A/N: Ah, I'm back. Just when I think my xenophilia has reached its peak (hello Garrus) I find some stranger, more abstract non-human to lust after. Another character I've fallen for and a realtionship with tentacles that I dont fully understand later, this is exists. Yeah, theres sex in later chapters. According to my mate, decently well written sex. Language, making out, groping, tentalceness, suggestive themes in this'un. Have fun, kids.

Eddie Brock/Symbiote, Female OC, Eddie/Symbiote/FOC, M/M, F/M, M/M/F

Eddie. Eddie.

The voice jolts Eddie Brock from a deep sleep. Even after months he wasn't used to having a voice other than his own in his head. He felt Venom pulling at him, begging him to get up.

"S'wrong?" Eddie rubbed his eyes and propped himself slightly against the pillows. Venom had already pulled the sheets mostly away from them. Eddie pursed his lips at the sight, annoyed that he couldn't sleep longer.

Hunger, Eddie.

"We ate half a gang last night, you can't still be hungry." Eddie said running a hand through his disheveled hair.

There was a pause before Venom responded, uncertainty coursed between them. Neither being enjoyed the feeling. Different kind of hunger.

Eddie's mind was suddenly full of images, some his own memories and some hollywood. His first kiss, a fumbled sex scene in some teen angst love story they had caught in an early morning food binge, him and Anne together. "V...I get it. You...uh hunger…"

We. We feel our human needs.

Eddie swept a hand down his face slowly. He wasn't sure he could cope with his alien stowaways suggestion. How do Kylntars even do it? They're basically tentacles. At that thought his mind was filled with tentacle porn. So much tentacle porn. Eddie flew off the bed, neither inhabitant sure which one of them reacted. "Th-that's a lot to put in a guys head without warning dude."

Hmph. You limit yourself.

"Can't we just...jerk off?" Eddie muttered pacing at the foot of his bed.

Is that really what we need?

Eddie was silent. Of course it wasn't, Venom knew him better than anyone. He knew what they longed for. The alien coursed through him igniting nerves like firecrackers in his wake. Eddie's pace quickened and a sweat broke out across his brow and chest. His jaw moved as if he wanted to speak, but couldn't. He gasped in a few ragged breaths instead.

Stop being a pussy. You act like we haven't seen what humans do.

"Stop that…" Eddie groaned. Every nerve ending pulsing as Venom flooded him.

Stop fighting our needs. You put us at risk, being tense all the time.

I'm tense because there's an actual alien dicking around in my thoughts and body.

Oh I haven't even started dicking around in you yet.

Eddie's mouth felt dry and he all, but ran to the kitchen for a glass of water. Venom's black tendrils rippled across his chest, the motion causing his sweat slicked shirt to pull away from his skin teasingly. Eddie shuddered at the sensation. It had been a long time, so long. Anne had been the last and that was nearly a year ago now. His body responded to his need, their need. God, this was confusing. Eddie shook his head to clear it.

"Say we get a girl back here, you're not going to pop out unexpectedly, right? You can't just show up. There are rules to this." He imagined being in the moment, balls deep and then there's screaming and running and the police.

We aren't stupid, Eddie.

The human laughed dryly. Tendrils buzzed beneath his skin. Eddie knew this need for release, but the fear that something horrible would happen nagged at him incessantly.

Call her.

Venom was never shy about his wants, shoving Eddie's phone into his hand. "This is so much to ask, dude." Eddie groaned staring at the lock screen blankly.

She wants us.

"Oh and how do you know that?" He felt Venom smile somewhere inside his mind.

We can smell it on her when she's with us.

Something about that was insanely hot. He was dialing before he even knew it.

"Eddie!" Lilith's voice was sultry with a southern twang that gave away her roots on the east coast. It made them shiver.

"Hey, Lil. I uh...look I have a weird thing going on and I need some help. Can you come over? Like…now?" Eddie grit his teeth in anticipation. Lil was a trusted friend and wasn't shy about sexuality, but everyone has their boundaries.

"Is it a Venom thing?" She asked hesitantly. Lilith was weirdly gung ho about the whole alien parasite situation. The day they met she had oohed and ahhed over Venom like a fangirl. Eddie remembered the tentacle porn briefly and had to lean on the counter for support as his blood rushed away from his brain.

"Sort of, it's gonna get weird. We uh...hunger." Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, praying that she would understand. After a few moments of silence Lilith uttered a small 'oh'. Then another, louder and with more understanding.

"Ohhh...I thought you'd never ask, love. " He could see her facial expression in his mind. A mix of bewilderment and amusement. In those moments she reminded him of his alien counterpart and he had started to realize why she was attractive to him. Apparently he has a type.

Keys jangled across the line. "I'm on my way." She said and disconnected the call.

How long?

"For what?" Eddie had busied himself with shuffling items around his apartment, any distraction to keep his other from asking more questions. Lilith could help, would help. A pile of dishes migrated from the coffee table to the counter and finally to the sink.

To see her.

"I don't know, like, fifteen minutes?". Eddie tossed laundry at his bedroom door haphazardly.

Too looong. Venom whined. Chocolate.

Eddie sighed, dropping an armful of discarded water bottles in a garbage bag. He opened a few cabinets, scowling when the contents proved to be less than impressive.

"Sorry, V, fresh out." Venom grumbled.

Something else? He didn't wait for an answer, tendrils winding around Eddie's body. One snaked around his upper thigh and the human jumped back from the counter.

"Woah there! I...uhh…" He licked his lips. Why was his heart pounding? Why did he want that so much? His pants pulled at him, far too tight for comfort. He ripped the elastic in his haste to free himself. Or had Venom done that? Did it matter? He groaned, the ache both a relief and a loss. This is too far. Venom purred, in his mind or ear he wasn't sure.

"Eddie." Venoms face materialized over Eddie's shoulder. Tendrils swirled to form an upper body and arms. He grasped Eddie's shoulders and turned the man to face him, their connection swirling between them at the waist. "No shame in us." The human blushed, casting a sideways glance at the floor.

No, no shame. Ok, maybe a little shame. But mostly a gut wrenching fear. What did this mean for Venom? Did he understand what it would mean for Eddie? For Lilith? What about after? Oh god, the after.

"I'm not a child, Eddie." That tendril was back on his thigh, pulsing and twitching mere inches from his throbbing erection. "I feel us, our thoughts, our memories," a cool claw stroked Eddie's cheek. "Our body."

"Vee...I don't know. This crosses so many boundaries." Eddie shuddered, the connection between them was undeniable. He had never felt more part of another being in his life. His mother's death, his father's abandonment, Anne moving on, his career losses all seemed less important now. With Venom someone finally understood everything.

"We have boundaries?" Venom almost seemed hurt, his head cocked sideways. He stood now in his corporeal form, the connecting tendrils between them buzzing. Eddie was suddenly very conscious of the alien's concept of human anatomy.

"Humans do and this," he gestured between them, "crosses a lot of them." He took a deep breath. "I'm just struggling to get around it."

Venom thought for a moment and leaned into his other, bumping foreheads with him lightly. "We are not human. Not bound by humans." His tongue traced the edge of Eddie's bottom lip and his mouth fell open voluntarily. "Safe with us." The Klyntar murmured before his tongue slipped between Eddie's lips.

The first kiss was intense, rough, a little overwhelming. Eddie was left gasping for air with Venoms tongue wrapped around his own. A pause and some talk about those teeth and Venom summoned his best impression of lips. The second sent fireworks off in them both. How did something so taboo feel so right?

"You taste gooood." Venom murmured, he ducked down to lathe the sweat on Eddie's neck. The human groaned, finding himself trapped between the refrigerator and his other. Magnets scattered as Venom put a hand on it for support. Using the other to pull Eddie's hair and bare his throat. "Who knew you were so submissive?" Eddie shivered, the entire scenario felt like a dream. A very very good dream. That tongue drew up his throat, from clavicle to chin and Eddie moaned.

"Mine." Venom growled as he ripped the collar of Eddie's shirt and sank his teeth into his hosts shoulder. Eddie yelped, in surprise more than pain, Venom wasn't trying to maim him. But he was marking him. Mine. The voice drifted through his brain. My Eddie. He ground their hips together and Eddie lost all concept of reality.

A/N: Eyyy there you go. Leave a review, or dont. Crippling anxiety will probably keep me from every responding. Thanks for reading!