A/N: This part might be boring. This is the end Also, I own nothing. Enjoy
Remus was so happy when Hermione got her letter. She, however, was happier then him. "Moony? Moony? Look," Hermione said as she gave him the letter. Remus smiled as he took it and read it.
"Wow, are you excited to go to Hogwarts cub?" Remus asked as they sat at the table. Hermione thought for a moment before she said:
"What if they don't like me for who I am? I mean my parents are muggles and they did not like me for who I am," Hermione said as she looked at the letter. Remus looked at her from the paper that he was reading.
"Why would you say that cub?" Remus hums as he put the paper down. "Do you remember when you started school for the first time?" Hermione nodded. "And do you remember when I said that I felt the same way?" again Hermione nodded. "Well when I started Hogwarts, I thought the same thing," Remus took a breath. "People don't like werewolves. I was afraid someone was going to find out and kick me out. However, I met three friends. They liked me for the way I am. When they found out I was a werewolf they did not hate me. They found out a way to be with me on the full moon while I was a wolf. Two of those people are Harry's late father James and his Godfather Sirius," Remus smiled at Hermione. Then he said: "there will be people that don't like you but as long as you have friends and a way to ignore those people, I think you'll be ok," Remus said as he picked up the paper again. Hermione smiled.
"When can we get my school stuff?" Hermione asked after a while. Remus put the paper down and said:
"We can do it today. The full moon already happened," Hermione jumped out of her chair and danced around. Remus laughed as he watched her. However, he stopped when he thought of Sirius and how he used to be like that. Hermione then ran up to her room. Remus picked up the paper again and read it for a while until he walked to his own room to get ready himself.
Remus and Hermione arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. Remus let her through the group of wizards in the place. Remus avoided the people that cursed him for being a werewolf. He also ignored the people that said: "Half-breed and friend of a murder," Remus rolled his eyes and walked with Hermione until he walked to the entrance of Diagon Alley. Hermione looked at him confused. Remus smiled and pulled out his wand. Remus tapped the blocks and watched as Hermione's face lit up.
"Welcome Hermione to Diagon Alley," Hermione's eyes grew wide as they walked onto the street. The street was alive with people. Children and their parents getting their school stuff. The street had many stores filled with all things magic. Hermione smiled when they walked by a store filled with owls. The street was filled with magic and at the end of the street stood a big white building. It was tilting slightly. Hermione was amazed to be in this word. She decided that she will read everything there is to know about this place and the wizarding world. Hermione then started to jump up and down when she saw everything. Remus laughed at this "Come on love. Let's see your letter," Remus said as they walked to Gringotts bank. Remus had to go into The Black vault because he had little money. Remus, however, was grateful that Sirius gave him his key for the Black Vault. When they were done getting the money, they needed, the shopping adventure began. "Ok, what's first?" Remus said as they entered one of the many stores on the Diagon Alley.
Remus and Hermione were drinking butterbeer now after they had gotten all of her stuff. Hermione, however, looked worried again just like when she was this morning. "I want them to like me. I know you said that they will but…" Hermione trailed off as she took a sip of her butterbeer. Remus looked at her wand that she had put on the table.
"Love, I know how you feel. Then again Harry will be there, and you will meet so many new people. I thought I was not going to get to go to Hogwarts. Not many people do I think you should be excited to go and," he paused to take a drink. "You get to learn new things. How does that sound?" Hermione smiled at him as they both fell into a nice silence.
School started in a day now. Remus saw that she was already packing and when he called her for lunch, he saw her reading 'Hogwarts a History.' She had her wand in her hand while she read it. She looked way into the book that Remus did not want to disturb her. "Lunch is ready love," Remus said once he knocked on the door. Hermione looked up from her book and smiled.
"Ok Moony," Hermine said as she put the book down and followed him down the stairs.
"Are you a ready packed?" Remus asked once they started to eat. Hermione nodded. Then she started to tell Remus about-about the book that she was reading. Remus listened with much interest. Even though deep down he will miss Hermione while she's at school. He made a note in his head to ask Sirius if he can stay at his house while the cubs are at school. Remus smiled at her as he ate. Remus then started to tell Hermione about his school days with James Sirius and Peter. Hermione laughed a little as he told her about the pranks.
They talked into the early evening. Remus loved this time with his eleven-year-old cub. He still can't believe that she was going to Hogwarts for the first time. Remus smiled as they played wizard's chess. Remus laughed once he beat her again. He was laughing because Hermione almost beat him, and she was going on a logic rant about. Once she was done Remus started to make dinner. "Remus?" Hermione asked in a serious tone. Remus looked at her and hummed. Hermione took a deep breath and said:
"Do you think I'll like it?" Remus looked at her and sighed.
"I know you will cub. You'll learn so much at school," Remus said once he finished making dinner. Hermione nodded as she sat down. Hermione was in the living room reading before she walked into the dining room. Remus smiled as he placed the dinner on the table. They ate in silence, but Hermione was nervous. She was nervous to go to school tomorrow, but she knew that she'll like it. Remus watched her thinking that she will love Hogwarts. Ever since they went shopping for it. Hermine was reading about Hogwarts and spells and everything you can know about the wizarding world. Hermione went to bed early, but Remus knew that she will be reading. He knew that she won't be able to sleep. He knows this because he was the same way. Well, the full moon was the night before and he could not sleep but he felt the same way anyway. Remus knew that he had to go to sleep himself. Remus let out a sigh and went to bed.
The next morning went by quick. Little did Remus and Hermione know is that it was time to go to King's Cross Station. Remus could sense Hermione's nerves once they got to 9 /34. "it's ok cub. Just run through it. Let's do it together," Hermione nodded as they both ran through the barrier. Hermione was amazed when she saw the train. Hermione then started telling Remus about why they take a train. Remus listened to her as they walked up to the train.
"I'm ready Moony," Hermione said as she hugged Remus. Remus held her tight and then kissed her on her forehead.
"I know love. Be good and learn. You'll be a great witch. I know it," Remus said once they pulled out of the hug. Hermione then walked over to the train and went inside. Remus had helped her put her stuff in the train. This is when Hermione froze. This is what led them to hug and say goodbye. Hermione waved from the window. Remus waved back and saw Sirius smiling at him.
"They'll be fine Remus," Remus only nodded and smiled at his best friend as they watched the train leave the Station.
A/N: Well, that's the end. Tell me what you think. I'm so happy that you all have read this story and I'm so proud of myself for writing it. Thank you again for reading. I will see you in my next story. -Captain Voxland.