Hi, so this was originally posted on October 31, 2008, under Jayeliwood on as a Halloween one shot I expanded into a fluffy lemon filled short story of the first weekend of this lovely couple's lives together. It's nothing serious. It's supposed to mindless fluffy fun. Don't take the plot too seriously.
As always, tis not perfect. If you see any mistakes or typos, please let me know nicely, precisely, or not at all. I am willing to fix any errors but, remember I am merely human. Kindness is a gift we can all give. I thank you for it in advance.
Part one: At the Fair
I couldn't believe I had agreed to go to the fair. It was probably forty degrees outside, and my layers of clothing didn't seem like enough. But, it was probably the better choice. Alice made me pick between dressing up and going to a Halloween party or go to the State Fair. Knowing Alice, the costume that she would have bought for me when have been too far over the top to be seen out in public. I tried to argue against the fair, because of the price of the tickets, but of course, she won that.
"Don't worry about that," Alice said dismissively over the phone.
"I'm not a Cullen. I don't have millions of dollars to blow on nothing, thank you very much," I said in a sarcastic tone. I was sure if we were together, she would have slapped the back of my head.
"Bella, my dad gets tons of those 'All you can ride' passes for free from the hospital. They sponsor some sort of kiddie health thing. See, it doesn't cost me a dime for you to come along. Come on! It'll be awesome! We can hang out at the fair all night, eat greasy food. And then you can spend the night."
"I don't know, Alice... Who all is going?"
"Just the gang. Please, please, please?" I could practically see her pouting over the phone. I sighed, knowing she had won.
"Fine," I mumbled sourly. I hated the cold.
"Awesome! Why don't you come over around four and then we'll head out together after that?" She said bouncily. I knew she was hopping up and down. I wondered how many coffees she had that day already.
So, there I was, standing at the front door. I was surprised that Alice wasn't waiting for me outside, but I was fifteen minutes early. I brought a backpack full of stuff, wrapping in as many layers as I could. I felt like a snow beast in all the fluff, and I knew the cold wouldn't bother them at all. Phoenix had made me soft.
I knocked on the door softly, rocking back and forth on my heels while I waited for someone to answer. I could see Rose's car out front, so I knew the twins were already here. Jasper and Rosalie were also southern born, but they had been in Washington a lot longer than I had. I was the newest to the group, just moving there the year before. Alice had taken me under her well-dressed wing, and we had been friends ever since.
When the door opened, I almost choked on my own spit. Standing before me was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen. It was a face I knew all too well. It was Edward, Alice's older brother. I had sat next to him in advanced Biology the year before, and I had a massive crush on him ever since. I don't think he had even noticed me, though. I hadn't seen him since he left for Washington State the previous summer.
"Hello?" He said after a moment. I must have been gaping like an idiot. I cleared my throat and spoke slowly.
"Is Alice here?"
"Oh, yeah. She's still in her cave getting ready. Come on in," he said with a smirk. I couldn't help but snicker. How true were those words? I had been a victim of her fashion cave one too many times already.
"Thanks," I mumbled as I walked past him. I set my stuff on the floor by the door to put in Alice's room later. I was worried if I went in there then she would try to redress me.
I walked towards the living room to find Jasper, Emmett, and Rose sitting around the television. Rosalie was flipping through a fashion magazine, and the boys were playing a video game. I plopped down on the loveseat.
"Hey Bells," Emmett muttered, not even looking up from the screen.
"Hey... Who's winning?"
"I am!" Jasper thundered, bashing into Emmett's shoulder. Em cursed loudly and started mashing buttons.
I laughed at their silly display, "I've got the winner."
Edward came into the room after a moment and sat at the far end of the couch, which was closest to me. "I'm Edward, by the way. Alice's brother," he said, sticking out his hand to shake mine.
"She knows who you are, dumbass. You sat next to Bella in AB last year," Emmett said in a sarcastic tone, continuing to smash buttons. He had been in the class as well. Apparently, something went wrong because he threw his controller down. "Dammit!"
"Oh..." Edward said distantly. His cheeks flushed a bright red, and I felt bad for him. It sucked that he didn't know me, but honestly, who would know me? I wasn't much to look at. There was nothing about me that was truly memorable.
"Come on, Bells. It's you and me." Jasper said in a thick southern drawl.
"You're just going to have to play her later. I'm ready to go." Alice said, bouncing into the room.
"Well, now that the princess is ready we can go," Edward said, rolling his eyes.
Alice, in the most ladylike way possible, flipped him off. "Come on. Let's head out."
Before we could walk outside, I pulled her back. "You didn't tell me that Edward was going to be here."
"I didn't? It must have slipped my mind. It's a good thing, though. Now no one is the odd man out," she smiled brightly as she walked out the front door. She knew how I felt about him. I felt like banging my head against the door.
"I don't think everyone's going to fit into the jeep," Edward pointed out the obvious. I couldn't help but stare at him. I felt like a silly, overly infatuated teenager. Well, I was a teenager, but I usually wasn't like this. He just looked so amazing in his leather jacket and gloves. With his coppery hair hanging in front of his beautiful green eyes like that. The few red freckles that were dashed over his perfectly shaped nose simply made me melt. I didn't realize I was staring so hard, but apparently, he did. He smiled a little bit and looked down.
"Let's take two cars then. Rose, Jasper, Em and me in the jeep and you and Bella can ride in your car. What do you think?" Alice asked brightly. I felt like turning around and kicking her in the backside, hard.
"Sounds good to me," Edward said, shrugging his perfectly formed shoulders.
"I'm going to kill you," I mumbled in Alice's ear before I walked over to the waiting silver Volvo. Her brother, like the perfect gentlemen that he was, opened the door for me. "Thanks."
"My pleasure," he said, his trademark crooked smile making an appearance.
After he closed the door, I let out a ragged breath. It was going to be a very long night. I don't know how I was going to handle it. I was clumsy when I wasn't nervous. But when something had me all wound up? I was just plain screwed.
"Do you mind if I put on some music?" He asked after he climbed inside.
"No, not at all. Go ahead," I smiled a little bit. Just looking at him made me blush. Oh yes, it was going to be a very long evening.
He flicked on the radio. Apparently, something was already playing, because it started at the beginning of a song. I instantly knew it. I couldn't help but laugh. It so didn't fit Edward.
"What?" He asked, looking at me from the corner of his eyes.
"Bowling for soup?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh! You know who they are? I saw them playing on campus. Their songs are pretty amusing," he said with a smile. It was always oddly formal.
I giggled, "yeah, they are pretty funny." One of my favorite parts of the song came on, and I couldn't help but sing along. "She's seen all the classics. She knows every line. Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, even St. Elmo's Fire!" It just slipped out before I could stop myself. I even danced a little in my seat. When I realized what I did, I put my hands over my face. "Ugh, I can't believe I just did that."
He laughed softly, "don't worry. It was cute." I dropped my hands to look at him, my eyes wide and a bright red blush covering my cheeks. By this time we were at the fairgrounds, thankfully. It was only a short trip on the interstate from their home. He came to a stop and turned to look at me. "Don't be embarrassed. It really was cute."
"Um, thanks?" I asked more than said. I didn't know what else to say. I felt like such a dork.
I stepped out of the car and joined the group that was led by, of course, Alice. She was handing out the passes. "So, what are we going to ride on first?"
So, that was how my night started out. Every ride seemed to need a partner. And since I wasn't coupled up like the rest of them, I had to ride with Edward. The first ride we went on, I was practically sitting on Edward's lap. I scooted to the far end of the seat, trying to give him as much space as possible.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly.
"Nothing," I looked down at my hands, which were clutching the silver bar tightly.
"Are you scared?" I shook my head, not able to meet his always intense gaze. I swallowed hard, biting my bottom lip. "I promise I don't bite," he whispered softly into my ear. I turned sharply to look at him. His face on a couple of inches away from mine. Edward winked at me playfully, and I opened my mouth to respond, not really sure what to say. Luckily the ride started, saving me from myself.
We rode a few more. I was starting to get more comfortable with Edward, who seemed to be directing most of his attention towards me. Or perhaps, it was because he didn't have much of a choice. One of the biggest problems with being a single person in a group full of couples was that they tended to be... attached... to one another while they were together. And, apparently, all of this excitement made them in the mood to make out every chance they got.
Rose was practically wrapped around Emmett like he was a stripper pole while we waited in line for the small rollercoaster. If she shoved her tongue any further down his throat, he would probably accidentally swallow it. Em's hands were glued to her ass.
"They look like they're having fun," Edward stated dryly, rolling his eyes.
"Too much if you ask me," I whispered back.
"Then they're making you as uncomfortable as me?" He asked, sheepishly. I could tell he was a real private kind of guy and this type of P.D.A was probably too much from him. It was something we had in common. I nodded my head, looking over my shoulder at him. I hadn't realized he was so close to me. I had to keep myself from jumping. "Do you want to get something to eat after this one then? Let them have their tonsil hockey time."
I giggled, "yeah, sure. I'm starting to get hungry."
"You're hungry?" Alice said, pulling away from Jasper, who had a very... happy... look on his face. "Me, too. Why don't we all get something after this?"
Edward groaned softly for some reason. I didn't ask why. He was probably just sick of all the couples, too.
"Want to share a funnel cake with me for dessert?" He asked after we sat down with our food. I got a huge corn dog with ketchup and a little bit of mustard. He had gotten a slice of pizza. "I can't eat all of it by myself."
"Sure, that sounds good. I can never finish them either," I smiled at him. He laughed a little bit.
He grabbed a napkin and wiped the corner of my mouth. There was a huge glob of ketchup on my cheek. I blushed furiously. Looking away, I pushed my lips together. "Hey, Bella, do I have anything on my face?" He asked in an overly cheerful voice.
I turned to look, and his entire upper lip was covered in sauce. I laughed softly. I knew he was trying to make me feel better, and it was working. It was a very sweet gesture. Like he had done for me, I leaned forward and wiped his face. "You're too much, you know that?"
He winked at me again playfully, smiling. He really was. Just like his sister. "I'm going to get that funnel cake. Want anything special on it?"
"Just powder sugar."
"Perfect. Just the way I like it," he smiled, turning on his heel to get the cake.
Alice slid closer to me, leaning her head against my shoulder. "Having a good time?"
"Yes," I said through clenched teeth. I was still mad at her for not at least warning me first. Though, if she had, I probably would have turned down the night completely.
She bumped shoulders with me. "You're going to have to tell me about it later."
"Tell you about what?" I asked, confused.
She winked at me, scooting back over to Jasper. I wondered what was with the Cullens and winking. They always seem to know something that you didn't. Edward took her spot, sitting on the same side as me, instead of across from me. "You have to try this. It's really good," he said, pulling a piece off for me. He held it close to my lips, looking at me expectantly.
I leaned forward and took the bite from his fingertips. It was mixed with the salty sweet taste of his fingers, which were now bare because he took his gloves off to eat. I hummed in pleasure, but not at the taste of the cheap fair food. "This is good."
When I looked up, Edward was biting his bottom lip and blushing a little bit. He looked down quickly, clearing his throat. The action reminds me... of myself. He grabbed his soda from across the table and took a large gulp. I wanted to ask him what made him so nervous all of a sudden, but I didn't have the courage to.
We sat in silence after that. I didn't really know what to say. We finished the funnel cake and waited for everyone else, which seemed to take forever.
"What do you want to ride now?" Alice asked the group as she threw her cup away.
"I don't think riding anything would be a good idea right now," Rose said, rubbing her flat stomach. "I don't want to get sick on my Gucci. Why don't we play some games or something?"
I really didn't have the money to play anything, so I stood back to watch. Edward seemed to linger back as well, letting the rest of them have their fun. "Don't like carnival games?" He asked.
I shrugged. "I do, it's just that I don't have a lot of cash to waste on this," I admitted with a blush. "I never would win anything anyway."
He pursed his lips in thought for a moment. Edward looked around quickly, his eyes searching for something. He apparently found it because he grabbed my arm and tugged me along. We were standing in front of a game, the one where you throw the softball to knock over the three milk jugs. It had huge prizes hanging around it, showing that it was one of the hardest games to win. Edward pulled out three dollars, the price of one throw, and handed it to the man. He turned to me with a sly smile. "Pick out which one you like."
"What?" I asked, confused. Before I could get an answer, he wound his arm back and threw the ball with all his strength. The metal milk jugs clattered to the ground loudly.
"We have a winner!" The operator of the game shouted. "What would you like?"
"Whatever the pretty lady wants," he said, smiling at me. He was looking at me from underneath his long eyelashes. I felt hypnotized by him. "What do you want, Bella?"
I had to keep myself from shouting 'you, Edward. I want you!' I knew that wasn't wise, or possible, so I wasn't going to ruin a perfectly good evening. "How about the purple teddy bear?"
The man pulled it down and handed it to me. I clutched it to my chest, hugging it tightly. "Why don't you try to win another?" He offered Edward, always trying to make another sale.
"No, this is enough," I stated quickly, pulling him away from the game. We had kind of lost track of the others.
"Do you like it?" He asked when we were a safe distance from all the game callers.
"I love it. Thank you. But you didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to. Every girl deserves to have a stuffed animal won for her at the fair," he said, that smile reappearing again. I felt my knees go a little weak, and it took everything I had not to drop to the ground. He was so charming, and he wasn't even trying.
We were looking directly into each other's eyes, the silence deafening. He started to lean in slowly, his lips were not more than a few inches away from mine. I began to close my eyes, praying that what I hoped was about to happen, was. His lips were literally a breath away when I felt something short and annoying tugging on my arm.
"Come on! We're going to the haunted house!" Alice said excitedly. She had the worst timing sometimes. I really wanted to punch her at that moment.
"I don't like haunted houses," I complained as she pulled me along.
"Well, I'll protect you, if you want, Bella," Edward said from beside me. His hand touched my lower back, making my heart flutter loudly in my chest. I was surprised he couldn't hear it.
"Okay..." I said a bit breathlessly. Who could refuse that?
Since it was Halloween, the line was rather long for the haunted house, making us wait longer than the usual ten or so minutes. Music was playing loudly all over the fairgrounds, filling the air. It could be a rather strange mix. There would be a rap song, heavy metal, a country song, then something from the fifties. But it's wasn't horrible. I actually heard a lot of songs that I liked.
"Oh! I love this song!" My best friend clapped loudly, giggling. Alice, being Alice, wasn't shy at all. She began to dance, more like grind, against Jasper. It didn't take much for Rose to get into it, too. I laughed, watching their silly display.
"I feel rather left out," a velvety voice said from behind me. "I wouldn't suppose you'd dance with me?"
I turned, biting my lip as I did. "I'm a horrible dancer, and I don't want you to lose a toe or anything."
"Please?" Edward asked from underneath his eyelashes.
"I honestly don't know how to dance to this kind of music," I told him, trying to think of another excuse. It wasn't that I didn't want to, it was just that I didn't really want to hurt him or make a fool of myself. But, if he was anything like his sister, I already knew I was doomed.
"It's not that hard, I promise. Let me show you." And without another word, he turned me around. Placing his hands on my hips, he pushed my backside into him. With his hips, knees, and hands, Edward pressed me into a steady rhythm. "There you go. Not hard at all, is it?"
"No," I squeaked out.
We continued to dance together, his hands sliding up to my waist. My head leaned back against his shoulder without my permission. I was greeted by his smile. I decided to try something that I saw Alice do. I did a quick prayer, hoping that I didn't accidentally punch Edward in the face. I brought my arm up slowly. He seemed to realize what I was doing because his hand slid up my side and up my sleeve, guiding it until my fingers were resting against the back of his neck.
"Hey guys, it's our turn," Alice said, grabbing my attention.
I blushed, looking away quickly as I disengaged myself from him. I was having way too much fun with him. Edward didn't seem to be embarrassed at all. He offered me his arm. "Shall we?"
I nodded my head, picking up the bear that I had sat on the ground. I slipped my arm around his. I wasn't really looking forward to the haunted house. I was pretty jumpy. I was never a big fan of them. I seemed to be the only one, though.
I slowly let go of his arm as we walked inside. I went in front of him, wishing I could run through the thing or just turn right back around. I knew it was coming. Someone jumped out, yelling at me loudly. I screamed and turned around, running directly into Edward. His arms went around my waist tightly, holding me to him.
"It's okay," he hushed me gently. "Why don't you hold my hand? I promise I'll keep you safe."
I nodded my head and took his hand. I wished we both didn't have gloves on so that it was skin to skin. I was beyond curious to how it felt. The rest of the house wasn't nearly as frightening. I was too wrapped up in being so close to him. Whenever there were little bits of light, I would try to study his features, but every time he would be looking back at me.
We were almost free and clear. I couldn't hear Alice or the rest of them anymore. They had must have gotten lost in the maze part somewhere in the middle. I could see the light coming from the exit. I began to pick my pace, ready to be out. Suddenly something popped out from the ceiling, and I almost ran directly into it. I shrieked, stepping backward. I wasn't sure what my foot caught on. I braced myself for a fall that never seemed to come. After a moment I opened my eyes, one at a time.
"Are you okay?" Edward asked his arms around me tightly.
I tried to stand up on my own, but it didn't work. As I tried to put pressure on my left foot, I let out a loud hiss of pain. "My ankle hurts."
Without saying anything else, Edward put his arm underneath my knees and picked me up bridal style. He walked me purposefully out of the house and over to the nearest bench. He sat down with me on his lap.
"Which one is it?"
"My left one," I bit my lip, trying not to crying.
He carefully unlaced my boot and slipped it off. He pulled off my sock and set it to the side. Gingerly he ran his fingers over my ankle. "Wiggle your toes for me."
I did what I was told, and pain rushed through my foot. I started to cry softly, tears streaming down my too cold face. "It hurts, but I don't think it's broken."
"I think you're right. It'll probably be okay after a couple of days." He looked up slowly and frowned, bringing his hand up to my cheek. "Don't worry, it'll be okay."
"Oh, my god! Bella, are you okay?" Alice screeched as she ran over to us.
"I hurt my ankle," I said rather plainly, not wanting to say any more for fear my voice would crack.
"Dad doesn't go to work until eleven, so I'm going to take her back to the house and have him look her over," Edward explained.
"We'll all go," Alice said quickly.
"No!" I said rather loudly, unsure of who I was protesting. I didn't want to be a bother, and I didn't want to ruin anyone's evening. I would sit on a bench until everyone was ready to go, I didn't mind.
"Don't worry about it, Alice. I'm kind of faired out anyway. Why don't you guys stay and have a good time? I'll take care of Bella."
"Only if it's alright with her. Is it?" Alice asked with large round eyes.
"Of course. Close the place down for me, okay?" I gave her a watery smile.
After she agreed Edward carried me to the car, with me clutching my teddy bear and boot. I felt rather silly. I wasn't sure how he opened the car door, but soon I was inside with the seat laying back slightly. He rushed to his side, getting in quickly. He turned the heater on high and started the quick drive to their home.
I tried to shift to make myself more comfortable, but I accidentally put pressure on my foot. I let out a soft hiss and the tears restarted. I bit my lip, praying that Edward wouldn't notice. Of course, he did, though.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his hand reaching for mine. He started to rub soothing circles on my knuckles, calming me down completely.
I didn't want us to stop touching. It was so... intimate. I knew he was just trying to comfort me, but it was nice. When the car stopped, I didn't even notice. Edward looked over at me, our hands still joined. He smiled slightly, holding my gaze as he began to lean forward. I thought he was going to kiss me again, but of course, I was wrong. He unbuckled my seatbelt.
It was just my overactive imagination. That's what I wanted, so that's what it created. I usually liked to live in my own world, but that night, it was bothersome.
"Don't move," he commanded in a firm voice before he got out of the car. He ran to my side, opening the door for me. Like before he slipped his arms underneath me and held me to him.
"I could walk, you know," I said a bit breathlessly.
"No, you can hop. And I won't have you fall and break your face. So, hush," he chided playfully.
Edward opened the front door and brought me inside, kicking the door closed with his foot. The noise echoed throughout the house. "Hey, you guys are home early-" I heard Carlisle's voice begin, but he stopped quickly. He rushed over from the living room. Their father was already in his work clothes, a set of bright blue scrubs. "What happened?"
"She fell. It appears that her left ankle is sprained. There is only minor swelling and bruising. But, I wanted to bring her to you to make sure she was okay."
"Bring her up to the study. I will take a look at her there," Carlisle instructed, running to get his bag. Edward carried me up those stairs like I was nothing. I was amazed at how strong he was. Carefully he sat me on the leather couch, waiting for his father to return. "Well Bella, I must say you are lucky to have fallen around a pre-med student whose father just happens to be a doctor," he teased.
"Lucky for me, unlucky for you both," I smiled, trying to ignore my throbbing foot.
Carlisle smiled kindly at me, then bent down and began to examine my swollen ankle. He bent my toes in different directions, pressing the tender flesh with his cold fingertips. "Edward, I think you're right. Why don't you run down and get a bag of ice along with her things? I think they're by the door."
Edward nodded and walked quickly out of the room. It was a little strange to be alone with his father, even though I liked and respected him. So, I decided to make conversation.
"Is Mrs. Esme not home?"
"No, she's in Seattle for the night. She's one of the judges at this charity costume ball. She was supposed to pick the best female costume. She decided to make a weekend of it and stay with some of her college friends," he explained with a laugh. "She wanted me to go as well, but as you can see, I'm working the night shift this weekend. I think Halloween scares some of the newer doctors."
"That's too bad. It sounds like a lot of fun," I said, watching him wrap my ankle gingerly. He did it perfectly, not too tight or too loose.
"Well, she has to have her time alone every once a while. Besides, we will have New Years," he said with a sheepish little grin.
"Got the ice pack. I went ahead and took her stuff to my room." Edward came in, gently placing the blue bag on my foot.
"Your room?" I stuttered.
"Yeah, I can take the couch." Carlisle looked at him with a raised eyebrow. His son looked at him for a moment after remembering that his father was in the room and he probably should explain his reasoning a little better. "What? Alice kicks in her sleep. You'd probably have to fix her broken ankle and Alice's broken nose in the morning."
Carlisle laughed, "you may have a point there. Alright, why don't you go ahead and take her to your room? I'll be up in a minute with some painkillers. Bella, you may want to get ready for bed because they can make you a little tired."
I nodded my head, trying to stand up. "Oh, no you don't," Edward said, quickly picking me up again. "You're not going to do any more damage."
He carried me the two more flights of stairs to his room, which was all alone on that floor. I had only been in it once, and that was when Alice as trying to find something. It was a beautiful space, mostly done in gold and black. It was set up with a black leather couch, facing a huge flat screen TV. His vinyl records lined the walls, showing off his tastes. He sat me on his king sized bed carefully and brought my bag over to me. "You get changed in here, and I'll go to the bathroom. Alright? Do you need help?"
I blushed a bright red, trying to clear the dirty thoughts out of my head. "No, I've got it. Thanks."
He went to his dresser and pulled out a couple of items then headed into the bathroom. I wasn't sure how much time I had so I quickly undressed. I had only brought over my shorts and a tank top, not thinking that I would be around... anyone, really. I sighed and tugged them on. I felt really exposed. I was brushing out my hair when Edward came out of the bathroom.
"Wow," he breathed.
"What? That bad?" I asked, looking down at myself.
"No, not at all. Um, you have really long hair. It's pretty," he said in a rush. He walked over to his television quickly, like he was thinking about something. "Want to watch a movie? I'm not really tired."
"Sure. That would be nice. You pick," I smiled at him, hopping over to the big black leather couch. He grabbed something and placed it in the blu-ray player. He went over to his bed, and I thought Edward was going to sit there, much to my disappointment. But, instead, he grabbed a pillow and came back over to me.
"It's best to keep your foot elevated," he explained as he arranged everything for me, even placing my foot on a pillow, which just happened to be on his lap. I laid back a bit, trying to get comfortable while the movie started.
There was a soft knock on the door. Carlisle poked his head in. "Doing okay?" He asked as he walked in.
"Sore, but I'll be okay."
"Here, take this." He handed me a single pill and a glass of water. "It'll take about thirty minutes to an hour to kick in, but it'll really help. It's the good stuff. Edward, you don't mind keeping an eye on her?"
"It'll be my pleasure," he smiled at me. "We were about to watch a movie."
"Alright. Well, you two have fun. I've got to head out for work now. If the pain gets any worse, I want you to come to the hospital right away. Alright?"
"Yes, sir," I smiled at him. "Thank you."
"Anytime. You know you're my favorite patient," he teased me, patting my shoulder. "I'll see you guys in the morning."
"Hey Dad, could you turn the light out on your way?" Edward asked, getting more comfortable in his spot while the opening credits began.
The room was almost completely pitch black with the lights off, the only illumination coming from the television screen. American Werewolf in London began to play, and I looked over at him, smirking. "Really?"
"What?" He asked, sheepishly. "It's Halloween."
I rolled my eyes but didn't complain anymore. I hadn't seen it before, only the newer one in Paris on late night cable years before. Though, I wasn't really able to get into the movie because I was starting to get chilly. I shivered, trying to rub my arms to stay arm.
Edward, of course, noticed. He got up without a word and literally picked me up, rearranging my pillow and foot. He went to his bed and pulled off the comforter and walked back over to me. Carefully he sat beside me and wrapped the blanket around both of us. "Better?" He asked.
"Much," I said as lightly as possible. I could feel the heat coming from his body. It was almost too much for me. Edward put his arms across the back of the couch, watching the movie again.
I finally began to relax and get into the show. But, for the same reason that I don't like haunted houses, I don't like scary movies. I squeaked loudly at a jump scare, much to my shame, and turned into Edward's shoulder. His arms were waiting for me, it seemed. He wrapped me up tightly, letting me hide my face in his shoulder.
"Shh, it's almost over," he said in a whisper. His breath brushed along my ear, causing me to shiver in pleasure. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning.
I pulled back to look at him, and I realized, like so many times that night, he was only inches away. I could see his eyes sparkle, even in the dim light. His grip tightened for a moment, and then something amazing happened. He kissed me.
Our lips crashed together with fantastic force. His fingers tangled into my hair, holding me to him. I couldn't help but return the favor. I wanted to feel his beautiful silky hair through my fingertips. I tugged on it gently, causing him to moan.
His lips were like magic as he continued his glorious assault on my mouth. Carefully he twisted us around so that I was laying flat on my back and Edward moved so that he on top of me. Our lips never parted as he rested himself between my legs. Dirty thoughts flooded my mind, and I wished that we had no clothing on at all. As it was, I could feel every inch of him pressed against my body.
This kiss was not the first kiss I had imagined for myself. It was far better. I imagined something clumsy, and awkward but this... was pure bliss. He was careful to be respectful of my body while still making me feel desired, his smoothing over my arms and stomach lightly. Edward's kisses were intense, just like him. I never could have imagined anything that perfect.
Lightly he sucked my tongue into his mouth, massaging it with his own. It wasn't a sensation I was expecting, and the shock that ran through my body surprised me more. Without even thinking, my body reacted, pushing me closer to him. Of course, I used my bad ankle.
I moaned in protest at the pain. Edward pulled away instantly and laid his head on my shoulder, panting. "I'm sorry..." He whispered quickly, "I'm going too fast. It's just that I wanted to do that all night."
I wanted to explain to him that he was not too going to fast. That I loved what he was doing, and it was my stupid ankle causing all the trouble. I didn't know where to start, though. "Edward..." I said breathlessly.
He looked up, waiting for me to say something. He looked a bit like a beaten puppy, like he was sure I was going to tell him to get lost. I had to make that look go away.
So, I did it the best way I could think of. I wrapped my fingers into his beautiful hair and tugged his mouth to mine, meeting it halfway. He moaned loudly against my lips, his grip on my waist tightening quite a bit.
I wanted to feel him closer to me. I wanted to feel his weight on my body. I wrapped my good leg around his waist, pulling him closer. I groaned when I felt something very stiff rub against the center of my legs. I had never felt friction like it before, and it was divine. I began to rock my hips back and forth a little bit, moaning against his mouth with every pass.
His hand slid from my waist to my thigh, spreading his fingers out over my bare flesh as he reached my knee. He grabbed it, adjusting me a little roughly. I moaned loudly, my head lulling back with the tantalizing sensation. His lips travel down my jaw and to my neck, where he focused his sweet torture.
Our hips were moving in time with each other, causing one another to pant and moan. His hand slid up and down the outside of my thigh, massaging it with his fingers.
"You taste as good as you smell, Bella," he whispered into my ear.
I was about to respond when I heard my name again, but not from Edward's lips. "Bella! Where are you? Are you okay?" Alice called from somewhere in the house.
Edward groaned loudly, and before I could figure out exactly what was happening, he was sitting up again. My feet were back on his lap, with the blanket covering us once more. He smiled over at me apologetically, his hand resting on my knee underneath the covers.
"Later," he whispered right before Alice came into the room, not even bothering to knock.
"There you are! What are you doing up here?" Alice asked hands on her hips.
"She's going to sleep up here tonight. You kick too much," Edward said in a matter of fact tone of voice.
"Oh..." She mumbled, a little deflated. She came over to the couch and brought my head up so that it was on her lap. "What're you watching?"
"Where's Jasper?" He said a bit sourly.
Alice was twisting her fingers in my hair, playing with it. "He went home. He has to get up early in the morning. Before you ask, I don't know where Emmett and Rose are, but I'm pretty sure whatever they're doing it doesn't involve clothes."
"Too much info," I sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
"Tell me about it," she laughed. "So, what are we watching?" She repeated.
So, I ended up laying on top of two Cullens, not really watching the movie. My world was starting to go in and out, my eyes drooping shut. Between Edward rubbing my knee gingerly and Alice stroking my hair, I was surprised I lasted five minutes.
I started to dream of Edward's mouth on mine again. It was so vivid. Perhaps it was the pain medication that Carlisle had given me. I would have to thank him for it later. Somehow our clothes had gone missing, and we were doing more than kissing... I moaned loudly, feeling pleasure surge through me completely.
"Bella, are you okay? Does your ankle hurt?" Alice asked as she woke me up.
I blushed brightly, hating the fact that I had made noise in my sleep. At least I hadn't given too much away.
"No, I'm fine."
"Alice, I think I should get her to bed," Edward said, carefully arranging my feet off of him as he stood.
"Is that a hint to leave?" She asked.
"No, it's me telling you directly to," he said sarcastically.
"Fine, fine, fine," Alice muttered, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "I'll be downstairs if you need me. I'll see you in the morning. I'm sorry about your ankle."
"I probably would have done it no matter what," I reasoned with her. "I had a lot of fun tonight anyway."
"Alright, Bells. I'll see you in the morning," she repeated. Alice danced to the door, blowing her brother a kiss, who shut the door on her. He even locked it. I giggled, leaning my head back on the couch to look at him. He was smiling back at me.
I couldn't believe how fast he could move. One second he was by the door, the next he was leaning over the arm of the couch, kissing me. We have turned two completely different directions, but that didn't seem to alter how incredible of a kisser he was. I wound my fingers into his hair. When he started to suck on my bottom lip, I thought I was going to die. I moaned loudly. Edward began to kiss down my chin, nipping at it playfully before he traveled down my neck. He seemed like he was going to continue his explorations further downward, but he suddenly stopped, resting his forehead against mine.
He closed his eyes. "I'm going to hell," Edward muttered to himself.
"Why?" I laughed.
"I'm taking advantage of a completely stoned girl."
I laughed again, "Edward, please. I'm not that high. If my ankle weren't hurt right now, I would be off this couch trying to get your clothes off just like in my dream."
"Really?" He said a broad crooked smile over his beautiful features, the word drawn out.
I realized what I said a little too late. I closed my eyes tightly, blushing furiously. "Okay, maybe a little stoned. I can't believe I said that. I have no filter."
"No, no, no. I want to hear about this dream of yours." I shook my head at his request. I had already said too much. He brought his perfect lips to my ear. "Please?"
"Edward... I'm embarrassed," I admitted, biting my bottom lip.
"Why?" He asked. Edward came around the couch and scooped me up into his arms. Then he carried me over to his bed and laid me down in the center.
"It's..." I started but wasn't sure how to finish.
I couldn't help but look at his perfect backside as he walked over to the couch. He retrieved the comforter and placed it at the end of the bed. Then, he preceded he crawl up it towards me. I knew my mouth was gaping open and I made sure to snap it close as he came to rest beside me.
"What is it, Bella? I promise I won't make fun of you," he assured me, touching my cheek.
"I'm not worried about you making fun of me. I'm worried about making a fool out of myself," I corrected him.
"What do I have to do to make sure you don't worry about that?" He asked, running his hand down my cheek and across my jaw. I shrugged my shoulders, and even though he pouted, Edward nodded. "I won't push you, but I really do want to know."
"Thank you," I breathed.
I yawned softly, feeling really tired. It almost felt like my limbs were detached from my body. Edward chuckled and lean down to kiss my cheek. "I'll let you go to sleep."
He started to stand, and I instantly reacted. I grabbed his arm. "No, stay."
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"I don't want you to sleep on the couch, and since you won't let me, I can only see one thing we can do. Sleep together." I didn't realize how that sounded until it fell from my lips. He was going to think I was a slut or something. In all honesty, if he asked me to take off all my clothes, they would have been gone in a second. "Besides, it's going to be a cold night. We can keep each other warm," I tried to clarify, just making it that much worse.
I could tell he was trying to bite back a smile. "Bella..." He said my name softly.
"You can stop talking now if you want." Edward smiled then, his eyes playful. He ran his thumb gently over my lips, causing my breathing to hitch.
"Thank you," I muttered again in embarrassment.
"I think that's a good idea, though. You do seem... cold," he said, his eyes going over me in an appraising way. It took me a moment to realize what he meant, and I automatically brought my arms across my chest to cover my hard nipples. They had nothing to do with the weather. He chuckled, "would you like me to get you something warmer to wear?"
"No," I shook my head. "I think once we get under the blanket and get comfortable, I'll be good."
He smiled and got the comforter, wrapping it tightly around us. Edward snuggled in close to me, his arm draped across my waist. Lightly, he kissed the crook of my neck, breathing in deeply.
"Goodnight, Bella."
I always love a good lust at almost first sight story lol
Thanks for reading!