from. Fern turned back to the other with a smile on her face " It always makes me happy to send new trainers off into the world and before I send you off there's one more lesson for you all." Fern said with a sense of pride
"what is it this time?" Ruby asked
A white and gray Pokemon appeared from behind the bushes Hyde pulled out his pokedex and opened it. The Pokemon was called Minccino.
Fern looked and throw her Pokemon " let's go Blissey" a Pink oval shaped Pokemon came out of the pokeball and made the wild Minccino go on the defensive both, Pokemon ready to fight.
"Your final lesson will be how to catch wild Pokemon to add to your team" Fern said with a serious look on her face on her face.
After she weakens and caught the wild Pokemon she gave everyone ten pokeballs
" Remember you can only have six Pokemon on your team at a time" she stepped back into the town bored and placed her hands on her hips and smiled at the four new trainers.
"okay any final questions?" asked Fern
All of the group looked at each other and shook " thank you professor Fern. I wish there was more we could thank you by though" Yu said
"aww don't mention it's my job as the regional professor to get new trainers started with their adventures. Also keep in mind that you guys can come back and visit any time you want and make sure to not get attacked by an Ursaring again" Fern told them
As she finished talking the group walked off, Fern and Blissey waved them goodbye as their new adventure began.
Thank you all for reading if you made it to the end remember to me give constructive criticism and what I should improve on I don't know when the next chapter will be released but if you guys like it I'll make more chapters again thanks for reading later.