Welcome to my new story everyone I really hope that you guys enjoy it. I saw that there was not even a single crossover between these stories where Ichigo becomes a mage so I thought why don't I write one.

So, onto the story now hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach and Fate Series or their characters they belong to their respective owners.

Beta Tester: ThunderReborn and ekaterina016

"Characters Speaking"

'Characters Thinking'

"Zanpakuto speaking"

'Zanpakuto Thinking'

Chapter 1: New magus


It's nothing out of the ordinary, barring the unusual deviance from the lighter weather the news indicated. The streets were as busy as always, with the hustle and bustle of people, going to where they want without a care in the world with the advent of umbrellas and comfortable transportation. Around noon, the rain stopped and the clouds began to disappear, allowing the sunshine to shine through. Its warm rays blessed the people as they carried onto their everyday life, ignorant of the supernatural world around them.

Masaki Kurosaki was one of the few still-living Quincy. She married a man named Isshin Shiba, despite him being a Shinigami. Through this marriage, she gave birth to one son and two daughters: Ichigo, Yuzu, and Karin. She was sitting around looking at her beloved family – the boy was sitting down, playing peek-a-boo with Yuzu, one of his little sisters, while Isshin was making silly faces with their other daughter, Karin.

Masaki Kurosaki smiled. This is what made her happy: to live a peaceful life and have a happy family. What she didn't know is those happy times were coming to an end today.

The next day…

Ichigo and his mother were walking home from the dojo, as his practice at the dojo had ended some time ago. It was once again raining today. The sky was getting darker and the wind was blowing faster. The water from the nearby river bank had risen as well.

'We should go home quickly. The weather is beginning getting to get worse,' Masaki thought, as she continued to squint against the weather. Suddenly, the wind caught their shared umbrella, distracting Masaki. Ichigo looked over the river bank to see a little girl standing near the edge of river bank. The girl took a nonchalant step forward, her legs hanging precariously over the river's edge.

"Wait!" Ichigo yelled, his little feet already running towards the girl.

Masaki looked on to see Ichigo running towards the river bank.

"No, Ichigo!" Masaki yelled, but she was too late in stopping him. The hairs on the back of Masaki's head stood on edge as she saw a sinister grin forming on the girl's face. She ran after Ichigo.

Suddenly, a fur-like whip smacked him by the head, sending him flying through the air. He landed on the nearby damp grass. Masaki ran over to Ichigo and stood in front of him.

"Hehehehehee… to think I would encounter two delicious souls! Lucky me!" The girl said, before a monster appeared from underneath her position. Its body looked similar to a giant hamster with red bird-like hands and feet and a red tentacle-like limb, which hung from his forehead – connected to the little girl's head by a thin thread, almost like a puppeteer's string.

"Ichigo!" Masaki said, urgently. "Run away from here!" She pulled a crossed-shaped bracelet from her pocket, before moving her hand forward, as the bracelet was covered in white light, changing its shape into a bow.

"What is that?" The monster asked, as he looked at the bow curiously.

Suddenly, Masaki felt really weak. She fell on her knees, dropping to the ground, as she felt her Reiatsu was disappearing.

'What is happening…?!' Masaki thought, panicking.

Naturally, the monster didn't miss this chance and blew her away, leaving her close to her own immobile son

'Where is she?! Where did she go?!' Ichigo wondered with his dazed mind. He looked up to see her laying on the ground. "Kā-san," he tried to call her over weakly.

"Hehhehheee… I will enjoy eating you both!" The monster said as it was moving towards them. Blood began flowing into the river, tainting it a crimson red, courtesy of both mother and son. Masaki was panting heavily, a large cut splayed across her chest. She stood up and made her way to her son as she laid on top of him, hugging her as she passed out.

'No…' That only thought ran through Ichigo's head. 'Please, not this...' Ichigo feared, as he tried to shake her. 'Please...!' Ichigo requested. He did not know to whom, but he prayed at least someone would help, save her. 'I beg you; I can't lose her!' He prayed. "SOMEONE HELP US!" Ichigo yelled.

Unbeknownst to him, someone heard his call for help. Just as the monster was about to attack them, a red ball of light with a black outline flew and hit it dead-on. Ichigo was shocked by what he saw, despite his young mind and blurry vision.

Ichigo was too confused. He was thinking he should be happy the monster went away... but the greater emotion he felt now was curiosity. 'Where did that ball of light come from?'

The rain stopped as he was thinking that.

"That thing sure was a weakling if he died from a simple Gandr."

Ichigo heard an old man's voice speak. Ichigo turned around, in his limited position underneath Masaki's prone body, to see an old man standing there.

He looked like he was in his 50s, dressed in all black with white gloves and a cape. In his hand, he was holding a walking cane with a jewel on top of it. He had grey hair and beard with glowing red eyes.

"Are you okay, boy?" The unknown man asked.

"I am fine, but please save my Kā-san!" Ichigo asked as he stood up away from his mother.

"You don't have to worry about her. She will be fine. I killed that rat before he could devour her soul."

"But she is bleeding!"

"I might as well help her with that too," He mumbled. The old man walked towards her and put a hand on her head, which began to glow white as the cut on her chest closed. "She will be fine now," the old man confirmed.

"Thank you for saving us!" Ichigo said, bowing.

"You should be happy. Normally, I don't just help others,"

"Then why did you help us?" Ichigo asked, curious to know his reason. Surely, it's natural to want to help other people in need, right?

"Well, it was because I was bored," he said with a deadpan face.


"And I thought that it will be interesting," He added while grinning.

"U-Um… W-Who are you?" Ichigo asked, now rather nervous of the man's odd behaviour.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking someone else's name?" The old man said, though unbeknownst to the boy, he already knew his name.

"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki."

"'Strawberry Kurosaki?" The old man asked, teasing Ichigo.

"No, my name means 'he who protects'!" Ichigo yelled, pouting.

"Well, I am Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg."

Not able to pronounce that difficult and long name, Ichigo merely asked, "How did you were able to kill that monster and healed my Kā-san?"

"Simple: I did it with magic,"

"M-Magic…" Ichigo breathed out as his eyes widened.

"Well, I should be going now," Zelretch said as he turned back.

"Wait!" Ichigo said, as he ran over to him.

"What is it?" Zelretch asked, already knowing what he was going to say.

"Please teach me magic," Ichigo said.

"Why do you want to learn magic?"

"Because I want to protect my Kā-san!" Ichigo declared.

"Only her? What about your sisters? Or your father? Would you let them get hurt like this?" He said mockingly.

"No! I would protect them! I would protect my whole family! "

"Family, eh? What about that girl, Tatsuki? She is not part of your family,"

"I would protect her as well. I would protect everyone!" Ichigo said, determined.

"Now, that's a large statement for a child who cries and runs to his Kā-san every time he is beaten up by someone stronger than him, no?" Zelretch said, grinning.

"I won't cry anymore!" Ichigo shouted back.

"Empty words! What then will you do when you meet someone stronger than you? You can't just hide behind Mommy if a stronger creature than this petty monster appears!" Zelretch mocked him.

"That won't happen! I will be stronger than that!"

"Than that small fry? Well, that's not really a great achievement. Any normal magus could have beaten him."

"Then I will be the strongest of them all!"

"Are you sure? That is a really big goal," Ironically, now, there was no hint of a mockery in his voice.

"My Tō-san said my name means 'he who protects'. I will protect my Kā-san and everyone! I am Kurosaki Ichigo! I will be the strongest and protect the people I hold dearly!" Ichigo yelled.

"Well said, boy. I am sure I won't get bored for a long time while watching you!" Zelretch said, laughing. "You really are just like him," he whispered.

"So… will you teach me magic?" Ichigo asked, still a little nervous.

"Well, you have potential to become a magus, and maybe someday, a Magician," He said as he looked at Ichigo. "Okay, I will help you,"

"Thank you!"

"But first, you have to make a decision,"

"Decision?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes, Magecraft is not something you can learn in a day or two. It's not something which can be taught without proper tools and place. So, will you leave your family to become stronger?" Zelretch asked.

"I have to leave… my family?" Ichigo asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, can you?"

Ichigo kept quiet for a while, thinking hard. "If it means I will become stronger, then I will go with you,"

"Oh, and you won't miss them? It will be at least a few years before you can meet them again, you know?" Zelretch asked with a grin.

"I will miss them, but still… I will go with you to become strong,"

"Very well, then; let's go," Zelretch said, as he opened a portal. Ichigo looked back at his mother's unconscious form one last time, before he went with Zelretch inside the portal.

With Isshin, before Grand Fisher's attack…

Isshin Kurosaki, formerly Shiba, was sitting on his couch at home, waiting for Masaki and Ichigo to return. After practice at the dojo, Isshin would often start to play-fight with his son; naturally, he'd never got too serious or too strong in these mock battles, since all he wanted was to try to inspire Ichigo to become stronger. His son was surprisingly calm for a member of the Shiba clan, but by the moment his child was born he knew two things.

One, he was going to try and embarrass Ichigo in front of every girl his son brought home. Two, that his son was going to become very powerful individual; however, Isshin's only goal for his son was to make sure he grew up as a good man. If Ichigo ended up becoming a Shinigami or Quincy, he would do everything to support that boy, to protect him – especially from creepy scientists who were more threatening than they physically looked, especially the one sitting in front of him.

"Come on, Isshin," the man across from him whined, "Aren't you the least bit curious about what your boy could be?"

Sitting in front of him was his friend and mad scientist, Kisuke Urahara, the most brilliant man Isshin ever knew. He was banished under false charges against him by another scheming madman – though instead of plotting revenge, he was content managing that candy shop and secretly catering to the spiritual beings who can find his services. He had saved Masaki's life, once, from Hollowfication after she got infected by Hollow Reiatsu when they first met.

When Ichigo was born, Urahara had explained the very same Hollow from that time now resides in their son. Ichigo's lineage was something many could only dream of: a natural hybrid of all three primary spiritual kinds, without the slightest indication of conflict. Kisuke was beyond curious to study and analyse such a being, but he had enough respect for Isshin and his family, at the very least, to not step over their boundaries.

Thus, he tried to get permission from Isshin in order to proceed. He did not intend harm Ichigo – never – it's simply his natural curiosity and wanted to prepare for eventualities. Ichigo was currently a huge unknown, and Urahara hated the unknown. If anything happened, he wanted to be ready. Over 1000 countermeasures were already in place for safety of the boy, which was still far too few in his opinion.

A bright flash of light suddenly shined through the house from somewhere away, shocking the two men. It didn't take long for them to notice two familiar Reiatsu seemed to have disappeared, which nearly stopped Isshin's heart.

'Masaki! Ichigo!'

As Isshin's gigai had low physical abilities, compared to his previous life, Urahara grabbed Isshin and began to Shunpō over to Masaki's fading Reiatsu. This was a situation which made Isshin curse the kidō used to suppress the Hollow in Ichigo. They arrived at the reached the river bank, to see Masaki lying prone on the ground.

"Masaki!" The former Shinigami captain cried out, with Urahara following closely behind. After a quick examination of her, he was relieved to find she was still alive, just unconscious.

"This is weird… three minutes before I felt her Reiatsu completely disappear. But now… she feels completely fine, except her Reiatsu levels being low," Urahara remarked.

"Where is Ichigo?" Isshin asked as he looked around, trying to find his son.

"He should be here. I felt his Reiatsu close by when we were coming here," Urahara said.

"So, where is he…?!" Isshin urged, as he was getting more worried for Ichigo.

"We will search for him later, but for now we should get Masaki to Ryūken. I think he should take a look at her, just to make sure she is alright," Urahara said.

"But I have to find Ichigo!"

"I will send Yoruichi to find Ichigo. How's that sound?"

Isshin could only grit his teeth. "Okay, then," he relented, as he carefully carried the unconscious Masaki on his back. Urahara carefully Shunpō-ed them to Karakura Hospital – the workplace of the last pure-blooded Quincy family in the city.

Karakura Hospital

The room was filled with various people. Two people were occupying empty hospitals beds, asleep and unmoving. Two women – mothers and impure Quincies –were hooked to silver canisters, dripping glowing blue liquids down into their veins.

Appearance-wise, they were as different as two people could get. One had hair akin to a glowing midday sun, while the other had hair as dark as night. They were Masaki Kurosaki and Kanae Katagiri, respectively, the latter the wife of the man supplying the Reishi I.V.s.

Surrounding them were several men, most notably a pair of white-haired father-and-son – Ishida Sōken and Ryūken, respectively – along with a braided, moustachioed, ponytailed tanned man. Curiously, he was wearing an apron and opaque glasses, compared to the more professional white garments both Ishidas were wearing.

And finally, there were the duo who brought them all together.

"Alright… the Reiatsu they lost has been recovered, and they are mostly fine now," Urahara reported, much to the relief of everyone in the room. After a mix of medical science and restorative kido, the two female Quincies were fine.

"They will wake up after some time, though I can't pinpoint exactly when," the large man with the thick moustache said, as they finished up the final touches.

"This is really strange... First, I sensed Kanae's Reiatsu nearly disappeared, and she was nearly dead, but then… after some time, there was another bright light, and Kanae was fine, except for the sudden Reiatsu exhaustion," Ryūken said as he got up from the bed.

"His Majesty either deeply craved her power or was disgusted with the thought of a Quincy who was infected with a Hollow," mused Sōken, a rare angered scowl laying on his normally kind features. He himself did not choose to put much stock in that old tale, instead choosing to promote coexistence between the surviving Quincies and the Shinigamis. He wholeheartedly supported the Shinigamis, despite the fact they were the ones massacred his own kind. Any atrocity committed as a Hollow could be forgiven, as those are being who have lost themselves, and Quincies destroyed them from existence with no remorse which threatened the balance of the world. This act, this 'cleansing', was utter foolishness, and he cursed the Quincy blood which binds him to that accursed parasite Yhwach, the Quincy King.

"This is just great," Isshin groaned. "Things were bad enough with whatever Aizen is scheming. Now, we need to worry about Yhwach returning as well? This could throw all the worlds into turmoil!"

"Maybe, but not yet, Isshin," Urahara placated his old friend and former captain. "Sōken did tell us the prophecy of his return,"

"The Sealed King of the Quincy. After 900 years, he shall recover his heartbeat. After 90 years, he shall recover his intellect. After nine years, he shall recover his power. And after nine days, he shall recover the world," Sōken recited.

"Exactly. We still have a few years to prepare for him, while still getting ready for Aizen at the same time," Urahara said, as a dark-skinned woman, with dark purple hair and golden cat-like eyes, clad in black spandex and an orange shirt appeared in front of everyone.

"Yoruichi, did you find Ichigo?" Isshin asked her. Yoruichi shook her head

"No. I searched the entire town three times over, but I wasn't able to find him. I can't even feel his Reiatsu anywhere," Yoruichi said sadly, as Isshin dropped on his knees. No one could do nothing for him. He openly wept for the disappearance of his son – a man who had lost a part of his family.

"Isshin, we are going to find Ichigo. I will do everything in my power to help you," Urahara said, as he put a hand on his shoulder. They all knew the truth, however. Although there had been no body left, and no spiritual remains of the orange haired boy, there was very little doubt he had been devoured by the Hollow. Hollows might have a hard time completely eating an adult human, but children… there was a very good reason the Quincy hated the creatures as they did. The sobbing man nodded,

"Thank you," Isshin said, from the tears. Suddenly, he heard a moaning come from the bed. They looked over there and saw Masaki was waking up.

"Masaki, are you feeling alright?" Ryūken asked.

"Yes, I feel fine… but what am I doing here?" Masaki asked as she looked around the room. She recognized everyone in the room... but then she saw Isshin on the ground, crying. Before she could ask Isshin what happened, Sōken intercepted her.

"Do you not remember? You were on the riverbank."

"I remember," Masaki said. She turned to Isshin. "Ichigo… Isshin, where is Ichigo?!"

"Masaki… Ich-" Isshin mumbled.

"Isshin. I am asking where Ichigo is…!" Masaki cut him off as she tried to get out of bed.

"Masaki, you have to calm down," Sōken said.

"How can I calm down?! I want to see my son!" Masaki yelled. "That Hollow was… Isshin, please, tell me where is my boy?!" Masaki asked, as she too started to cry.

"Masaki-san, I hate to say this… but he is missing," Urahara said sadly.

"What?!" Masaki eyes widened.

"I searched the entire town, but I couldn't find him," Yoruichi stated.

"No… I… my son…" Masaki couldn't even say anything as she wailed.

Isshin rushed to Masaki's side and hugged her.

"We will do our best to try to find him. But there is a chance the Hollow could have devoured Ichigo," Yoruichi plainly said with a grim face.

"No, he is alive," Isshin said with certainty.

"How can you be so sure?" Ryūken asked as he was sat down near Kanae, who was still unconscious.

"Because I still can't use my powers,"

"What do you mean by that, Isshin?" Sōken asked.

"When Ichigo was born, I couldn't feel the Hollow who was sealed in Masaki… which means the Hollow and the seal were transferred over to Ichigo. If he was dead, then the seal would have been broken, and I would start to regained my powers," Isshin said, as he was wiping Masaki's tears away.

"You are right. I still can't feel any Reiatsu from you," Urahara said.

"Well, then… at least we know he is alive," Yoruichi said.

"But if he is alive, where did he go?" Sōken asked.

"Masaki-san, can you tell us what happened?" Urahara asked.

"I remember when we were coming home, Ichigo saw a girl in the side of the river. It looked like she was about to jump into the river, so he ran over to stop her. But I felt she had Hollow Reiatsu, and it was simply trying to trick us. I tried to stop Ichigo, but it was too late. The Hollow jumped out of the river, showing that girl we saw was in fact a part of that Hollow. It has a string of some sort, which took on the girl's form."

"Wait a sec… did that Hollow looked like a rat?" Yoruichi asked.

"Yes, now that you mentioned it… it did look like a rat"

"Then that Hollow was 'Grand Fisher'. He is known to use humanoid lures to bait spiritually-aware victims," Urahara explained. "Please continue,"

"After that Hollow came out of the river, I pulled out my Quincy cross and tried to kill it. All of a sudden, I felt all my Reiatsu disappear. When it struck me in my moment of weakness, I crawled over to Ichigo and hugged him. After that, I blacked out,"

"That is similar to what happened to Kanae. She was fine for a moment, and then she just collapsed. I felt her powers disappear. A few minutes later. there was a white light, and she was suddenly fine," Ryūken said.

"Do you know what happened?" Masaki asked.

"It was Yhwach's doing," Isshin said.

"So… the prophecy is really true…" Masaki said.

"Yeah, it seems so," Yoruichi admitted.

"Whatever he tried to do, it seemed it didn't work on you and Kanae. Both of you are completely fine," Souken said.

"But what I want to know is Ichigo's whereabouts...! If Grand Fisher didn't devour him… then where did he go?" Isshin questioned in a low voice.

"As I said before, we will find him no matter what," Urahara declared.

"Well, I suggest you two should go home and relax, as from tomorrow we all have a lot of things to do," Sōken said.

"But I-" Masaki was trying to say something but, was immediately cut off.

"Sōken-san is right. Masaki-san, you should go home and get some rest," Urahara said. "Isshin take, Masaki-san home. I will go back to my shop and try to device a new a way to search for Ichigo,"

"Yeah, let's go home, Masaki. Yuzu and Karin are still waiting," Isshin said, as he and Masaki left the hospital soon after.

Neither Isshin nor Masaki uttered a word as they slowly walked down the streets of Karakura Town. For Isshin's part, he simply didn't have the energy for his normal antics. Something had happened to his son, and he'd been powerless to stop it from happening. He was Ichigo's father, and it was his duty to guard his son, but when Ichigo needed him, he had been useless. He felt a growl starting to form low in his throat. Forcing it down, he made himself take his thoughts away from his failure and looked instead to Masaki.

She looked completely devastated after what had happened. Isshin had never heard such frantic screams, or such hysterical sobbing. It had terrified him to his core to see Masaki like that. Between the two of them, she was always the calm one. Heck, she didn't even utter a sound when that Hollow from all those years ago bit her neck!

In their silence, they didn't even notice they had reached home. When they went inside they saw Yuzu and Karin were still in the living room on the ground, happily drawing – but a thought crossed the parents' mind. What should they tell them about their big brother?

"Mommy! Daddy!" The twin sisters yelled as they went to them.

"Hey, my cute little angels," Isshin said, as he hugged the sisters.

After a while, the kids noticed something was wrong, as the man hugged them for far longer and tighter than usual. "Daddy… let us go…" Karin said, worried.

"Daddy, where is Onii-chan?" Yuzu asked as she looked at her father.

The Shinigami-Quincy duo did not have the heart to tell them their brother may not come back home, after all. Masaki was nearly brought to tears again at the thought of her son. She was constantly thinking where he was, whether he was fine and, what he was doing right now.

"We wanted to show him the drawing we made today!" Yuzu cheerfully said, picking the drawing from the ground and showed it to their parents. It was their family, drawn by crayons, where Isshin was carrying Karin and Masaki was carrying Yuzu, as Ichigo was standing between them in front of their home. When Masaki saw the drawing, she finally broke down and started to cry again, snatching the drawing and running to her and Isshin's room, leaving behind her husband and the confused and scared sisters.

"Daddy, what happened to Mommy?" Yuzu asked, as she also looked like she was about to cry, influenced by her mother's mood.

"Why was she crying?" Karin asked, too, more scared than sad.

"Well… Mommy is just a little tired and not feeling well, that's all. We were just from the hospital; she was slightly sick."

"Will she be okay?" Yuzu asked.

"Yeah, she will be fine. Don't worry," Isshin said. It took all his centuries of life experience to maintain his calm attitude right now. "Alright…! Let's get you two to bed; it's past your bedtime."

He only made his way to his bedroom after he brought his daughters into their and tucked them in, finding Masaki sitting on their bed crying quietly, as she was transfixed at the drawing Yuzu and Karin made. Isshin went to her and sat beside her as he hugged her.

"I want him back, Isshin… I want him in my arms…!" Masaki wept.

"We will find him, no matter what," Isshin echoed Urahara's pledge, as he kissed her on her forehead. That night, though, they didn't sleep a wink.

With Ichigo and Zelretch, after they left…

Ichigo came out with Zelretch from the portal, and saw they were on the roadside.

"W-Where are we?" Ichigo asked as he looked around.

"Well, boy, we are in Fuyuki City; specifically, the northern side of Miyama Town," Zelretch said as he started to walk. Ichigo quietly followed him.

"Isn't Fuyuki City in Kyushu?" Ichigo asked as he had heard about the place.

"That is right."

"Where are we going?" Ichigo asked again as he was following behind him.

"Well, we are going to meet some people for you to learn from. You will also stay with them,"

"I thought you will teach me magic!" Ichigo said, shocked.

"Remember what I said: I will help you. I never said I will be the one to personally teach you," he pointed out, as he smirked at Ichigo's pout. "Don't worry, they are good people. You will like them."

As they continued to walk, Ichigo was lost in thoughts. 'Will Kā-san, Tō-san, Yuzu, and Karin be alright… I'm starting to miss them…' Then, he remembered why he was here. 'No! I've made my mind to become stronger to protect them…' Ichigo realized.

Finally, Zelretch stopped walking in front of a large… well, not 'house', but more of a 'mansion'. The nameplate on the house read 'Emiya'.

"We are here. Let's go in." Zelretch went inside the main gate, with Ichigo followed behind him, before ringing the surprisingly modern-looking bell.


A woman greeted them as the door opened, clad in a two-piece business suit with a red-violet necktie. She had short, magenta hair and a mole just below her left eye.

"Zelretch-sama, what are you doing here?" The red-headed woman asked surprised. "And who is this boy?"

"I will tell you when we go inside, Bazett," Zelretch answered.

"Well, then… come in!" Bazett invited them in. She led them to a dining room filled with various people sitting around a table.

"I see all of you are here," Zelretch said.

"Zelretch? What are you doing here?" A girl with black hair and blue eyes asked suspiciously. She was wearing a red turtleneck and a black skirt.

"I will tell you that later, but first, greet this boy," Zelretch said, as he pushed Ichigo forward. "Come on. Introduce yourself."

"M-My name is Ichigo Kurosaki! Nice to meet you all!" Ichigo greeted nervously.

"It is nice to meet you too," some of people in the room replied, not quite in unison, but good enough.

"They will be the ones taking care of you from now on," Zelretch said to Ichigo.

"What are you talking about, Zelretch?" The same black-haired girl asked. It's clear she's not too sold with this idea.

"I want you, Rin, to teach this boy Magecraft and hand-to-hand combat. Saber, I want you to teach him swordsmanship. Last but not least, Shirou, you will teach him your Projection Magecraft."

His demands were outrageous, and this group of people was precisely the ones who wouldn't get pressured by his status, unlike most in the Clock Tower. It'd made sense if they outright refused or demanded compensation, until one of them picked up the underlying statement from Zelretch's words.

"Are you saying… his Origin and Element are also [Sword]?" The golden-haired girl –Saber – asked.

"That is right. Just like Shirou, his Origin and Element are [Sword], but unlike Shirou who has only 27 Magic Circuits, this boy has 172 of them. All of high quality, with each of them handling 1056 prana units at maximum," Zelretch said.

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted, shocked to hear the information.

"I know every major magi family, but I have never once heard of the Kurosaki family…? Especially such a hidden gem in Japan, of all places?" A small girl inquired. She had white snow-like hair, red eyes and was wearing a violet shirt and white skirt.

"That's because the Kurosaki family isn't a magi family," Zelretch said, shocking them again.

"So how did he have so many Magic Circuits?" Saber asked.

"Mutation, lineage, and fate," Zelretch casually answered.

Everyone could hear the capital 'F' in 'fate', such was Zelretch's tone.

"Why do you want us to teach him, rather than take him to the Clock Tower?" Shirou asked.

"Firstly, are you even listening to yourself? Which one will you choose yourself if you have the same choice?" The old man rhetorically asked, and when he received nothing in reply, he continued, "Secondly… ask him for the reason he wants to learn Magecraft."

"So, why do you want to learn Magecraft?" Rin asked, crouching down and looking at Ichigo in the eyes.

"Because I want to have the power to protect everyone I hold precious to me!" Ichigo said, surprising everyone.

"Waah… we have another Shirou here!" Illyasviel deadpanned voice.

All the girls simply let out a depressed sigh, and Shirou decided it was a good time to pay attention to his shoes. Ichigo heard someone giggling, and looked to see it was another girl. She has violet hair, violet eyes and a red-pink ribbon on the left side.

"I can understand now why you would bring him here," The violet-haired girl said.

"So, will you all become his teacher?" Zelretch asked.

"Of cou-" Shirou was about to say 'yes', but was cut off by someone.

"What will we get in return? Certainly, you didn't expect I will just teach someone just like that," Rin asked – ever the magus – and stopped Shirou from doing it for free. Zelretch went over to her and said, something in her ear. After a few seconds, Rin grabbed Zelretch's hand and began to violently shake it. "Yes, we will teach him! Leave him to us!" Rin happily declared.

"He will be living here with all of you for the next few years. Shirou, are you OK with this?" Zelretch asked as he looked at him.

"Sure. We have a few spare rooms; he can stay in one of them," Shirou said.

"Well, then... I will be going now. I have some other things to do," Zelretch said, escaping through another newly-created portal.

"Well, first, I think we should introduce ourselves. I am Shirou Emiya," Shirou said.

"I am Rin Tohsaka."

"My name is Artoria Pendragon, but you can call me 'Saber'," the blond-haired girl from earlier said.

"My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern, but you can call me 'Illya'," the white-haired girl said.

"I am Bazett Fraga McRemitz," the red-headed girl said.

"I am Sakura Matou," the short hair violet-headed girl who giggled earlier said.

"My name is Medusa, but you can call me 'Rider'," The woman with the long violet hair said. She was wearing a black polo neck top and blue jeans, and also wearing glasses.

"Please take care of me from now on," Ichigo said as he bowed.

"Well, I should get dinner prepared," Shirou said, as he went to the kitchen.

"I will help you, Senpai," Sakura said, following him.

"Come over here and sit down, Ichigo," Saber said, patting one of the spots beside her at the dinner table.

"So where are you from, Ichigo?" Rin asked.

"I am from Karakura Town."

"Tell us about your family," Illya half-ordered.

"My Tō-san is a doctor in our home clinic, and my Kā-san is a housewife. I have two little sisters – they are 6 years old."

"How did you meet Zelretch?" Bazett asked.

Before he answered, they noticed Ichigo was looking a little sad.

"Well, I was walking back home with my Kā-san from the dojo, when I saw a girl standing at the edge of the river, about to jump down. I… wanted to save her, but a hamster-like m-monster showed up. It… hit my Kā-san, who was protecting me, and she was h-hurt! It was going to eat us, but… after I yelled for help, Mr. Zelretch came and killed that monster, healing my Kā-san after that."

As time went on, his voice got steadier. "When I asked him how he did those things, he told me it was 'magic'. Of course, I wanted to learn that so my Kā-san won't get hurt anymore! I'll be the one protecting her, and everyone else, next time!" Excited, he finished his story, "Then he brought me here."

"…Do you think it was a Phantasmal Beast?" Saber asked.

"I don't think so… Did you see if there was a hole in the monster's chest, or whether its head was covered by a white mask?" Bazzett asked.

Ichigo was surprised at the exact description she used. "Y-Yeah… it has all those traits."

Bazzett nodded.

"Do you know what it was, Bazzett?" Rin asked.

"Yes. Those monsters were called 'Hollows', and they're not Phantasmal Beasts. Rather, they are heavily-mutated human souls," Bazzett explained, shocking everyone.

"Human souls?" Illya asked, curious about it, as it pertained to her unique brand of Third Magic.

"When a human die, their souls go into the Reincarnation Cycle, or 'heaven', as its popularly known. For various reasons, if the soul is unable to enter the Reincarnation Cycle, and it remains too long in the World of the Living, they transform into Hollows, corrupt spirits with supernatural powers. They have an unending desire to eat other souls. Hunting them was a group of beings called 'Shinigamis', or 'Soul Reapers'. They are tasked with protected the unaware humans from the Hollows and purify the corrupted souls, allowing them to enter the Reincarnation Cycle," Bazzett explained.

"How do you know about all this, Bazzett?" Rider asked.

"Zelretch told me once," She said.

"Ichigo… are you sure you want to be a magus? The journey to become a magus is not an easy path. So, are you sure about it?" Saber asked.

"Yes, I want to become strong, so I can protect my family and the others!" He repeated.

"You were right, Illya... We do have another Shirou here," Rin said.

"At least he only wants to protect his family and those he holds dear," Rider added.

"Will you not miss your family? You just left them behind," Rider asked.

"I think I will, but I want to become stronger…" Ichigo said, determined.

"Very well. If you feel so strongly about it, then I shall teach you how to wield a sword," Saber said.

"I, Illya, and Sakura will teach you Magecraft, then," Rin said, confirmed by the other two girls' nodding.

"I can help with hand-to-hand combat from time to time," Bazzett said.

"I can help him with history and other studies," Rider said.

"And Shirou will teach him his Projection, like Zelretch said," Rin said.

"Okay, everyone! Dinner is ready!" Shirou said as he and Sakura brought everything on the table.

"Itadakimasu!" Everyone said, as they began to eat the dinner.

"I have never tasted anything so delicious!" Ichigo said, as he was surprised.

"That is what everyone says when they eat Shirou's food for the first time," Saber chuckled.

"Yeah! Onii-chan is the best cook in the world!" Illya said happily.

"Oh, no, I didn't make all this alone. Sakura also helped me a lot," Shirou said.

"No, Senpai, I didn't do all that much," Sakura replied, blushing.

"Not at all. Your cooking skills are getting better day by day," Shirou said.

"Thank you, Senpai," Sakura said. Her face was all red and she suddenly found her shoes to be very interesting.

"This is really good! I don't think I will find anything better than this!" Ichigo exclaimed, oblivious to the flirting going on.

"Thank you," Shirou said.

Suddenly, they heard the front gate slam open with a big 'Bam!', before a familiar pair of loud footsteps coming towards them was heard before the sliding door slid open.

"SHIROU! GIVE ME FOOD!" A woman half-shouted wildly. She was wearing a green dress with a yellow and black striped shirt.

"Seriously, Taiga… do you have no shame to just barge in and ask for food?" Illya futilely asked, as she sighed.

"I WILL HAVE YO-" She started to shout at Illya, in her usual rude and loud manner, but stopped when she saw Ichigo. "Shirou, who is this boy?"

"Well… he is a cousin of mine. His parents transferred overseas for work. They sent him to me to take care of him. Since I am living here, Emiya-kun allowed him to live here as well, since his house has many vacant rooms," Rin lied as Taiga thought about it. "Besides, you know my or Sakura's house – they're in no shape for a kid to stay."

"What is your name, kid?" Taiga asked.

"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki. Please take care of me from now on," he repeated his greeting, but with slight tremors from fear of this direct woman.

"You are so cute, Ichigo! You can live here as long as you want!" Taiga said, as she hugged him and started rubbing his cheeks with her own. "NOW GIVE MY DINNER, SHIROU!" She yelled as she left Ichigo, only to sit down and started eating from plates not meant for her.

"Her name is Taiga Fujimura. She is a teacher at our school, and she is also Shirou's official guardian," Sakura said. "She also always talk like a kid. I'm sure the two of you will get along well; no need to act reserved around her, Ichigo."

"SSHHHHAAAAAAKKKKKKKKUUUUURRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Taiga protested with a full mouth, earning several giggles from everyone present.

Shirou leaned closer to Ichigo, whispering, "But more importantly, she doesn't know anything about Magecraft, so don't talk about it in front of her."

Ichigo nodded as he continued to eat his dinner. After everyone finished, Ichigo helped Shirou and Sakura wash the dishes, despite them insisting Ichigo didn't need to. Rin joked Ichigo might be his long-lost younger brother, causing everyone to laugh. After cleaning the dishes, Sakura, Rider, Bazett, Illya and Taiga went home. Shirou, Saber, and Rin showed Ichigo his room.

"Well, this will be your room from now on," Shirou said, as Ichigo was already jogging around inside it, exploring lightly.

"Get some rest, because from tomorrow, your training will start," Rin said.

"Thank you for all you are doing for me," Ichigo said, bowing for the umpteenth time today.

"Don't worry about it. I am just happy to help," Shirou said, with words eerily similar to Ichigo's casual thoughts.

"Well, good night." Rin waved goodbye, as she left for her own room.

"Have a good night sleep!" Shirou said, following Rin out.

"Sleep tight; you will need your strength tomorrow," Saber warned.

"Good night to you three!" Ichigo said. He went to the bed as he thought of just how much had happened in one day, and about his training to be stronger started tomorrow. Then his thoughts drifted to how his family was doing right now, but he was too tired to wallow, and fell asleep soon after.


He didn't sleep very well, feeling something was odd. Opening his eyes, he was surprised to found himself no longer in the Emiya household, but sitting underneath a clear night sky, complete with a cooling breeze blowing through his hair. The nine-year-old laid back to enjoy the beautiful and breath-taking view, as the stars shined and sparkled like he never saw before.

As he looked further up, the clearest, most brilliant full moon caught his breath. He didn't know where he was, but one thing was sure: This must have been a dream, because this otherworldly view couldn't possibly exist in the real world. The moon and the stars and the sky hypnotized him, freezing his sight in place, but in a very comfortable manner – one he didn't want to end, ever. It's as if his goal in life was solely to find this beautiful scenery, and spend the rest of his life enjoying its beauty.

"Look here, Master!" Someone called. It was from the softest voice of a little girl, filling him with a warmth normally only reserved for his little sisters.

"Over here, Master!" Another voice called, similarly filling him with warmth, but her tone held much more power and authority.

Slowly, painfully, so, Ichigo tore his gaze away from the moon, sitting up, only to find his breath hitching in his throat once again. Right in front of him of him was a silvery-blue lake, pristine as a rippling mirror, reflecting the gorgeousness of the night sky above it.

Ichigo noticed there were two silhouettes standing on the surface of the water in the middle of the lake. Ignoring the surreal logic behind this view, he started to move closer to the lake, which slowly revealed the features of the speakers – both insanely beautiful girls, like any women in a dream should be.

The girl on the left was wearing a dress as dark as the night sky they're under with matching long, lustrous hair, accentuated by the paleness of her skin. Her dusk-coloured eyes seemed as if they could draw his soul into them. (1)

The girl on the right was a little shorter, with brilliant white dress in a similar style to the other. Her skin was almost shining as brightly as the moon, paired with an extremely cute face with violet eyes. (2)

"W-Who are you two?" Ichigo asked nervously, with a little tinge of red in his cheeks.

"Ufufu... Even if we say it now, you won't be able to hear our names," The black-haired girl said.

"Why is that?"

"Well… it's because you are not ready yet," the white-haired girl replied.

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Ufufu... It is just like she said. You have to get a little stronger first." The black-haired girl giggled.

"What place is this? Before I closed my eyes, I was lying in bed…" Ichigo asked.

"Well, Master, this is your soul," the white-haired girl said monotonously.

"My soul…?"

"Yes, this world… this is the personification of your soul; your essence, Master." The black-haired girl folded her arms across her chest, a smirk appearing on her lips.

"Er… Why are you two calling me 'Master'?" He asked, confused.

"Because you are our Master," the white-haired girl stated dully, as if it was a well-known fact.

"Please call me 'Ichigo', the both of you."

"If that is what you want then, Ichigo," The black-haired girl relented.

"I don't have a problem with it," The white-haired girl said.

"You said this is my soul, right?" The girls nodded. "Then… who are you two?"

"We will tell you later someday, but first, you should rest," the white-haired girl said.

"Hmm… today was a really big day, and you need all your strength tomorrow," the black-haired girl said.

""We will meet again,"" They said in unison, as the world of Ichigo darkened, and his eyes closed against his will.

The next day…
First Division Meeting Hall

It was a regular captains' meeting. as the full assembly of the most powerful assets of the Gotei 13 lined up across one another. The Head Captain was once again droning on about the importance of the Gotei 13, and the need to solidify their unity in these times of peace. Most of the Taichō were tuning him out, already having grown tired of the same old speech.

People like Kenpachi and Kyoraku were hoping something interesting would happen, even a crime, while some of the others just wanted this to be over so they could leave. It was only those like Komamura, Byakuya and Suì-Fēng who were giving the Head Captain their full attention. The Lieutenants were doing their best to look attentive, except for Rangiku and Yachiru, who were starting to crack under the sheer boredom and monotony of the meeting.

"And with that, my part in this meeting has ended," Head Captain said, as most of the people in the room sighed inwardly in relief. "Now, there was something you wanted to discuss, Captain Kurotsuchi?"

Those who were thinking about leaving the room groaned.

"Yes, Head Captain. Do you all remember when I told you about the strange Reiatsu we detected from time to time?" Kurotsuchi asked, as everyone in the room remembered about it since there was a lot of meetings about this subject.

"Hmm… what about it?" The Head Captain replied, as the mad scientist grinned.

"Well, my scanners detected the same Reiatsu in Karakura Town yesterday at 17:13," Kurotsuchi said, as everyone was surprised.

Aizen's eyes narrowed a little.

"Again? Huh… the last time it appeared was around fifty years ago, correct, Captain Kurotsuchi?" Ukitake asked.

"Fifty-three, to be exact."

"Have you been able to find anything about it?" The Head Captain asked as he stroked his long beard.

"No, it seems to be entirely different kind of Reiatsu, and it might not even be the same Reiatsu to begin with,"

"Not the same Reiatsu?" Toshiro asked, confused.

"Yes. Its composition is similar, but at the same time, it's different enough to qualify as another individual entirely. Naturally, we cannot eliminate the possibility of said Reiatsu owner to suddenly have a mutation, but still…"

"So, do you have any idea what or who does this Reiatsu belong to?" Ukitake asked.

"I have searched the entire world many times over, but I couldn't pinpoint anyone who may even remotely have same Reiatsu like this," Kurotsuchi said, frustrated at his failure.

"So we can't do anything about this again…" the Sōtaichō concluded.

"Based on the reports, it just appears from time to time in different locations, but it doesn't do anything before disappearing," Byakuya pointed out.

"That is right. Every time it appears, it only lasts for ten to twenty minutes, before it faded like it doesn't even exist,"

"But it must have a reason for appearing like that, no?" Ukitake said.

"Yes, but the question is… What is it?" Toshiro said.

"Well, that is something we have to find out," Kyoraku said.

"Have you searched for it here in Soul Society?" Suì-Fēng asked.

"Yes. I have even searched for it in Hueco Mundo, but I could not find anything," Kurotuchi said, still annoyed.

"So… just where does it come and go from?" Ukitake asked.

"That is something I have been thinking about for years. It's like it doesn't stay permanently, or even for an extended period, in any of the three realms, or it habitually hides itself completely," Kurotsuchi theorized.

"Captain Kurotsuchi, keep an eye if this strange Reiatsu. If it appears again, you are authorized to take a small team to investigate what is causing the strange Reiatsu immediately," the Head Captain ordered.

"Order accepted," Kurotsuchi said, as he started to grin and thought about what kind of experiments he could do once he got his hands on it.

"This meeting is over," the Head Captain said, punctuated by one stomp of his cane on the ground. All the Captains nodded as they return to their respective division barracks…

…well, most of them, barring Aizen, Tosen, and Gin who left for their hideout instead. Stopping in front of a seemingly ordinary warehouse, Aizen put his hand on the wall inside to reveal a secret door for them to enter.

"Do you think it was that Reiatsu which took your 'pet project', Aizen-Taichō?" Gin asked with his usual grin.

"Yes, there is no doubt about it. It appeared at the same location where he was with his mother. When Grand Fisher was about to attack, my spy cameras were 'coincidentally' destroyed. The last time they recorded was 17:13," Aizen said.

"Do you think it killed your pet project?" Gin asked amused.

"No, he is alive. Just hidden,"

"Who do you think this Reiatsu belongs to, Aizen-sama?" Tosen asked.

"Just like Kurotsuchi, I don't know – much as I loathe coming to the same conclusions as that buffoon," Aizen said, as it was clear to Gin and Kaname he was irritated.

"Do you think it may have been hiding in the Royal Palace?" Kaname suggested.

"No, I don't think it is hiding there... If it was, then the Zero Division would have done something about it by now," Aizen said.

"Well, this thing sure knows how to hide. Even you can't find out where it is," Gin said.

"I hate you so much sometimes, Gin," Aizen said, as Gin grinned.

Karakura Town

In the following days, Masaki had gone mute, not uttering so much as a word. She barely ate, and Isshin knew she wasn't sleeping. He could tell by the bags under her eyes. Her condition was so bad they couldn't hide it from their daughters anymore. Oh, she would play with Karin and Yuzu occasionally, but the act only made her remember her one and only son.

The most frustrating thing for Isshin was the fact all his words failed him. Nothing he said could make her better – for once in his life, this prided voice of his couldn't reach anyone. He couldn't even promise her to go and rescue Ichigo – that avenue was closed the night he chose to save her from that Hollow all those years ago.

The only light in their proverbial tunnels was Urahara's plan. That man always had a plan – no matter what the situation was and would become. Isshin's words had fallen on deaf ears, lately, though she did respond when he asked her to accompany him to Urahara's shop.

He wished his guts was right about Urahara. If not, then Isshin would lose Masaki, as well.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the Urahara Store. It was a small and dingy looking building, hardly more than a shack – yet inside that building resided one of the sharpest minds the Soul Society had ever known.

"We're here, honey," Isshin said softly. "Don't worry; soon, everything will be alright again." Like in the previous days, Masaki barely responded, offering him little more than an almost imperceptible nod. He led her into the Urahara shop. "Hey, we're here!" Isshin called out.

"In the back!" Urahara's voice called from deeper in the store.

Isshin led Masaki between shelves and down aisles, until they came to a sliding door separating Urahara's private rooms from the main building. Urahara, Yoruichi, and Tessai were inside, clad in their usual preferred clothes. Isshin wasn't surprised to see Ryūken wasn't here. Unlike Masaki, Kanae had been worse than Masaki was. Though she showed some improvements, she was still very weak, barely even able to converse for a dozen minutes before drifting off. It would take some time before Kanae was healed completely, and only then would Ryūken join them.

"Ah, Isshin… and Masaki-san as well," Urahara greeted.

Isshin was both grateful and alarmed to hear how sombre the shopkeeper sounded. It showed Urahara was taking this very seriously, but at the same time, it indicated the situation had turned in a bad direction.

"Please, sit," Urahara said, gesturing towards the only two remaining empty seats.

"What have you found out, Kisuke?" Isshin demanded quietly.

"Well, the matter is even more grave than you realize,"

"Really?" Isshin found that hard to believe.

"I searched the entire Japan for Ichigo's Reiatsu many times, but I couldn't find anything. But that day, when we took Masaki-san to the hospital before I took the Reiatsu sample in the air, I found distinct four types of Reiatsu. The first type was Quincy Reiatsu, which belonged to Masaki-san here. Second, was Ichigo's unique Reiatsu. The third type of Reiatsu belonged to that Hollow, Grand Fisher. Finally, the fourth is an unknown type Reiatsu type, one I've never seen or heard before," Urahara said.

Isshin's eyes went wide. This was potentially good news. If they knew who this Reiatsu belonged to, then it was only a matter of time before they caught the bastard and saved Ichigo. Evidently, Masaki agreed. New energy seemed to fill her as she leaned forward.

"Who!? Who took my son?!" Her voice was filled with ice and fire, but everyone presents caught the desperate undertone and the fear.

Urahara blew out a pained sigh and regarded both Isshin and Masaki with wary eyes. "…I have never seen Reiatsu like this. I can't even say if it's even strictly 'Reiatsu', but what I can say is whomever this energy belongs to, they were the ones who took Ichigo, no doubt. I am trying to find what kind of energy this is and who it belongs to, but it will take some time," Urahara said sadly.

"How much time?" Isshin demanded.

"As I have told you before, I have never seen anything like this, so I can't say," Urahara said, frustrated.

"So… is there really nothing we can do?" Masaki asked helplessly.

"I afraid so."

Isshin regretted the trip. After they went home, the little spark she showed earlier turned into soot, choking the very life out of her eyes. When he was lost for words before, he certainly was in an even worse place now.

He was even started to think they might never see Ichigo ever again.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Yoruichi asked as they watched Isshin and Masaki leaving.

"I am afraid this time I don't know what to do," Urahara admitted.

"Do you think Aizen or Yhwach have something to do with it?" Yoruichi said in a low tone.

"No, I don't think it has anything to do with them," Urahara quickly said.

"How are you so sure?" Yoruichi, asked as she heard how confident he was when he said that.

"Well, because it is the same Reiatsu which keeps appearing every other time."

"What? So you have seen this strange Reiatsu before…!" Yoruichi hissed.

"Do you remember in our time in Soul Society when I held a meeting about a weird Reiatsu signature appearing in this world?" Urahara asked.

"Yeah; I remember you said it keeps appearing in random plac- W-Wait… do you mean that Reiatsu and the Reiatsu you found with Masaki and Ichigo were the same?" Yoruichi said, shocked.

"Yes, they are an exact match, but I still can't figure out who does this belong to, or where does this go and come from," Urahara said as he sighed.

"Do you think it comes from Hueco Mundo?" Yoruichi asked.

"No, I have scanned Hueco Mundo, but I couldn't find a match for it there too," Urahara said, annoyed.

"So, where does it come from and is going?" Yoruichi asked frustrated.

"I don't know. It's like it went to a different world or something!" Urahara yelled.

"Well, then, I guess we just have to wait till it appears again, and hope that when it does, we will find Ichigo," Yoruichi said, sighing.

"It seems that is the only thing that we can do," Urahara said sadly.


1) Restia from Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance

2) Est from Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance

The first chapter is done well please forgive me. If I made any mistakes and leave a review to let me know how can I make the story better or tell me if I made any mistakes that I should correct. The fate setting in this story is fate hollow ataraxia without time loop and as I have said in the summary this will be an IchigoxJeannexScathach. I thought what would it be like if Est and Restia were his Zanpakutos so I replaced Zangetsu and hollow with them. I was thinking if I should make Restia and Est Ichigo's love interest . I have put up a pole to decide it.

Next time: Past years

see you all in the next chapter