A/N: I've always wanted to write an AU, but I never really found anything that I was interested in, until I stumbled upon this idea.

I'm gonna warn you this isn't going to be like my Instrumentals, there's going to be a lot of angst, blood, and war themes. If you're in this fro the romance, that won't come till late chapters. Although I'll still be adding on to my instrumentals, I'm pretty passionate about this AU, and will work on this. It takes place in WWII, in a world where soulmates cannot inflict injury on each other.

Akko was tired, she wasn't a fan of flying in planes, they were noisy, bulky, and too big of a target. She also wasn't a fan of the cold. Being in Europe in January, with nothing but her uniform coat was not the way she wanted to spend the war.

"You will go to Europe and help our allies take back territory. However, if they continue to fail, then we will continue to fight, and you will report back here to the pacific." Akko replayed her commander's words in her head over and over again. She had to leave first thing in the morning and report to the outskirts of Belgium to a small German base. All she brought was her winter gear, and weapons. She hoped she wasn't going to be here very long.

Her katana and gun at her side felt heavier than ever. The war was starting to weight on her, five years ago she was a determined young woman eager to please her superiors and prove that she was just as good a soldier as her male counterparts.

But as she walked down the corridor, the brunette couldn't help but feel she was a shadow of that woman long ago, she felt as empty and cold as the empty hall her boots echoed in. She didn't like that she being sent to the western front to aid their German allies against the Allied powers and to act as an 'advisor'. Right now, her own people were having a hard time keeping the Pacific Front under control from the American attacks. She was seething in anger that they took her off the front lines to come to Europe. It was tactically foolish. Germany was a lost cause at this point, their great army pulled back into their country, all of their territory lost, and their 'great' leader was going insane.

Akko felt herself going insane. On the Pacific front she saw many atrocities, some caused by the allied soldiers, and many caused by her own comrades, she even saw the death of her beloved uncle before her eyes. She couldn't even sleep anymore; every time she closed her eyes it would take her back to whatever battle she had been previously fought in. Yes, Akko was tired, she was bitter, she was disillusioned, and most importantly she secretly hoped she wouldn't make it out of this war. The last thing the world needed was a broken soldier.

Akko opened the steel door into the bunker, German faces looked over in her direction. They surrounded a table with a make shift map filled with colored rocks like they were chess pieces. Their faces seemed as gaunt as her own, she could imagine that at one point these German officers stood proudly, but now their uniforms were just as disheveled, and their features aged. They hunched over the table as if it was the only thing holding their bodies up from fatigue.

Although Germany as a whole was elated when Japan joined the war, it couldn't be helped that two nationalistic nations wouldn't feel some degree of contempt for each other. Despite their frail appearance, Akko could already feel the clear disregard in the room for her. After all, she wasn't German, she was a female, a young 23-year-old at that, and already she was a First Lieutenant (1st Lt.) in the Japanese Imperial Army. Despite her successes she would never been seen as an equal. However, even though Akko was exhausted, she wasn't going to let anyone one demean her if the opportunity arose. She's had enough of that in her life, and had experienced too much to take any more of it.

The first to speak was a tall German man, who by the looks of his collar device, was a Lieutenant General. "Good evening 1st Lt Kagari." He greeted in German. "I am Lieutenant General Haas. Do you understand me?"

Akko saluted silently in confirmation. Before she was sent to Europe her superiors made sure she could at least understand German to the fullest extent so that she wouldn't be tricked. She was about to reply when another voice spoke before her.

"This is the 'Crimson Demon'?" Another man asked in English. Akko turned her head seeing another blonde-haired man looking down at her, his collar device suggested he was a simple Ensign. "This is what Japan has to offer us? What a fucking joke." It seemed the man believed that Akko couldn't understand English.

"Ensign Becker. I would be careful if I were you." Haas warned.

The man scoffed and gave Akko a condescending look. She hated that look. Quickly Akko pulled out her katana and almost at inhuman speed rushed next to the Ensign, her blade lightly pressed against his throat. Akko stared at the wall as the room grew nervously quiet.

"Do you know why they call me that?" Akko muttered in perfect English shocking everyone in the room. "It's not just because of the color of my eyes... Care to find out?" Akko pressed her katana deeper against the officer's neck causing a small cut to bleed onto her blade. Akko could hear the officer gulp. "You should learn to respect your superiors… Even if they are from a different country."

Akko pulled her katana back and sheathed it quietly. Haas smirked as he watched the Ensign collapse on the ground. Akko about faced towards the rest of the room, not one look of contempt in their blue eyes at her anymore.

"You really are the Demon…" The Ensign Becker whispered.

Akko turned around to face the room and smirked. "The one and only."

Diana shuffled through the papers, looking at the numerous files and reports of injured soldiers was surprisingly taxing. Every week it seemed her stack of papers were growing bigger and bigger. The make shift hospital was become almost over crowded with the wounded. If it wasn't for the efforts of the Belgian locals, and other outside military forces, they wouldn't have been able to take this old German post and create a field hospital. What used to be filled with weapons, and ammunition was now filled with wounded soldiers, and medical supplies to help soldiers still fighting. It was a good thing the building was actually pretty big, albeit practically crumbling from past fire fights, it was stable. Even before the war, the building was used to be a mansion for a local baron, but when the war began the baron abandoned the building and ran to England.

Walls that was used to divide rooms were broken down, creating larger rooms, which worked in Diana's favor when it came to monitoring soldiers. The kitchen downstairs and bathrooms still worked, and water still ran to the former mansion, by sheer luck, Diana and her company were able to get the place up and running again. As long as they could make it through the cold, the field hospital actually wasn't that bad of a place.

"Come on Doc." Amanda teased. "You're telling me out of the thousands of soldiers that you've taken care of, you still haven't found your soulmate?"

Diana flipped through the pages of notes on her clipboard looking for references of a wound that a recent soldier was suffering from. She wasn't paying attention to the American, there wasn't even a conversation prior to this, but that never stopped the American from intruding in on her watch.

The make shift field hospital was filled with soldiers being sent back home from the front. With the Allied advances against the Axis powers, it was getting easier to let soldiers leave for being unfit for duty. So easy, that they set up a field hospital in newly attained Belgium to act as a middle man in sending soldiers back home.

Diana sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I hardly think this is an appropriate conversation Sergeant O'Neil."

"Have you even tried Doc?" Amanda picked up a scalpel and handed it to Diana. "Here. Stab me."

"NO!" Diana swung her clipboard and stuck the American's head. "You are lucky I have known you since we were children."

Amanda rubbed the back of her head and winced in pain. "Just say best friends. Why do you always gotta make it sound weird?" Amanda smiled at the blonde. "Come on Doc, we're winning. We took back France, Belgium, and now they're back in their little country. Just relax for a moment. In a few day's we'll have reinforcements and we can establish an actual hospital here."

Diana sighed. The past five years have been hard for the world. Even though the good doctor was just one of millions of Allied soldiers, she felt that if she were to take a break then the enemy would seize a chance and gain momentum again. That was the last thing any country needed. "Amanda, I have people to tend to. Relaxing is out of the question."

"I'm just saying Doc. You've used your tools to save, yet technically inflict injury on soldiers, and you still haven't found your soulmate. For soulmates are unable to hurt each other intentionally or otherwise." Declared triumphantly.

Diana laid her clipboard down. "I am not here to find my soulmate, Amanda." Diana scribbled down some notes. "I am here to save lives."

As much as Diana yearned for a peace, and love. Her sense of duty overpowered her emotions. As a military doctor there were only three rules to war as far as Diana was concerned. Rule number one: Good men will die. Rule number two: Not even Doc can change rule number one. And rule number three: For her brothers and sisters, Doc will die trying to chance rules one and two.

Amanda sighed and turned to face her long-time friend. "I know. But even you need a break Di. Especially now, when things are looking up for us. Even if it's just for a moment, because after this is all over… It's going to be a long road of reconstruction…"

Diana looked at the American. Now more than ever it seemed the end was in sight, and the world could be at peace. "But until then Sergeant. The only thing I need to focus on is saving soldiers."

How did ya'll like my intro to my characters? Reviews and criticism are always welcomed!